ѕιɴep dorм

room: sinep dorm


Hoseok ♪ 5 years ago
@Park Minkyun ♪ []oh really? Cool! Glad to know you saw it then : ) and u dun have to thank me since I did nothing this time~ : P ]

/after you yield to how hygiene’s important, at your next words, he has to smile gently, almost like he’s trying not to hurt you, this fragile being he’s seeing in front of himself. He parts his lips and softly tries/ ‘means we kinda overthink things sometimes when they’re not actually possible. /he exhales when you seem even more bent on this idea. He wants to help but knows that even if he playfully suggests a massage, you said you didn’t want one just yet so he can’t respond properly with one. Eventually he remembers the iPad that has the latest news as another way to console your worry./
/If you think he’s really that mature as you think he is, you’re probably wrong; he just has experience that lets him think in these ways, but man, you have another thing coming for you if you think he’s fully an adult; he can be childish too, like you should've seen him with the maknae this morning when he introduced himself to the other. They were playing around like kids. Not to mention, with things he hasn’t had enough experience with, he’s not so mature in general. But yeah, he’s still adult enough to understand compromise is important, especially, in terms of a band’s cycle so mature enough at least/

/his eyes brightening excitedly, his wide smile turns into a small one as he slows down his walking towards you. His gut is twisting to figure out a way for you to feel relaxed again. He quickly cuts you off with a chuckle/ -it’s fine, ‘not too hard so ya don’t have to check too regularly~ /as he added about his online classes, he smiles holding his phone after telling you about the notifications/ dun worry, it’s nothin related to the company /shrugs smiling/ ‘jus me wantin to ‘t least get a college education
/at your question about the measure/ no idea, ‘doesn say yet...read somethin bout Choi minki-sshi? But not sure they confirmed nythin after min yoongi-sshi /nods/ ‘m sure we’ll know later~ /nods to himself before he continues on about followers and leaders and how you’re doing pretty good./ sounds good I’ll- /can’t finish sentence because he has to blink at the random hug as he’s still standing so you’re hugging his upper body. Then his stunned expression disappears, replaced with a soft smile as he hugs you back/ dun mention it, glad I could help even a lil leader~ /he smiles squeezing back securely before pulling away with a playful wink only to chuckle dryly at your next comment because that’s right, he has schedules; it’s not just solely a greeting the members day/...no idea either but it’s probs jus lessons an a lot o’ dancin...~ /says with a casual chuckle only to blink at your suggestion, he grins a bit excitedly, also curious if the leader’s got dance moves too/ practice dancin huh? Welp... /glances at his watch/ my individual rappin lessons don’t start til later an you’re askin a dancer so... /grins wider/ course man! /chuckles patting your shoulder/ what time we leavin? /he needed to figure out how much time he had left to get ready/ an you’re not wearin those clothes right? /chuckles pointing to your pajama looking sweatpants and white shirt that could easily go for a dance outfit if you were the lazy type/

[]oh okay bruh! I’m just experimenting since I’ve recently gotten requests to separate my long writings into paragraphs and thought since you’ve been so patient with me, I should do it here, too : ) but if ur fine with either, I can go back, no worries? Also, I don’t try to mirror so I just hope you know you don’t have to~ as long as you help me continue the rp, I’m fine with whatever length you choose to write~ : P ]
Park Minkyun ♪ 5 years ago
@Hoseok ♪ [] yeah I saw when I just logged in sometimes... so checked, thanks again x)

That’s true... you’re right, hyung
/nods lightly as I just stare down at the table then, spacing out for a second before looking at you/
Wait what do you mean get ahead of ourselves...?
I don’t know man... maybe I’m just worrying a bit too much
/shrugs lightly before letting out a sigh/
It’s just too stressing..

/watching you for a little while and thinking that you don’t seem like one who causes trouble and nice enough which makes me relieved for having a mature member in the group/
No problem hyung
/just smiles a little and hums as I get into the ocean of my thoughts but feeling really glad that you’re in the group and we can be great friends but thinks that I should try to be as mature as you are, almost snorts at the thought of that but hides it with a cough/

It sure is something..
/said it in almost sarcastic way, staring at the webpage for a bit before giving you the iPad/
Really...? I don’t really want to worry you or stress you though. You don’t have to, I’ll try to check regularly
/frowns a little as I get confused when you mention online classes/
Online classes? What’s that? I didn’t hear about this yet... by the way, do you know who’s our manager now?
/blinks when you take your phone and place a hand on my shoulder/
Oh okay.. yeah that’s right, absolutely
You’re the best follower so far man
/smiles feeling touched, gives you a sudden hug/
Sounds good! Do it then
/pats your back a little bit, stretches/
I don’t even know what’s today’s schedule
But I’m having some energy so I might go practice dancing... wanna join?

