º hallways

room description
Try not to trip or bump into anyone. Get what need from your lockers and go to class.
Mobile friendly layout by unfinishe
jennie k ⁴ 5 years ago
@jungkook j ⁴ She was first taken aback by the hurdle of footsteps that seemed to rise in amplitude with each passing second. 'Please don't come, please don't come,' she thought before the man's voice was heard ultimately. Startled, she immediately spun around in search of the owner for the particular voice, the male's panting further helping her spot his whereabouts. She brought her hand up as if to protect herself from the stranger. It seemed like a perfect scenario; a blind woman coincidentally getting lost and a stranger just so happens to be in the same hallway as her. She didn't intend to get defensive, but she was clueless as to what to do in this situation.

"Hi," she answered before feeling around the walls in search of one of those dang door knobs that seem to have a knack for hitting her side when she least expected it, but are no where to be found during a time of need. Barging into a random classroom wasn't ideal but she didn't want to appear helpless and somewhat 'easy'. When unable to feel a protruding knob anywhere, she slumped her shoulders as she further conversed with the man. "I think that I'm a bit lost."

Jennie elicited a small sigh as her body language seemed distant from the other's. Guess those late night watches of Criminal Minds and unsolved crimes were taking a toll on her mindset. She wasn't the most fearless woman out there with her screams of popped out ghost faces, pranks from friends, or even when alone in a pit full of darkness. Describing her situation at the moment, she was handling it pretty calmly in her point of view. She encircled her arms to meet around her back as she attempted to look in the other direction, quietly hoping the other wouldn't further inquiry on what the heck she was doing and why. She didn't even know what she was doing at that point in time.
jungkook j ⁴ [A] 5 years ago
@jennie k ⁴ "you better have gotten some breakf--" "i've gfott et mum!"

a single slice of peanut butter toast definitely isn't her ideal breakfast for a growing teen, but any bigger meal would continue to hinder his race to school. jungkook is already late as the piece of toast hangs half way from his mouth as he stuffs himself within his jeep, which is having a hard time starting because it's a piece of // and will continue to be until his father gets off of his // and stops gambling away the family's funds. it starts eventually, attempts of starting it being short of /exactly/ five minutes and he's white knuckling the steering wheel the entirety of his ride. he's almost forgotten to eat his toast, but he's mindlessly chewing upon it before it's completely dissipated between the expanse of his fingertips.

jungkook is normally a very punctual man, never late to anything -- early, even. but all of that goes to complete the moment that his alarm fails to go off in the morning, and he's awakening to an unfamiliar woman (who must be his mom) yelling in his ear for him to get up. it takes a few moments for him to recover, because it's terrifying to wake up to someone whom is completely /unfamiliar/ until he's able to identify whom she is within a disoriented headspace. his eyes are anxiously glancing at the clock consistently, heart racing, even though he's completely aware that he's already /late/ because classes had already /started/. 'might as well take your time, you're already late,' one may say. yet, he's not that kind of person. because as long as you're getting into class close to the beginning, it won't be held against you.

his backpack is completely tossed over his shoulder as the male clambers out of his car, locking it as he jogs towards the entrance of the school. he's dismissing the looks sent his way by administration, yet attempting to catch his breath to make it seem as if he /weren't/ late on purpose. which he wasn't, but teachers aren't willing to believe so quickly. jungkook is close, so close that he can smell the peppermint candle upon his teachers desk, but he's slowing down as he enters the same space of another. he's still panting, but he's paused his steps in order to evaluate the girl -- there don't seem to be anything giving away whom she may be within his head, because quite frankly, the girls here look exactly the same. but he's watching as she murmurs to herself, fingertips of one hand dancing along the wall, and he's allowing his bag to hook around his elbow.

"excuse me?" the male questions, taking a few steps forward. "do you need any help?"
jennie k ⁴ 5 years ago
@jungkook j ⁴ "So, just go ahead and walk down the hallway, take a left, another left and it should be the door to your right!" The counselor gave Jennie a smile but deep down, Jennie knew the lady pitied her for her blindness. She returned the smile as it'd be rude not to, but she felt rather ashamed and embarrassed.

She shuffled her feet down the empty hallway, gluing her side to the wall to slowly guide her. Usually, she'd have a helper to lead her, but this was a new beginning at this school; she wanted to get used to the grounds herself. Her steps were cautious, knowing that she could run into other students or the doorways, whilst her hand stayed against the sturdy walls of the school building.

"Okay, a left, a left, then .. a turn right? Or was it just to my right?" She mentally cursed herself, she felt as if she was Dory, without the short term memory loss condition, just diagnosed with plain stupidity. From another point of view, Jennie was painted as a foreigner that possessed no sense of direction with her stumbles into lockers and random classroom door knobs that hurt her side occasionally. With many turns, twists, and fumbles, she was way far from her supposed destination and she regretted not asking the school counselor for a student's guidance all because she wanted to attempt independence for this new start.

"Some new start this is," she mumbled under her breath, sighing as she further progressed into the building cluelessly.


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bluebird 5 years ago
lalisa manoban pls?
drooopthebomb 5 years ago
park jihoon pls
-sunrise 5 years ago
Could I cc tiffany to park jiyeon? Her bio will be the same
psycheux 5 years ago
please add eunha for me ; ;; ; ; ;; ; thank you !!!
spotify 5 years ago
caribbean 5 years ago
it shows there are only three classes available?
microwave 5 years ago
hccjvkjc hi- i accidentally left renjun- could i please be reaccepted? ;;;
ur_mai_ginger 5 years ago
Hello, could I please ask for Jake T. Austin?
vividly 5 years ago
Son Hyejoo, please
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