✬ Hybrid Au

hybrid and human? hybrid and hybrid? Who cares~
hybrid au.
✰Kim Sehyoon [SH] [A] 4 years ago
@✰Park Junhee *chuckling at the eager response, his fingers move just a tad bit faster and keep stretching the still tight ring of muscle while doing his best to still be careful with the other, not wanting to hurt his precious kitten who might be too influenced by the heat and needy thoughts connected to it *
You want me to be inside of you already? But love, we don't want you to regret rushing it and so on.. are you sure that we should already jump to that part?
*he keeps his gaze on you as much as possible, failing to do so when you're way too busy with his jawline that's probably going to make things obvious later on*
✰Park Junhee 4 years ago
@✰Kim Sehyoon nodding slowly against the other's neck, the purring continues, broken only by the short, soft moans that escape on every third or fourth breath; the hybrid's hips slowly beginning to move in time with the pace set out by the singular intrusion. by the time the second digit is added, his hands move from the other's shoulders to the bed, carefully pawing at the sheets as his chest drops down to rest right atop Sehyoon's, the sounds rising above the rumble in his chest coming quicker now, making they hybrid nip at the human's jawline with the quiet words that follow, cheeks flushed and ears flat on his head.
You could be inside of me...
✰Kim Sehyoon [SH] [A] 4 years ago
@✰Park Junhee *despite still not being completely awake, he doesn't miss the reaction to a single digit entering and wiggles the said finger a bit, overwhelmed by how tight and warm the hybrid is even with the slick already coating it*
You really need me that badly, don't you...
*he mumbles and slowly pulls out just to repeat the previous action, soon setting a slow pace to make sure the other is used to it and even adding a second digit when he thinks it's okay to do so, carefully scissoring*
My pretty kitten is all wet and purring for me.. can I even ask for anything better?
✰Park Junhee 4 years ago
@✰Kim Sehyoon his head shakes softly side to side, hands tightening around the other's shoulders as a low purr starts in his chest, quietly continuing to kiss and nibble on the man below his form. a small sound breaks free, higher than that of the purring, as he feels the hand moving closer to what he needs sated, his body breaking out in a wave of goosebumps to feel the digit slide right in, back arching upwards to offer himself more with a pleasured sigh.
I'm sure-- Please, don't stop now...
he murmurs to Sehyoon's ear, voice husky and needy, wantonly wiggling his hips to encourage more movement from the other, while trying not to be too demanding since it's the first heat they'll spend together.
✰Kim Sehyoon [SH] [A] 4 years ago
@✰Park Junhee You don't want to stop until you're satisfied, do you?
*a small chuckle follows but then he shuts up, slightly distracted by all those kisses and later on the statement that surprises him the most because he did think he could hurt and break the hybrid which is something he couldn't forgive himself for*
Are you sure about that? I don't want you to take back your words later on..
*one hand still moves towards the other's entrance, noticing how invitingly wet it is and slipping a finger past the ring of muscles almost immediately*
✰Park Junhee 4 years ago
@✰Kim Sehyoon I can do most of the work, silly.
he pouts, crawling back over Sehyoon's body once more, resting atop his thighs and leaning over his form, to press soft kisses all over his lips and cheeks in gratitude for the help, even just the simple touches making him melt into a quivering, excitable mess; fighting the urge to just pounce and take what he needs.
Yoonie... I'm not going to break...
he murmurs for the shy hands, being so sweet and gentle - or possibly lazy, he's unsure of which during this man's half-asleep state - between kisses and soft little nips at his porcelain skin.
✰Kim Sehyoon [SH] [A] 4 years ago
@✰Park Junhee I'm sorry but don't you think it's a bit tiring to do it that many times?
*there's a hint of a pout on his face when the kitten seems upset because of him but at least he's honest and still willing to do his best for his Junie who's already whining because of the small touch*
What a good little kitten you can be sometimes..
*he almost mumbles, hands gently running up the other's sides and down his back until they reach the plump which they kneed gently- even with the hybrid being in heat, he wanted to be careful and take his time instead of rushing and possibly causing pain*
✰Park Junhee 4 years ago
@✰Kim Sehyoon You sound so thrilled to help me...
a huff followed the words, fighting the urge to bite down on *someone's* stomach, knowing if he did right now, he would probably break skin and further delay the desperate need that had to be filled before Junhee himself went mad.
whining as his chin was tugged forward, his ears moved back, the idea of preparation something he hadn't even considered - knees going weak already with this touch, wondering if Sehyoon's hands on his limber form might help somewhat? It couldn't hurt to try; previous heats had been satiated with a few partners but mostly toys, lengthy always a must when he had chosen to indulge himself
Prep me, please Yoonie...
he asked softly, the idea of having the other prepare him and tease his body making his length twitch between his thighs, tail lifting high in the air to expose all of himself to Sehyoon.
