ғlαvor dorм

room: flavor dorm


Chuando Tanhe ᵐ 6 years ago
@Lin Chaoze ♪ /purses my lips a bit in worry before letting out a fain hun. Wraps my arms around you tightly while nuzzling the top of your head /
Mhm I'd do anything to make you happy
/whispers caressing your back gently
Lin Chaoze ♪ 6 years ago
@Chuando Tanhe sighs slightly and shakes my head a bit
only for a split second, tanhe..
whimpers slightly before smiling softly at the kisses and slowly moving to peck your lips
mhm, i trust that you will and it makes me really happy that you’d like to~
hums softly before making a soft skins and smiling softly, moving to rest my head on your chest lightly
Chuando Tanhe ᵐ 6 years ago
@Lin Chaoze ♪ /blinks slowly and let's out a faint sigh
Meaning you thought of it before,right?
/tilts my head to the side and just shakes my head a bit while kissing all over your face with a nod/
Mhm...I'll make every dream of yours come true~
/nuzzles your cheek before suddenly ly carrying you back onto the bed and laying us down on it
Lin Chaoze ♪ 6 years ago
@Chuando Tanhe smiles softly and hums, nodding a bit to you and patting your head lightly
lets a shaky breath past my lips and shakes my head a bit before making a soft sound as you wipe away my tears, holding onto you tightly so that i don’t fall and biting my lip lightly before nodding a bit
i’m sorry, i just.. i don’t wanna think about it, i try to avoid thinking about it..
mumbles and whimpers before smiling slightly as your lips meet mine and nodding a bit
mm, the best memories for sure-
Chuando Tanhe ᵐ 6 years ago
@Lin Chaoze ♪ /chuckles and shakes my head a bit amused at your words before letting out a soft chuckle/
/blinks a few times while slowly puffing out my cheeks unable to stop showing a worried expression. Though my eyes go wide when I see how you eyes water causing me to instantly reach up to wipe them awile while using the wall as support to hold you up_
Baby dont cry, I'm sorry...it just popped into my head-
/whispers cupping your cheek and pressing my lips against yours/
I promise we'll make the best memories, okay?
Lin Chaoze ♪ 6 years ago
@Chuando Tanhe laughs softly and nods once, winking at you playfully before rolling my eyes and humming
you aren’t even very wrinkly, but i won’t deny the ‘old’ part
says teasingly
i.. tanhe.. please let’s not think about that i.. i wanna think about the happy things..
nods a bit, biting my lip lightly we my eyes fill with tears from the thought
Chuando Tanhe ᵐ 6 years ago
@Lin Chaoze ♪ /let's out a soft huff when you mess up my hair before letting out a soft laugh while puffing out my cheeks/
Mhm your love me even when I'm all wrinkly and old too?
/raises a brow teasingly/
I'm most likely going to die before you as well...hm
/purses my lips as my gaze turns a bit sad st the thought , resting my head against your shoulder/
Lin Chaoze ♪ 6 years ago
@Chuando Tanhe laughs softly and scrunches my face up slightly, humming and nodding a bit to you as i mess with your hair
probably because you’re so old- but i still love you so much, you know that?
smiles and hums happily, nodding in response to your words and sticking my tongue out slightly
exactly. age is just a number, and i’ll love you no matter what, even if you are an old man
Chuando Tanhe ᵐ 6 years ago
@Lin Chaoze ♪ /tilts my head to the side as I look at you before blinking a few times and letting out a low chuckle amused/
Well...first off I feel like if we have any kids they'll think I'm there grandpa-
/says jokingly with a chuckle before giving you a sweet smile/
Mhm but age is just a number...nothing can hold me back from loving you, baby.
Lin Chaoze ♪ 6 years ago
@Chuando Tanhe mm, i was just thinking
nods slowly, sticking my tongue out slightly before humming to you before humming in a reading tone and shrugging
you’re a whole 30 years older than me
how does that make you feel?
Chuando Tanhe ᵐ 6 years ago
@Lin Chaoze ♪ /smiles at you with a faint chuckle st your words. A hand raising to push the hair from your face as I let out a small hum. A brow raising curiously/
Hm? What is it?
Lin Chaoze ♪ 6 years ago
@Chuando Tanhe it does feel that way- i.. i trust you so much even though i haven’t known you very long and i care for you and love you and- i’m glad that you’re not just messing around..
smiles softly and hums, laughing softly and nuzzling into you lightly
mhm~ you know something?
Chuando Tanhe ᵐ 6 years ago
@Lin Chaoze ♪ Oh? I feel like it's been forever even though it hasnt... plus we've done a lot for me not to. I didnt want you to think I'm just messing around
/mutters before smiling against your lips as I hug you tighter to me. Chuckles a bit/
My little cutie~
Lin Chaoze ♪ 6 years ago
@Chuando Tanhe hums happily and nods once, laughing slightly at your grin
mhm, of course really- i wasn’t expecting you to ask so soon i.. i’m really happy
smiles shyly, returning the kiss lightly and holding knot you tightly closing my eyes
mhm, my old man-
Chuando Tanhe ᵐ 6 years ago
@Lin Chaoze ♪ /smiles down at you before a silly grin forms on my lips at your words/
Really?? Ah. You make me so happy
/whisper pressing a loving kiss against your plush teirs before nuzzling your neck with a happy hum/
This old man has never been happier
Lin Chaoze ♪ 6 years ago
@Chuando Tanhe hums slightly and wraps my arms around your neck lightly as you lift me, blushing from the nuzzling and smiling shyly
thank you, tanhe..
hums slightly and looks at you with soft eyes, nodding slightly
i love you just as much i’m sure..
i.. of course i will be..
