♆ saltwater salon

Owned by the infamous — eham — famous historian and museum curator Vaan, the Saltwater Salon is a collection of precious artifacts and treasures. At least, when you’re in the museum portion. If you’re looking to get a little tipsy the bar is to your right (and no, you are not allowed into the museum with drink in your system). The museum portion of the salon is a large, circular structure much like a colosseum. It has four floors, the first being a lobby while the other three are dedicated to the many treasures its owner has so meticulously... collected over the years. On the second floor you’ll find treasures specifically from Galini and the area surrounding its city. This floor is a must-visit for anyone interested in the history of our underwater city. Likewise, the second floor is one that’s dedicated to pieces found in other Thalassan colonies around the globe. The fourth floor of the museum is perhaps the most interesting, showcasing very few items, but what they lack in number they make up for in mystery, for the artifacts here have no explanation, no history, no nothing. What we know about them is practically non-existent, yet they are viewable to the public in hopes that someone may have some information on them. Until then, they certainly are pretty to look at.

galini |
Salwater Salon。
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melozennie 4 months ago
ahhhhhh i'm here
but now i'm having trouble deciding between jaemin or haechan as a terran beach volleyball player
themis 4 months ago
can i re-apply for erik and calypso? but can calypso’s fc be changed to kim jiyeon (bona)? ty!
synodic 4 months ago
squirts 4 months ago
may i hav chuu -
collision 4 months ago
breedable 3 years ago
oh. this... this is Y
primavera 3 years ago
is my kida also still there ;;u;;
also the layout is so lovely!
levanter 3 years ago
pokes my fingertips together
is caspian still there somewhere and could i perhaps get him back if so
sparklygayassglitter 3 years ago
I know you get these comments a lot but the main layout made me bust a fat one.
kodachrome 3 years ago
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