❂Meeting Room

Sumiyoshi-kai (住吉会)

a meeting room
for serious discussions with certain people
or accepting guests for a tea and small talk etc.
Byun Baekhyun❂(住吉会)♕ 3 years ago
@Sen Mitsuji❂(住吉会)♛ Baekhyun stopped letting his thoughts take over and looked up at his boss. " hmm tell me, I'm here to serve you boss" he took a sip of tea hoping it wasn't so bad that he was going to have to do because this week badly and he felt that if he did one more thing, his week would end up the worse ever. " well...spit it out Sen, are you going on another trip?" That must be it right? He asked himself as the other looked no the other looked like he was trying to avoid him. Maybe he felt bad for leaving alone while he was trips.
Sen Mitsuji❂(住吉会)♛ 3 years ago
@Byun Baekhyun❂(住吉会)♕ "Talk about me...fine."
Was all he said before he took a few more sips of tea, and finally he sighed to let his shoulders relax. If the other was to be stubborn and not talk to him, fine, it's not like he could do anything about how the other felt about whatever feelings he was always harboring.
"Well I had to take out a few unnecessary assets, meet with another business man who needed loan, of course if he doesn't pay that loan back with half his profits he will die..."
He finished his tea before he just stared at the younger male. His eyes were full of curiosity, but void as well, as if he had a thought in his mind he could never get rid of.
"I need you to do something for me..."
Byun Baekhyun❂(住吉会)♕ 3 years ago
@Sen Mitsuji❂(住吉会)♛ Baekhyun nodded but looked down unsure on how to talk with Sen since it had so long. " oh...that must have been annoying...i umm.." he rubbed his nape as he tried to form the words and pick them wisely. " sen...i like someone...but i don't know how to talk to them a tell them...i mean nevermind " he shut his mouth and took a long drink of his tea. Great sen was going to think how unprofessional of him and how dumb the conversation was. " let's talk about you..." he quickly tried to move along the topic not wanting it to return back to his stupid question. Sen didn't care about who liked who....he was the boss.
Sen Mitsuji❂(住吉会)♛ 3 years ago
@Byun Baekhyun❂(住吉会)♕ As Sen soon lifted the tea cup to his lips, softly blowing on it and taking a much needed sip, his eyes still locked onto the young, he softly sighed because he knew how stubborn Byun was. Of course they both had tempers but in comparison, Byun was more short fused but not to mention the younger still didn't dare stepan toe out of line in front of him.
"You can stop with the sir stuff for now, besides it's just us in here..."
He wanted to mention about how cute the other looked when he was upset but he kept that info to himself as he took another sip of tea. "So far my trips were boring, but the work needed went smoothly "enough" a few useless others got mixed up with us, but I warned them not to...their loss really."
Byun Baekhyun❂(住吉会)♕ 4 years ago
@Sen Mitsuji❂(住吉会)♛ Baekhyun took one glance at Sen and sighed. " yes....and im not in the mood to talk about it..." he lowered his haze as he served the tea and slid it over to Sen so he could drink. So many things had happened to him while Sen was away but he was too scared to talk about or he felt Sen would get mad at him. " so how was your trip, sir?" He asked still using formalities
Sen Mitsuji❂(住吉会)♛ 4 years ago
@Byun Baekhyun❂(住吉会)♕ The leader walked closer and he sat across from Baekhyun, he always felt a slight more leniency towards the younger, perhaps because growing up with him since the boy was 16. Of course, as soon as Sen's Leadership began he had to become even more serious than he had been before. On the inside though...he wished for something else, but for now leading came first.
"I heard you aren't very happy today, judging by your quickly dimwitted response, I assume that that info is true?"
Sen let a soft smirk show itself on his lips as he accepted tea. Of course underneath this calm and collected exterior, Byun had seen who Sen really was as a person and Sen himself knew that, formality sure was a .
Byun Baekhyun❂(住吉会)♕ 4 years ago
@Sen Mitsuji❂(住吉会)♛ Baekhyun had let himself get lost in his thoughts. He got annoyed when he suddenly heard his nickname. " what do you want now?" He rolled his eyes thinking it was going to be one of the men below him but as he turned his head, he saw him. His boss standing there safe and sound from the business trips. He wanted to jump into his arms and tell him how much he missed him and how happy he was to see him back but Baekhyun knew one slip and Sen could take him off his position. Standing up he straightened out his clothing and bowed at a 90 degree before speaking. " welcome back boss, happy to have you back" he smiled a bit but he wanted to smile so much more than a fake smile. Pointing at the seat in front of him, he suggested they take a tea to catch up with the time lost. " how was your trip, boss?" He kept the questions short and simple trying to show little to no emotion.
Sen Mitsuji❂(住吉会)♛ 4 years ago
@Byun Baekhyun❂(住吉会)♕ As Sen had been away on a few business trips, he felt that he needed to relax back with some tea, and it was good to be back. He was told his second in command Baekhyun was in the meeting room and from how it sounded the younger wasn't very pleased. So he changed quickly into some traditional comfy clothes and once he arrived he slid the door open, walking in quietly. "Baek~?"
Byun Baekhyun❂(住吉会)♕ 4 years ago
@Sen Mitsuji❂(住吉会)♛ Baekhyun had just met up with someone but it didn't go as planned. " ing annoying " he mumbled. Serving himself more tea he sighed looking out the window to ease his thoughts also wondering how his day took a turn for the worse.


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Kaworu 3 years ago
Kame is leaving, thanks for having me
ItadoriYuji 3 years ago
I’m gonna drop Yuta Yuta because I’m not active with him :(
I’ll miss this place and hopefully will rejoin soon if the opportunity comes
-oliver 3 years ago
Letting y’all know that I’m leaving mingi bc I’m not active at all
It was nice while I was active though ♥︎ I really loved it here
912c5d2bc21ae1b6c24a 3 years ago
Hey, I'm really not around so I will be leaving Taehyung. Thank you for having me though! ♡
37e94f1464e94d4f7c30 3 years ago
<3 Taeyong is heading out- thank you so much for havin me!
blueydotmp3 3 years ago
leaving jaehyun

Don't want to be selfish and hog a character, thank you for the opportunity!!
DiabloEaterMfkr 3 years ago

Ish meee

I'm sorry I'm not very active here at all
So for now I will say goodbye. But if I can get a better muse for someone I shall be back. I'll be keeping you in my faves! ♡
maddiee 3 years ago
can you add and reserve jeon woosung (aka chillin homie) for me pls? ^w^
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