↳ ㅤminseok。

please knock.

♥ minseok k。 6 years ago
@♡ baekhyun b。 Minseok heard Baekhyun speak, although he didn't really register the other's words as his mind zeroed in on the feeling of plush, pouty lips pressing against the top of his hand - slightly moist, still a little sticky from the jam and god, oh so tempting. There was something pulling at his chest, squeezing at his heart and it was as if he hadn't felt this emotion in a long time. Longing, mixed in with a desire so gentle, it took him off guard.
"Uh.", he made, clearing his throat and getting up from the floor. "I'm going to go change real quick."
He didn't wait for the other's answer, just pivoted on his heel to make his way down the hallway and into his bedroom, shrugging out of his shirt and into a creme colored knitted sweater, smoothing back his hair with a quick swipe of gel into the pitch black strands. Baekhyun was busy fixing sandwiches and yet, when Minseok stepped back into the kitchen, still adjusting the sleeves of his sweater, there was something lingering between them. It might have been Baekhyun's eyes on him, following his every move - or, perhaps, this nagging feeling of disappointment whenever his eyes landed on the other's cherry blossom pink lips. It was almost as if he had never longed so much to kiss someone, worsened because he knew he shouldn't. And standing there, knowing Baekhyun was staring at him, felt like torture. He, Minseok realized suddenly, a fallen angel who was supposed to be composed and focus on what he /needed/, was sulking. Shaking his head at himself, he looked up at Baekhyun with a quirked eyebrow. "Destiny? Honey, I wouldn't exactly call it that, but alright.", he smiled, a little too teasing around the edges as he grabbed the basket and left, sure that Baekhyun would follow him to the door. "Oh.", he made then, slipping into his coat, basket hanging from the crook of his arm. "I think, actually, if I'm going to be paying for everything today, it's just fair if I get a small compensation, don't you think?" Reaching out for Baekhyun, he allowed himself to cup the other's cheek, thumb smoothing over a surprisingly sharp jawbone and he leaned in, pressing a quick, all too fleeting kiss to the corner of Baekhyun's mouth, pulling back just in time to not lose himself in the feeling of it. "Now, let's hurry before the sun sets and we're going to freeze outside.", he clicked his tongue, fetching the basket and nearly fleeing his own apartment.
♡ baekhyun b。 [A] 6 years ago
@♥ minseok k。 Baekhyun was certainly the epitome of a "little ." He knew it. His coworkers knew it. Now, Minseok knew it as well. Here he was, pinned underneath Minseok, the uncomfortable sensation of ham juice cascading down his cheek and the scent wafting out in between the two. It was romantic and disgusting in the same moment. Baekhyun could not deny that he deserved it. He most certainly did. The proximity of the pair's lips had Baekhyun reeling inside with glee, every instinct inside of him screaming for him to lean forward and press a kiss to his lips, but he knew that he didn't want to push Minseok's buttons-- at least not so far that he would ruin what he has going for him. Baekhyun leaned up, grabbing Minseok's hand and pressed a gentle kiss to the top of his hand. "We're...going to finish making food, go to the store, then to the park...with perhaps a few more shenanigans intertwined throughout." With a flutter of his eyelashes, Baekhyun gently pushed Minseok off of his lap and stood up, dusting himself off before heading back into the kitchen.
With a sigh, he began putting a few sandwiches together again, this time with the meat and cheese. He glanced up from his actions, peering across the kitchen at Minseok, admiring his raven locks and melanin-infused skin. He was gorgeous-- and would be a far better snack than these sandwiches, but that would most certainly go against Minseok's self-proclaimed gentlemanly demeanor that he tries so hard to uphold. Baekhyun ended up staring at him, sure that underneath that front of manners, there was a deviant lying underneath, waiting for the exact moment to pounce, and Baekhyun wasn't sure that he minded. He had to stop himself from staring when he realized that all the food had been assembled and that they needed to leave for the store now. Putting the sandwiches into two tupperware containers, Baekhyun looked up and made his way to the door. "Come on now, handsome. We have a date with destiny...and the grocery store!"
