Pet shop

pet store



if you want a pet make sure to check the point redemption room.

Kwon Bo-ah {Senior} [A] 6 years ago
@Jung Hoseok {Junior} Boa laughed, but didn't disagree. "It is, but I love every minute of it. Besides, it gives me something to do." She watched the two of them and even snapped a few more pictures. He clearly loved the puppy and it broke her heart that he couldn't adopt the dog. He was right though. They weren't allowed to have dogs on campus. "I'll tell you what. How about you adopt him and I keep him for you next year until you can take him. I'll be at the university then, so having a dog won't be a problem." Besides, he was a cutie. Walking up to them, she rubbed his head and smiled when he her. "He's so sweet and deserves a good home after all. What do you think? I'm sure the owners will keep him for you until I graduate. If not, well I can keep him at my house until graduation." After all, she had to move out the day she graduated. Of course she still had no idea where she'd go, but it really didn't matter. "Okay. That sounds good. I'll get to work on the website as soon as I finish writing my paper. Not much else to do today." She shrugged looking at all the dogs and truly feeling like they loved her and wouldn't judge her.
Jung Hoseok {Junior} 6 years ago
@Kwon Bo-ah {Senior} “It all seems like a bunch of hard work, I couldn’t do it.” Hoseok laughed softly as he picked up his furry friend, holding the puppy in his arms like a baby as he scratched its stomach. “He’s great but....I wouldn’t be able to keep him in the dorms.” That’s the excuse he kept telling himself. After the fire his house was able to be fully recovered but he hadn’t been back since. He wouldn’t want to have a dog their because he wasn’t interested in being there. He stared down at his buddy with a smile before giving his attention to Boa. “I think I have enough shots for right now, I’ll bring the flyer to you after school tomorrow and if you think it’s okay I’ll print the rest and begin to hang them around town.” His lips formed a wide smile as he thought of all the people that would eventually come to see the puppies. Most of them had been there for a long time and he just wanted each to find a nice home.
Kwon Bo-ah {Senior} [A] 6 years ago
@Jung Hoseok {Junior} She was so grateful that he'd agreed, that she nearly hugged him. Instead, she chuckled and nodded. The pups were a huge help in getting good shots. They were playing in all different ways. Some with the toys, some wrestled with each other and some just napped in the warm sun. She made sure to get all of them. Every now and then, she'd pause to give one of them a pat on the head or a scratch behind their ears. She genuinely felt relaxed and happy here. Maybe this was what her godfather meant when he said slow down. "Oh Lisa is a sweetheart. It is. Most people think us flyers do all the work, but I think the bases have it harder. After all, they have to catch us and it's not always easy." She'd been dropped a few times, but at least they had broken her fall. Boa smiled at him. "Thanks. He really seems to love you, so I hope you can adopt him."
Jung Hoseok {Junior} 6 years ago
@Kwon Bo-ah {Senior} "Yeah, that should work out perfectly." His voice was slightly distant as his focus was aimed at the puppies playing happily around them. He made sure to get many different shots, many of them playing and a few of the ones that were napping peacefully in the corner. He shot a small smile to the other from her words, feeling happy to be out as well. Hoseok managed to stay relatively silent as he listened to Boa speak of her majors. "Oh, my best friend Lisa is a cheerleader. I've watched her practice a few times and its definitely a workout. Personally I tend to take photos of many things; anything that interests me actually but fire is what has caught my attention lately." Hoseok nodded his head and put down his camera, letting g it hang around his neck as he kneeled down to gently pet one of the pups. "That sounds like a great plan. If I ever do end up adopting then you are welcome to visit and play with him as well.." His voiced trailed off as he smiled at his little buddy playing with the other dogs.
Kwon Bo-ah {Senior} [A] 6 years ago
@Jung Hoseok {Junior} Boa was so happy to have met him. With a smile, she nodded. "Okay. Can we meet in the evenings though? I don't have any study halls and I have cheerleading right after classes." She was the captain, so how would it look for her to not show up? As he went to get his own camera, she went back to photographing the little furballs. It made her smile and snap shots faster as he threw the toys and the dogs jumped around to play with them. How cute. "I see. Well, I'm glad you're out of there." While she didn't know much about those places, she had heard enough to make her weary. Besides, he seemed like such a nice kid. Of course that could just be her seeing the good in everyone. "Dance is my second major. Well technically it's my first major and photography was second, but yea. And thanks. Dance and cheer are how I stay in shape." To win competitions she had to be strong. Besides, she made up for in strength what she lacked in height. "I like hiking and getting different nature shots too." It was one of her favorite things about photography. Smiling softly, she shrugged. "I'm not sure I'll have time soon, but I plan to get my best friend and goddaughter a dog, so I can always play with him or her. She tried to stay positive and not dwell on what she had missed out on in life.
