vocαl ѕтυdιo

room: vocal practice studio


Haechan ♪ᴬ 5 years ago
Demon in the night~ your so high~
*sings softly while writing in my notebook*
hm... that doesn t sound so bad.... or... wait.
*talks to myself as I'm working on a new song*
your memorizing~ your love is poison~
hmm~ hmm~ hmm~
*sighs and starts to write again feeling I'm close but not close enough to finish the song*
Yoo Youngjae ♪ 5 years ago
@Daehyun ♪ The tap on his cheek only further confused Youngjae. What that that supposed to do? He simultaneously wanted to hit Daehyun and to cling to him, what with him being the only thing that was preventing his face from being forcefully introduced to the floor of the vocal studio. the older trainee echoed his words, and Youngjae nodded- and immediately regretted it, the slight head motion had sent the world into a series of dizzying loops and spins. He let out a shuddering gasp, his eyes squeezing shut almost immediately. The arms tightened slightly around his waist, and a moment later he felt the floor under him. He was sitting? He didn't seem to have fallen, so how could he possibly be sitting? That didn't seem all that important, so he let the issue go and just leaned against one of the three Daehyuns. Those words went in one ear and out the other, with Youngjae's breaths hitching and gradually coming more and more quickly. "Please... -make it stop..." he managed to choke out, his fingers shaking as he gripped the older male's sleeve. Maybe Daehyun knew some way to make everything stop spinning like this. Maybe if Youngjae was nice enough to him, he would tell him how. Unfortunately, Daehyun seemed to have other plans. A hand reached around him and into his pocket, and the shocked Youngjae curled in on himself further. He couldn't breathe, he couldn't even sit up, he was going to /die/ like this, and Daehyun was only helping because he wanted to steal the honey sticks.
Daehyun ♪ 5 years ago
@Yoo Youngjae ♪ Daehyun inwardly panicked the moment the trainee slacked against him, his mind already overflowing with worst-case scenarios and one of which is the other losing consciousness. He tightened his hold around the other's waist, making sure to prop him up so he doesn't accidentally let him slip, almost ready to haul him out of the room the minute he confirms if the other actually passed out. Seeing his teary and dazed yet open eyes kind of alleviated some of his worry but not enough to ease the agitation inside Daehyun. He only just met this person today and he's already worrying about him like crazy. Great. He lightly tapped the other's cheek when he didn't receive an answer and was instead only given a confused stare. Can he not recognize him anymore? . That couldn't be good. The few trainees in the room are also getting concerned but mostly just waiting for him to take action. Passing out is, unfortunately, pretty common so they know Daehyun can probably handle it by himself. Which he could. He really was just caught unaware by the situation.

Daehyun's forehead further creased at the other's words, "..Again?" he murmured incredulously. That's even... worse but he can ask him about it later, hopefully without the trainee close to fainting on him. He sighed. Daehyun decided that sitting the other down would be a good start, to avoid any other disaster to happen. "Hey, hey. You need to calm down, okay? Panicking won't do you any good." He slowly and gently brought down the trainee, still keeping close so the other can lean against him. "Breath. Inhale-- Exhale--" Daehyun started, one of the few things he learned that works on people who are close to passing out. Next, some water would be good but alas, Daehyun forgot to bring his trusty water bottle the day he actually needed it-- Ah. He just remembered the other did bring some water bottles with him. Thank . He reached out behind the trainee, taking one of the bottles and hastily opening it. "Here, some water."
Yoo Youngjae ♪ 5 years ago
@Daehyun ♪ Youngjae wasn't going to be able to hold on for very long, he knew that. With his hands already beginning to tremble from exertion, the shaking was quickly spreading to the rest of his body. A tiny shock of relief entered his mind as someone's arm slipped around his waist, and he ended up leaning slightly against it in an attempt to support himself. A voice rang out- Daehyun's, but it seemed sounded to Youngjae as if he was hearing him from underwater. What did he say? Why did he sound worried? He had better not interfere with this nice person who had suddenly appeared to help hold him up. He wasn't going to answer Daehyun, because not only had he missed his words, but his sluggish mind was sure that interacting with him would make this situation ten times worse. He was forced to glance up when a hand cupped his cheek and lifted his chin up, breaking his intense eye contact with the floor. Youngjae's eyes filled with silent tears- he knew this would happen, he knew that if he tried to look up, the spinning would get worse. His grip on Daehyun's shoulders loosened almost completely, his knees buckled under his weight... but the biggest shock of all came when his gaze met that of the person who was trying to help him. He couldn't keep the confusion off of his face. What did he say? He had missed his words again, too distracted by the revelation that maybe Daehyun wasn't as much of a complete as he had pegged him to be. "N- no... no no no," he mumbled in a soft voice, catching himself in a slow blink. There were three Daehyuns. Why did there have to be three of him? There was three of everything else, too. "Not again, this... this can't happen again..."