[] I’m really fine with anything, I’m not sure if I told you but I usually just mirror... kind of.. and go with the flow
Hoseok ♪ 5 years ago
@Park Minkyun ♪ [no prob bruh! /pats your back/ : D and lol sounds good, then I’m glad I could remind you : ) also, I don’t know if you were gone but just to remind you, we had an activity check when you were busy. It’s also an event but I’m pretty sure you can just take the ticket and you’ll be fine~ /thumbs you up/ : ) ]

/grimacing at what seemed to him your revenge when he talked about germs, he just chuckles with a/ touché...but /someone’s/ gotta do it /before turning more serious though he still did smile while being concerned. As you talk, he looks not only at your eyes but your whole face. Your eyebrows were furrowed; he tried to analyze everything before smiling/ I worried bout that too, but think sometimes we get head o’ ourselves when we worry, ya know? /he grins straightening up/ sides, I think the fans get that sometimes it’s a filterin kinda thing /nods though he’s thinking but at least now he knows that the way you’ll feel better is if he gives you the iPad when there’s an opening, even concluding to wiggle his fingers to distract you for now/ patience, my dongsaenggie~

/and don’t worry, he’s being this nice because it’s our official meeting that he instigated, not something natural like dinner. Though it’s possible that if no one does the chores that he’ll have to, he’s still not the pushover type. He shrugs with a smile when you say you don’t get what he means then chuckles/ hey thanks, man~ you’re fine if ya don’t, I’m jus glad you’re good with it /since he knows some people just aren’t touchy people or think touchy’s supposed to mean something when it doesn’t to him. At least, yet since he’s an oblivious happy-go-lucky Aquarius, now getting up to wash his own bowl/

/at your words though, he stops the tap with a grin/ hey that’s somethin! /not going to lie, he felt excited for you; this meant you could worry less in your eyes since again, he doesn’t like seeing others hurt if he can help it, especially not his friends. But then his smile turns into lightly pursed as he walks back towards you, leaning to take a glimpse at the iPad himself before humming as he slides down the webpage you’re on/ I can text ya so you’re in the know? /smiles turning his head towards you/ I mean at least until my online classes start gain...? /his eyes widen as he stands up straight excitedly/ oh! There’s notifications on my phone, ‘can turn em on! /nods avidly as he takes his phone out before putting a hand on your shoulder/ I mean, you’re the leader but that doesn’ mean ya have to be alone, minkhyun-ah~ an I think a leader’s a great one if they have followers /grins giving you a thumbs up/ so far I’m one o’ your followers, kiddo~ /he chuckles pointing to his phone/ so what do ya say? /referring to if you’re fine with him giving you the notifications so you’re not late/

[this time I tried to separate them into paragraphs. That better? : ) ask me if you want me to do other edits and I’ll see if I can ]
Park Minkyun ♪ 5 years ago
@Hoseok ♪ [] thanks again >< ❤️ I honestly forgot so thank you for reminding me x)