♥ minseok k。 6 years ago
@♡ baekhyun b。 "That is hardly a lunch, you cheeky little-", Minseok started at Baekhyun's words, cut short by the other moving in front of him, the slight shift of the other's back muscles a little too evident for the scene unfolding in front of him. Perhaps the '' description was exactly what Baekhyun was. There were several things going through his head (and most of them were less than appropriate by any means) as his eyes seemed to be hot-wired to the other's finger, dragging through the sugary gloss on his cheek, collecting it in a way that was sinful at best, torturous at worst. It was obviously deliberate what Baekhyun was doing right now and yet Minseok couldn't help but to stare, knowing that his eyes were probably darkening with sudden, helpless lust rushing through him and pooling hotly in his belly. He was just about to grab Baekhyun by the hips, throwing caution to he wind and say ' it' and kiss him senseless against the counter - if not for the wet slap of cold meat against his cheek, startling him into awareness.
"Baekhyun!", he gasped just as the other bolted from the kitchen, the ham smacking back onto the counter.
"Jesus Christ, you're going to regret that so hard.", he muttered to himself while shrugging out of his suit vest before he darted after Baekhyun, all but throwing himself across the back of the couch to seize him with both hands cupping the other's face, the entire length of his body pressing him down into the carpet.
"Hello there.", the smirked down at the blond now in his arms, leaning in so close, their breath was mingling between them, noses almost touching. "Now... what... do I do... with you?"
Minseok was leaning closer then, so close indeed, their lips were only a hair apart - before he turned his face to the side and smeared the residue grease from his cheek across Baekhyun's own, smirking down at him in satisfaction when he leaned back to face him.
♡ baekhyun b。 [A] 6 years ago
@♥ minseok k。 Baekhyun nearly let out an amused laughter at Minseok's reaction. Surely he would get used to the minute displays of affection eventually, but for now, he found his subtle reactions to be humorous. Baekhyun sighed and looked down at the bread smothered with peanut butter. "Well...we'll just save this one for lunch tomorrow I suppose." He quickly spread the grape jelly on the other half of the sandwich and wrapped it in a plastic ziplock bag and put it away in the refrigerator. "Cheeky? I wouldn't describe myself with that particular adjective. ' that knows exactly what he's doing and why he's doing it?' That's more appropriate I would say. Or maybe even just 'beautiful' or possibly even 'dashingly handsome' any of the above would be more appropriate in my mind." Baekhyun looked over Minseok's shoulder as the elder began putting the other sandwiches together. He pondered holding his hand, but it would obviously inhibit his ability to assemble the sandwiches, so he resisted for now.
Baekhyun gasped at the cold, sticky substance now painting his cheek. He ensured that Minseok was watching him. He wasn't sure why he responded this way, but he lifted a digit to the jelly on his cheek, gathering it on the tip of his finger before bringing it to his lips and gliding his tongue along the tip. Following, he pushed his finger deeper into his mouth, giving it a few before pulling it out with an audible "pop." His lips curled upwards into a smirk as he hand now rested on the kitchen island. Grabbing a piece of ham from the packaging, he slowly lifted it up before quickly tossing it in Minseok's face, smacking it against his cheek before bolting out of the kitchen and into the living room, hiding behind the couch.
♥ minseok k。 6 years ago
@♡ baekhyun b。 The hand in his own startled him, his free hand nearly dropping the lid of the lunch box in surprise when Baekhyun appeared next to him so suddenly and even while his smile was innocent, there was still this sparkle in his eyes that made Minseok that - maybe - he had sold his soul to the devil, now standing in his kitchen and smiling like an angel. "That sounds like a very good plan.", he told the other as a reply, smile deepening and having the apples of his cheeks rising to make his eyes crinkle at the corners. With a roll of his eyes, Minseok flicked a lock of his black hair off his forehead, smoothing his hair back with his palm while he followed Baekhyun over to the kitchen island, patiently taking the already prepared sandwiches off the plate to stack them into his box, closing the lid while clicking his tongue and giving him a pointed, purposefully scolding look.