✰Kim Sehyoon [SH] [A] 4 years ago
@✰Park Junhee Five times? Seriously?
*he voices out, his still sleepy mind not wanting to believe what he heard and thinking of the amount of sleep he'll lose while being so active; it's a struggle to undress with a pair of eager and impatient hands wanting to help but he manages to bare his lower half somehow, one hand reaching out to gently grab the kitten's chin and pulling him up*
Do you need me to prepare you or is it better to just skip that part? I feel like you'll tear me to shreds if we don't hurry-
✰Park Junhee 4 years ago
@✰Kim Sehyoon Does it matter? Once or five times, I just want you.
he grumbles, slipping off the pajama bottoms as he rolls off of the other, all but clawing at Sehyoon to help undress him faster, tugging off his pants with a low purr rumbling in his chest, eager to have the help he needed so badly.
his hands slid over the other male's figure as it came exposed, leaning over and planting kisses on bare skin while his hips swirled in the air
Yoonie-- Hurry...
✰Kim Sehyoon [SH] [A] 4 years ago
@✰Park Junhee *he gulps at the sight and how eager the other seems to be, hands twitching and itching to touch the skin which is most likely heating up more the longer he waits*
You're already begging in a way, Junie, but it's cute.
*he points out, hands slowly moving up and across the pale expanse of skin right in front of him before the hybrid leans down, making the human groan softly*
Alright, alright.. are you sure that you'll feel better afterwards? Come on, let me undress first or else I won't be able to help
✰Park Junhee 4 years ago
@✰Kim Sehyoon every clueless answer only made the itching desire deep within his body burn hotter and deeper than he even thought possible, causing another whine to come from the kitten's mouth. sitting upright on top of the other, he tossed aside the shirt he'd stolen from Sehyoon to sleep in, baring at least a little of his skin to see if that might get his imagination moving.
Yoonie, don't make me beg...
he pleaded, voice softening as he leaned down, nuzzling into the other male's neck and lapping at his skin a few times
I just need you inside of me... To make it stop hurting...
✰Kim Sehyoon [SH] [A] 4 years ago
@✰Park Junhee *he's taken aback by how persistent his kitten is acting this time but it all makes sense after those few words, realisation hitting him like a brick and causing him to stare with wide eyes as if he can't believe what he just heard*
Heat? My little kitten is in heat?
*tensing up at the movements, he loosens his hold because it's useless anyway with the other being so stubborn and sighs softly*
That's something I've never dealt with before either but alright.. how do you need me, Junie?
✰Kim Sehyoon [SH] [A] 4 years ago
@✰Park Junhee *he's taken aback by how persistent his kitten is acting this time but it all makes sense after those few words, realisation hitting him like a brick and causing him to stare with wide eyes as if he can't believe what he just heard*
Heat? My little kitten is in heat?
*tensing up at the movements, he loosens his hold because it's useless anyway with the other being so stubborn and sighs softly*
That's something I've never dealt with before either but alright.. how do you need me, Junie?
✰Park Junhee 4 years ago
@✰Kim Sehyoon another soft growl rolled out of his chest, claws digging into the bed, the numbskull nature of his... Well, his Yoonie making him annoyed in the moment. shutting the male up with another kiss, the soft growl continued to roll like a purr from his chest
Hot. Like heat, Yoonie...
he pulled his claws from the sheets, the sound of ripping threads accompanying them, only to place his hands across the other's shoulders once more, moving against the grip around his narrow waist to roll his hips, fighting against the fabric of the pajama bottoms he wore.
I don't need medicine, I just need you.
✰Kim Sehyoon [SH] [A] 4 years ago
@✰Park Junhee *just the word 'hot' makes him panic and immediately think of the hybrid being sick even though the actions don't quite match that thought, holding onto the kitten anyway to make the other stop moving around too much*
Maybe we should see a doctor then or I should look for some medicine or.. or..
*it's hard to think straight as worry takes over and he doesn't know what to do, the actual reason behind the behaviour completely slipping his mind right at that moment even with the kiss being a major hint*
I've.. never taken care of a sick kitten before, Junie..
✰Park Junhee 4 years ago
@✰Kim Sehyoon Yoonie...
the kitten grumbled once more, his hips now moving slightly to match the way his tail swished through the air, claws calming once he heard the voice that indicated the other was up... kind of.