And I guess we officially have a mommy in our group~
/laughs at my own saying then shakes my head a little bit/
No no! Don’t worry much really. It’s nothing. I just know about members leaving our group and new joining and some of them dating so late while I should be knowing before the articles are posted...
/sighs softly/
I just worry a little about our image you know, don’t want to debut with lots of bad rumours about us. Do you?
/notices your wiggling fingers and laughs/
You don’t have to really, although now I’m curious at how good you are. Hmm...
/rests my cheek on my palm as I watch you, blinking when you take the bowl and wonders why you’re being so kind but doesn’t pay that much attention to it since just like you said I’m not someone special really but thinks that you shouldn’t keep going with this act as it might cause some troubles later and would like it better if we divide the chorus later or at least each one cleans after themselves/
Thanks Hoseok, that’s really nice of you...
/says quietly as I take the iPad and check the news/
/glance up at you and smiles at your words but a little too focus on checking the news/
I’m not sure what you mean exactly by meeting them I’m the middle but so far I know that you’re good so I won’t worry about it
/chuckles, goes back to reading a little more then just places the iPad aside/
At least the comments aren’t that much about it which is kind of good
/runs my fingers through my hair brushing it back/
But just like I told you, I’m the last to know...
/forces a smile on my face/
Few members left and other new joined, we shall meet them later.
I shall learn to how to be a good leader
/sighs as I feel stressed now and guilty/
Hoseok ♪ 5 years ago
@Park Minkyun ♪ [aww~ /pats ur head/ it’s not dumb to do that~ but! Even if you or I do, we can work through it! : D /thumbs you up/ also question, should I guess ur planning to reply to the ic chat rp later or you wanna end it altogether? Or are you still working on it? If it’s the last one, my apologies. I just thought since you finished the other replies that you probs forgot : ) ]

/hums at your answer of your infrequent hygiene monitoring and grimaces lightly/ looks like someone needs to be schooled on germs gain~
/as much as it would be cool to be some omniscent being who could know why you got hurt from his joking comment, he wasn’t. At first, he wondered why it mattered since again, he wasn’t planning to treat you differently than everyone else; that’s why he made the joking comment in the first place. But he couldn’t help but feel bad that it affected you that much. Still, he has this kinda loud personality that mildly laughs off awkward moments with people he’s not that close with yet; he ended up doing the same thing here with you instead of apologizing like he wanted to do, even playing with his fingers under the table while trying to find an opening. It’s also probably a bit of pride that held him back; things that’ll improve once he’s able to bond with you more. For now, he broke his own tension and therefore our tension by making a fool of himself with the loud Bang till he was able to talk sincerely and ask with a concerned tone, after thanking you, if you were alright/

/at your answer, he stopped stirring his cereal to listen/ a few days ‘go? /he leans forward, looking at you with both worried but curious almond shaped eyes though his lips still wore somewhat of a soft and calming slight frown/ somethin...happen...? /he asks now growing more worried by the seconds of silence/
/then eventually, the mood shifted to him with his tempting massages, even wiggling his fingers before cackling/ aight~ jus say when~
/at you pointing to him, he blinks while still smiling before teasing your words/ We’ll see bout that boss /he grins in response to you telling him not to cause trouble, getting up to take your bowl when you finish, still not aware that technically you /are/ the leader since we didn’t introduce our idol roles yet. After washing the bowl, he comes back with an iPad and sets it in front of you as it shows the front page of the idol news that you’d get information from and hopefully not get too worried from, coaxing you to go ahead and read it, winking to you encouragingly with a softer smile as if approaching someone he’s starting to get close to. Then he sits back down/
But yeah, if you’re hintin I gotta do massages for everybody, once I get to know em all I’ll do it course~ /chuckles lightly/ ah don’t want to act like I’m jumpin on em. Trust me /snorts while thinking about the past then sips his milk mug/ I dun it before, not pretty... /he chuckles wiping the little milk mustache he had before gulping the rest as he laughs setting his mug down with a grin/ gotta meet dem in the middle ya know...~
Hoseok ♪ 5 years ago
@Park Jisung ♪ [lol! At first I thought jisung was rolling on the floor laughing with his cereal bowl XD I even asked myself why he wasn’t spilling anything smh, dumb me~ ]

/if he knew you knew you were cute, hedve already given you a nickname but for now, he doesn’t so you’re spared~ luckily, his upper strength is weak so you’re able to get out if you try though he might try to capture you again/
No!-I mean...y-yeah! Au natural! Hahaha....! /he laughs almost irrationally in response to your ability to see through him, still recovering before waving off your remark of him being cute/ nah nah, I’m cool. I’m the cool Hyung /nods avidly before leaning back in his chair while crossing his arms trying to imitate what he thinks it means to be cool, now finally recovered/ ...swag~
/at you giving him a subtle version of encouragement, his almond shape eyes smiled into crescents as he punched a fist up in the air/ yeah! Hwightin! /but at you laughing, his eyes widen before standing up to nudge you the glass of milk, pat-slapping your back gently/ ya gotta be careful there kiddo, eatin while talkin can be dangerous...