Jung Hoseok {Junior} 6 years ago
@Kwon Bo-ah {Senior} “Oh, that’s okay. I have my own in my bag. I like that idea, we can meet up during a few study halls and share what we’ve come up with.” His voice was soft and he smiled at Boa as he moved to pull his camera from his bag in the corner of the room. Once he had it out he started to snap a few shots of the puppies, immediately getting into his work. Though his focus was on his favorite of the group he made sure to get multiple great shots of the others. Boa’s question had a light chuckle slip from his lips. “No, they didn’t exactly hurt me. It wasn’t as bad as you may be thinking since I pretty much did as I was told.” He spoke briefly, wanting to keep the conversation on a more happy theme. “What’s your second major? I don’t think you’ll be gaining that much anytime soon, you look more fit than most people into photography.” Hoseok laughed once more, throwing a couple of toys around to get the pups up and moving to get playful pictures. As Boa spoke he looked at her for a minute and sighed softly. His reasons for not getting a dog were pretty dumb—mainly because there wasn’t a reason. It made him a bit sad that someone who actually wanted one couldn’t get one. “Well, I guess that means we’ll just have to visit more often to fill that void.”
Kim Heechul {Psychologist} [A] 6 years ago
@Gao Godfrey {Headmaster} ""You've done nothing but make me happy since we got together godfrey. I mean it, I wasn't so keen on the whole cat idea at first but she's honestly the sweetest little guy I've seen in a long time she certainly is." He said as he looked up at him. His hand moved to his cheek when he kissed him his heart fluttering, as far as the patrons of the store knew he was a woman anyway. "Mmm, another night at your place? How could I resist such a tempting offer?" He said with a small grin kissing him.
Kwon Bo-ah {Senior} [A] 6 years ago
@Jung Hoseok {Junior} That offer was beyond helpful and very much appreciated. "That would be great. Do you want to use my camera, so we can get more shots now? We can also work together in the photo lab at school." She wasn't pushy, but wanted to offer since he was willing to help her. She was still snapping pictures when he answered and she didn't stop except to ask, "Are you okay? They didn't hurt you, did they?" Why would she judge him? Everyone had their problems. Some people were just more vocal about theirs. By this point in her life, if you weren't trying to hurt her, she would accept you for who you are. No judgement. No fear. No accusations. Of course she learned that from all the pity she'd received through the years, because of her family. "Same for me. My godfather tells me I need to slow down, because all I do is study and dance. Photography, while one of my majors, is a way for me to slow down and relax while not gaining 50lbs." She grinned, thinking about the hikes she'd take to get nature shots. This time she didn't even comment. He had his reasons for not adopting the puppy and they were none of her business. She didn't like prying and figured if he ever wanted her to know, he'd tell her. When asked about getting one herself, she got a nostalgic look. "I've wanted a husky since I was able to walk. Unfortunately, my biological father didn't think it was a good idea to "waste" money on a dog, so he told me no. Now that he's not around, I just can't spend the money on one when I know my goddaughter needs me. My godfather offered to let me keep it at his house since you know. We can't have them at school, but he has a new cat, so I'll wait until I have my own place and then get one." Her family abandoning her still hurt, but she didn't hesitate to talk about it. It was cleansing for her.
Jung Hoseok {Junior} 6 years ago
@Kwon Bo-ah {Senior} “Well I dabble in both for classes of course but I personally like film. I wouldn’t mind making a few flyers if you wanted to focus on the website?” A smile was placed onto Hoseoks lips for most of the conversation though once asking where he came from it faltered for a minute. The question wasn’t exactly new for him, he was used to it whenever mentioning he just returned home but the judgement he received after was something that always bothered him. “A mental institution, actually.” He gave a quick look to Boa before focusing back on his little buddy, gently scratching his head. “It’s really relaxing for me, when I first learned I think it was all I did for a while.” Boa mentioning the dog caused him to fall silent for a minute. Hoseok always thought about taking him home but he never actually did it. There wasn’t any specific reasoning for it but just shrugged to the girl and looked back at her. “Someone will come for him one day. I’m content with just visiting him right now.” He didn’t address his parents being dead, not wanting to seem like some weird orphaned kid straight from the mental hospital as his first impression. “What about you? Ever think about getting one of these little guys?”
