↳ ㅤhakyeon。

please knock.

♥ ryan g。 6 years ago
@♥ hakyeon c。 I'm not going to get hurt, sweetheart. /while you brush your fingers through my hair, I follow your point and look toward the dresser; a soft laugh follows when you mention the "fancy things" though I decide against questioning what new fancy things I might find, and instead walk toward the dresser to open the top drawer and focus my attention to the right/ Get comfortable, and I'll be right there.
♥ hakyeon c。 [A] 6 years ago
@♥ ryan g。 good. i dont want my man getting hurt. /tsking softly as i look you over, i nod a little as you set me on the bed, one hand reaching up to brush through your hair while the other rises to point to a simple dresser standing against the wall
top drawer. not.. not the fancy... things. boxers are on the right.
♥ ryan g。 6 years ago
@♥ hakyeon c。 Don't worry, I'm not bumping you into anything, sweetheart. /with Bomi having run past and jumping onto your bed, I'm careful in placing you down on the bed while leaning over the side myself with my eyes scanning your features for a brief moment/ Mmh-- yeah, yeah it does feel right. Now-- you wouldn't happen to have any spare boxers lying around, would you darling?
♥ ryan g。 6 years ago
@♥ hakyeon c。 Don't worry, I'm not bumping you into anything, sweetheart. /with Bomi having run past and jumping onto your bed, I'm careful in placing you down on the bed while leaning over the side myself with my eyes scanning your features for a brief moment/ Mmh-- yeah, yeah it does feel right. Now-- you wouldn't happen to have any spare boxers lying around, would you darling?
♥ hakyeon c。 [A] 6 years ago
@♥ ryan g。 enough isnt always good.. enough... okay that made more sense in my head... /huffing a little, i cling to you, and once you get into my room, i pull back a little as bomi slips past your feet to run up and jump on the bed, eagerly awaiting us, and i look to you with a soft smile
being with you.
♥ ryan g。 6 years ago
@♥ hakyeon c。 I can see enough. /with your head resting on my shoulder, I take advantage of the better view and carry you with still somewhat slow steps while your body clings to mine and I keep my arms wound tightly about you; as we reach the door of your room, I manage to open the door without releasing you, and I use my foot to push the door open far enough to pass through still holding you/ What does, darling?
♥ hakyeon c。 [A] 6 years ago
@♥ ryan g。 can you see, you silly man? /snorting softly, i dip my head to rest it on your shoulder, giving you access to look over my shoulder to watch where you're going if you need to, and i hug myself close as i sigh softly
this feels... right...
♥ ryan g。 6 years ago
@♥ hakyeon c。 Good. /after meeting your lips in a kiss, and then holding you in my arms with the towel still delicately wrapped about your shoulders, I murmur softly in reply to your lips and turn carefully, half blind and taking slow steps to compensate/ Down the hall, second door, left. Got it, sweetheart.
♥ hakyeon c。 [A] 6 years ago
@♥ ryan g。 i trust you. /murmuring softly, my thumbs brush over your skin, and i lean in to press my lips fully to yours, hooking my legs on your waist as you move to pull me into your arms once more, my limbs tightening about you
if you go down this hall, and take a left at the second door-- that's the bedroom.
♥ ryan g。 6 years ago
@♥ hakyeon c。 Always will, sweetheart. /with your hands coming to rest on my shoulders, I smile to you, the lopsided expression that rests on my lips lighting my whole face in warmth; standing close to you, my hands move to the outside of the towel and I give your waist a little extra rub before shifting to bring you back into my arms/ You've always been that kind of attractive.
♥ hakyeon c。 [A] 6 years ago
@♥ ryan g。 and you'll catch me if i fall? /my words are almost a little disconnected from the rest of me as i speak quietly, looking up at you with wide eyes; your affectionate little touches earn a soft hum, and i lean forward to hold your shoulders gently
oh? that's some pretty powerful attractiveness.
♥ ryan g。 6 years ago
@♥ hakyeon c。 I never would. /hearing you almost purr, my hands gently run over your body, the towel running over your dark skin and wicking away the scented bath water; while the tub drains behind me, I leave the towel wrapped around your shoulders and move my hands to rest gently on your bare thighs beneath the towel/ You're so gorgeous you could knock someone dead without even looking at them, sweetheart.
♥ hakyeon c。 [A] 6 years ago
@♥ ryan g。 you better not. /as the water drains from my body, i wiggle my feet a little as you take me to the counter, and when you set me down, and i look up at you, i smile softly; giving a small shake of my head, i lean forward a little, nearly purring from your affections
mmn.. tell me, ryan. how gorgeous am i?
♥ ryan g。 6 years ago
@♥ hakyeon c。 I'm not going to drop you, sweetheart. /holding you over the tub a moment, I carefully turn and bring you to the counter to set you down on the surface for a moment before grabbing a towel and bringing it about your shoulders to begin gently toweling off your dark skin; my eyes peer into yours while I towel you off, and I hum softly in thought/ Do you have any idea how gorgeous you are right this second?
♥ hakyeon c。 [A] 6 years ago
@♥ ryan g。 /watching you quietly, i take the moment to watch as you dry yourself off, and once the towel is secured about your waist, i allow my gaze to trail up higher, smiling softly as you make your way toward me; gasping softly, i hook my arms over your neck, clinging to you as you lift me up
a-ah.. alright, alright-- dont drop me--
♥ ryan g。 6 years ago