/laughs as you cling onto him, he letting you with a pat to your back/ maybe jus a lil but...there there jisunggie~ you’re not gonna die~ it’s jus more organic food than before but even if it’s not, Hyung will protect ya~ /he grins when we’ve settled and he jokes about the pinky up gesture only to lift his brow at your argument/ eh? I think you’re doin it wrong. Most peeps do cereal first
/as you put your fists up, he shakes a finger/ ah ah ah, violence only fuels more violence. Trust me. /smiles as he straightens up in his seat/ But I’m good with a compromise. Kay, what bout this: from next time on, I’ll make your cereal with milk first as long as ya eat it like this for now, Kay? /asks patiently/
/listens to your words and hums/ That’s a real nice dream... /he smiles as he pats you before holding a hand out so he could wash your bowl. Then thinks/ wait, you’re a famous street dancer? /he grins wider at our similarities/ cool! I danced underground too! Our team wasn’t famous course ‘less ya count in our hometown but yeah... /he chuckles moving to the sink/ so...team or solo? /asks intrigued as he takes his bowl and rinses it with low power on the tap so he can hear you above the washing/ an where’d the rappin part come in?
Park Minkyun ♪ 5 years ago
@Hoseok ♪ [ you did but I hope that I won’t be dumb and mess up ;u; ]

/hums a little thinking of your question as I think when was the last time my mom asked me such a question, shrugs lightly/
I believed that she stopped since so long as I got used to it but when I’m with friends and too hungry then I don’t care really
/grins at you before eating the cereal, shows another small laugh at your comment when you said that you were playing along as well but I kind of took it to heart/
/blinks at your words a bit startled at the bang part then just nods lightly with a small laugh/
Ahaha I see, I guess you did well then...
/nods lightly to myself before I continue eating quietly then blinks once you call my name/
Yes, yes everything is alright. Just thinking what we can do today and I should check the news about our group again today... I’m kind of worried about the new things that I’ll see today as well just like I did few days ago
/sighs softly, looks up at you now when you offer a massage/
Oh wow, you can? I wouldn’t mind but I mean... you don’t have to
Maybe after practice would be nice but now I’m alright, thank you though! It’s great that we have someone who knows how to do massaging
You’d be a great help I’m sure
/smirks a little bit, finishes my meal then my lips/
Don’t cause trouble please
/points a finger at you as I warn you playfully then smiles after looking curious/
Park Jisung ♪ H 6 years ago
@Hoseok /laughs, when you coo, knowing that I’ve got you wrapped around my finger, before struggling to get out/
Ahhhhhhh~~~~~ Save meeeee~
/snickers when you get flustered when I say you were acting/ Okay, so you aren’t acting, that’s your natural self? Cool! /laughs and pats your head, coing at you / Oh my god, my hyung is soo cute
/grins, shaking my head/ Well with training you’ll get better! Definitely. From one dancer to another! Now they need more singers! /laughs/ That’s hilarious, the irony! /rolls on the floor laughing, trying not to choke on the cereal/

Nah, it probably tastes A LOT better! You definitely got better, there is not any other way. Ahhhhh, if he tinkered with the food supply we are GOING to dieeeeeeeee /clings onto you/ and I AM YOUNG, I WANT TO LIVE~~~~`
/looks confused as you pour the milk in after the cereal/ Hey! Dude, it’s always seriously, like, dude, milk first.
/squares up, cutely/ You wanna go?
/giggles, before answering your question and moving to wash my bowl/ I joined the company because I really wanted to prove to people, that I wasn’t just some random, popular street dancer.
Hoseok ♪ 6 years ago
@Park Minkyun ♪ [] /pats you/ dun worry, at least now I think I’ve cleared that vagueness? : ) and remember, you dun have to mirror my length since I don’t. Sorry it’s kinda long tho XP ]

