♖ street market

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Short room message here

Jang Sojin 5 years ago
@Park Jeongsu "Quite busy this week," Sojin remarked softly as her eyes took in the sight of the market while her carriage slowed to a stop. She turned to face her lady-in-waiting, an eager smile on her face and her eyes glinting with the same emotion. "I'm sure we'll find more than enough gifts for my return home." Next to her, the door latch opened and she turned to find the coachman opening the door. Her personal guard - the most prominent part of her husband's concerned tightening of the proverbial reigns - got off first and surveyed the general area, his hand poised on the hilt of his sword should the need to use it arise. Satisfied with the conditions, he nodded to the coachman who proceeded to offer his hand to Sojin and help her out of the vehicle. Ever since that day she returned home with the news that she'd been ambushed (something she hadn't felt necessary to tell, but her husband was always exceedingly good at reading people), the man decided that she couldn't travel alone anymore. She was obviously able to handle herself, he knew this, but he just didn't want to chance it. Sojin respected that and made no fuss, simply accepting her lady-in-waiting, coachman, and guard as new travel companions.

Once both of feet were on the ground, her female companion scurried out of the coach and to her side. With the coachman returning to his post and leading the horses and coach away, the remaining three of them set off into the market. There was a multitude of sounds in the rather large market: birdsong and the caw of ravens, the droning clack-clack-clack of wagon wheels, but the loudest sound of all was that of various merchants. “Fresh turnips, still damp from the earth!” “Cockles, muscles and herrings still bright with salt.” “Sir! Silk ribbons for your lady-love?” “Strawberries, pretty as your wife’s cheeks in the morning.” That and much more blending together to make the harmonious sound that distinctively screamed Market Day.

Sojin took in all of the sights, including a candlestick maker is polishing his wares, the sun reflecting off of his brass tools, uninhibited by clouds. There were some not-so-wonderful things like the tench from the piled gutters where the offal, blood, and the spoiled fruit collects, but the scent of herbs and ripe berries and other delicious foods caught her attention. The smell of fresh bread in particular, caught Sojin's attention and she found herself tugging her lady-in-waiting by their linked arms toward the baker's stall. "M-milday, wait!" her guard called out, surprised by her sudden change in direction. He managed to push his way through the bustling crowds, keeping sight of her pale blue dress and caught up to the two women as they were conversing with the baker. "Milday, please. You can't just walk off like that, something could happen to you!" he scolded gently, only receiving an apologetic smile and "My apologizes, Jianyu. It won't happen again," before she continued discussing prices.
Jang Sojin 6 years ago
Even at such an early time of day, the street market was in full swing. Merchants were calling out from all directions, trying to get people to peruse their wares, chickens clucked from a cage somewhere and the rhythmic clop of horses hooves mingled with sound of wooden wagon wheels. Sojin smiled softly at the familiar sights and sounds and her nose picked up the scent of freshly baked bread. It had been quite some time since she had been in the main town Tradian, often favoring her own home or traveling elsewhere. It felt good to be back after such a long time.
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Lord-Orochi 5 years ago
Wo jiho is leaving then
Zanyzap 5 years ago
Can I have Lee Hyunwoo please~
jokerplayer 5 years ago
Could you please add Seo Joohyun (Seohyun) for me thank
Mama-Gackt-the-Diva 5 years ago
Jason and travis are taking their leave.
motomami 5 years ago
I wanna join, but it doesn't seem to active, which is a shame because I love medieval themed rps :(
completion 6 years ago
Bae Jaewook please!
pxssionfruit 6 years ago
Are you guys accepting people for Atlantis?
bamstastic 6 years ago
Could I reserve Lee Chan please
Mama-Gackt-the-Diva 6 years ago
Can i get Jason Mamoa
chrysopos 6 years ago
I'll take Sojin back bb
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