⋰ quest — man, who would have thought shopping for shoes could lead to being trapped in an underground cavern?

underground cavern.
It was just a free day for the three of them after Sana invited the two girls for shopping, Joohyun can't say no to it as she have a time to steal while they're shopping. Getting out of the mist, they go shopping, however when they were on their way back to the camp, they were captured by a group of Harpies who was working for someone and took them to an undisclosed area where they are trapped and now going to find a way to escape and go back to the camp.

objective: to escape the cavern
participants: bae joohyun. sana minatozaki . son seungwan
outcome: success with major injuries
b. joohyun 3 years ago
@s. seungwan @m. sana (30.06 - 14.07) She had a dreadful feeling that their other friend would be on the verge of cliff to Charon's boat and she doesn't wanted that-- all of them don't want that to happen to Sana. She is too good to getting herself killed by something enormous she had been feeling right now. Joohyun looked around once again and peeks something on the door, she can see that there's a bar holding up against the door, it looks old and might be able to break it with a strong force before looking at Seungwan. "Step back from the door, I have an idea." She told her before she walks back from the barred door, giving herself a distance from it until she got a 15-meter-distance. Then Joohyun closed her eyes and clench her fists, making her whole body vibrates to give herself an extra force, unleashing the power of being a Hermes kid. Her eyes changed into gold as she is trying to reach the level of bomb's impact speed, she then crouched down before she used her speed to bashed the door open like a speed of sound, breaking it into pieces.

With her ability, some of the harpies heard the impact so they rushed to the direction where it came from. Joohyun's eyes went back to it's normal color, holds on to the edge of the table as she is having a vertigo before seeing her bamboo sword and Seungwan's umbrella gun on top of the table before getting it. "I-I'll never do that again... geez..." She told Seungwan as they got away from the prison, she sees the harpies coming towards them before they prepared themselves to fight them. She unsheathed her hidden blade within the bamboo, glaring at the ugly flying creatures. Joohyun used her speed once again, she rarely gets herself angry that she cuts off few of harpies' wings in a matter of seconds before one harpy clawed her right arm, screaming in pain before falling down on the ground.

She had been slashed by countless of blades in Capture the Flags, got beaten up in her previous quests, she can endure all that-- but the sharp claws of the harpie went into her skin and bones is agonizing. Joohyun trying to ease the pain from her arm while she is already palpitating with it, she had to keep her mind straight. Their only focus is getting out of here alive. She stood up and used her feet to kick one last harpy who was about to attack Seungwan from behind then she heard a commotion in a distance before she looked at Seungwan, "It must be Sana. Let's go!" Joohyun took Seungwan's arm with her left hand and went to a room. She gasped as she saw Sana fighting a one heck of a monster, "Sana!" They were about to go to her place but the monster's three snarling heads went over the two of them to stop them from going to Sana. They were faced by the monster who is going to be the one to send them to Hades, yet she didn't like the idea of them dying in here. "Come here you ugly bastard! Fight me!" Joohyun yelled at the monster as she stepped forward, the monster roared at their direction before her tentacles was going to latch on her but she quickly sliced off the tentacles with her blade and one head was about to bite her before she dodges it and grabs one knife from her holster and throws it on its head.

While still fighting against the monster, she gets a glimpse of Sana trying to use her power once again as a last resort. Her eyes widen, she can't let her friend do this. It's too risky, but she doesn't have any choice. Once she told them to save themselves, Joohyun gritted her teeth and grabbed Seungwan away from them. "We have to get away!" She told her before getting the other out of the cave, "Stay here, I'll get Sana--" then she used her speed to get to Sana, hoping it is not too late to catch her.
b. joohyun 3 years ago
@s. seungwan @m. sana Joohyun tries her best to thrash her lower of her body just to get away from being held by the harpy's claws but it is useless, "Yah! Let me go! You ugly bird!" She yelled at the harpy. It turned its head to her attention and it seemed to annoyed her before she throws her against the floor, she groans as her back hit against the cold hard pavement. She then gets up slowly, "Well that's some kind of invitation there." Then mutters before she gets small marble from her pocket which it turns into a bamboo stick. More harpies are coming to them and they are all screaming at them like an untalented celebrities trying to sing a high note which made them unable to move their bodies and numb their eardrums (or breaking their eardrums), Joohyun tries to move another step but then she eventually passes out...