/considering we’ve already introduced ourselves before, he wasn’t incorrect. But if you forgot, don’t worry, he’s not one to give you a hard time about it. It’s hard to remember he’s a Hyung when you’re the leader, a younger member leader at that. His heart shaped lips stretch into a grin, appreciating you playing along with his welcoming act before humming with a nod at your answer that almost seemed kinda hesitant as he neared you with the bowl/ kinda makes sense though. Don’t your mother always ask ya to wash your hands ‘fore a meal?
/pleased to hear you liked the appearance of his food, he sat down back in his spot with his now emptyish bowl, laughing lightly/ I know man, ‘jus thought I’d play along /shrugs with a smile though he couldn’t figure out why but you seemed oddly distant from him. He parts his lips to ask after asking you how the food tasted only to close them, smiling back with a more forced from interruption smile at your compliment/ glad ya like it~ /but at your doubt asking why he’s worrying about cereal, he forces a light chuckle as he picks up his spoon with the free hand/ I guess...but since this my first meal I’m feedin ya guys, I gotta make a /moves his hands and shouts/ BANG! With it, ya know?
/he laughs lightly as he rests his chin on his left hand and stirs the spoon in the remaining milk with his right hand before lifting his head and his smile weakening slightly at the corners since you’re still not meeting his eyes/ yo, minkyun-ah. Everythin alright...?
/he straightened up in his seat/ I mean...I can always give ya a massage if you’re feelin tense? /smiles friendly/ my friends say I give the best massages /chuckles before wiggling his fingers/ if ya dare~ /he grins even wider that his lips are now a full heart as he’s slowly standing up with a light cackle/
Park Minkyun ♪ 6 years ago
@Hoseok [] I think I did ;;

/mumbles the word to myself as I think about it, glancing over at you as I try to guess your age but believes that I'll fail guessing so decides to ask later/
Good good
/chuckles as I bow back then sits straight/
Alright.. If you say so
/yawns a little before I bow my head when you give me the meal, placing the bowl down on the table, listens to you then nods lightly/
We should get to know each other better, thank you for the meal. Looks good
Oh... Haha right.. I was just joking
/laughs a bit awkwardly, picks up the spoon and takes a bite up to my mouth avoiding your eyes until you talk to me again/
Sure.. Hm... It's not that bad.
/shrugs lightly, continue eating before chuckling all of sudden/
It's just cereal, you shouldn't be concerned about it, Hoseok
Hoseok ♪ 6 years ago
@Park Jisung ♪ /he continues to coo before laughing lightly at your exclamation/ no one will save ya now~ heehee /he smiles even more that it looks unnaturally happy as he puts his arms around your neck and holds you in a harmless chokehold/ arghhh! You’re so cuuute!~ /well that’s until he blinks with a light chuckle/ eh? I’m...actin? /he chuckles, drawing a blank before he forces a laugh while clearing his throat/ yeah...! I’m definitely actin..! /he tries playing along though he’s a bad liar enough for his ears to turn light pink as he laughs almost irrationally. Internally, he was worried if he made a bad first impression on you. Legit, he himself wasn’t expecting to coo that much towards the new maknae. He had no idea where the heck all that came from. You brought it out of him with your lovable maknae-ness /
/but luckily he was able to forget about it when the subject changed, shaking his head lightly at your words as he puts an arm on your shoulder smiling/ kiddo, main rappers are better than lead rappers. The only reason I’m a lead rapper is cause I already was one in my bands ‘fore this one. Back then they needed more rappers, so I worked a ton to fill it an...here I am now! Kept the skill but don’t have the born talent~ but you’re the main rapper so /winks playfully/ even if ya say ya don’t, they know ya do~ /then he has to add on/ but nah, 2 rooms aren’t a bad thing. Jus...back then we had one room bedrooms. I reckon Cjamm stepped lots o’ things up when he came back /nods/
/as you complained about adults, he scolded you playfully/ ya know I can hear you! /before chuckling under his breath, not at all mad but nods when you correct yourself/

