∴ deities

gods list.
hello hello!  welcome to the cheat sheet for choosing your godly parent. we have 24 deities available for you to choose from, however we do welcome children of other minor gods and goddesses that exist(simply put your chosen deities name in the appropriate section of the application and an admin will get back to you on your demigod abilities and characteristics). please be aware that we do not accept demigods of ' gods and goddesses' such as hera, hestia and artemis, majority of the titans(some will be available but you would have to double check, have a god/goddess as a back up in case head admin saorsa says no) and spirits just as naiads, satyrs, dryads, etc.

if none of the below deities particularly interest you, then you can refer to this page: here but please be aware that your character may not have all the abilities listed in the cabin description; head admin saorsa will pm you to let you know what you can and cannot do. head admin saorsa may also reject your choice so make sure you have a back up deity in mind.

if a deity has their name crossed out, it means you cannot apply for them until further notice.
we are only accepting four children of zeus. 1 / 4 spots taken.


Aerokinesis : children of zeus have the ability to control the wind and air; they can create strong gusts of wind, use geysers of air to boost themselves into the air and more.

Electrokinesis : all children of zeus can create or control lightning. This often works side by side with their limited atmokinesis with creating storm clouds. Zeus kids are able to shock others at varying intensity levels through touch, conjure up bolts of lightning, withstand lightning/electricity strikes and are often prone to giving off static shocks to others.

animal communication and control : all children of zeus can talk to and command eagles, their fathers sacred animal

limited atmokinesis : a weaker ability from their father; children of zeus are able to create storm clouds and change pressure in the atmosphere, this is a very draining ability and is hard to learn.

flight : a very rare power. some children of zeus are able to use a combination of the above powers to grant themselves flight. (rare: 1/1)

other : children of zeus are capable of controlling and communicating with eagles, do not experience shortness of breath in high altitudes and often feel invigorated on a windy date. The children of zeus are charismatic and arrogant, they like to take leadership positions and can become power hungry easily.
we are only accepting four children of Poseidon. 3 / 4 spots taken.


hydrokinesis : the ability to control liquids with ones mind. all children of poseidon have influence over fresh and salt water; they can bend it to whatever desired shape, create weaponry or shields, and can draw water from the most unlikely of places(eg seashells, plant life, etc.)

geokinesis : children of poseidon have the ability to create earthquakes, this generally only happens when the demigod is in a negative emotional state. it is hard to control and not easy to learn.

animal communication and control : all children of poseidon can talk to and command horses and underwater creatures, their fathers sacred animal.

limited atmokinesis : a weaker ability from their father; children of poseidon are able to create small hurricanes or storms if there is a big enough body of water nearby.

other : children of poseidon can breathe/speak underwater, have natural expert knowledge over ships and know their exact nautical coordinates when in salt water. Similar to their father, the children of poseidon often have unpredictable personalities.
we are only accepting four children of hades. 2 / 4 spots taken.


necromancy : children of hades have the ability to summon, control and banish the dead(to varying levels, some are better than others at controlling their summons). They are able to sense when a demigod has died, are able to release and guide spirits to the underworld and communicate with ghosts.

umbrakinesis : the ability to generate and manipulate darkness, this includes(but is not limited to): becoming invisible in the shadows, shadow traveling, creating barriers with black energy and see in the dark.

ferrokinesis : children of hades are able to summon and manipulate precious jewels and metals from deep within the earth; this is a cursed ability as any attempt to pass off what they draw from the ground is often followed with misfortune.

animal communication and control : all children of hades can talk to and command cattle and screech owls, their fathers sacred animal

limited geokineses : like the children of poseidon, children of hades are able to create earthquakes depending on their emotional state and summon hellfire from these fissures.

other : children of hades can communicate with hellhounds and will not be attacked by creatures of the underworld. Children of Hades are often pessimists and prefer to be alone.

technokinesis : children of hephaestus can control and manipulate machines; they are able to identify the components of any machinery through touch, can sense faults and can create automatons from scrap metal.

pyrokinesis : a rare ability to summon, control and be immune to fire (rare: 2/3)

animal communication and control : all children of hephaestus can talk to and command donkeys and dogs, their fathers sacred animal

other : the children of hephaestus are expert builders and mechanics, have a high resistances to heat and lava, can find and sense traps in the group and often prefer warmer than normal temperatures.