She gained her consciousness when she jolted out of nowhere and looked around, it is dark yet the only light is a torch beside the barred door. Joohyun then touched her ear and saw it has blood coming out of it. Then she looked behind her and saw Seungwan, still unconscious on the ground, she went closer to her and shakes her a bit. "Wendy... Seungwan... Wake up!" She called while still shaking her violently, she too has a bleeding ear. Those harpies really broke their eardrums. Then she looks around for a lead where they are right now: Rocky room, flowstones above them and too dark for them to see. They're probably in a cave. As soon as Seungwan wakes up, Joohyun helps her up before looking through the door. "Where's Sana?" She asked the other but both of them didn't know where their other friend is.
b. joohyun 3 years ago
@s. seungwan @m. sana Shifting from another section to another, she went back to look over the two who are still busy looking for the new things they could buy. Then she saw Sana showing some pairs of clips on her palm before seeing a pair of pink clips which Irene gets it with a queering smile, "Can I have these?" Then she looked over the nearest mirror she could find before clipping her locks with the pair of clips and smiles. "I look great!" She told them before she turns around to look at them. Then her stomach suddenly grumbles after hours of shopping (and stealing) before she looked at the two of her friends, "I guess we should grab a bite, I'm pretty hungry right now." She told them while massaging her stomach a bit.

After they eat in a meal in one of the fast food chain, they are ready to go back to the camp. But since the two doesn't want to ride the Chariot of Damnation, she thinks it is a best way to just take a bus which would drive to the last station which is their destination before walking another mile to the camp and that would be a drag for Joohyun as she is not a fan of walking for a long period of time (At some quests she had been done, she had to). "Come on, there's a shortcut to the bus station." She told them as she starts leading them out of the mall and into the dark alley which is the shortest and fastest way to the bus station. Walking alone with the two of them feels safe as she is not alone to go in here because of some burglars or thugs she might encounter alone. Joohyun then stops as she heard an eerie shout of something, a dry tone and ugly sound before she looked up and saw a group of harpies grappling her arms. She couldn't do a thing as it was too late for her to get her bamboo sword from her pocket, she screamed as one of them starts dragging her up the sky.
b. joohyun 3 years ago
@s. seungwan @m. sana Looking at their reaction about the eye and the turbulence they are having, Joohyun had to give tge eye to one lady that is driving. "Give me that--" She takes the eye away from the two before giving it to the driver then attached it in her eye socket, "Ah, finally!" then she push the breaks and the speed died down in an instant with them almost throwing over the car. "We are here! Now, the fee!" The other old lady demanded before Joohyun looked over the window and saw that they're already at the mall, the female thief smiled at the three old ladies before giving them a small sack of drachmas. "Thanks for giving us lift." She thanked then and opens the door, "Come on, let's go!" Then she helped Sana and Wendy to get off as they are a bit in a motion sickness, especially Wendy before she rubs her back gently, "So sorry about that. I thought it is a good way to take the two of you in the Chariot of Damnation." She smiles sheepishly before she looked up and smiles. "Well, at least we are in a mall."

They start walking inside and Joohyun was outstanded by the interior, so many things that are very valuable and foods too! Joohyun's eyes are locked on some precious jewelry and delicious foods. Oh heavens, she always wished to live in a mall for her lifetime. They walked in one of the clothing shops then they look for some new clothes yet Joohyun is making her con-artist way of getting things before walking to them as they are still searching for some shoes and sandals. Then Joohyun looks at her worn sneakers, dusty and dull already before looking over the shoe section and looks at some rubber shoes and running shoes. Then she looked over the CCTVs and used her super speed to get a pair of black rubber shoes and a new pair of red sneakers and tuck it inside her shopping bag.
b. joohyun 3 years ago
@s. seungwan @m. sana "We don't need anything but drachmas!" The middle old lady exclaimed, "And if you're going far it better be worth for it!" The other woman added. Joohyun sighs and rolls her eyes, good thing they don't have eyes to see what expression she gave to the three old hags. "Just take us to the luxurious mall you can ever find," She told the three before they quickly turned their heads at once in front of the three young women. Seeing the old ladies having no eyes at all will make a first timer screaned in horror, but Joohyun just kept her straight face as she is used to it. "That will have an extra price!" They exclaimed at once before one of them pushed the gas pedal and the cab starts to move fast... faster than they expected.