It's hoOoot...
he whined, the sound bordering on a yowl for attention, ears flicking as well, the pink collar around his neck the only thing about him that seemed normal, and not in some way irritated or begging for attention.
walking his hands forward on the other's chest until they were over his shoulders and his nose was a fraction of an inch from the other's, he playfully lapped across Sehyoon's lips before kissing him roughly, the itchy heat that made him irritable showing through once more with the simple, mildly aggressive act.
I'm hot, Yoonie. I need you to take care of it~
✰Kim Sehyoon [SH] 5 years ago
@✰Kim Byeongkwan Sehyoon nodded like the obedient puppy he was and smiled brightly at the thought of being able to share his knowledge, liking the thought of spending more time with the human as well. "I'll visit you until you get tired of it and tell me not to visit anymore." the hybrid promised with his gaze on your hands and then the melting butter. "Why does this feel so normal.. so nice?"
✰Kim Sehyoon [SH] 5 years ago
@✰Park Junhee *he was sleeping peacefully for a few hours until there's pain ripping him straight out of his sweet dream and causing him to hiss softly, showing that he is still not quite aware of what's going on around him*
Junie? Why are you already awake and what are you doing..
*he mumbles and raises one hand to his eyes, rubbing them and then blinking rapidly, being faced with an obviously unhappy kitty on his chest and spotting the tail which is far from calm*
Did I kick you in my sleep or say something wrong before going to bed? I don't remember anything..
*he muses, confused because there hasn't been any major incidents lately and the two have been pretty happy with each other, the human still avoiding the whole master or owner thing because he preferred to keep it the way it was with the collar being the only change*
✰Park Junhee 5 years ago
@✰Kim Sehyoon (omf. He wants to keep Jun happy but all he's going to get is an angry, whiny kitten now ;A; ))

The days stretched into weeks and the collar never once left his neck, puffing out his chest a little bit every time someone admired it - and just as often, there was a roll of his eyes and a flick of his tail when someone didn't seem to understand why he was so happy being collared. He was happy and his Yoonie was happy and that was all that mattered in the end. Even living together had been quite natural despite the new addition of the collar that was only removed when bathing - Per his own request with his 'master' (of sorts, since the title never really got brought up again).
waking up today though, he felt... off - both irritable and overly affectionate, as though he couldn't decide between the two - deciding to wake up the other by climbing on him and rubbing him all over, sleepy whisper rising to break the relative silence of the bedroom.
Yoonie... Yoonie, get up...
huffing when this tactic didn't work, his fingers clawed into the human's chest, nails digging in past the shirt he called pajamas, and a soft growl rose in his throat, tail lashing side to side in an almost whip-like fashion.
✰Kim Sehyoon [SH] 5 years ago
@✰Park Junhee *being caught offguard by you pouncing into his lap, he falls backwards a bit but catches himself right on time, only being able to hug you for a short moment before you're already slipping out of his hold to run into the bathroom instead, probably staring into the mirror with the new item perfectly wrapped around your neck*
I knew that you would, beautiful.
*he responds calmly even though he's not too sure if you've heard it, waiting for you to come back instead and hugging you once you do, kissing the top of your head affectionately*
I should thank you, Junie. For wanting to be mine and staying even though my knowledge of your kind needs lots of improvement. I'll do my best to keep this kitty a happy one.
✰Park Junhee 5 years ago
@✰Kim Sehyoon sitting up on his knees, he shuffles closer and turns his back, sitting back down and bowing his head so that you have all the space you can need to safely clasp it tight around his neck, wiggling eagerly in place until the act is done; at which point he's eagerly pouncing into your lap, affectionate nuzzles of one nose to another interspersed with delicate kisses to where ever he can reach.
Just as quickly as he's in your lap, he's also gone, running to the bathroom to look in the mirror, turning this way and that to take in all the angles he can see of himself with the collar on
I love it--
He chirps from the bathroom before coming back out to settle into your lap once more, a content purr falling from his lips while cuddled into your chest
Thank you, Yoonie. I'm the happiest kitty in the whole wide world!
✰Kim Sehyoon [SH] 5 years ago
@✰Park Junhee *once back home, he stretches a bit and goes to his room where he puts away everything but the bag of toys, carrying that one back to his hybrid who already got a pair of scissors and is only waiting for him to hand over the bag*
Someone's already excited and claimed every single thing in there, hm? Just be careful with the scissors, kitten.
*handing over the bag with a smile, he then sits down close to you and watches how you take care of every item, fascinated by how careful you're being with the toys as well as the box until you look at him, the expression causing him to feel weird- a good kind of weird*
Of course I can do that if you move a little bit closer, cutie.
