Occult club

Occult club


all the occult club activities go here. Current members are: Kyungsoo, hoseok, moonbuyul. 

Moon Byulyi (Moonbyul) {Junior} [A] 6 years ago
@Jung Hoseok {Junior} "Not many people are but it's understandable. I can give you a few books that you can read to learn about it a little." She said. "Kyungsoo dabbles that's the reason he reading my books." She looked at him and smiled. "My parents used my ability to pay off their debts so I saved a bunch of my money and ran before they tried to carry on with it again. So I took off and I came here so that nobody would question it. I'm a year older than most juniors because I started school late so I filled out my own paperwork and started doing palm readings here for some extra money in case I need more money to pay off any hidden fees or anything."
Jung Hoseok {Junior} 6 years ago
@Moon Byulyi (Moonbyul) {Junior} Hoseok nodded a bit. "Okay, Byul. And I'm not exactly a believer I guess but Im not one to say it doesn't exist. The concept is...new to me, but thats pretty cool." His words were genuine, not being one to shut down something he didnt know much about but the rest of her word had his head tilting slightly in curiosity. "Circumstances? What happened, if you dont kind me asking." He couldnt stop his curiosity from getting the best of him. Hoseok want really one to talk about his own past but sometimes he couldnt stop himself from questioning something he wanted to know.
Moon Byulyi (Moonbyul) {Junior} [A] 6 years ago
@Jung Hoseok {Junior} "You can just call me byul if you want Hoseok." She said smiling. "Soo does, I was born with the gift, soo is looking more into it to make sure that he's doing it right. He's doing well for not having the gift." She said smiling. "Kyungsoo caught me palm reading someone's palm a few months ago, and when I explained to him the circumstances of why I was here he asked if I wanted to join. It was simply somewhere I could simply belong. It is nice to see someone new." She said.
Jung Hoseok {Junior} 6 years ago
@Moon Byulyi (Moonbyul) {Junior} Hoseok watched the interaction between the two silently before giving a small nod to the girl. “Well it’s nice to officially meet you, Moonbyul.” His voice was soft and sincere, always interested in meeting new people when he was in a good mood. “I saw the book you gave Kyungsoo, I’m not exactly a believer but it seems interesting enough. Are you studying palm reading?” He asked with a slight tilt of his head as he motioned to the other. He was interested in why she joined the club and that was the answer he though of with what little he knew of the other member.
Moon Byulyi (Moonbyul) {Junior} [A] 6 years ago
@Jung Hoseok {Junior} She grinned at him which wasn't something she would normally do, she was quiet a majority of the time and didn't particularly understand the idea of happiness. She was never truly happy. She was just glad that she ffled her family. Her parents used her gifts for financial gain, which in the long run made her tired of it and hid it away until she paid all four years oof school.tuition and left. She came off as a con artist sure but it was only with the best of intentions to herself. "Nothing particular, just that we had a new member to make it a full club now." She said with a smile before handing kyungsoo the book she promised. "Let me know when you need the nextt one."
Do Kyungsoo {Junior} [A] 6 years ago
@Moon Byulyi (Moonbyul) {Junior} Kyungsoo lifted his head to watch Byul walk in silently. He had actually moved things around so when he sits he can see the door because she would always sneak up on him. " Hi byul." He said plainly and grbbed his book handing it to her with a nod. Okay sounds good." He looked over at hoseok and nodded in responce to her question. "Yeah he is."
Jung Hoseok {Junior} 6 years ago
@Moon Byulyi (Moonbyul) {Junior} @Do Kyungsoo {J} “Okay, okay. I think I’ll listen to you, you seem to know your stuff.” He said with a light chuckle as he leaned back into the chair, relaxing a bit more. Kyungsoo didn’t really need to say anything else, he guessed they were alike in that aspect of life. There was no need to talk when words weren’t really needed. At the mention of the other member Hoseok nodded his head and took another look at the cover. “Did you learn anything interesting?” He spoke softly as he took back his phone, sending a quick text so the other had his number before shoving it into his pocket. The next words to leave Kyungsoos lips caused Hoseok to lift an eyebrow in curiosity. “You’re in theater? That’s pretty cool..” He was about to continue when the door opened and in walked who Hoseok assumed was Moonbyul. Her words had him looking up with slight interest. “What exactly did you hear? My name is Hoseok.”