She might have pissed the three of them but this is the fastest transportation she could have ever find. With the speed they are in, they might have whiplashed or an easy way to have a stiff neck. Joohyun looked at the two, "If you are having motion sickness just say so because this ride is like a roller coaster in speed." She told them and sees the speed meter going up faster, Joohyun gulps as the sisters didn't have their eye. "Uhh, did you lost your eye again? Because you're going too fast." She asked them, as soon as she finished what she ask they got a speed bump and a fresh yet slimy eye dropped on her palm. Joohyun yelps and accidently toss the eye on the two of them.
b. joohyun 3 years ago
@s. seungwan @m. sana Joohyun blinked as the two asked her if she had drachmas or gold coins in her pockets. The child of Hermes just gave the two a mischievous smile, then puts here medium sized shoulder bag down on the ground and gets a kilo sack of drachmas from it. Of course, it is! She steals a lot of things, usually drachmas! "What are children of Hermes for when you don't have drachmas in your pocket?" She told them and chuckles before putting it back inside her bag before carrying it again.

"Now let's get out of the mist first before I will call a cab..." She then takes a lead out of the gate, when saying a cab... she meant the Gray Sisters' taxi cab and the two didn't even know she had been commuting with them whenever she wanted to go somewhere fun or alone. Since they know that no taxi cabs are driving past the strawberry farm because it is well-hidden, the two might confused of what the child of Hermes told them.

She took out three drachmas and toss it to the ground like feeding a group of pigeons, before looking from a far, waiting for the taxi to come. Minutes later, she looked at her wrist watch and there it came a smoke coming to their direction, blasting a smoke in front of them as the taxi is hitting a horn to ride with them. The taxi looks old, dull and eerie, like it has never been cleaned for years. "Let's go," Then she opened the door and sits in the passenger seat. "Come-" the lady in the wheels spoke, "--seat-" then spoke the lady in the middle, "--comfortably." last lady told them to the right, their tone sounds eerie too which joohyun is already used to it.
b. joohyun 3 years ago
@s. seungwan @m. sana Meanwhile at the Hermes cabin, most of the children of Hermes and the unclaimed had been out for some training. The head cabin had no time to look after her cabin mates due to exhaustion from what they did last night, Joohyun is in fact a heavy sleeper and snores really loud when she's sleeping while lying on soft velvety bed with feather-filled pillows around her. Then her alarm rings, automatically waking her up before slowly yawning and sitting up while her hair is still in a bed head shape, she stretches her arms and legs before getting off the bed.

She is still half-asleep while going to the bathroom and washes her face then goes back to the bed, only to find her phone having a notification from Sana, one of the children of Hecate. She then reads her message before her eyes wide, fully waking her up. She then rushed to the bathroom, getting a quick, very quick bath before wearing her red leather hoodie and a black skinny jeans with a pair of sneakers. After that she replied to her message:

《Jooberry Bun > Sana》
- How could I say no for shopping? Let's wreck the mall!
- 'Aight be there im a sec, hun ♡

After she send the message, she was already behind Sana as soon as she found her. Then she quickly tapped the other from behind, "I'm here!" Joohyun greeted with a smile. She has now the reason to drop off from her duty just to let herself go out of the mist and buy (or steal) whatever she wanted. This will be a great day for the three of them!


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eternalsnow 3 years ago
taeyeon is leaving, im getting too busy im sorry
eternalsnow 3 years ago
can i reserve kim taeyeon? but is application for apollo closed? ;-;
rasengan 3 years ago
a+ r bea kristi please
2870c5e8bf680c224ec5 3 years ago
can i reserve kang yeosang?
wassowasso 3 years ago
peachygods 3 years ago
kim jiwoo aka chuu of loona pls?
3b60e8a3106c242e80d7 3 years ago
cho seungyoun por favor
-firstoption- 3 years ago
han seungwoo pls
-jewel 3 years ago
I... this concept.. its too good to be true, I must join but as who...
pxssionfruit 3 years ago
cracks knuckles.
give me sana back
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