Kim Taehyung 5 years ago
@Christian Yu Oh uh- sorry if I scared you -he laughs softly as he rubs the back of his neck, the wild expression on the man's face as pretty funny in all honesty- really are you sure you don't mind? -he raises an brow as he moves to set his books down beside the man, he was just trying to be polite but he didn't want to pass up the seat- thanks man, I'm Taehyung by the way -he pushes up his glasses, looking to the other, a happy smile on his face as he opens up his anatomy book- what are you studying
Christian Yu 5 years ago
@Kim Taehyung /not aware of my surroundings the sudden presence of the latter made me slightly jerk up to look at him, a look of mild shock on my visage but once realizing how idiotic i must have looked i quickly changed my expression into a more friendlier one although it might have looked like a tired smile. oh, uh, yeah- i mean i don’t mind. take a seat, there’s a lot of room and i don’t mind a study buddy. /a brief smile flashed by my lips then i pulled out the chair next to me and lightly patted the seat, hinting at you to sit next to me.
Kim Taehyung 5 years ago
@Christian Yu /he groans as he steps into the library around noon, it was always so crowded around this time but it was also too hot outside to go and focus on anatomy/ Ugh please let there be a free seat somewhere /he groans to himself as he wonders around the library before coming on a table with only one man sitting alone, he raises an eyebrow and goes to approach the man, hopefully he didn't mind any company/ Hey there /he offers a smile, somewhat awkward albeit but kind enough/ Do you mind if I join you? You know what they say studying together is...uh better than not?
Christian Yu 5 years ago
@Kim Taehyung /taking sluggish steps towards the library, my mind was still preoccupied with the thoughts of just snoozing in the library instead of doing actual work, once the entrance came into view the thoughts simmered down as i inched my way into the quiet but crowded space, scanning the area i managed to spot a vacant table and strolled over to it to set up for the time i will be spending in here, finally after settling down a tired sigh left my lips as i started to get to work.
Wong Yukhei (semi-hiatus) 5 years ago
[ open starter @ anyone ]

Leaned back in some corner hidden behind walls of filled shelves and lost among the labyrinth of aisles rested a sleep deprived student with a book comically over his face. His soft snores were muffled beneath the written words as he just laid there completely limp, almost appearing alarming dead if any poor soul were to find him in his current state. But he wasn't too concerned with such a discovery, hence his flippant decision to take a quick snooze in the area in the first place. It wasn't like he hadn't doesn't before, and it certainly wasn't like he was the first to use the most quiet space on campus as a napping station. He was just taking advantage of all the amenities this school had to offer. Or so his excuse would be.
[post deleted by owner]
Park Jimin [A] 5 years ago
Hi nerds! /says quietly but loud enough for you to hear/ mmm... /walking around the aisles as I look for books and finish when found 4 to 5 book and place it on a table near a bean bag as I'm preparing to read untill I fall into deep slumber/ zzz...
Jeon Jungkook [A] 5 years ago
@Kang Yoochan More like important for the dean not to chop me off.. I don't care about popularity but as long as we haven't found the 2moons I am a temporary face of the university and people always look at the 'leader' to see the capabality that we serve /gasps in delight when I actually start to see what to use and why I'm wrong, writes down the answer with glee and double check the calculation before sliding the paper to you/ ah blind date~ the last time I went to one I hooked up with one of them only to realise that he is a cheating that have like 2 girls already.. apparently I'm just his 'experiment' thankfully we don't go all the way.. he has a small anyway /mumbles with a blank expression as I think about it/ I hope yours goes well! /puts on a small smile when you boop my nose/ I hope I find the guy too and thank you, I wish you find the right one without any problem~
Kang Yoochan 5 years ago
@Jeon Jungkook Ah, it seems those are very important to you..your popularity reputation and your grades. /smiles as I help you figure out the answer from the question that you got wrong/ As long you maintain a balance your relationship and your studies, then you are good to go. As for me, I should go on a blind date since I have been working too hard lately and have been focusing on my grades too much..hehe. /rubs the back of my necl with a slight smile on my face/ I'm sure you'll do the same for them as well. /boops your nose in a cute way/ You'll the find the one. If he makes you happy and treat you right, then I'm happy for the both of you guys.
