
Welcome to the musings room, our quick IC event type room! The way it works is basically built on everyone's imagination. One person picks something like the setting or a particular situation to place everyone else in for the day or time frame they're using this room, and everyone else builds on it from there, interacting with the given environment or scenario.

To give an example, let's say the setting is a beach carnival. Someone can come in and introduce another element to the setting, like a pickpocketer, and others can react and interact with these elements of the room as they come in.

Hopefully that makes more sense, but basically this is our room to play around and gather everyone in one particular setting/situation all at once. It's just something to have fun with and practice being IC with. The setting can and should change with the people in the room, so make this what you want to make it!

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melozennie 4 months ago
ahhhhhh i'm here
but now i'm having trouble deciding between jaemin or haechan as a terran beach volleyball player
themis 4 months ago
can i re-apply for erik and calypso? but can calypso’s fc be changed to kim jiyeon (bona)? ty!
synodic 4 months ago
squirts 4 months ago
may i hav chuu -
collision 4 months ago
breedable 3 years ago
oh. this... this is Y
primavera 3 years ago
is my kida also still there ;;u;;
also the layout is so lovely!
levanter 3 years ago
pokes my fingertips together
is caspian still there somewhere and could i perhaps get him back if so
sparklygayassglitter 3 years ago
I know you get these comments a lot but the main layout made me bust a fat one.
kodachrome 3 years ago
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