Hoseok ♪ 5 years ago
@Hyungwon ♪ [hi! I hope this works? : ) but I hope you know you can ask me if you don’t understand it instead of replying with a misunderstanding : ) ]

Kay! /he smiles as he comes back from showering after his dance practice/ next half’s vocal practice! /it’s been a while since he’s had to use the vocal room that he takes a while to get to it than normal. I mean, the last time he used it was about a yearish? Yeah, about a year ago when he had to rap for his previous band groups. For a while he was just a vocal so he didn’t think he needed to use the studio much, but now he’s a rapper. Eventually, he remembers where he’s supposed to go due to the familiar surroundings as he widens his eyes/ ah! I got it now! This is that hallway, right? /then he turns and is about to open the door only to widen his eyes at the other hand holding at the handle. He blinks before turning his head then widens his eyes at you/ ah! I didn’ know someone was usin the room! Name’s hoseok! 22 years old. Lead Rapper an main dancer from Sinep! /bows friendly, smiling in expectation that you’ll introduce yourself, too/
Daehyun ♪ 5 years ago
@Yoo Youngjae ♪ "A c-chicken?" Daehyun muttered softly (sadly), lips curving down in the slightest way possible. He's a whole lot more offended than he's willing to let out though... he's not saying it's like a slap in the face but-- it's exactly how it feels like. Damn it, his winks are awesome. "But whatever. It's not like my winks are for your enjoyment." He snorted, a small smirk on his lips. "I bet you can't even wink half as good as I can. Ha!" He taunted out of a sudden childish urge to get revenge for having his wink ridiculed. Daehyun knows it's silly but... yeah, it's Daehyun. He silently waited with his chin held up high but after a few seconds of no retort, especially when the other has always been eager to respond to his taunts, he couldn't help but glance at the other. He flinched at the sudden noise from the trainee, steadying himself once the other grabbed him for balance. "What-- Hey!" His eyebrows furrowed, wrapping an arm around the other's waist before he completely fall to the ground. "Are you alright?" Daehyun asked, voice raising a bit out of worry. The other wasn't answering and his hold on Daehyun's shoulders is starting to weaken. Or was it weak from the beginning? . He cupped the other's cheek with his unoccupied hand, raising his face in an attempt to stare onto the other's unfocused eyes. "Answer me--" Daehyun bit on his lower lip, if the other doesn't respond soon then he might as well carry the other off and ask for help.
Yoo Youngjae ♪ 5 years ago
@Daehyun ♪ Youngjae managed to recover from his disbelief after a moment, the puffiness automatically returning to his cheeks, and the pout- sorry, intimidating snarl- tugged his lips down once more. "Yes, I- I do have a problem with your wink," he clarified. "You like like a chicken that is having a seizure." Daehyun did not in fact look like a chicken that is having a seizure. He looked really good, as if he'd actually practiced winking in the mirror. No one would actually practice winking in the mirror, though... Although Youngjae may have been willing to try if he had been hired for a photoshoot where he had to wink. In any case- Daehyun still didn't seem to understand. He did happen to hesitate, though- a possibly sign that he had finally realized the gravity of Youngjae's words. He could be proud, this was the most progress he had made today. A second later, the floor seemed to swoop out from under him. Youngjae's eyes widened. This wasn't a new feeling. A soft noise of alarm tore itself from his throat. The room had gotten even darker, but there was no one by the light switch. He reached out for something, anything, to hold himself up with, and his hands found a pair of shoulders. Perhaps he could apologize for this afterward, but it didn't seem like it would go away anytime soon... he should have recognized this beforehand. His heart was beating quickly, far too quickly, and the room was spinning faster and faster, making him wobble dangerously and his knees threaten to buckle as he could no longer even tell which way was up.
