⤹ daycare




akaashi keiji 3 years ago
@alfred f. jones Akaashi would like to think the day his friend drove him home and managed to hit someone was just a bad dream but then it wasn't because the person, thing (?) they hit had only laughed it off and walked away, after being hit by a whole vehicle. He already had a lot on his plate and for the past few days he had blamed a certain blonde male on why he was watching these stupid conspiracy theories at two am. What he hadn't expected was being followed everywhere- from university to the cafe he liked. Why on earth was he being followed? No clue. Will he be able to survive the inevitable? Probably not.

He had just finished cleaning up for the meantime and was fixing some of his papers when he sees the same bundle of blonde hair he's been seeing these past few days from his peripheral. How is he doing this? The raven head lets out a small sigh. Okay maybe this was going too far, there's literally children in this place! And he'll be responsible if anything happens to them. Akaashi couldn't really leave yet, not until a bit later so he does what he can- peeking out the window, eyes landing at the not so hidden person, squinting at him from his place, expression shielding his alarmed state.

[ no worries ! i hope this is okay dkndb ]
alfred f. jones 3 years ago
@akaashi keiji Alfred considers himself the perfect spy. Which is completely untrue, though he doesn't know it, because the perfect spy wouldn't stand out as much as he does. His glasses keep catching the mid-afternoon sunlight, as does his bright white t-shirt. He's not even wearing anything dark to blend in, and really, he shouldn't be trying to hide behind a lamppost of all things. It does nothing to hide his broad shoulders and tall stature. Even worse, he's so caught up in his little spy game that he doesn't notice people giving him weird stares. His attention is completely centered on the daycare across the street, and his target - there!

He sees him through the window, the man from the other night. Alfred's been keeping tabs on him ever since an unfortunate incident that may or may not have revealed his inhuman capabilities. So far it doesn't look like the guy's said anything about it to anyone...but you can never be too vigilant! Hence Alfred proceeding to stake out the man's workplace, just to make sure his secret doesn't get out. He just started to settle in to this new life, he doesn't need it shaken up right now!

[ sorry this took so long ! feel free to respond with as much or as little as you like !! djsfsk ]
akaashi keiji 3 years ago
@bokuto kotaro akaashi blinks at the loud proclamation of his name, not from surprise but from the feeling of hearing it again. he ushers the taller inside, closing the door gently behind him. "well, make yourself at home-" akaashi says before eyeing the mess of toys scattered, bending to clean some of them up. “-well as much as you can” he chuckles softly as he digs one of the toys that had been trapped in between a cubby and the wall before perking up with much interest, plushie in hand, at the mention of onigiri. “you,, you didn’t have to bokuto-san, but thank you. shall we eat them together?” fluffing the toy out before giving it to one of the nearby kids, a small smile on his lips. clapping his hands a few times to get everyone’s attention, almost routinely he asks, voice playful. “kids, what do we say to our guest?” akaashi smiles as they automatically reply with a “welcome mister!” and a few “hello!”s.
bokuto kotaro 3 years ago
@akaashi keiji “akaashi!” he exclaims, pure excitement laced in his voice and he can’t stop the smile that takes over his expression. if there’s one person he’s grateful that came into the world with him, it’s akaashi. he doesn’t know why but the latter gave him this strange sense of comfort knowing that in such a trivial time, there was someone he could rely on — especially since he wouldn’t consider himself to be that responsible in such situations. “i made you some onigiri, figured you’d be hungry.” he doesn’t want to admit it but he spent hours on end locked up in his kitchen, attempting to not burn it down. surprisingly, he was successful. a few rows of rice balls lining the container he’s brought along though they weren’t the neatest but it’s the thought that counts right?
akaashi keiji 3 years ago
@bokuto kotaro if akaashi hears another round of cocomelon's intro song and their song entitled 'johnny johnny yes papa' that has been playing not only for the whole day, but for almost a whole week now, then he was gonna lose it. thank goodness they’ve lowered the music volume since the kids have finished one of their activities today, some had decided to play building blocks, some taking a small nap and others playing hide and seek around outside- although an area where akaashi could still very much see them. the ravenhead perks up at the light rapping at the door, quickly making sure one of the napping kids’ blanket was pulled over properly before shuffling over towards the door, steely blue blinking as he sees the figure that was now in front of him. “bokuto-san?”
bokuto kotaro 3 years ago
@akaashi keiji it’s been months since bokuto’s had the day to himself, working at the fire station was a curse and blessing at the same time. as much as he loved running around saving lives, the workload was relentless and sleep came to him sparsely — he’s surprised he hasn’t fainted from exhaustion at this point. with a light rap on the door and a nervous shuffle of his feet, he waits patiently in hopes that the one person he came for would open it.


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-diluc 4 months ago
tucks hair back
haha… baizhu from genshin please?
itoshirin 4 months ago
can i reserve yae miko from genshin impact, please!
abbacchio 5 months ago
Manjiro Sano from Tokyo Revengers, please.
96d22d16c12c4901ff60 5 months ago
NotSoGwiyomi 5 months ago
Could I reserve Levi Ackerman from AOT please? :)
chungmyung 5 months ago
could i get kurapika kurta from hxh please?
subeomi 5 months ago
oceans 5 months ago
can i please reserve hutao from genshin impact?
kurokawa [A] 5 months ago
My eyes are open
NotSoGwiyomi 5 months ago
Could i reserve Erwin smith? <3
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