/eventually you’ve come back and started to eat, he letting you refer to him informally since he’s that type of hyung who’s okay with it though he did skip a breath when he realized it before widening his eyes at your compliment, chuckling lightly at your extra words/ thanks but really? Pretty sure it tastes the same kiddo.../still, he lets you feed him, closing his eyes while chewing before chuckling/ it /does/ taste kinda different...maybe it’s the ingredients? Lemme check... /takes a sliced fruit from his not fully prepared cereal and blinks/ ah, the fruit’s good! /he grins turning towards you/ Cjamm pdnim probs tinkered with our food supply, too! /he chuckles now pouring his milk into the cereal/ I feel so expensive~ should I drink pinky up now?~ /he jokes holding the milk mug while lifting his pinky as he sips then laughs enjoying his own joke/
So kiddo... /he smiles when things calm down/ I’m curious. What brought ya here to this company?
Park Jisung ♪ H 6 years ago
@Hoseok /I puff out my cheeks as you push them together/ aigoooooo~ SOMEONE SAVE MEEEEEE
/starts giggling, at you acting/ NOw that's some quality acting, you shoulda been in the movie. You would've definitely gotten the lead. Not joke. Especailly at that level NO ONE could compete with you.
/shakes my head bashfully/ ah, no I'm not that good, I just started young, so it was more of a practice, not really a talent issue. However if you ARE the lead rapper, I think that you probably are really talented. so /pats your back/ No problem for you!
And yeah we do have two rooms? Why? /is genuinely curious as to why you were suprised by there being two rooms/ It's not that bad!
/huffs and pouts, before making my way to the sink/ All adults are the sameeeeeeeee, wash your hands blahblah blah ba di blahhhhhh /huffs again, jokingly/ But I mean, hygiene is VERY important.
/grabs a spoon, before digging in, my eyes widening/ This is hella good, man. I mean, you should become a chef. That doesn't cook but, eh. /grins before bringing a spoonful to your mouth/ say aaa since I don't think you taste-tested it!
Hoseok ♪ 6 years ago
@Mark Tuan ♪ [hi! I did it! I hope this starter works? If it doesn’t or if you have questions, pls tell me and I’ll be happy to answer them before you reply : ) ]

/he had woke up at 6:30am-ish to make what he called his greeting meal which basically included cereal and bits of fruit since he doesn’t really know how to actually cook. He did this because it acted almost like an ice breaker when talking to his new group members. That’s a pro for going through multiple bands; you can figure out what works and what doesn’t. That morning, he enjoyed getting to know both the maknae and the leader, telling jokes while also laughing lightly. Eventually, the time has passed and they had to go to their lessons. Instead of agreeing to join them though he knew there’s still others he wanted to greet/ ya can go head, I’ll catch up /he smiles giving the others a wave/
/he waited awhile while alternatively checking his phone. It was almost 7:30. He clicks his tongue at the cereal going stale and walks to the bedroom, checking both rooms before he spotted one guy still sleeping. He tsked lightly/ oh no ya don’t... /mumbles before opening the curtains and blinds wider so sunlight shone in your eyes before smiling/ I t’s time to wake up! /says nearing you/ idols dun sleep this long~
Hoseok ♪ 6 years ago
@Park Minkyun ♪ []sounds good, but I think you replied to this one after the ic, right? Sorry I should’ve been more clearer but hopefully I cleared it up over there : ) ]

/widens eyes slightly when you decide to switch his words around as he chuckles nodding/ you’re right, you’re right~ thanks, kiddo... /he smiles warmly before he starts exclaiming/
ah, thank ya good sir! I feel so humbly welcomed!~ /he had grinned sarcastically while playing along, bowing before finally laughing and turning calmer while asking you if you showered/
/he hums with a to his chin/ yep ya have to! But doesn mean peeps can’t find a loophole /he nods as he takes the meal he prepared from the counter and heads over to you. He was referring to the fact that washing your hands could also allow you to have breakfast./
/at your question, he smiles while lifting his brow/ jus some kinda greetin meal I give to all my bandmates while I get to know them better /says placing the food in front of you/ bin appetit! Cereal with fruit toppins! I’d give ya a real meal but /chuckles rubbing his nape/ I dunno how to cook so this the best I can do till then...
jus cause we met yesterday, you’re no different, man~ You’re gonna get the same jus like the others /nods humming, he already finished with his own bowl so he sits there. We got to know a lil bit bout each other though so ‘guess we could go deeper? If ya want to? /smiles as he rest his chin on his palm/ hows it? /is referring to the meal he made as he nods to it/
[post deleted by owner]
Hoseok ♪ 6 years ago
@Park Jisung ♪ /eyes still closed, his grin widens even more at the soft thump to his chest, quickly wrapping his arms around you then rocking you lightly while making some loud screech-like cooing noises/ kweeuioeeee~ /before finally pulling away slightly, smiling as he ruffles your hair/ awwh you’re our maknae?~ /smiles as he squishes your cheeks together to make you pout like a fish, shaking lightly while cooing/ it’s nice to meetchooo~
but guess my fate’s in your hands huh?~ /winks playfully as he lets go/ I’m in your debt, seongsaengnim jisunggie!~ /bows deeply before laughing as he calms down, /now/ using this time to introduce himself as a main dancer but lead rapper, not a main rapper and that’s why he’ll need the help of a pro at rapping: you/
/his eyes had to widen again / woah! We have 2 rooms this time?! /he grins with a mumble/ what a step up~ /he hums with a hand on his chin before he gets caught off guard. He didn’t expect his food to look that good; he’s gotta admit he’s kinda happy to have a maknae who’s sweet and not too picky but is also understanding/ huh? Oh yeah! You can- as long as you washed your hands at least~
He waits for you to wash your hands, humming as he prays then waves for you to take the first bite/ go an take the first bite, kiddo and tell me how’s it! /smiles leaning forward excitedly, waiting for your response/
Park Minkyun ♪ 6 years ago
@Hoseok [] it’s alright, thank you so much x)