Chuando Tanhe ᵐ 6 years ago
@Lin Chaoze ♪ /chuckles softly and wraps my arms around your small firm and lifting you up. Nuzzles my nose against your cheek cooing/
You're so cute my little baby
/whispers kissing your cheek and caressing your waist/
Mhm I love you so much baby boy ...
You'll be mine,right?
Lin Chaoze ♪ 6 years ago
@Chuando Tanhe ah, fine then
smiles softly and hugs you gently, nuzzling into your chest lightly and closing my eyes, a soft sigh escaping my lips
make me soft-
i.. i really wanna feel loved and wanted right now i don’t know-
Chuando Tanhe ᵐ 6 years ago
@Lin Chaoze ♪ I just do
/grins before following you surprised at the sudden location change. Chuckles softly as I let you pull me along/
Make you soft?
Lin Chaoze ♪ 6 years ago
@Chuando Tanhe how do you know..?
bites my lip lightly and sighs softly, leaning down to peck your lips
you are, and it will be but- we’re going into the bathroom and locking the door
nods a bit before sighing and pecking your lips again, biting my lip lightly
you have to make me feel soft first though..
Chuando Tanhe ᵐ 6 years ago
@Lin Chaoze ♪ It will
/frowns a bit before letting out a displeased grunt while shaking my head/
I am not and it is not baby I need you damnit
/puffs out my cheeks letting you switch us. Looks up at you with a dark and nerdy gaze/
Baby please...are you really going to make me beg???
Lin Chaoze ♪ 6 years ago
@Chuando Tanhe laughs slightly at your grunt and rolls my eyes playfully
mhm sure it will be-
blinks a few times when you raise your brows before poking your cheek and smiling softly, shrugging a bit
you’re cute, you know that?
yes it is completely fair, tanhe~
scrunches my face up slightly before whining and pulling my hands free, rolling us over so you’re beneath me and i’m straddling your waist lightly leaning down to peck your lips
no you aren’t~
Chuando Tanhe ᵐ 6 years ago
@Lin Chaoze ♪ /hums softly st the peck to my lips before letting out a faint grunt/
Everything will be fine.
/mutters before raising a brow and rolling my eyes a bit knowing that your payback will never really be payback since I'm always finding new ways to tease you/
Whaa... babe that's not fair.
/purrs as I continue to press kisses against your neck before holding both wrist in one hand so I can push the shirt up that you're wearing. Leaning down I flick my tongue over the perked bud with a mewl/
If you're not going to help me...then I'll just make you into a withering mess, my sweet baby boy.
Lin Chaoze ♪ 6 years ago
@Chuando Tanhe hums slightly, leaning up to peck your lips after receiving the peck to my cheek and shrugging
it’s only out of embarrassment-
huffs and pouts at you, cheeks a light shade of pink from your whisper before making a soft sound noticing your gaze and blinking a few times
this is payback-
grumbles as an excuse before squeaking slightly and whining softly, biting my lip lightly
i’m really tempted to say no completely-
mumbles slightly before whining slightly at the kisses and nips to my neck, head falling to the side slightly
Chuando Tanhe ᵐ 6 years ago
@Lin Chaoze ♪ /rubs my chest after you hit my chest before letting out a chuckle as I lean down kissing your cheek
Oi...so mean to me little one.
/whispers into your ear before filling you inside. Glances around the room with a soft hun before looking down at you with a dark gaze. /
ing tease
/mutters under my breath before pinning you down on the bed with your hands above your head/
Do we really have too-
/raises a brow while letting out a low growl as I lean down to attack your neck in kisses and small nips/
Lin Chaoze ♪ 6 years ago
@Chuando Tanhe whines softly at your smile and hits your chest lightly with a pout, taking a moment before unlocking and opening the door
i swear to you if one of the members shows up, you are dead meat-
narrows my eyes at you and huffs before grabbing your hand and pulling you inside, closing the door and bringing you to the beds with me
and actually, i’m thinking we should cuddle before i actually do anything-
hums, smirking slightly and glancing up at you before pulling you towards one of the beds, sitting on a bottom bunk and sticking my tongue out at you childishly
Chuando Tanhe ᵐ 6 years ago
@Lin Chaoze ♪ /lightly tugging you to the front door I shove my hands into my pockets while giving you a teasing smile/
Open up the door baby..
/tilts my head to the side waiting for you to do so, my hands coming out of my pockets and resting on your hips caressing them gently/
And hurry-
Nakamato Yuta ♪ᴬ H 6 years ago
/coming in again with another backpack slung over my shoulder, and my earbuds plugged in, I collapse onto the top bunk, humming quietly along to the song.
/tapping my foot slightly anxiously because I hadn't seen anyone else yet, and it was getting me on edge.
/closing my eyes, I fall asleep
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BABYelfArmy_Fan 5 years ago
Kim Taehyung is leaving
I had fun here but I've been to busy ;-;
Kim4Shim 5 years ago
taeyong left sorry
xxSpacedOutxx 5 years ago
Daehyun will be leaving, too busy to properly participate here. Sorry!
3152abb2906112ca27de 5 years ago
Hyungwon has left as I'm going to take a hiatus from RPR.
_WMstan 5 years ago
Had a fun stay here
Sorry, but Park Minkyun is out
Mama-Gackt-the-Diva 5 years ago
Jaeyoon is out. I've been useless here.
bigboybbg 5 years ago
leaving as Christian and Wooseok. My life is just too hectic atm
Kim4Shim 5 years ago
what's the rule for a second character?
I like to be a photographer^-^
Bangtangaran 5 years ago
May I please A&R Park Jimin? I didn't see him in the masterlist. Thank you!
bigboybbg 5 years ago
TT__TT I'm going to be out of town until this coming Sunday so I just wanted to give a heads up that I'll be confined to mobile
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