Moon Byulyi (Moonbyul) {Junior} [A] 6 years ago
@Jung Hoseok {Junior} @Do Kyungsoo {J} Byul always came in around this time. She told kyungsoo about how she got into the school, but in order to get into the group, club so to speak she had to prove her skill, and she knew that kyungsoo knew what she could do and he could do it a little too. She was quiet so that's how she could simply sneak in when she wanted to. The girl was like a ninja. "Soo, you have my book? I have the next one to give to you." She looked at the other in shock. "This the new member? I heard about him. My name is Byulyi, people call me moonbyul, or just byul." She said to the other.
Do Kyungsoo {Junior} [A] 6 years ago
@Jung Hoseok {Junior} "Not if mediums were just the ones listening and recording. " Kyungsoo said with a slight strug of his shoulders. He could be stuborn but he also liked having his ideas challenged. The way hoseok spoke showed that he felt the same way not wanting to be pityed by anyone for things thatbthey had nothing to do with. This really couldn't help but cause a small smile on Kyungsoo's lips to form. "Yeah....thank you" is all he could say about it but hoped Hoseok new he was genuine nontheless. "True. Oh moonbyul might stop by in a bit. This is normally when she shows up. And I promised I would return her book." Kyungsoo chuckled at the thought of being 'busy' he nodded his head and took Hoseoks phone and put in his number berfore handing it back. "The only time I'm ever busy afterschool is when theater puts on a play or musical then I'm there practicing and rehursing or doing so at home."
Jung Hoseok {Junior} 6 years ago
@Do Kyungsoo {J} “Wouldn’t....wouldn’t people have made the rules though? So you technically aren’t disrespecting the dead.” Hoseok spoke with slight amusement in his voice and a small smile. The smile stayed placed on his lips as he watched the other process what he had previously said. He didn’t want an apology, or any form of pity really. It had been about a year and he was adjusted to it, so why did he need people feeling sorry? This wasn’t the feeling that Kyungsoo gave at all. The words he said next was proof that he genuinely felt where Hoseok was coming from and it made him feel somewhat okay. “I think I’ll pass on that, but thank you. And about your brother..that . Neither of you should’ve gone through that.” His voice trailed off after a moment. He didn’t want to say much, guessing the other felt the same was about pity but it was clear he did care. To loghyen the mood he gave Kyungsoo a soft nudge and smiled in his direction. “Hey, now I can keep you company. I promise I’m very interesting.” He let out a light chuckle before nodding his head and pulling out his phone, handing it to the other male. “That sounds wonderful. If you’re not too busy later maybe we could hang out tonight?” He spoke with slight curiosity in his voice. Personally, Hoseok had no other plans than to go home, attempt to work on homework and then sleep. He wouldn’t mind having some company instead.
Do Kyungsoo {Junior} [A] 6 years ago
@Jung Hoseok {Junior} Kyungsoo chuckled a bit and shrugges his shoulders. "I thought about it. But I think ill follow the rules. I have the up most respect for the spirit world and I think its only fair." He said and watched as the other male sat down in the sest next to him. "Fair enough. Probably wont go over well." He said with a small smile only for it to fall instantaneously at the mention of his family. Although he wantrd to explain how sorry he was he was sure hoseok had heard it before and Kyungsoo made sure to choose his words carefully in hopes of not making him feel like Kyungsoo pityed him. He's heard it all before and it always annoyed him. He wouldn't admit it but he would want someone to listen to him who understands not someone who will tell him how sorry they are for something they had nothing to do with. "As much as I hate hearing it myself but I'm sorry that, that happened to you. Obviously we just met but I can tell that you didn't deserve that. Especially blamed for it. My older brother was.... sick, mentally. I was very close to him and he killed himself, so tragity I can relate to so if you ever want to talk hoseok I'm here." Kyungsoo was surprised at how civil he was being with Hoseok, normally by default kyungsoo was distant and blunt to keep from being close to people. But hoseok was diferent. "Yeah she... keeps me company" he said with a soft smile. "Hey do you want my number? I can text you about club activity details and maybe we can hang outside of the club? " he asked feeling a little awkward and nervous