/after having a shower I dressed up wearing comfortable sweatpants and a white tshirt, dries my hair with my towel making my way towards the kitchen and places the towel on my shoulders before I heard a voice calling out my name/
Yes? I am, more like you’re the new one here though, welcome to the family
/shows a soft smile/
I did. And if I didn’t then I don’t get breakfast...?
/raises my eyebrows as I look at you/
That’s funny
/mumbles before I just take a seat and looks at you/
So, what did you make? Did you make it for everyone? Or I’m special so you made me special dish~?
/says with a playful smile/
Hoseok ♪ 6 years ago
@Park Minkyun ♪ [hi! Hopefully this works and makes sense? If not, tell me what’s wrong and I’d be happy to rewrite it again! Tell me if you have any questions/doubts tho instead of replying with already a misunderstanding. Also, this takes place a day after their ic meeting since over there, hoseok hasn’t yet been living at this dorm : )
Sorry, I had to delete the other reply. Typo ]

/the morning after he had arrived very late to the dorm while everyone was sleeping, he decided to make something of a breakfast meal; it’s a way he’s able to sit down and make the other person feel comfortable in talking to him. Since he didn’t know how to cook; however, he was making cereal with bits of fruit instead as breakfast. After talking to one of the other members and getting to know them, he had noticed you walking into the kitchen and ready to cook/
/His eyes widened slightly/ minkhyun-sshi? You’re my new bandmate? /his smile widened excitedly/ Cool! This so awesome! /clears throat with a light chuckle/ ahem, I made breakfast, you showered though right?
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Park Jisung ♪ H 6 years ago
@Hoseok /Jisung couldn't help but grin when he said he liked hugs before quite literally hugging the other, not really caring/ HI hyung! I'm the Maknae, Park Jisung. I think I'm main rapper or something? /laughs it off awkwardly/
/I shake my head a little at your salute/ We're in opposite rooms, you're with Changkyun and Mark. I'm with the other three. /rolls my eyes fondly/
/takes a peek at the breakfast/ OOOH THAT LOOKS REALLY GOOD!!! /makes grabby hands for it, a smile on my face./ Don't worry I can't cook either.
I can eat though?
Hoseok ♪ 6 years ago
@Park Jisung ♪ [sounds good! And yep~ most of the time I’m pretty constant in writing-welp, until I learn new things lol. XD But you probs didn’t notice but I decided to separate the lines a bit more : P and again, I’m fine with long replies if that’s ur worry but basically, I care more if the reply has substance I can use /nods avidly/ : ) ]

/while he’s putting the finished touches on his ‘masterpiece,’ at least that’s what he had called it, he heard loud sounds coming from outside. Concerned, he wanted to go check on it but then you came in and his eyes widen at the disheveled mess that was you shouting a name. He laughs lightly to himself while stretching his hands/ you’re good, I like hugs! /closes his eyes with a prepared smile/ come at me!~
/he waits a while then chuckles lightly, calming down/ sorry I got here pretty late, but I’m your new bandmate! Jung Hoseok, your main dancer an lead rapper! /bows before saluting you coolly/ nice to meetcha roomie~
/then he widens his eyes/ oh! I made breakfast for ya! It’s not really special cause I can’t cook but it’ll give us time to talk /smiles showing a hand towards the food/ you showered though, right?
Park Jisung ♪ H 6 years ago
@Hoseok (totally fine. Your writing style still is the same tho, like I remember so yayyy and I'm not going to write that lolng)