Gao Godfrey {Headmaster} [A] 6 years ago
@Kim Heechul {Psychologist} Godfrey.made sure to check the isels for other things they need for Lily as well as making sure Heechul is listened to. "I hope so. "He said smiling and hummed happily. " I'm glad I can make you happy " He honestly didn't care how gross and cheesy he sounded. "It's my house but I also love to have you there when ever you can. I care for you deeply Heechul and your comfort matters to me." He said and leaned in to place a soft kiss on Heechul lips. Luckily no one was around to be disgusted but even if they were Godfrey wouldn't have cared. "Let's go to my place. We can set up all the stuff needed"
Kim Heechul {Psychologist} [A] 6 years ago
@Gao Godfrey {Headmaster} "I was always a lonely panda back in school, I wasn't holding anyone responsible for that but myself love. I'm glad that I have you now, if I didn't have you I dunno where I'd be right now and I'm not kidding. With you, Boa, and little Lily here, I think I should be good. I have the family who actually gave a rats about me rather than my normal family the ones who screwed me over. You are more of a family to me than anyone." He whispered. He blushed softly and nodded his head "I already told you Godfrey, it's your house, she's more or less your daughter anyway it doesn't have anything to do with me. I do appreciate the offer to stay when she's not around though baby. So why would it bother me?"
Gao Godfrey {Headmaster} [A] 6 years ago
@Kim Heechul {Psychologist} "You deserve it though. It makes me a little sad that no one has done so for you in the past. But then again I feel special that I'm the one who can do that for you." Godfrey said with a bright smile and and brushed Heechul's hair behind his ear. "Yes, she's yours too you know? A little happy family." He said and kissed Heehcul's cheek. He walked with him back to where they held the cats and started to sign the necessary documents for adoption. He looked over at Heechul curiously. " Boa has her own room in my house now.... I told her that she can stay some weekends and breaks and honestly when ever she would like. Although she still needs to stay in her dorm when she can. Is that okay? I mean you're also welcomed over at any given time. It would bother you right? "
Kim Heechul {Psychologist} [A] 6 years ago
@Godfrey Gao {Headmaster} He blushed softly. The idea of having someone who wanted to spoil him rather than just have them around for and occasional breakfast the next day but Godfrey was the real thing. "I'm just not used to having someone who properly cares for me like you do before so being spoiled like this is a new concept for me." He said smiling at him with a small kiss after. "You're getting a pet, I'm just along for the ride unless you want to share her." It would be his first real responsibility after paying off school which is something he'd be doing for ages. He looked up at his boyfriend and nodded he was okay with it. He pet the cat. "You'll do good for us little one. We'll be like a little family." He said looking up at him smiling. He knew boa accepted him so he included her too.
Gao Godfrey {Headmaster} [A] 6 years ago
@Kim Heechul {Psychologist} "Oh I know. But I also want to treat you. Nothing too expensive just want to take you out." Godfrey said and smiled at heechul sweetly. "Yeah and we're getting a pet. We probably have to leave her over night anyway to get hear cleared and all. So I can just pick her up in the morning. " He said then grabbed some food and water bowls. "i like spoiling you Heechul. It's fine don't worry okay?' he said and brushed his hair behind his ear. He looked over at Lily in the cart and chuckled. most likely. "You look high~ Did you get into some drugs?" He said cooing at the kitten while picking her up.
Kwon Bo-ah {Senior} [A] 6 years ago
@Jung Hoseok {Junior} Looking at him, she nodded. "That would be great. Do you prefer film or digital? I'm gonna need both to do the website and the flyers." Film would be better for the flyers, but digital would make the website easier. "Oh cool. Where did you come back from, if you don't mind me asking." That was pretty cool. "Really? I just learned how to do it and I absolutely love it." She snapped a few pictures of the bigger dogs playing before looking back at him. "I assume your parents won't let you keep him?" She knew they couldn't have them at school. Just another reason she came here.
Jung Hoseok {Junior} 6 years ago
@Kwon Bo-ah {Senior} “I completely agree with that and I try to help out as much as I can around here. I’m actually here a lot so I can take some photos and whenever I have the chance show them to you.” He spoke in a soft tone before gently grabbing a hold of his favorite corgi and looking to the other. “I’m a Visual Arts major, mainly focusing on photography though. I’m a junior, recently got back actually. And yeah, it’s actually my hobby outside of school as well so I develop my own pictures at home.” Hoseok gave a smile to Boa before looking back down at his pup. “This little guy’s my favorite. I come a lot to visit him most of the time.”