Daehyun ♪ 5 years ago
@Yoo Youngjae ♪ Daehyun blinked twice at the apparent disbelief in the trainee's voice. As if he was expecting something else other than his automatic teasing reply. And with how much Daehyun had already, did he actually expect anything else other than that from him? His smile faltered a bit but it soon came back full force, slightly tilting his head at the other. "'What' what?" He repeated, a soft sheepish chuckle leaving his lips. "Well... yeah. Yes, I did. Got any problems with my wink?" He shrugged nonchalantly and if you look deep within him, there's his slightly arrogant self which would claim his winks are pretty awesome. He used to practice them in the mirror after all, having this ridiculous belief that great winks would mean more fans... right? Anyways, it seems like his unconcerned behavior affected the other a whole lot more than it should. Or it looked like so to Daehyun, at least. "O...kay? You can hate me, that's fine. But maybe you can--" His words fell through seeing the other stumble. A tad bit of worry tugging at his heart strings though it seems like the other caught himself anyways so it's no need to worry. "--actually introduce yourself so I can stop calling you a fellow trainee in my head, yeah?"
Yoo Youngjae ♪ 5 years ago
@Daehyun ♪ Even after Youngjae used his sarcasm in what he felt was a witty and rather biting manner, the older singer's only reaction was to send a pleasant smile in his direction and to laugh at him again. Why wasn't Daehyun hurt by his comments? He didn't seem to be hurt at all, or even to be taken down a peg. Youngjae had even worried a bit that he was perhaps overdoing it. Clearly, that was not the case. Thankfully, his song choice would clear up any ambiguity for him. It would serve his purposes well, and then he would understand that Yoo Youngjae was definitely not to be trifled with. At least, his intense eye contact would make it very clear. If he was lucky, Daehyun might even become intimidated by him, and he would never make a rude comment to him again.

As he sang the verse, Youngjae's eyes seemed to sparkle. Already there were scenes dancing through his mind, scenes of Daehyun bending down on one knee and apologizing for all of the comments he has made so far. The moment was going to be absolutely delicious... as delicious as the honey sticks that Youngjae would later enjoy all by himself. His fantasy was shattered, and his lips that had briefly turned up quickly reversed the action, when he heard Daehyun's next words. He could feel his heart rate speeding up, the sound of his pounding heart strangely loud in a quiet room. He wondered if Daehyun could hear it. "...What?" Youngjae's voice was full of disbelief. Daehyun was smiling. He was /grinning/. "It's not at all too strong a word, I-" Something caught his eye, and the younger male had to blink to make sure that he wasn't seeing things. "Did you just. Wink at me?" The next words floated in one ear and out the other. The lights seemed to dim for a moment, and Youngjae stumbled slightly. He quickly regained his footing, not quite yet realizing what that occurrence might signify. "You don't seem to understand, I said that I hate you." Really, someone should turn the lights back up. It was terribly inconvenient; he wouldn't be able to see Daehyun's sad face as well when he inevitably apologizes.
[post deleted by owner]
Daehyun ♪ 5 years ago
@Yoo Youngjae ♪ Daehyun can see the other's look of disdain, or perhaps it's just a gaze of bewilderment, both of which he's not really unfamiliar with... He's aware that he isn't really the most normal person out there, it's quite common for him to receive those kind of looks. So instead of being offended, he only shot a quite charming smile at the other's way. The older man raised an eyebrow at the other's sweet tone, sparking suspicions in Daehyun before he heard it morph into sarcasm. Ha, that's more like it. He snorted, gently shaking his head at the other's words. Honestly, he wanted to retort something but he gathered he teased the other enough already... He can handle waiting for the song to finish before teasing him again. Of course, he didn't forget to actually listen to the other's vocals despite the urge to snicker at his song choice and obvious reason for the intense eye contact. How cute.