enhanced strength : while all demigods experience some level of enhanced strength, the children of ares are stronger than most. adrenaline and being in the heat of battles allows them 

emotional manipulation : children of ares are able to influence the emotions of others, bringing on feelings of impulsive anger, bloodlust and occasionally fear if their opponent is weaker.

weapon manipulation : some children of areas are able to curse their opponents weapons (examples being turning arrows into rubber or making a sword too heavy to lift)

animal communication and control : all children of ares can talk to and command vultures and boars, their fathers sacred animal

other : children of areas are considered to be the best at hand to hand combat and are naturally skilled with all kinds of weaponry. the children of athena are often studious and calm.

divine intelligence and wisdom : the children of athena are among the most intelligent people in the world; they often have either photographic or eidetic memories, will ever forget what they have heard, and pick up new skills easily. 

war strategists : like the children of ares, the children of athena have enhanced strength and swiftness, are adept at using various weapons have have natural expertise in war strategy.

animal communication and control : all children of athena can talk to and command owls and serpents, their mothers sacred animals.

other : children of athena have an aptitude for athletic sports, are natural weavers and have a strong love for topics like architecture, chemistry, etc.

vitakinesis : all children of apollo, on top of being natural healers, can use music(often singing or playing an instrument such as the lute or clarinet) to aid with healing others.

precognition : a rare ability to have limited knowledge of the future; this often comes as a feeling or in the form of dreams. (1/5 taken)

photokinesis : the ability to manipulate light, this is an extremely rare ability only given to the one blessed by Apollo (-/1 : this ability will be unavailable until a child of apollo pulls off a feat that the admin team believes makes them worthy)

animal communication and control : all children of apollo can talk to and command swans, their fathers sacred animal

other : children of apollo can curse others to speak in rhymes for days, are the best archers(rivalled only by the hunters of artemis), and are skilled in physical contests and games. they draw their strength from daylight, often feel warm to touch and always look sun kissed.

conditional immortality : the huntresses of artemis are immortal unless they break the conditions of their contract or are felled by a weapon not their own.

enhanced hunting : all skills relating to the hunt(strength, speed, tracking, etc.) are enhanced to match and even exceed, in some cases, other demigods.

animal communication and control : all huntresses can talk to and command wolves, hawks and stags, their leaders sacred animals.

amokinesis : children of aphrodite have the ability to manipulate others feelings of love and desire.

beauty and omnipotent allure : the children of aphrodite have always been naturally alluring, after being claimed, they become more so; being in their presence can elicit feelings of excitement and (romantic) desire.

animal communication and control : all children of aphrodite can talk to and command doves, their mothers sacred animal.

limited magical abilities : the ability to have magical control over cosmetics and aesthetics; they can curse clothing to be too small or large, makeup to never apply correctly and in some cases, even manipulate their own physical features to look different. 
charmspeak : a rare ability to influence others thoughts and actions with their voice to varying degrees. (0/7)

other : all children of aphrodite can speak fluent french, have high social awareness and empathy.

speed : while all children of hermes are faster than the average camper, some have the ability of supernatural speed (rare: 1/3)

lock-picking : some children of hermes have the ability to unpick locks with their minds (rare: 0/3)

theft : the children of hermes are skilled thieves and are are known to make excellent spies due to unnatural stealth and the ability to make traps.

animal communication and control : all children of hermes can talk to and command tortoises, their fathers sacred animal

other : children of hermes are persuasive and incredibly lucky jack-of-all trades; they are good at alchemy and never get lost when travelling.

chlorokinesis : the children of dionysus have influence over plants, specifically vines such as grapes, ivy, etc.

madness : a hard to learn ability, the children of dionysus are capable of learning how to cause and cure madness like their father.

animal communication and control : all children of dionysus can talk to and command leopards and goats, their fathers sacred animal

other : children of dionysus are the only campers the do not experience ADHD/dyslexia. They are unable to get drunk, experience alcohol poisoning and make excellent actors.

chlorokineses : the children of demeter can create, shape and manipulate plant-life(including wood, vines, plants, moss, and parts of the plants, such as leaves, seeds, roots, fruits and flowers).

green magic : a rare ability to grow magical fruits; these fruits can enhance healing, inspire feelings of creativity or rage, curse the eater with an affliction, etc. 
karpoi summoning : the children of demeter have the ability to summon karpoi(grain spirits) but these creatures often need an offering of some kind to agree to help. (0/5 taken)

transfiguration : while limited to the non-living, children of demeter can turn objects and things into plants of their choosing.