Kim Heechul {Psychologist} [A] 6 years ago
@Godfrey Gao {Headmaster} He clasped the others hand back and smiled happily at the idea. "We don't have to do anything too expensive or anything I'm not expecting anything huge. I'm just glad I came here with you today to take care of everything with lily. This was meant to be a very special day for you getting your pet!" He looked up at him. " i mean we can but this was a day that was meant to be for you not to make me better. " he chuckled at the cat. "I think they put catnip in the carts or something." He's said chuckling.
Gao Godfrey {Headmaster} [A] 6 years ago
@Kim Heechul {Psychologist} Once Godfrey put the heavy cat litter into the cart her walked over to Heechul and grabbed his hand and nodded his head in understanding. "Hey... let me take you out. Treat you to a nice dinner or something. I want to make this time better for you even though it's hard." He said and lifted heechuls hand to kiss the back of it. He looked over at the cat and chuckled softly. "She's just distracted she will like you, I'm sure she will." He said and smiled at the two of them.
Kwon Bo-ah {Senior} [A] 6 years ago
@Jung Hoseok {Junior} Boa smiled. "Thanks. I love it here, but I think these babies deserve good homes. And that would be great. It's going to take a while to get all of them photographed." When she heard what school he went to, she chuckled. "I'm dance and photography major there too. What year are you?" She thought he looked vaguely familiar, but she wasn't entirely sure why. This made more sense. He was really good with the dogs and that would certainly come in handy. "Kwon Boa. And the pleasure is all mine. So, do you know anything about developing pictures?" She had just learned to do it recently, but it was such fun to her, especially since she honestly preferred using film to digital. For this project though, she'd be using digital.
Kim Heechul {Psychologist} [A] 6 years ago
@Godfrey Gao {Headmaster} "I'm fine, I just took it the wrong way is all." He whispered. "That was a hard time for me on so many levels I just, I don't know, try to block it out." He said softly looking down at the little cat. "She doesn't look like me, and tthats a start." He said watching the other grab things to put in the cart. "Duchess Lily it is then." He said scratching behind the little ones ears.
Gao Godfrey {Headmaster} [A] 6 years ago
@Kim Heechul {Psychologist} Godfrey nodded his head slowly at Heechul's statement. Then kissed his temple once more. "Are you better....? I dont want to make you hurt." He whispered softly but loud enough so Heechul could hear. He nodded and smiled a bit. "Thats right. Shes your princess too." He said and grabbed a heavy bag of cat litter and put it into the cart as well as a cat box and scoop. "That sounds good. I like that"
Jung Hoseok {Junior} 6 years ago
@Kwon Bo-ah {Senior} “Oh, I don’t mind. I think that’s pretty cool of you to do that. I’m actually here a lot and I tend to help out from time to time, would it be okay if I helped you with this? I’m a photography student at Lakeside High, but I’ve been doing it for as long as I can remember.” Hoseok looked to the girl with a small smile as she interacted with the dog. Before dropping down to his knees a short bow of his head was given before he began to pet the dogs back. “My name is Jung Hoseok, it’s nice to meet you...” He trailed off not exactly knowing what to call the other, deciding to simply smile before returning his attention to the dog.
Kwon Bo-ah {Senior} [A] 6 years ago
@Jung Hoseok {Junior} Boa was not amused. It really hurt. She loved animals, especially dogs. So to be laughed at for being knocked over by one was not okay. Taking his hand, she stood and nodded. "Yes. I'm trying to help them get adopted. It helps for people to see how they interact with humans though. That's why I took your picture with them. I hope you don't mind. I won't use it if you don't want me to." The dog that had knocked her over came back and whined as he nudged her leg. With a sigh, she squatted in front of him. "It's okay Snoopy. I still love you." She rubbed her bottom as she hugged the dog. It wasn't the first bruise she'd ever had and wouldn't be the last.
Jung Hoseok {Junior} 6 years ago
@Kwon Bo-ah {Senior} Hoseok paid no mind to the girl who entered and photographed him. It was odd but it wasn’t something that hadn’t been done before. People just enjoyed watching others interact with dogs was his best guess. He continued to play with the corgi happily jumping around him until he heard a loud thump that caught his attention. Upon looking up he saw the stranger who used to be standing now placed onto the floor and he couldn’t help but chuckle. “Are you okay..? That sounded like it hurt..” Though there was a slightly amused smile on his lips, his voice was genuinely concerned as he made his was over to help her up. With his hand outstretched he waited patiently for the girl to collect herself, his eyes naturally finding the camera around her neck. “That’s a nice camera, are you here taking pictures of the dogs?”