Daehyun let the song flow into his ears, even going so far as to hum along. The other has a quite modulated voice, pleasant to listen to but he can hear some short parts where his voice almost... hesitates? But it's nothing a ton of practice cannot fix so he isn't too worried. That does raise the question of why he was sent to practice with Daehyun though. The other already has a great voice, he just needs practice and a proper vocal trainer. Both of which the company can provide without his help. Sure, he's been complimented a ton of times for his voice and sometimes, because of his training regime as well with how he can practice so much but still avoid damaging his vocal chords. Still doesn't justify why he must train him though... But back to the other's voice. Honestly, the verse was too short for Daehyun to properly analyze his vocal range though he is pretty sure the other's vocal type is baritone. Nice. "I got the song choice, really. But don't you think it's quite too early to use such a strong word as hate?" Daehyun grinned, "And you forgot the introduction part. You're apparently too excited to voice your feelings about me. I appreciate it." He playfully winked along with his words, knowing that would probably irk the other. "... Maybe you can sing another song though? Preferably longer than a verse." He firmly nodded. "Oh and something that you're very familiar with." It will be easier to pinpoint the other's vocal range.
Yoo Youngjae ♪ 6 years ago
@Daehyun ♪ Youngjae nearly jumped out of his own skin when a booming laugh rang out from the older- was he older? God, what a nightmare. He was laughing. Why was he laughing? All he could do was stare back, completely flabbergasted by the idea that he had possibly done anything that could be thought of as being funny. His own sharp eyes fought something sparkling in the corners of Daehyun's- oh, for 's sake, was he crying from laughing too hard? The very thought gave Youngjae an irresistible urge to smack him in his stupid, obnoxious, pretty face. /Yes, I know why I was sent to you. . I passed out in dance practice, and my punishment is having to stare at your ugly mug and take direction from you/. "Yes, I know why I was sent to you," he answered sweetly. "I'm here to learn from the very best, of course." His cheeks were still puffy, but his tone dripped with sarcasm. The request for a short song took him slightly off guard, but it made sense. Of course, despite this man's blatant quality, he was still professional. Youngjae took the time to sing the first verse of 4minute's "Hate," staring right into Daehyun's eyes as he did so.
Daehyun ♪ 6 years ago
@Yoo Youngjae ♪ Daehyun stared unabashedly at the other, taking in his childish pout and reddish cheeks. His lips twitched into a teasing smirk at the sight which soon turned into a full-blown laugh, catching the attention of the few trainees around. Most of them only went back to whatever they're doing though, Daehyun's pretty notorious of his boisterous laugh anyways. Anyways, he isn't a hundred-percent sure but if he squinted hard enough, he would think the trainee is trying to look somewhat angry. And obviously, he's failing horribly unless his main task was too look even more adorable which he passes with flying colors. "I-- pfft, I know. I get that part. Just that, you really thought the staff there was a trainee?" He paused to release another chuckle, gently shaking his head as he wiped away the tears he got from laughing too much. Daehyun was finally able to gather himself and cease his laughing spree only to raise an eyebrow at the other's words, "Huh, is that so?" He snickered, "Too bad you'll be stuck with me for quite some time then." He grinned before finally returning back to business, he can resume teasing the other for another day. "Anyways, I'm sure you know why you are sent to me." He started, pursing his lips. "But yeah. You know my name-- hopefully, my face as well. I'm currently assigned to the group 'Woof!' as the leader and their lead vocal too." Short introduction but he gathered that's all the trainee needs to know from him anyways. He let out a deep breathe, fully facing the other. "Tell me about yourself and perhaps... a short song so I can gauge your vocal range?" Daehyun phrased it as a question but of course, he expects the other to follow and at least give him something to work on.
Yoo Youngjae ♪ 6 years ago
@Daehyun ♪ Youngjae did feel rather confident about his face and its general appearance. In fact, he felt that it was one of his best features. His body, sadly, did not have that in common. There was only one drawback to his face that he could find: occasionally, he had the need to look angry. He needed to look intimidating, but the best thing his face could produce of that sort was a childlike pout. This was one of those times, and it was no exception. He even had the added bonus (betrayal) of his cheeks, which puffed up slightly (despite his strong will for them to do anything but that) and turned pinker, if possible. "They didn't tell me what you were going to look like," he retorted, deciding then and there that this Jung Daehyun would never see his beloved honey sticks again no matter how much he begged and pleaded and apologized. He also suspected that Daehyun would do no such thing. Youngjae lifted his chin slightly, squinting at Daehyun's face in compliance with his suggestion. "Hm... I don't know if I'll be able to stand that face for two minutes, let alone however long this session will be." He wasn't going to outright say that Daehyun was ugly, because it simply wasn't true. The could probably be a model, but Youngjae wasn't going to let him figure that out.