/Last night had been hard, so I had crashed the second my head hit the pillow, but now I woke up, sore, and tired. looking down I realize I hadn't even changed and I quickly change into a hoodie and sweatpants/
/making my way downstairs, I rub at my eyes sleepily, tumbling down the stairs, nearly face planting before peeling myself off the ground/
/notices someone cooking in the kitchen, I almost sprint in/ MINKY- oh! hey!
/smiles brightly at you, even though I have no clue who you are/
I thought you were Minkyun-hyung... Oops.
Hoseok ♪ 6 years ago
@Park Jisung ♪ [hopefully this works? If it doesn’t, tell me what’s off and I’ll rewrite it if I can : ) same with questions/doubts; you don’t have to write a reply so I can answer them if I can : ) ]

/he had come to the dorm only to find nobody awake enough to greet him and decided since it’s dark, he’ll just pick the empty bed and greet s tomorrow./
/after getting enough sleep, the next morning he woke up pretty early, since he’s a morning person. He stretches his body then leaves to do his hygiene before deciding to do his breakfast routine. Unlike in the beginning, though, he’s upgraded his cereal making skills. This time, after pouring the cereal box, he starts slicing up some fruit before sliding it into the cereal/
/his eyes widen slightly. It actually looks good! Excited for the members who’re still in the dorm to wake up, his teeth chatter as he continues preparing what he likes to call his greeting meal, the food he uses to talk and get to know about someone. Maybe he should learn to cook but maybe later; that’ll take a bit longer to master.../
Dinghao ♪ᴬ 6 years ago
@Mark Tuan hums slightly, tilting my head to the side and laughing softly at your response i shake my head a bit with a grin, at this point not caring as much if i made small grammar errors or mispronunciations because truly i hadn’t known the language for very long compared to the members.
i know it’s a book, but what kind of book?
hums once again, nodding at my words before making a soft sound at your words, my eyes going slightly wide as i slowly reach to put the hood of my hoodie up and tug it down slightly, knees coming up to hide myself almost entirely beneath the hoodie, having known what you mean simply with knowing i don’t have anything else to hide really.
what do you mean? what would we drop?
tilts my head to the side, smiling slightly in an attempt to ignore the thought that perhaps you saw, forcing the thought that you must have been talking about something else
Dinghao ♪ᴬ 6 years ago
@Mark Tuan sighs slightly as i get back to the dorm, grumbling tiredly and setting my stuff aside after having practiced dancing in order to improve on my worst area even if i did take way too many breaks that also happened to be way too long. yawns quietly and stretches a bit, my shirt lifting slightly as i do so while passing the couch you happen to be sitting on, on my way to the kitchen to find a small snack before taking a glance at the cabinets and fridge, a small pout on my face when i only pick a pear and and make my way to sit on the other couch tilting my head to the side slightly and speaking in a soft voice just loud enough for you to hear
what are you reading?
Cjamm [A] 6 years ago
/leaves sticker on door
-sinep group is full it will take part of variety show daily life and I hope you guys already moved in and decided on beds-


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BABYelfArmy_Fan 5 years ago
Kim Taehyung is leaving
I had fun here but I've been to busy ;-;
Kim4Shim 5 years ago
taeyong left sorry
xxSpacedOutxx 5 years ago
Daehyun will be leaving, too busy to properly participate here. Sorry!
3152abb2906112ca27de 5 years ago
Hyungwon has left as I'm going to take a hiatus from RPR.
_WMstan 5 years ago
Had a fun stay here
Sorry, but Park Minkyun is out
Mama-Gackt-the-Diva 5 years ago
Jaeyoon is out. I've been useless here.
bigboybbg 5 years ago
leaving as Christian and Wooseok. My life is just too hectic atm
Kim4Shim 5 years ago
what's the rule for a second character?
I like to be a photographer^-^
Bangtangaran 5 years ago
May I please A&R Park Jimin? I didn't see him in the masterlist. Thank you!
bigboybbg 5 years ago
TT__TT I'm going to be out of town until this coming Sunday so I just wanted to give a heads up that I'll be confined to mobile
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