Kim Heechul {Psychologist} [A] 6 years ago
@Godfrey Gao {Headmaster} He smiled softly at him. "I know you were playing daddy, it just hurt to hear it come from your mouth. It just really hurts ." He whispered and he wasn't hoping for anything too bad because of this. He knew better but there was always that little inkling in the back of his mind about it. " i know you wouldnt. You aren't my mum. " he curled into him but stopped himself "she's my princess too." He grinned. " how about success Lily that's cute. " he said turning him to the car litter and box aisle.
Kwon Bo-ah {Senior} [A] 6 years ago
@Jung Hoseok {Junior} The moment she walked through the door, she could hear the dogs. It brought a smile to her face. The woman who had asked her to help out hugged her and lead her to the play area. She noticed another person there and was told he often helped with the dogs on the weekends. Leaving her to take her photos, the ahjumma went back inside. Lifting her camera to her eye, she snapped a few pictures of the guy playing with the puppies. Then she got some shots of the other dogs playing. They were all so cute. One of them even came running up to her. When it jumped on it's hind legs, though it her cheek and knocked her off balance. Luckily her camera was hanging from her neck so it didn't get damaged. She did land on her pretty hard though.
Jung Hoseok {Junior} 6 years ago
@Kwon Bo-ah {Senior} Hoseok had been at the pet shop all morning. There was a certain corgi puppy he had been watching for a few weeks but never got around to taking him home. That of course didn’t stop him from making sure the little guy was there every weekend. The workers at the shop were pretty much okay with the amount of time he spent there since he would help out with the other dogs. He loved all of the animals and made sure to visit whenever he could. Living on his own gave him a lot of extra free time when not in school and at times he did get a bit lonely; that’s the feeling that lead him to be there bright and early. He sat in the puppies play area with his beloved corgi placed on his lap while stroking its head; his other hand entertaining the other dogs playing.
Kwon Bo-ah {Senior} [A] 6 years ago
@Jung Hoseok {Junior} Having been at her god father's house for the weekend, she got up a bit later. He lived closer to the pet store so she didn't need to leave as early, so she made her smoothie and went to get the paper. When she came back inside she made breakfast for Godfrey and then cleaned the dishes. Once everything was away, she went to her room and grabbed her camera. By now it was about 10 and she sent her dad a text to tell him she'd be back in a bit.

Leaving the house quietly, she made sure the door was locked and then headed for the pet shop. Having always wanted a dog, Boa was more than happy to help the animals find good homes. In the process she'd get to play with them. Win win.
Gao Godfrey {Headmaster} [A] 6 years ago
@Kim Heechul {Psychologist} Godfrey sighted and nodded. He did feel bad for teasing him on a sensitive issue. "I'm sorry baby. I hope you know the truth though? I wouldn't leave you for a cat. It sounds ridiculous to say but that's what had happen to you . " Godfrey smiled a bit and gently rubbed the small of Heechul's back. "Heemi is my princess. Lily needs another title something fitting though. But lets get cat litter."
Kim Heechul {Psychologist} [A] 6 years ago
@Godfrey Gao {Headmaster} Heechul pouted playfully. "If you meant that I would have probably cried in the middle of the store g odfrey. I can't go through that again." He whispered softly before looking down and blushing softly as his boyfriend kissed him. He smiled at him. His mind knew that he wouldn't leave him but he couldn't help but think that way. Especially after what his mom did. "So what's next for your little princess?"


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42cd363c37d15545aa2b 4 years ago
jenn im (youtuber) please?
Bangtangaran 5 years ago
Hi, I saw on the faceclaim list that Park Jimin is being used, but I didn't see him in the masterlist or any of the character profiles. If he's available, can I please ask to A&R him? Thank you!
nuggero 5 years ago
Yongguk left, so sorry but I lost my muse. Thank you so much for having me.
secret_love 5 years ago
I'm sorry but hanbin left
if_i_were_in_love 6 years ago
Jang Da-Hye left
empty- 6 years ago
Sicheng left.. lack of muse and ideas
eclipsia 6 years ago
Yukhei left. Unfortunately, I lost my muse but I thoroughly enjoyed the time I had here. Thank you for having me!
Nyx_Dragneel 6 years ago
I am really sorry but I have to go. Life has gotten really busy and I just won't be around enough and its not fair to leave you all hanging.
Thanks for the wonderful time
Catherine Felton is leaving
Kim4Shim 6 years ago
thank you for having me
- Olivia Hye
ClairDeLune 6 years ago
Minkyung has left but thank you for having me, I enjoyed it~
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