Daehyun ♪ 6 years ago
@Yoo Youngjae ♪ Soft chuckles were still leaving his lips as his fellow trainee turned mentee for the day hurried inside, leaving the wrongly accused staff glaring after him. Daehyun felt a tad bit of guilt seeing the other's embarrassed look but he really couldn't help it... it was so hilarious! Though it's probably not the best first impression to leave the other. Good thing, He was never a believer of the phrase 'First impression lasts' then. "I know, I know. Still pretty funny, though." He grinned, eyes trailing down the other and zoning on to the water bottles and box of honey sticks that he was holding. Following as well as they soon disappeared behind the trainee. Damn it. That's another addition to his many regrets in life then. He should've waited for the honey sticks to be in his possession before teasing the other person. Tsk. He had his fun though so it's alright. "Feisty... Maybe way too feisty for someone who mistakes me for someone else though, don't you think so?" He smirked, probably not a great idea to further tease the other when he already look so embarrassed... Daehyun finds his reaction way too adorable to stop though. "But anyways, my name's Jung Daehyun. Been a trainee here for four years." He nodded, eyes glinting with mirth as he spoke, "Better take a long and thorough look at my face so the situation earlier won't happen again, hm?"
Taehyung ♪ᴬ H 6 years ago
/knocks on the door of the practice room and poked my head in just to make sure no one was there; I didn't want to disturb anyones practice/
/smiles when no one was there and walks in putting my bag down with everything I needed for the practice session; looks through the songs deciding which one I shoukd sing before deciding to sing 'I'm my blood' by shown mendes/
/sings along to the song first before singing it without and music to hear myself sing/
Yoo Youngjae ♪ 6 years ago
@Daehyun ♪ It was safe to say that Youngjae's cheeks were already rather pink from embarrassment as he hurried into the room, his water bottles and honey sticks clutched in his hands like lifelines. Maybe he could still give them to Daehyun. He was even a little bit glad that that man hadn't been Daehyun... he had seemed rather grouchy. Luckily, the guy inside was smiling- a cheeky smile, but a kind one. It nearly made the pink fade from Youngjae's cheeks, it nearly lifted his heart... but then, Daehyun opened his mouth and words came out. At first Youngjae just stared at him in dhock, the water bottles and honey sticks held out in front of him, but soon his cheeks had flared up more fiery than before, and he felt his posture slumping a bit. "That's- shut up, how was I supposed to know?" He blurted out, then remembered that he was going to have to /learn/ from this smug . It was better to start with a good impression. He bit his lip and shifted his head a bit to hide his pink cheeks, slipping the honey sticks back into his pocket. "You're hurt? I'll hurt you," he mumbled, not meaning for the other to hear him.
Daehyun ♪ 6 years ago
@Yoo Youngjae Daehyun soon lost all his patience with waiting, which really isn't that shocking considering he never had much patience to begin with. Besides, he kind of do look stupid being the only trainee around the studio with nothing much to do. So he decided to entertain himself, switching from socializing with his fellow trainees and practicing his own vocals. Due to the four years of training he has under his belt, he didn't have problems with finding someone to bother or talk to. He knows almost everyone around and if not, their faces are at least quite familiar to Daehyun... at least, he remembers them a whole lot more than he did with his classmates. Ha.

And quite frankly, it almost feels like Daehyun spent most of his life in this company despite it actually only being a few years. He was eighteen when he became a trainee, a kid that did not have much interest in music besides the stupid instruments his parents used to push him to play. Don't get him wrong, he loved playing said instruments but it's always a lot less fun if it wasn't your own decision. Daehyun made peace with it though, it helped him find his passion after all. Now, he can proudly say that the things that lead to him receiving this precious chance is all his own doing. Because of his skills and hard-work. That realization only makes everything much more sweeter to achieve.