animal communication and control : all children of demeter can talk to and command domestic animals(cats and dogs) and lions, their mothers sacred animal.

other : some children of demeter are able to communicate with animals, are naturally good cooks and have an affinity for nursing/feeding others.

mist control : children of hecate are able to control the mist and bend it to their will, creating illusions for or manipulating the memories of mortals and other demigods.

magic : the only cabin with ‘true’ magic, the children of hecate can cast spells using ancient greek but this is a very difficult ability to learn.

animal communication and control : all children of hecate can talk to and command dogs and polecats, their mothers sacred animals.

necromancy : some children of hecate are able to summon and control the dead, this is a rare ability. (rare: 3/3)

other : children of hecate are studious, tend to get lost in their own thoughts and are more powerful during the night.

chlorokineses : like their mother, the children of persephone can create, shape and manipulate plant-life(including wood, vines, plants, moss, and parts of the plants, such as leaves, seeds, roots, and fruits). their powers work best with flowers and flowering plants.

plant transformation : while limited to the non-living, children of persephone have the ability to turn things and objects into any flowers they wish.

geokinesis : the ability to create earthquakes and fissures in the earth. 

animal telepathy : during the spring and summer months, children of persephone are able to communicate with all land animals.

animal communication and control : all children of persephone can talk to and command rams, bats and parrots, their mothers sacred animals.

other : children of persephone have their magic and personalities affected by the seasons.

hypnokinesis : the children of hypnos have the ability to affect the sleeping patterns of others; this includes making them exhausted, putting them into a coma-like state or giving them insomnia. being in their presence induces feelings of tiredness.

memory manipulation : with some concentration, children of hypnos can induce a dream-like state in another demigod to retrieve, analyse or destroy a memory. this is a very dangerous ability as it can leave the subject in a vegetative state.

animal communication and control : all children of hypnos can talk to and command small sized birds, their fathers sacred animal

other : the children of hypnos are known for being pale and small compared to their demigod cousins, this is because they spend most of their time sleeping in their cabin; only rousing for meals and specific activities.

photokineses : children of iris have the ability to control light, specifically rainbows. they can use these rainbows to concentrate light into lasers, manipulate the colour spectrum to become invisible, and more.

realm teleporation : children of iris can use rainbows as a 'teleportation' system to any realm they choose.

animal communication : the children of iris are able to communicate and control with pegasi freely.

other : children of iris have great colour co-ordination and can use their mothers messaging system for free.

tychokinesis : the children of nemesis have some influence over luck and outcome. If they feel somebody has too much good luck, they can provide bad luck and vice versa.

umbrakinesis : while not as powerful as other demigods, children of nemesis have some influence over darkness.

curses : children of nemesis are particularly good at dealing curses onto others

animal communication and control : all children of nemesis can talk to and command geese, their mothers sacred animal.

other : children of nemesis are able to send out a blast of energy to knock their opponents of their feet.

enhanced abilities : overall, the children of nike have faster reflexes, are faster and stronger and are more athletic then other campers.

intuitive precognition : like their mother, the children of nike have an innate sense of whether a battle is going to be won or not.

curse / blessing manipulation : a limited power, if they so choose, a child of nike is able to grant a blessing or curse to effect the outcome of a battle; this only works on one subject at a time.

animal communication and control : all children of nikes can talk to and command lions, their mothers sacred animal. *nike does not have an animal associated with her, hence we make one up

other : children of nike are competitive and can often accurately predict the outcome of a battle; they are more adept at using an axe than other weapons.

amokinesis : like the children of aphrodite, children of eros have some influence over peoples emotions though they specialise with feelings of desire and lust. (only the children of artemis & athena are immune to the children of eros)

beauty and omnipotent allure : the children of eros have always been naturally desirable, after being claimed, they become more so; being in their presence can elicit feelings of excitement and (ual) desire.

animal communication and control : all children of eros can talk to and command hares, their fathers sacred animal

shapeshifting : the children of eros are able to temporarily change their physical appearance

pyrokinesis : the children of eros are able to supernaturally light their weapons on fire

other : the children of eros are fluent in french and are highly skilled archers.

umbrakinesis : the children of nyx have the strongest influence over darkness; this includes, but is not limited to, shrouding enemies in a cloud of darkness, solidifying shadows into a physical shield, healing minor injuries with darkness, covering self in shadows to become invisible, becoming a living shadow, shadow travel, & night vision.

