⤹ flower shop

flower shop。

flower shop。

flower shop。

midoriya izuku 3 years ago
@todoroki shoto Today had actually been a slightly busy day, especially in the early morning. Not at the shop, but Midoriya had to be at several other places to help with a few flower designs and to even help plan events for other people. He was very happy with his morning events and felt as though he was on cloud nine... at least for flowers. Now, Midoriya was in the shop and writing down his agenda for the next couple of months in the back room. He was not expecting anyone to come in, which he knew better to think because someone always comes in after those words flow through his brain.

Midoriya was now in his own little world rambling to himself about his upcoming schedule and what to plant in the back of the shop. Suddenly, he was out of his little trance at the sound of someone's voice. He did not know who was inside the shop and did not even focus on the voice to see if it was one of his workers. Midoriya stood up and left his little office to poke his head out with a bright smile to greet whoever it was in the shop. "Ah, hello! Sorry about that, I hope you didn't wait too long!" He said happily. When he looked at the person inside the shop, his smile faded and his eyes widen slightly at the sight in front of him.

At this point, Midoriya felt as though his eyes were playing tricks or maybe his mind was causing him to hallucinate. Maybe he felt that lonely, that he was now seeing a Todoroki Shoto or maybe it was one of those cosplayers making a character up that looks exactly like Shoto. Whatever it was Midoriya did not know exactly how to react to this guy, other than to stare at him in hopes that it is actually Todoroki Shoto.
todoroki shoto 3 years ago
@midoriya izuku it had taken shoto some getting used ton being in the world he was in now. it wasnt perfect, by any means, and things were still rough for him to get used tom but it wasnt the worst. after all, he had to fight villains before. now, it was much different. people werent the same, often much more jumpy than he expected, but at least they didnt look at his hair, or his scar, the same way.

the boy had been tasked with decorating the bakery with some flowers, something to make it more... homey. welcoming, he had been told. so with a list of flower names in his hand, shoto carefully made his way down the street to the flower shop, eyes trained on the sidewalk so as not to trip. with his free hand tucked into his jean pockets, shoto pushed the door open, bells ringing lightly as he stepped inside. looking up, he didnt catch sight of anyone, glancing among the greenery in the shop. "hello?" he called out, brows furrowed. "is there anyone here?"
midoriya izuku 3 years ago
@kirishima eijirou It amazed Midoriya at how late a person could be, especially for their first meeting. Now, Midoriya was not one to yell in anger, at least not in this new world. That did not mean he was going to let the new guy off with a gentle slap to the , he was going to be somewhat stern. Midoriya just knew that today was a lucky day for his new worker because it was not really that busy today. So, Midoriya sighed and decided to go in the back to tend to the plants that were just planted in their pots yesterday.

Now, Midoriya was at a point where he was picking certain plants to place in the front of the shop to show off in hopes that people would either buy them, or come inside to have a good look. As soon as he was outside from the entrance a loud voice startled Midoriya and almost made him drop the big pot that he was carrying. There was no mistake as to how surprised Midoriya felt. Midoriya placed the giant pot on the ground, looked away, and took a deep breath, it was clear he needed a few seconds to register the sudden surprise. After a few seconds, he turned to look at the guy that practically scared him to death.

Midoriya's eyes widen. This guy was not just any guy, it was Kirishima. He was surprised and yet a little bit confused all at the same time. Why does he recognize Kirishima, but Kirishima may have not registered who he was talking to. Midoriya was close to rambling out loud, this was very new to him. Instead, he smiled slightly, "Hi there... um, I'm Midoriya..." He spoke softly before looking at his All Might watch. "You're really late..." Of course, Midoriya had nothing to really say feeling completely stuck in the middle with his own self.
kirishima eijirou 3 years ago
@midoriya izuku Ten minutes late is no big deal. He could blame it on traffic, rush hour.. any excuse would do. But-- two hours? How embarrassing! He took a wrong turn, multiple times, and wounded up in a different city completely. Thank god the locals were so nice, otherwise, he would’ve never made it to the flower shop. Wiping the sweat off his brow, he prepared himself to get a stern talking-to from whoever was on duty. Great, first meeting, and he was going to get his reeled. Just his luck, but he would take it if that meant he could keep this job. He needed it; he didn’t want to get kicked out when he finally, /finally/ got a semi-permanent place to stay.

“Delivery!” His voice bolted out, jumping from the truck with a clipboard in hand and racing to the entrance. “Hi, I’m Kirishima!” His smile is bright, eyes squinted from how wide his mouth was and he extended his hand once face to face with a shorter green-haired man he presumed to be the worker. Maybe, just maybe, if he would win the other over with his manly charm, he would be forgiven? Doubt filled his head, but hell if he wasn’t going to try.


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-diluc 4 months ago
tucks hair back
haha… baizhu from genshin please?
itoshirin 4 months ago
can i reserve yae miko from genshin impact, please!
abbacchio 5 months ago
Manjiro Sano from Tokyo Revengers, please.
96d22d16c12c4901ff60 5 months ago
NotSoGwiyomi 5 months ago
Could I reserve Levi Ackerman from AOT please? :)
chungmyung 5 months ago
could i get kurapika kurta from hxh please?
subeomi 5 months ago
oceans 5 months ago
can i please reserve hutao from genshin impact?
kurokawa [A] 5 months ago
My eyes are open
NotSoGwiyomi 5 months ago
Could i reserve Erwin smith? <3
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