Jeon Jungkook [A] 5 years ago
@Kang Yoochan yeah I already got an earful from her and I hope it won't happened ever again..I just want to pass this class and keep my dean list so my reputation will not tainted /focuses at you while you look at my paper, puts down my pencil and hums in agreement/ yeah.. it's good if he can understand that but I'll be feeling super guilty if I have to cancel out any date with him too /smiles brightly when you approve my answer before flipping it to start with the wrong equation question/ can you teach me the wrong one.. I always confuse what to use for this type of question /looks up at you and blushes slightly admitting the truth/ well not a serious one.. or so I think because of the welcoming and 2 moons events.. I do need to surround myself with good looking and well mannered guys /thinks for a while about my ideal type but then shrugs/ I don't think I have one since I don't like to limit myself with just a type you know.. as long as my heart beats for him then he is the one /nods as I answer with more confidence/
Kang Yoochan 5 years ago
@Jeon Jungkook She can very strict at times though on the homework assignments and their deadlines, but won't be much if you keep working hard though. /scans thoroughly at your answers while having a conversation with you/ True, but perhaps I can make an exception if he learns to understands I can be busy at times. I'm fine with him being clingy, but not too much of it. /shrugs before I hand back your paper/ Looks like they are fixed and corrected. Good job. /smiles softly as I think of a question for you to answer/ Do you have a crush on someone in campus who can be your type? /tilts my head while scratching the back of my head/
Jeon Jungkook [A] 5 years ago
@Kang Yoochan I need to go having a few meet up with my lecturer for the assignments but it went pretty well /squints my eyes as I remember the last meet up/..if you think getting yell at for being a bit slow is good..I know she means well though so I don't take offense over her words /nods at your suggestion and pulls a new sheet of paper to start answering the one that I almost got correct, hums as I keep chatting as I writes down/ sometimes love can help us both emotionally and educationally especially when the exams period come.. but then you do you so I respect that /smiles when I actually get a different answer, shows it to you so you can check it/ hmm? thank you! I hope I do too and he is fine with me being twice as busy as any normal students /shrugs my shoulder woth a soft smile/
Kang Yoochan 5 years ago
@Jeon Jungkook Say, were you going too fast on your assignments? /blinks at the thought of what I said earlier while giving out a soft smile on my face/ Let me see how you do the equation and then I can see if you are right or wrong. /gives a sly smile plastered on my facial expression while shaking my head at your answer/ Nah, I don't have room for dating lifrle because my studies are much important than that, yet it seems like a waste of time for me. /says sternly at my answer since I am not afraid what I said/ But I hope you found someone to take care of you and give you the love you deserve.
Jeon Jungkook [A] 5 years ago
@Kang Yoochan /makes small weird noises to show my annoyance when you say I'm quite close to the answers/ I hate myself but okay I'll try calculate again.. /nods and writes a small note to the one with the wrong equation/ pfft-/closes my mouth to stop myself from laughing out loud since it's technically breaking the rule here/ ewww~ me and jimin hyung.. eww~ we are legit like cat and dog since I'm like.. ever exist in this life! I need a new man to take care of me /pokes you/ why, jealous? /jokes around/
Kang Yoochan 5 years ago
@Jeon Jungkook /takes a look at the problems that haven't been solved on the paper you gave/ Ah, it appears you are pretty close with your answers, you were just two numbers off of the actual answers and might have wrote one equation wrong. /hums softly after you told were just teasing me before I punch you on the arm playfully/ Meanie~ I bet you have a thing for the vice president or somethinf /smirks cutely as I did a comeback on you, but in a appropriate way/
Jeon Jungkook [A] 5 years ago
@Kang Yoochan nice question because I do have a few that I don't get the answers no matter how hard I try.. /rumagging through my bag before pulling out a file, digs a paper out and shows you/ the one that got marks.. /pouts slightly as I glare at the paper/ huh? oh, nothing really ehek~ just want to tease you /sticks my tongue out playfully/
Kang Yoochan 5 years ago
@Jeon Jungkook Well..anyways, which math problems were having trouble with, hm? /smiles as I look at you in the eyes since my attention is focusing on you/ I pretty much do since it helps me from getting bored all the time, so that makes me a bookworm I would say. /scrunches my nose as I adjust my Ray Bans eyeglasses/ What do you mean to ' up' the vice president? /tilts my head when you said that as if I have question marks popping out next to me like a cartoon/
Jeon Jungkook [A] 5 years ago
@Kang Yoochan /laughs softly at the sticky note and can`t help but to tease you/ thanks although I have my phone with me, I text you my number later /sticks the note neatly at the back page of my notebook so it will not be ruin/ ah~ you like reading that`s great! I usually read books when people recommend so do tell me if any of your reading list gives you a long lasting impression /rolls my eyes playfully and raise my eyebrow/ I think you need to up the vice president, more credits for good things /winks teasingly yet still finds your words comforting/