"Now, who's getting cheeky there, hm?", he teased while reaching out to collect a little bit of peanut butter that had smeared across the rim of the glass, pushing the finger into his mouth while humming and reaching for the ham and cheese Baekhyun had laid out for the both of them to use. "Also.", he started then while walking back to the cabinet behind the other man, getting a second box to not mix up the peanut butter sandwiches and ham and cheese ones, turning to hook his chin over Baekhyun's shoulder, muttering into his ear: "I already did peanut butter and jelly, honey." He paused, momentarily, before quickly reaching out of the glass of jelly open in front of them, dipping his finger inside before smearing the sticky jam across Baekhyun's cheek with a chuckle.
"Now, Mr. Depending, how about you hurry your pretty little up?"
♡ baekhyun b。 [A] 6 years ago
@♥ minseok k。 Baekhyun had a rather intrusive habit of making himself at home in other individual's homes, but Minseok didn't seem to mind and Baekhyun was actually having fun. He felt like he was a kid again, searching through the different cupboards and ultimately causing mayhem, He'd clean it up later, but he was possibly more curious about what he would find rather than crafting a meal in his head. Minseok's reassuring tone had Baekhyun melting like putty in his hands. His eyes lit up at the thought of having whatever he wanted bought for him in the store. He felt like he had died and gone to heaven. To top it all off, he had hand-holding permission whenever he wanted. He playfully slid across the floor and slipped his hand into Minseok's palm, giving the elder a teasing grin. "Well...now that we know what we want, I say we go ahead and make the things that we have here and then head to the store and head to the park directly afterwards. What do you say?" Baekhyun offered a kind smile. His expression feigned innocence. Sure, he didn't plan on doing anything mischievous, but there was always a nagging hope for things to turn sinful in the back of his mind. With that, he took a few strides over to the kitchen island and grabbed a plate, beginning to assemble the sandwiches that the pair would enjoy on the picnic. He looked up after spreading some peanut butter on a slice of bread. "Well don't just stand there. Come help me, Mr. Independent!"
♥ minseok k。 6 years ago
@♡ baekhyun b。 For a moment it was, to say the least, strange to see someone else walk around his kitchen like Baekhyun now did - opening cabinets and placing things on the counter as if he owned the place. And yet after a short wave of wanting to step in and prevent the other from wracking havoc on his kitchen, Minseok simply stepped forward and took the bag of bread, pulling out a large cutting board and two knives for them to start preparing their meal. "Of course we can.", he told Baekhyun with a grin, rolling up the sleeves of his white dress shirt and nearly tucking them in and under before reaching for the peanut butter and starting to spread it on three slices of bread. "I told you er can get what ever you want, honey.", he added then, voice patient and soft while he laid the slices out on the cutting board to wave Baekhyun over to hand him the jelly. "And in the store don't ask, alright? We will buy anything you see and crave and I'll pay for it all, deal? It's a date after all."
Closing the three sandwiches he quickly sliced them into quarters, stacking them nearly at the corner if the wooden board. "Oh and honey? Please feel free to hold my hand whenever you want to. That's an exception from my rules, alright? It you feel the need for it, never hesitate. I'll feel honored.", he said then after a short pause of him reaching for the lunch boxes in the upper cupboard, placing the already prepared sandwiches inside.
♡ baekhyun b。 [A] 6 years ago
@♥ minseok k。 Baekhyun couldn't help but smile at Minseok at the suggestive thought. "Perhaps not in that way, but I would kindly ask to hold your hand multiple times. I'm strange like that." Baekhyun lifted himself from the plush, soft couch and took long strides to catch up with Minseok who was in the kitchen already. It was an adorable humble abode that the fallen angel had claimed as his home. Baekhyun inspected the refrigerator. There were countless things that could be made from the groceries, but he assumed the easiest would be sandwiches. He spotted some peanut butter in a cabinet and there was some grape and apple jelly in the door of the fridge. Perhaps that would be best, but there was also some ham, cheese, and condiments. Perhaps a combination of both would be ideal. He grabbed the ingredients from inside the fridge and cabinet and placed it onto the counter top as a gesture of his thoughts. His lips formed a frown when he saw that there were no fresh fruit within the fridge. He was a real er for some fresh strawberries and grapes. "Could we go get some strawberries and grapes, Minseok?" Baekhyun peered over at the elder with a hopeful expression. "A few sandwiches of each variety, some fresh fruit, and some soda-- I think that would be lovely for an afternoon picnic in the park. What do you think?"