animal communication and control : all children of nyx can talk to and command nocturnal animals such as owls and bats, their mothers sacred animal.

other : the children of nyx are classic night owls, their personalities become more vibrant, they are stronger magically and physically, and prefer to stay up during the night.

cryokineses : the ability to manipulate all things frozen and cold, the children of khione tend to specialise in one particular area such as snow, frost, and ice but are not limited to that one specialty.

heat sensitivity: being the offspring of an elemental goddess, children of khione can sense the smallest changes in temperature, particularly if it gets warmer. they prefer colder temperatures.

animal communication and control : all children of khione can talk to and command penguins and bears, their mothers sacred animals. *khione does not have an animal associated with her, hence we make one up

charmspeak: while not as powerful as the children of aphrodite or eros, children of khione have some ability with charmspeaking others.

other : children of khione are said to have ‘icy’ personalities and are immune to the cold.

medical omniscience : all children of asclepius are able to discern a persons health status and medical history with a single touch; they have knowledge of all things disease, injury and poison related.

revival : in rare cases(and if performed early enough), some children of asclepius have been known to bring back demigods from death.
 (1/3 taken)

healing : children of asclepius are even better at healing than the children of Apollo, every demigod has their own method of rejuvenation whether it’s by touch, speech, etc. they can cure everything from the common cold to cancer(in demigods); however, this power is very draining, the harder the disease to cure, the more effort and energy it takes.

animal communication and control : all children of asclepius can talk to and command serpents, their fathers sacred animal

other : all children of asclepius are immune to mortal ailments(the common cold, pneumonia, gastro, etc.) and have the ability to summon medical equipment from thin air.

fear manipulation (personal) : the children of phobos have the terrifying(literally) ability to make one visualise their worst fears through eye contact. unless an external source breaks the illusion, both the child of phobos and their victim are incapacitated.

teleportation : a hard to master ability, the children of phobos are able to vanish in a curtain of yellow vapor(such as their father) and reappear in another location, but it must be somewhere the user has already been.

statue manipulation : children of phobos are able to give temporary life to statues, bringing them under the control.

animal communication and control : all children of phobos can talk to and command arachnids and bugs, their fathers sacred animal. *phobos does not have an animal associated with him, hence we make one up

other : children of phobos are immune to their half siblings and cousins(children of deimos) abilities. they do not like authority and prefer to use their abilities to their advantage over weapons and words.

fear manipulation (wide spread ): the children of deimos are able to create massive illusions to install terror onto others; their limit is their imagination and the conscious awareness of those under the illusion.

odikinesis : the ability to manipulate negative emotions; deimos children can instil feelings of fear, hate and rage through a single toouch.

teleportation : a hard to master ability, the children of dermas are able to vanish in a curtain of red vapor(such as their father) and reappear in another location, but it must be somewhere the user has already been.

statue manipulation : children of deimos are able to give temporary life to statues, bringing them under the control.

animal communication and control : all children of deimos can talk to and command black dogs and bugs, their fathers sacred animal. *deimos does not have an animal associated with him, hence we make one up

other : children of deimos are immune to their half siblings and cousins(children of phobos) abilities. they do not like authority and prefer to use their abilities to their advantage over weapons and words.
x. minghao ( H. 2/8 - 25/8 ) [A] 3 years ago
x. minghao ( H. 2/8 - 25/8 ) [A] 3 years ago
j. jeongguk [A] 3 years ago
x. minghao ( H. 2/8 - 25/8 ) [A] 3 years ago
j. jeongguk [A] 3 years ago
j. jeongguk [A] 3 years ago
j. jeongguk [A] 3 years ago


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eternalsnow 3 years ago
taeyeon is leaving, im getting too busy im sorry
eternalsnow 3 years ago
can i reserve kim taeyeon? but is application for apollo closed? ;-;
rasengan 3 years ago
a+ r bea kristi please
2870c5e8bf680c224ec5 3 years ago
can i reserve kang yeosang?
wassowasso 3 years ago
peachygods 3 years ago
kim jiwoo aka chuu of loona pls?
3b60e8a3106c242e80d7 3 years ago
cho seungyoun por favor
-firstoption- 3 years ago
han seungwoo pls
-jewel 3 years ago
I... this concept.. its too good to be true, I must join but as who...
pxssionfruit 3 years ago
cracks knuckles.
give me sana back
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