A soft yet deep sigh left him and the other two trainees he was chatting with. Apparently, a trainee fainted during dance practice. Sad to say but these types of issue isn't actually rare but regardless, it's still worrying to hear about it. Daehyun wouldn't know what he'd do if he ever end up needing to give up his dreams because of health issue... he'd probably go crazy. He was snapped from his train of thoughts at the sudden nudge he received, both trainees pointing at the entrance of the room. Ah, seems like his student have finally arrived. He stood up, running a hand through his hair in an attempt to tame any flyaway. Daehyun opened his mouth to call the attention of the newbie but faltered once he saw him shove a bottle of water and a box of honey sticks towards one of the staff outside. He couldn't help the guffaw from leaving his lips at the sight, eyes turning into small crescents as he laughed hard. Oh, he already likes this person. A cheeky grin stretched across his face once he saw the other man finally make his way inside the room, looking quite embarrassed already but Daehyun wouldn't be Daehyun if he let this chance of teasing the other slip away. "Did you honestly think Mr. Staff over there still has plans to become an idol? ... Or did you really just expect me to look and be that old? I'm quite hurt, actually."
Yoo Youngjae ♪ 6 years ago
@Daehyun ♪ At first, Youngjae had been ecstatic when he had been informed that he was being placed in a group. His attitude had bordered on arrogance, with his first thought being that he was probably talented enough to be in a group now. It wasn't that he thought very highly of himself, but more that he wasn't familiar with how this path in an entertainment company worked. Now he knew better. In a way, it was just like modeling; it wasn't enough to be pretty then, and it wasn't enough to be talented now. He had to work at it, he had to be a competitor. With trainees who were far more talented than him, he was just going to have to work that much harder.

Of course, his assignment to the new group seemed to be more of a curse than it did a blessing. He should have expected as much, but at first he carried his head high and proud. That was the wrong attitude to have about it, because now all he heard was whispers. It was a mistake... he was just excited that he might be getting a chance to fulfill his dream. The whispers reminded him of the old days, all of the weight comparisons and fighting for top spots in that entertainment company. Youngjae didn't like it, but there wasn't anything he could do about it other than take it and try not to listen. Today he would hear more than whispers, though, because he was supposed to meet with an older trainee in order to work on his vocals. He vaguely wondered why they had placed him in a group before training him properly, instead of the other way around. Nevertheless, he ended up bringing two water bottles and a box of honey sticks to the vocal studio.

"You're Daehyun, right?" he asked the middle-aged man who was waiting outside the room, shoving one of the water bottles into his hands a bit too eagerly. /Great job. I bet he's not even Daehyun./ The guy blinked at him, before sending him a glare and shoving the bottle back into his hands. Only then did Youngjae notice the younger-looking trainee who was waiting inside the studio. "...Oh. Never mind, sorry," he blurted out, internally wincing at his mistake and hurrying inside the room.
Daehyun ♪ 6 years ago
@Yoo Youngjae Usually, people would think that being assigned in a group as a trainee means a solid path to stardom. Or to being able to debut at least when it's actually quite the opposite. Being in a group would mean double, sometimes triple the effort and practice because you can't just let go of the chance that has been given to you. After all, many would kill for your position. That's the reason why Daehyun, along with most of the trainees of Jamm Ent., almost lived in the practice rooms-- only switching from dance to vocal studios just to ensure that he'd be able to give and show his all anytime he needs to.

Practice isn't the only reason he has for today though because he was tasked to help or at least guide a fellow trainee. He isn't a hundred percent sure but he has an idea of who this person might be, mostly because of the snippets of conversations he could hear in the hallways-- how a model turned trainee was immediately assigned a group despite the lack of experience. Some are plain jealous and bewildered but others, including Daehyun, are curious to what this trainee can show. He can only hope his gut feeling is right as he patiently waited.
Taehyung ♪ᴬ H 6 years ago
@Yongjoon *was curious about what you had done but hesitated to say anything; I toke in a breath before looking back at you*
Is it OK if I hear it...it's fine if you don't want me to
*i added quickly not wanting to bother you even though the curiosity was taking over me; I looked at the time and smiled slightly before shaking my head*
You dint have to leave, I mean you where the first one here before I came
Yongjoon ♪ H 6 years ago
@Taehyung *when you mention my work I look back at it before nodding my head a little, biting my bottom lip a little timid as I know since its not done, it might sound bad*
Yeah, I was. No no, you didn't know I was in here. I was only finishing up but something causes me to say..