♥ minseok k。 6 years ago
@♡ baekhyun b。 "I wouldn't have touched you even if I would have taken you to the restaurant.", Minseok chuckled while he cocked his head to the side, blinking slowly down at Baekhyun who stared up at him with an expression on his face Minseok couldn't exactly read. "Of course that is okay, darling.", he added then with a gentle smile, waving a hand over his shoulder for the other to follow him towards his kitchen. It wasn't exactly the biggest kitchen in the world, but it was enough for Minseok - who rarely ever spent a lot of time in there, unless he was preparing his meals for the next couple of days, stacking them in the fridge in containers, ready to microwave. His trusty wicker basket sat by the door, quickly fetched with a graceful bow as Minseok stepped into the kitchen and opened his fridge for Baekhyun to inspect what was inside. "If there is anything missing you would want, we can go buy it.", he affirmed the other's words from earlier, leaning back against the counter with his arms crossed over his chest and a small smile playing around the corners of his mouth. "I just went grocery shopping, so go wild with my fridge. Be my guest. I think the only thing missing are probably uncooked vegetables and fresh fruit."
It was weird, seeing someone else in his home like this - and Baekhyun had made himself at home on his couch quite well earlier, if Minseok was being honest. As if he belonged there and Minseok couldn't exactly complain about it. He looked good there, at ease. "What would you like to have, hm, honey?"
♡ baekhyun b。 [A] 6 years ago
@♥ minseok k。 Baekhyun pondered his options. The restaurant would undoubtedly offer a fancier cuisine, but he worried that it would be too formal for them. Minseok was a gentleman, but Baekhyun wanted to see the other sides to him. With the picnic, he could spend time gathering things with Minseok in the kitchen. They might even have to make a quick trip to the store to pick things up. It would be far more casual and would undoubtedly prompt conversation that Baekhyun wanted. His decision was made. "As much as I want you to wine and dine me...and also ravage-- we can save that for another occasion. I just want to have a meal with you where we have casual conversation. Does that sound okay?" Baekhyun needed constant reassurance and affirmation, but that's something he could work on. He was sure that it annoyed Minseok, but he'd get over it and would hopefully be patient with him. "If you don't have the things for it here, we could run to the store down the road!" Baekhyun suggested, hoping to be helpful. He didn't really take into account that Minseok would more than likely be prepared for a picnic if he suggested it, but he didn't always think things through.
♥ minseok k。 6 years ago
@♡ baekhyun b。 It was almost a little too interesting to see Baekhyun's face morph with emotions - he was so open with them, sometimes, that it nearly frightened Minseok, who felt as if his own face barely gave anything away. He was too old, too used to not let people know what he was thinking, to wear his own feelings on his sleeve like so many others. And yet the way Baekhyun's eyes were gleaming right now, it started to tug on his heartstrings, even though he would never admit it out loud. "Good.", Minseok smiled at the other's words, tracing a finger over the rim of his glass, collecting stray droplets of crimson. "I was hoping you would say that."
A startled but pleased laugh bubbled up over his lips then, his head shaking while he turned a little to the side, hiding a fond roll of his eyes as he closed the wine bottle, placing it by the side of the coffee table before he slowly got up, smoothing his hands down his thighs. "We will get to the ravaging soon enough, Baekhyun. Hungry you say?" He leaned forward, placing a hand on the back of the other's head before pecking the top of his hair, walking away with a teasing look over his shoulder, one side of his mouth quirked up. "Then I better take you out on the date I asked for, no? Come on. Picnic or restaurant?"
♡ baekhyun b。 [A] 6 years ago
@♥ minseok k。 Baekhyun felt a tinge of faux pain cross his face when listening to the first rule. It would most certainly be difficult, but he supposed that Minseok would be worth it in the end. He had spent so many years already with alcohol as a crutch for the trauma and pain he endured as a child. It would be...a daunting task to say the least. But for Minseok, he would try. He nodded his head to the following rules except for rule 5. He caught himself losing himself in thought. There was no denying the fact that he was clingy. Hell- he held Minseok's hand practically all the way over here. "I...I can do all of those." He replied, almost to reassure himself rather than convey it to Minseok.