*already reaches for the collar and carefully places it around your neck as soon as you're close enough to do so, holding his breath while securing the sign if ownership and officially claiming you as his kitten*
I was right.. it does look really, really pretty on you, Junhee..
✰Park Junhee 5 years ago
@✰Kim Sehyoon (ladidadidaaaaaa skipping ahead a bit)

coos as he hugs the box tight upon entering your home, running to the kitchen with the black lock box he'd insisted on still in his arms to find a pair of scissors, very carefully going back to the living room and flopping onto the floor, making grabby hands for the bag of his toys to unwrap them and carefully put them away.
sitting knock-kneed on the floor, his tail is up and the tip flicks subtly from time to time as everything is cut free of plastic and tags and has the stickers pulled off before being set gingerly into his toy box, pausing at the piece he's saved for last: the pretty pink collar and he looks up to the other in excitement.
Yoonie... Can we put it on? Can... Can you put it on me? Please?
his eyes are wide, pupils fully dilated, and he holds the collar like one would hold a crown on a pillow, displaying it proudly in both hands.
✰Kim Sehyoon [SH] 5 years ago
@✰Park Junhee Yes, my kitten who knows how to behave and doesn't growl like that. Have you seen it somewhere?
*he keeps asking in hopes of receiving a specific kind of answer but that thought becomes less important the moment you respond to the storage part, one eyebrow raised*
Why would I use them without you? They are for you and meant to me used on you, not me. No need to worry about that, alright?
*with the bag of toys in one hand, he uses his other arm to hug you and chuckles softly while somehow leading you out of the shop*
Come on, let's go to the next shop and buy a box for your toys so that I can collar you soon.
✰Park Junhee 5 years ago
@✰Kim Sehyoon Your kitten?
his ears perked again to the title, cheeks coloring even more towards the red side of rosy; nodding in a slow, wide-eyed wonder to your question.
Yesss... We need to find a nice box to put them in. A toy box! And I can hide it so that I know you can't use them without me...
purrs out for the thought, wrapping both arms around your one and nuzzling his face onto your neck and shoulder some more - an affectionate mannerism, and slightly less rude version of marking you as his own, still stricken by the fact that you wish to keep him and claim him as such.
✰Kim Sehyoon [SH] 5 years ago
@✰Park Junhee *as the noise doesn't disappear, he gives you a brief, scolding gaze as if to tell you to behave, not wanting to see you like that or to be responsible for a possible fight because you're basically his kitty*
Where's my good little kitten? Did I miss him somewhere in this shop?
*says the words in a playful manner even though it's basically another hidden message for you until he senses the change and you stop growling, paying for the toys and staying surprisingly calm unlike you who has the light shade of pink on the cheeks*
I think we can go now. Are you ready to look for a place to store those things?
✰Park Junhee 5 years ago
@✰Kim Sehyoon huffs and nods, looking over at you without once stopping the low growl that rolls in the back of the throat, precursor to what would be a lion like yowl of anger before he pounced on the women and shredded their bodies with his claws, leaving them at the very least maimed... but alas. This was the human world. To play by human rules was the worst.
Yeah, let's go, Yoonie. Before I can't bite my tongue any more.
and just like that, he was fine - if not smug - as he walked to the front with the other male, tail held high and ears perky on his head. At least he was here with the man he was going to use these things with, he thought, keeping his nose slightly up and away from the giggling bimbos in the back as they paid for the purchases, only briefly tinting a fair shade of pink as the cashier carefully looked everything over then looked between the two.
✰Kim Sehyoon [SH] 5 years ago
@✰Kim Byeongkwan "Ah right, right. You should get used to it though.. at least as long as I'm here." Sehyoon nodded as if to confirm his own words right before humming, thinking about the problem and possible solutions. "Once I find my master, I can ask for permission to visit and make sure then! You love blueberries too! Let's add them to the pancakes!"
✰Kim Sehyoon [SH] 5 years ago
@✰Park Junhee *hearing the whine, he doesn't think too much about it because it might be a sign of embarrassment, leaning in to peck both of your red cheeks instead*
Why do you sound so unsure, Junie? Do you even have any idea how lucky I am to have such a pretty kitten by my side?
*looking around some more to see if they forgot about something, he flinches slightly at the unusual sound coming from you and looks down to see what's wrong, following your gaze*
Ah.. are those girls the reason why you were upset earlier? Just ignore them, they're not worth it. No pair of ears could help them with getting closer to your level. Should we pay and go home?


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-lait- 4 years ago
Can I grab chan?
d24e8ec480220e04beb7 4 years ago
can i get byeongkwan?
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