*looks at the clock, giving you a small gasp at the time, not fully expecting that it was going to be that later*
Ah, yeah that would make sense.. I mean I can leave since i am only finishing up..
Taehyung ♪ᴬ H 6 years ago
@Yongjoon *nods slightly as you spoke still feeling back that I disturbed you; looks at your laptop and blinked slightly before giving a slight smile*
Where you writing something? I'm sorry if I disturbed you or anything
*nods slightly at the question since it was getting late which was why I was here thinking no one would be here*
Yes it is, that's why thought no one would be here
Yongjoon ♪ H 6 years ago
@Taehyung *jumps when you open the door as I can still here the quietest sounds in the background and since you turn on the light causing my eyes to sting just a little, pause the music after a little before blinking at you with a small frown*
Ah, you are okay. You didn't see since I was in the dark.
*sighs softly ruffling my hair and getting up*
It must be a little late I guess?
Taehyung ♪ᴬ H 6 years ago
@Yongjoon *walks to the studio with my earphones in listening to my favourite songs; sings along to some before I reach the studio and toke my earphones out*
OK then, let's see if I can learn this part of the song
*smiles and opens the door turning the light on since it was dark only to see you there; blinks before seeing you had earphones on and bowing in apology*
Yongjoon ♪ H 6 years ago
@Taehyung *sitting the studio, I have my headphones on as I work on the computer in the dark, music blaring in my ears in a sweet tune while I try to finish the hook and chorus of the song, my eyes closing as I listen to the while thing to only shake my head when I find something I don't like*
Something is missing, what is it.
*I mumble to myself as I try to go through the audio with a frown on my face, listening to it more and more*
Lee Haejoon ♪ 6 years ago
@Changbin A fast learner? I'm not convinced, Bin.
*chuckles apprehensively at the somewhat sarcastic sounding compliment he receives.*
A year... That's not too bad, is it?
*bites his lip as he hits the replay button and let's the track play through smoothly.*
How do I record my own voice in here?
*scans through all the smallest details in search of a red round button, squinting his eyes slightly.*
Changbin ♪ᴬ 6 years ago
@Lee Haejoon *covers my ears for the first half*
Uh maybe you should...
*shakes my head and nods after you improve*
Your getting better really quickly, you are a fast learner Joon~
*smiles at you and writes down notes and lyrics while you practice*
Maybe you can make your own song in about a year or so.
Lee Haejoon ♪ 6 years ago
@Changbin I...
*takes his seat obediently, keeping his eyes on you until the software boots up on the screen, not failing to spot that it's specially tailored for kids...*
*emits an inaudible huff and takes hold of the mouse before randomly clicking at funny looking buttons, producing a bar of notes that don't sound too pleasant on the ears.*
This is a lot harder than I thought...
*buries his face further into the screen, trying out different combinations until there's a better flow in the childish sounding music he's just made.*
Changbin ♪ᴬ 6 years ago
@Lee Haejoon *takes you here and sits you down*
If you want to learn you need to start with the basics..
*loads up GarageBand for Kids*
Here start with this, if you really haven't done this before then this should be a good introduction. Fool around with the different instruments and stuff think that your 4 or 5 again and just go with it.


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BABYelfArmy_Fan 5 years ago
Kim Taehyung is leaving
I had fun here but I've been to busy ;-;
Kim4Shim 5 years ago
taeyong left sorry
xxSpacedOutxx 5 years ago
Daehyun will be leaving, too busy to properly participate here. Sorry!
3152abb2906112ca27de 5 years ago
Hyungwon has left as I'm going to take a hiatus from RPR.
_WMstan 5 years ago
Had a fun stay here
Sorry, but Park Minkyun is out
Mama-Gackt-the-Diva 5 years ago
Jaeyoon is out. I've been useless here.
bigboybbg 5 years ago
leaving as Christian and Wooseok. My life is just too hectic atm
Kim4Shim 5 years ago
what's the rule for a second character?
I like to be a photographer^-^
Bangtangaran 5 years ago
May I please A&R Park Jimin? I didn't see him in the masterlist. Thank you!
bigboybbg 5 years ago
TT__TT I'm going to be out of town until this coming Sunday so I just wanted to give a heads up that I'll be confined to mobile
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