Baekhyun folded one leg over the other and leaned further back into the couch with a teasing smirk tugging at his lips. "Kim Minseok, is that your way of asking me out on a date? Because I accept." Baekhyun was fully aware that it probably wasn't what he intended, but he figured he'd take his victories where he could because it didn't seem like he would have very many from this point on. The teasing human perked up an eyebrow and leaned forward. "You can ravage me later, but I'm feeling quite hungry."
♥ minseok k。 6 years ago
@♡ baekhyun b。 "Alright then.", Minseok nodded slowly, keeping his eyes on Baekhyun as the other shifted in his seat, posture seemingly relaxed. But there was something simmering between them, low and crackling like static in the air. "To my rules then."
He paused, clearing his throat while he mirrored Baekhyuns stance, elbows on his knees while he let his hands dangle between his thighs, fingers loosely intertwined. "No more getting drunk if I'm not with you. I need you healthy and safe, not stumbling into traffic by accident.", Minseok said, carefully watching Baekhyuns face as he talked. "Rule number two... No more apologizing unless you truly did something wrong. Three? As long as we are in this arrangement, I want you to me mine and only mine. There will be nothing missing for you and you can ask anything from me. As long as you don't sleep with anybody else, I will make sure you're as spoiled as can get." He cocked a smile, crooked and almost arrogant, one hand reaching out to grasp Baekhyuns chin, the tip of his thumb smoothing over the arch of Baekhyuns lower lip. "Rule number four. If you're unhappy or feel like you need me, come or call me. No drowning your worries in alcohol, unless I am with you. And riled number five. Listen closely, honey. There will be times I won't want to get touched. I will tell you and you will respect that, understood?" His hand still lingered on Baekhyuns mouth, thumb barely gracing the negative arch of his seemingly always pouting lips - but now his eyes had followed, flickering down to the others mouth and staying there for just a tad too long before finding Baekhyuns own eyes again. "I can't promise you too much, honey. But we will figure things out when I take you on dates as I should do, instead of.... How did you put it? Ravaging you.", he then said, slowly letting his hand sink from Baekhyuns chin, a slightly amused lilt to his voice. "Now what do you say?"
♡ baekhyun b。 [A] 6 years ago
@♥ minseok k。 Baekhyun would be lying if he said that Minseok's serious tone didn't send a chill down his spine. He would also be lying if he didn't acknowledge the fact that it turned him on-- but he didn't think now would be the appropriate time to mention that. Minseok's speech left Baekhyun speechless. All he could do was nod. - no one had ever promised him anything that could even compare to the words falling from Minseok's lips. He was a bit agitated that Minseok took the glass from him, but they'll discuss that later. Baekhyun leaned forward, arms resting against his own knees while he peered up intently at Minseok.
"Minseok, I'll be the first to admit that I would like nothing more than to be...ravaged by you, but I'll also let you know that I would be more than happy to watch boring movies with you. Of course that's only one of the few things we'd do together, but I'm sure we both have mutual hobbies we can indulge in. Hell, you could probably show me a few things that you love and I'll do the same for you. A.. sharing of hobbies if you will." Baekhyun talked too much. He knew it. Minseok would probably tell him he did, but he couldn't help it. He was too damn excited about the prospect and it would only cost him--- a few years off his life. Maybe once he died he would become just like Minseok. That would be quite the thought--
♥ minseok k。 6 years ago
@♡ baekhyun b。 Amusement. It was the first emotion shooting through Minseok as he watched Baekhyuns nose wrinkle at the smell of the wine. Most people had this reaction but coming from Baekhyun, who had stumbled into his shop after closing hours, drunk out of his own mind, it was something almost innocent. And there was something so honest about his reaction - no pretense, no mask - it made Minseok smile. Taking a small sip from the velvet red in his glass, Minseok hummed out a low, vibrating sound as his hand started swishing around the wine in the goblet of the crystal. "I work hard, Baekhyun and everybody can enjoy a nice movie while eating dinner. Don't judge me.", he teased, before his voice took on a more serious note. "You won't get that from me. An illusion of someone caring for you." A pause, a tilt of his head while he slowly set down his glass and scooted closer on the couch, searching for the others eyes. "If we both agree to this deal, you will have someone who does care. And what I expect of you is simple. I will give you everything you can ask for that is in my power to give you and in return I expect you to follow my rules. I could tell you the obvious, honey, but I want someone to watch those boring movies with me, as well." With a small smile he took the glass from Baekhyuns hand then, setting it down just beside his own. "I want you to let me take care of you. Spoil you. But most of all I really... Really... Want to give you what you asked for since you first saw me. Be mine and I will take you to heights so sinful, you won't even miss getting drunk. Is that enough to make you want to hear my rules?"
