General Classroom

General Classroom


here is a basic classroom used for anything

Yoon Jeonghan {Student Teacher} (H - 19th) 6 years ago
@Jung Jinsoul {Senior} Another furtive glance at his wristwatch, and Jeonghan's heart is fluttering anxiously in his chest. The soothe of his logical reassurances ー 'you've studied enough and consistently, you always come out well in the end' ー prove ineffective this day, but his internal turmoil is reigned in with a rigidity that owes its strength to practice. Only the keen would perhaps notice his smooth baritone edged with mild impatience, or that he doesn't make as much eye contact and lighthearted jokes as usual. He takes the time to give his valued seniors their one and one, though, Jung Jinsoul being the last to receive such before the bell snaps the figurative fetters that kept him tethered to the classroom. Then he's out, hastily gathering his Surface Pro and shouldering his laptop bag while he strides with brisk efficiency through the door.
It's only after his two midterm exams that he realizes what he lost. He's so flustered he doesn't even know how to react, so he compartmentalizes the negative emotions and goes up on his roof to do other things. The wind cools his heated body, and his even breaths calm him enough to render him functional.
"I suppose I'll start off these assignments until the sun begins to set," He murmurs, teeth sinking into his lower lip. Nodding with approval at the decision, he thus begins.


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42cd363c37d15545aa2b 4 years ago
jenn im (youtuber) please?
Bangtangaran 5 years ago
Hi, I saw on the faceclaim list that Park Jimin is being used, but I didn't see him in the masterlist or any of the character profiles. If he's available, can I please ask to A&R him? Thank you!
nuggero 5 years ago
Yongguk left, so sorry but I lost my muse. Thank you so much for having me.
secret_love 5 years ago
I'm sorry but hanbin left
if_i_were_in_love 6 years ago
Jang Da-Hye left
empty- 6 years ago
Sicheng left.. lack of muse and ideas
eclipsia 6 years ago
Yukhei left. Unfortunately, I lost my muse but I thoroughly enjoyed the time I had here. Thank you for having me!
Nyx_Dragneel 6 years ago
I am really sorry but I have to go. Life has gotten really busy and I just won't be around enough and its not fair to leave you all hanging.
Thanks for the wonderful time
Catherine Felton is leaving
Kim4Shim 6 years ago
thank you for having me
- Olivia Hye
ClairDeLune 6 years ago
Minkyung has left but thank you for having me, I enjoyed it~
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