Kang Yoochan 5 years ago
@Jeon Jungkook Yeah, call me if you need any help though. /takes out a sticky note before writing down my name and number on it/ I get that alot when people called me that because I love reading no matter what and books gave me the knowledge to know the facts in my brain. /chuckles lowly after I said that while rubbing the back of my neck/ Of course I can, anything for the student council president and his needs. /gives out a thumbs up with a cheeky smile on my face/
Jeon Jungkook [A] 5 years ago
@Kang Yoochan that sounds like a good deal! I like that /gasps when you tell your schedules/ the fact that you take that class in the have my respect /listens carefully and jots down little note here and there for reminder/ I guess I get it.. I mean at least I know what to do /smiles gratefully and takes the note, scan through it before looking at the method and calculation properly/ you must be a genius or something.. we should do an exercise together! maybe you can help me solve the one I have trouble with
Kang Yoochan 5 years ago
@Jeon Jungkook It's okay, I'll help you study until the day of your quiz. /smiles a little as I remember the same day as yours/ I have the same thing, but mine is in the morning class. /begins to simplify with my explaination of why your notes are right and accurate/ As long you have the important information and key points, you won't have any problems. You can take a look at mine /takes out super detailing notes and hands them to you for you to look at/
Jeon Jungkook [A] 5 years ago
@Kang Yoochan welp I mean for the last two class of this subject..sorry I talk weirdly since I`m a bit nervous.. my quiz will be held around next week /nods and twirls my pencil around/ so you think my notes is right? perhaps you can explain to me a little bit better?
Kang Yoochan 5 years ago
@Jeon Jungkook Wait are you saying you have trouble looking for your last two classes or struggling with the subjects? /takes a look at the neat version of your notes and read them thoroughly/ looks pretty good, you know? Notes can be very important, but may be optional for others.
Jeon Jungkook [A] 5 years ago
@Kang Yoochan I feel annoyed that I`m kinda lost in the last two classes I had for distinctive math /sighs and pulls out my note along with reference book/ I mean I just take notes so maybe I can get a gist of it but it didn`t seem to work out /shows you the neat version of my note/ or does this thing wrong itself? /pulls out my pencil case as well/
Kang Yoochan 5 years ago
@Jeon Jungkook I understand, I guess you were just stressed out or something. /shrugs as we head to the vacant table near the window before sitting across from you/ So what kind of math subject are you struggling with, hm? /tilts my head out of curioisity while getting my books out of my backpack along with my finished honework in case I double check your work/
Jeon Jungkook [A] 5 years ago
@Kang Yoochan still it`s quite rude of me to curse when we just met not even an hour /nods in understatement and relaxes when you smile/ hmm? /looks at the seat and nods when I see it`s near our faculty aisle for books/ that seems to be a good spot /jogs slightly to reserved the place before anyone goes there, puts down my bag beside me before sitting down/
Kang Yoochan 5 years ago
@Jeon Jungkook It's alright, I curse too whenever I get upset or angry due to my anger management issues. /rubs the back of my neck nervously while giving out a small smile plastered on my face/ Alright then. How about the one by the window? /points to the vacant table by the window where the other science computer and mathematics books are/
Jeon Jungkook [A] 5 years ago
@Kang Yoochan it`s tricky, difficult and a ! /complain in annoyance but then covers my mouth as I just notice I curse out loud/ sorry for my language /bites my bottom lip in nervousness/ ah.. we`re here /mumbles and follows you, shrugs over your question/ anywhere is find~ I don`t have any specific seat honestly
Kang Yoochan 5 years ago
@Jeon Jungkook Wow that's pretty cool. I know math very tricky and diffult, but you'll get the hang of it as you keep trying without giving up. /smiles as I bring us to the library since I am escorting you with me/ Here we are, Jungkook ah. The library if you already where it is. /chuckles lowly before we head inside/ Where do you want to sit?
[post deleted by owner]


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weishen 5 years ago
thank you for everything
but yukhei will be leaving
baby-groot 5 years ago
teddygraham 5 years ago
jinho with taking his leave
046b1a71f747eee539c7 5 years ago
Yoochan will be leaving
LilacTears 5 years ago
May I please reserve Kim Kibum? c:
d5dc8a8d2e564acf17e1 5 years ago
Yoongi pls
Heroin 5 years ago
Hello there, please add and reserve Jung Hoseok for me! thank you
weishen 5 years ago
can yukhei get placed on a short semi-hiatus? i'll be gone for a few days due to some family business, but i'll still try to come on when i can.
PinkMilk707 5 years ago
I would like to reserve Chittaphon Lechaiyakul (also known as Ten) if he is still available please!
TaeKook 5 years ago
Lee Taeyong,Nakamoto Yuta,Jung Hoseok or Lee Donghyuck
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