♡ baekhyun b。 [A] 6 years ago
@♥ minseok k。 Baekhyun sat on the couch, reaching forward to take the glass into his hand. He had a love/hate relationship with alcohol. Typically, he only drank to escape his problems. He had nearly forgotten what it felt like to drink casually, but he supposed that this was the night to break traditions and step out of his comfort zone once more. He lifted the glass to his lips and took in an inhale through his nose. It absolutely reeked, but then again, so did most alcohol. His nose visibly wrinkled, but he indulged anyway.
“God- you’re so old, but I can dig it. I’m- I’m looking for a lot of things I suppose. Perhaps the biggest thing is the illusion of someone caring for me—I didn’t have the most delightful upbringing, but that’s a story for another day. I’m here for the sins of the flesh. I’m here for a friend.” His voice was nearly breaking at this point, but that was to be expected.
“Okay Minseok- you know why I’m here- for the most part at least. I know two of the reasons why you’re here, but is there anything else you expect of me?”
♥ minseok k。 6 years ago
@♡ baekhyun b。 The feeling of your fingers in mine, so foreign and yet almost naturally was weird, to say the least. And yet the look on your face, this expression of something almost content, had me simply holding you gently, allowing the both of us enough room to pull away any time you might want to. Unlocking the door I let you step inside my apartment, then, toeing off my shoes as I made my way inside, snorting at your obvious curiosity.
"believe it or not", I start then while making my way over to my private wine cabinet, reaching for an open bottom of velvety red I had decanted last night for myself, taking it over to the couch table along with two glasses. "I do what most people do after coming home from work. I cook, watch movies and read. There are no curious hobbies I could tell you about. I'm boring when I don't have a companion to share my time with."
Pouring you a glass of the wine, I slide it over to you, leaning back into the couch with my own glass delicately held between my fingers, legs crossed as my eyes travel over your body - for once without hiding it, my gaze heavy on you.
" Now. Why don't you tell me what exactly you want out of this? I can already tell you I'm not only in this for what a fallen angel needs from a human, honey.", I tell you silently, my voice nothing but a mutter. "But I told you there would be rules and I don't want to assume you're in this just because I.... Want to have you."
♡ baekhyun b。 [A] 6 years ago
@♥ minseok k。 /with one hand stuck in my pocket and the other wrapped around your fingers, I followed as you led me back to your shop and humble abode resting above. Everything seemed stereotypically how I would imagine it. Warm and inviting on the outside, sophisticated on the inside. Perhaps it was all a ruse and you would have some hidden aspect to you that I wouldn't expect inside of your apartment, but nothing gave me that suspicion yet.
So- Minseok, what does a fallen angel occupy his time with in this apartment. Y'know- aside from fesity baby boys and maintaining your shop down below. Surely you have some hobbies and stories to tell now that we're in private. I'm dying to hear about you.
/I immediately made myself at home, kicking off my shoes in the entrance and plopped down onto the couch, watching you as you made your way around
♡ baekhyun b。 [A] 6 years ago
@♥ minseok k。 Here you are!


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Vivaldi [A] 5 years ago
Pls don't steal the content based here, gracias.
Vivaldi [A] 5 years ago
[comment deleted by owner]
hobbit 6 years ago
requesting a week hiatus for sebastian and dacre
yxgurt 6 years ago
the featured graphic is prEtTy
kingkobra 6 years ago
I’m not going to have internet till the 31st or later so please put Alex on hiatus for me please? Thank you
oracle 6 years ago
pls hit naoki up with a semi ;;
Panda_PrinceJae 6 years ago
Can you add and reserve Hyuk from VIXX pleasu?
guccipotaetes 6 years ago
Add and reserve Cha Eunwoo please
-dreamingofyou- 6 years ago
Chuando Tanhe please ♡♡
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