Jung Hoseok {Junior} 6 years ago
@Do Kyungsoo {J} A small chuckle found its way out Hoseoks lips as he looked over to Kyungsoo. “Well, if you can already see and talk to the dead then would it really matter if you did it alone or not?” He didn’t think it would make much of a difference if Kyungsoo had a person with him, but there was also the chance he could accidentally summon something a bit dangerous so he understood the concept of multiple people being present. “Hey, if we get enough members maybe we can do it?” Hoseok turned and watched as Kyungsoo moved back to his original place. The couch did make the classroom feel a bit more comfortable and he had no trouble believing the other would spend most of his time there. “It’s alright. Don’t use that line to try and justify your behavior, it’ll just land you in more .” The mention of the others family caused a low chuckle to form as he moved to sit next to him. “I didn’t have the luck of that. My parents actually died. A house fire most believe I started... I can assure you I didn’t though, I wasn’t even home.” He didn’t mention that he was positively sure a ghost started it. There wasn’t a weird feeling with Kyungsoo, it was actually the opposite. He felt relaxed enough to share what he has kept away for a long time but he didn’t want to sound too crazy. There would be time to explain more later on. The story of the other presence in the room had him smiling a bit. He lifted his head, looking across the classroom to the bookshelves where he felt the playful spirit would be. “I thought it was just a weird feeling...I never really know when it’s a ghost or just my mind playing tricks.”
Do Kyungsoo {Junior} [A] 6 years ago
@Jung Hoseok {Junior} Kyungsoo Just nodded his head and looked over Hoseok's shoulder to see what he was writing. 'Junior and Jung Hoseok. He said in his head to remember it for future use. "Yeah, that would be a good idea.... I was thinking an Ouija board I mean I can see and communicate with the dead without one but I've always wanted to do one however I never had someone to do it with. There are rules you follow and one of the biggest is that you never do it alone. " He walked over to the couch and plopped down on it like it was his own. Well in a way it was, this was his little hide away place that he can forget the world and ignore everything. He would spend lunch there and do most of his homework in that room. Kyungsoo just scoffed a bit at Hoseok's confession not that he was annoyed at him but annoyed that people would send him away. He had been an outcast his whole life and understood what it felt like. "Sorry I'm not scoffing at you, but aren't we all a little mentally un stable?" He asked looking up at Hoseok. "Well... I welcome you back." He said with a soft smile. "My family almost did the same however I began to be able to hide it so they assumed I grew out of it." He said and patted the seat next to him for Hoseok to sit next to him. "You're welcomed here any time. I spend most of my time here so I'll more than likely be here. I eat lunch here too. I just feel... comfortable in this room. You know there is a ghost who lives here. I don't know if you felt her presence or not when you walked in but she's here. She kind and a little devious. She'll throw the books off the shelves sometimes for fun."
Jung Hoseok {Junior} 6 years ago
@Do Kyungsoo {J} “Moonbyul...I guess three is a good start.” He gave a slight nod and began to look over the form. He wasn’t sure what the activities would be, or if they would even be able to draw people in but it was definitely better than just hanging around. “We should come up with a few things...it could be fun.” Hoseok kept his eyes down as he signed the paper, not really taking the time to read over it much. His head nodded as the other spoke of Moonbyul but as soon as he mentioned seeing dead people Hoseoks head popped up. “Are you serious..? I’m uhm..no, I’m not new. I just got back actually. I was sent away, they claimed I was mentally unstable for that exact thing. Well..not exactly seeing them but I can feel and communicate with them from time to time.” He spoke to Kyungsoo with a serious look on his face though his voice was slightly hesitant.