@♥ hakyeon c。 /when you agree, I push myself up slowly, the bath water slowly running off my skin and raining into the bath before I take a hesitant step out of the tub onto the slick tile floor and carefully reaching for a nearby towel to towel myself off and tuck about my waist; rather than offer you my hands, I reach for the bath drain and then bend to tuck my arms into the water and beneath you to lift your , slick form out of the tub/ Let me get you dried off first, sweetheart.
♥ hakyeon c。 [A] 6 years ago
@♥ ryan g。 /snickering quietly to myself when you react to my pinch, my hand slides along your leg, and i shift a little forward and tip my head back to look up at you with a cheeky grin resting on my lips
perfect, ry. and you can lay in my warm comfy bed. our... our warm comfy bed.
♥ ryan g。 6 years ago
@♥ hakyeon c。 Not at all, darling. /without seeing the change in color on your cheeks this time, I only hear your groan as a warning before you pinch at my thigh and I flinch; my knee draws up beneath the water, sending the bathwater splashing against the side of the tub before I lift my head and at your words, I nod once/ Alright sweetheart, let me get up and I'll get you out.
♥ hakyeon c。 [A] 6 years ago
@♥ ryan g。 d'you have something against cats? /raising a brow, i manage to flush a darker red when you chuckle, and i groan when i realize you've probably caught on; with a sigh, i shift in your arms, reaching under the water to pinch your thigh, tipping my head up and back to sneak a kiss to your cheek, and i murmur softly against your skin
let's get outta this bath, im starting to turn into a prune.
♥ ryan g。 6 years ago
@♥ hakyeon c。 I know that much. /your efforts elicit a soft chuckle from within my throat while I hold you in my arms; when you squirm, I hold you a little tighter to my chest and I drop my head to kiss your shoulder/ A lot like those cats you love so much.
♥ hakyeon c。 [A] 6 years ago
@♥ ryan g。 but its not like i would, ryan. /unaware that you've caught sight of the soft pink on my cheeks, i reach up to pat them with my fingertips, hoping the water will calm the heat that rises to them; when you call me fickle, i squirm a little in your hold
its my nature, you know.
♥ ryan g。 6 years ago
@♥ hakyeon c。 There are lots of other ways to be, besides sassy, when I'm telling you I'm still your soulmate. /as you look away from me, I just catch the sight of the blush on your cheeks at the edge where it fades into your beautiful skin; with you snuggling against my chest, I raise a brow and hold you a little tighter/ But you can be so damn fickle.
♥ hakyeon c。 [A] 6 years ago
@♥ ryan g。 you say that like i'd be anything /but/ sassy. /rolling my eyes a little, i look away, hoping you dont catch the flush of my cheeks, and i hum softly as i snuggle against your chest, giving a small, short nod
yeah, of course, i never end up making you angry.
♥ ryan g。 6 years ago
@♥ hakyeon c。 No need to be sassy, sweetheart. /hearing your words, I tip my head back slightly and regard you with a brow raised; my eyes search your features as I ponder your words, and I lift a single shoulder in a small shrug/ Are you talking about me making you angry, darling?
♥ hakyeon c。 [A] 6 years ago
@♥ ryan g。 uh huh, sure. /tsking softly, i shake my head a little, though when your cheek presses to mine, i cant help but laugh softly, my fingers falling to your arm about my waist, and i give a short little nod
mmn, something to take care of, a nice little companion that isnt.. you know... going to make you more angry...
♥ ryan g。 6 years ago
@♥ hakyeon c。 I know I'm right, sweetheart. /as you stick your tongue out at me, I tip my head to press my cheek against yours while a lopsided smile overtakes my tiers; my eyes fall shut for a moment, thinking to the future ahead of us/ Maybe you won't, but I can still see the benefit of having a cat... something to take care of.
♥ hakyeon c。 [A] 6 years ago
@♥ ryan g。 you think you're right... but im starting to believe you. /smiling a little, i feel a childish urge grow inside of me, and i give into it, sticking my tongue out at you with a small huff before i glance away from you
besides... i have you, too. i may not need a cat after a little while.
♥ ryan g。 6 years ago
@♥ hakyeon c。 If I'm right-- of course I'm right. /holding you in my arms, I pretend not to notice just how unfulfilling the kiss was, not wishing to press my luck for more even as we sit together within the bath while the water slowly cools from warm to tepid around us/ That's true. But you shouldn't look so many years in the future, sweetheart. Bomi's got a long cat life ahead of her.
♥ hakyeon c。 [A] 6 years ago
@♥ ryan g。 you better be. if you're right about this kinda stuff-- you're my soulmate. /tsking softly, my lips part, welcoming the feeling of your tongue in my mouth, though its unfulfilling as you pull away; shifting a little, i give a little shrug
i know, but-- we'll always have to replace our cats. i'll miss bomi, you know. but she's still kind of a kitten, she's just five years old.
♥ ryan g。 6 years ago
@♥ hakyeon c。 I'm glad to be tied to you, sweetheart. /with your lips against mine, I let the tip of my tongue to brush along your bottom lip, slipping almost completely past your tiers in search of your own tongue, though retreating before I reach it/ Mortals still have to replace their cats, sweetheart, just not as often.


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Vivaldi [A] 5 years ago
Pls don't steal the content based here, gracias.
Vivaldi [A] 5 years ago
[comment deleted by owner]
hobbit 6 years ago
requesting a week hiatus for sebastian and dacre
yxgurt 6 years ago
the featured graphic is prEtTy
kingkobra 6 years ago
I’m not going to have internet till the 31st or later so please put Alex on hiatus for me please? Thank you
oracle 6 years ago
pls hit naoki up with a semi ;;
Panda_PrinceJae 6 years ago
Can you add and reserve Hyuk from VIXX pleasu?
guccipotaetes 6 years ago
Add and reserve Cha Eunwoo please
-dreamingofyou- 6 years ago
Chuando Tanhe please ♡♡
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