Do Kyungsoo {Junior} [A] 6 years ago
@Jung Hoseok {Junior} "One. Her name is moonbyul. I'm sure you'll meet her soon." Kyungsoo and found the form and smiled a bit in triumph. "Ahah, There it is." he said then looked up at Hoseok and sighed a bit. He hated the form but he was convinced to have one. Although it wasn't required he just wanted people off his back. "It's not too bay. It's your name, your year and age then asking you to participate in club activities. Although.... I'm not sure what they will be just yet. I assumed no one would join.' he said and pointed to each point then put the paper down with a pen. "Don't worry you're not signing your life away." he said with a light chuckle. "Ah... no but moonbyul is. She's a junior just like me. I don't believe either but it is interesting. I uh.... see dead people." he blurted out knowing that if Hoseok could handle that he could handle the club and wasn't just another prank. "I.. uh well I'm Kyungsoo by the way. I don't think I've seen you around. Are you new?" He asked curiously
Jung Hoseok {Junior} 6 years ago
@Do Kyungsoo {J} “Oh? How many other members are there? I was sure I’d be the first, this isn’t your typical club.” He said in a lighter tone, trying his best not to offend the other. When hearing of the paperwork Hoseok nodded his head and stood relatively silent as the dark haired male started looking for his form. His eyes glanced around the room, mainly to where the other had previously been sitting and took note of the book placed there. A slight raise of his eyebrow was given, as he moved to sit at an empty desk before speaking up once again. “So....you’re a palm reader? I don’t really believe that works but it’s pretty interesting.” His voice was low and soft, not exactly one to judge what others were into learning in their spare time. In all honestly he wasn’t sure what to say. There was a chance this club was made for people who probably just loved TV shows about ghosts and couldn’t really fit in. Hoseok was curios and he wanted to find out if there were any other people like him before he went and outed himself. He wouldn’t make that mistake again.
Do Kyungsoo {Junior} [A] 6 years ago
@Jung Hoseok {Junior} Kyungsoo was in the corner of room in a couch that he set up in the club. It was an old one but it was nice an comfy. He would often times spend his times here when Moonbyul was gone. She was the only other member as of now. He was reading a book that she had given him on palm reading. It was rather interesting but was Kyungsoo was still rather skeptical. However he was the type that if he started learning a bit about something that interested him he needed to know all of it so he couldn't stop reading. The sound of someone knocking on the door caused his attention to move up, however he didn't say anything in hopes they would go away. just Kyungsoo's luck they didn't and stepped into the room. Kyungsoo had this feeling about Hoseok as soon as he entered the room. Normally Kyungsoo would roll his eyes and ask if this was a joke which has happened people playing pranks on the club but something told him that he shouldn't. "Uh.... Yeah I am" He said and stood up to find a form that a teacher made Kyungsoo make for joining. "Um.... There are not a lot of people who join..." He said while filing through some things to find it. "I have a form... It's kinda stupid but hey they strongly suggested we have one."
Jung Hoseok {Junior} 6 years ago
@Do Kyungsoo {J} Hoseok stopped outside the door of the classroom and sighed softly. The words ‘Occult Club’ were printed as clear as day yet he still didn’t feel like he was in the right place. That feeling was something that followed him mostly everywhere but at this moment in time he just felt like he didn’t belong. Though he was a junior, the school felt foreign since his return had caused a lot of mixed feelings from his fellow classmates. This club was his last resort of finding a place where he would be accepted for his ‘special’ personality. After a moment of collecting his thought Hoseok lifted his fist to the door and gave a hesitant knock before entering. “Hello? My name is Jung Hoseok, I’m looking to join this club..” His voice trailed off as he shut the door behind him, fully giving his attention to the other male in the room after a minute. “Are you in charge?”


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42cd363c37d15545aa2b 4 years ago
jenn im (youtuber) please?
Bangtangaran 5 years ago
Hi, I saw on the faceclaim list that Park Jimin is being used, but I didn't see him in the masterlist or any of the character profiles. If he's available, can I please ask to A&R him? Thank you!
nuggero 5 years ago
Yongguk left, so sorry but I lost my muse. Thank you so much for having me.
secret_love 5 years ago
I'm sorry but hanbin left
if_i_were_in_love 6 years ago
Jang Da-Hye left
empty- 6 years ago
Sicheng left.. lack of muse and ideas
eclipsia 6 years ago
Yukhei left. Unfortunately, I lost my muse but I thoroughly enjoyed the time I had here. Thank you for having me!
Nyx_Dragneel 6 years ago
I am really sorry but I have to go. Life has gotten really busy and I just won't be around enough and its not fair to leave you all hanging.
Thanks for the wonderful time
Catherine Felton is leaving
Kim4Shim 6 years ago
thank you for having me
- Olivia Hye
ClairDeLune 6 years ago
Minkyung has left but thank you for having me, I enjoyed it~
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