◈ university.


◇ k seulgi 3 years ago
@◈ k shinwon ᵗʰᵉ ʳᵃᵛᵉⁿ "An ornithologist?" Seulgi repeats Shinwon's words in surprise as she stares at the book's front cover that he held in front of her. "I see," she starts before continuing, "Well, I've read some of that kind of topic before! I wanted to check how to take nice pictures of animals, and I took a bit of my time out to research about them." With a small smile on her face, she nods at him. "Do you mind sharing a fact about birds to me then? I'm quite curious." Despite it being an attempt to continue their conversation, the photographer is curious about what he will share with her. She places the book back as she takes another one out– this time, it was specifically about the animal kingdom. "This looks like I could read for a while," she mumbles to herself as she pats the cover gently to dust it off as well before her head turns to him again.
◈ k shinwon ᵗʰᵉ ʳᵃᵛᵉⁿ 3 years ago
@◇ k seulgi once again shinwon returns to the books on the shelves, glancing over their spines and taking two steps down the aisle. he's not looking for any specific one but the actions keep him busy as they talk. "it would..." he says, responding to seulgi's question with a quiet voice of his own, a tone that could convey the same fear as her. he makes a small 'ah' sound as he finds a specific book and pulls it off the shelf. it's about birds, and one he hasn't read yet, which makes him smile. talking about his work is the best way to distract him, really, because if there's one thing shinwon is just as passioniate about as killing, it's birds. "you're right. i think the entire animal kingdom is fascinating, but i'm actually an ornithologist," he holds up the book to show seulgi the front cover. "birds are my area of expertise. they have a lot of interesting social patterns and behaviors. there's always something new to learn... do you have any interest in that sort of thing?"
◇ k seulgi 3 years ago
@◈ k shinwon ᵗʰᵉ ʳᵃᵛᵉⁿ Seulgi nods after listening to Shinwon's words. The entity indeed is the only one who knew how to get out since they were the ones who brought them here to participate in this game. The smile that the male sent to her makes her feel relax a bit. Though it still doesn't remove whatever feeling that remained in her system– perhaps it was uneasiness? The nervousness of being with another person she just met earlier? "It would've been worse if we didn't have the freedom to move," she says as she thinks of an alternate world of this place where she would have more restrictions. A shiver runs down her spine before a sigh leaves her lips as she tries to start another topic. "So, do correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems you like the books relating to living beings." After all, they were currently in the animal section, and it wasn't a certainty that the guy liked this part of the library the most.
◈ k shinwon ᵗʰᵉ ʳᵃᵛᵉⁿ 3 years ago
@◇ k seulgi shinwon nods and says, "most of us are. i don't think anyone besides the entity knows how to get out. i've heard rumors but... i'm not sure if any of them are true." he smiles as seulgi laughs, as if he isn't lying right through his teeth. there's something that she has that he hasn't seen very much of in this place - hope. it sparks something inside him. the tantalizing urge to snuff out both her breath and her hope, until there's nothing left. it's the same urge he'd had back the real world, when he would meet fellow students so full of hope for the future, searching for something grand, only to have their lives ended at his hands. "you're right," he says, forcing the thoughts and urges down. he can wait for the next trial before he does anything drastic. "at least we're alive, and we have the freedom to move, even if it seems we can't technically escape."
◇ k seulgi 3 years ago
@◈ k shinwon ᵗʰᵉ ʳᵃᵛᵉⁿ "I'm clueless with how to get out for now, but with the trials? I know the basic stuff," Seulgi purses her lips as she thinks back to the knowledge that she gathered with the people she met first. With a book in her hand, it was related to animals, but she was too focused on feeling the rough texture of its cover. Shinwon's words make Seulgi laugh– something she hasn't done in a while. Her laughter fills the room for a moment before she calms down. She shakes her head before turning to him to give him a small smile, "It's fine. It caught me off guard, but I do agree with you! We should be thankful for what we have." After all, they're still alive despite being in another world.
◈ k shinwon ᵗʰᵉ ʳᵃᵛᵉⁿ 3 years ago
@◇ k seulgi "what do you know then? anything about the trials, or how to get out?" he asks, curious as to what information she may already know. shinwon eventually shrugs while pulling a book off the shelf. he flips it open to the first page, the words 'animal kingdom: apex predators' printed across the paper, and smiles. the expression is brief, slipping off his face as he closes the book and faces seulgi again. "suffering? i suppose it is, a certain kind of suffering. the food could be better," he laughs quietly. "sorry, i probably shouldn't joke like that. it's hard to find humor in things lately. we take what we can get, don't we?" he asks, as if he's in the same boat as her. to compare the two would be like placing seulgi in economy and shinwon in business. nothing here is first class, but the killers certainly have it slightly better than the survivors, which she seems to be one of.
◇ k seulgi 3 years ago
@ʜ ◈ k shinwon ᵗʰᵉ ʳᵃᵛᵉⁿ Seulgi's eyes repeatedly blink as she adjusts her sight to the sudden light source. It wasn't bright, but it still surprised her sense of sight. She mumbles a reply, "I haven't been that long here. Though I know some stuff already, but not much." Her face is downcast for a moment before she replaces it with a look of agreement at Shinwon's words. The female doesn't know how long she's been here after all. Time seems to be non-existent in this world they were in. "You've been here that long, huh? It isn't a good thing that we're all here. We shouldn't be suffering." Her fingers are reaching for the spines of the books on the shelves as she glances over at him, a small worried frown curling on her lips.
◈ k shinwon ᵗʰᵉ ʳᵃᵛᵉⁿ 3 years ago
@◇ k seulgi "they're in the sections farther away from the stairs. less light damage, less moisture, etcetera," shinwon walks them down into the dark rows of the library, reaching out to turn on another lamp placed on top of a tall stack of books. the lighting is dim, but enough to see with. shinwon hums and says, "you haven't been here long then?" he keeps his eyes trained on the shelves, brushing his fingers along the spines. "well, i can tell you it's not a good thing that you're here. i've been around for...three cycles? four? you tend to lose track of time in this place, i'm not sure how long it's been..."

[] <3
◇ k seulgi 3 years ago
@◈ k shinwon ᵗʰᵉ ʳᵃᵛᵉⁿ "Best books?" Seulgi starts before nodding, "Well, I would like to check them out." It may contain additional information that will help her survive this world after all or perhaps books that may cure her boredom if it strikes. They're on their way to the books as she looks over to him when he speaks. "Actually, not much," she replies softly before asking him the question back. "How about you?" She's curious about how long he was here after all and how much he knows.

() aww, you're welcome and good luck *^*
◈ k shinwon ᵗʰᵉ ʳᵃᵛᵉⁿ 3 years ago
@◇ k seulgi "i don't mind at all. if you'd like, i can show you where the best books are? and by best i mean the ones that are still legible," he chuckles and waves his hand, half turning to walk in the opposite direction back down the hall. based on seulgi's behavior shinwon feels like she hasn't been in this world that long. she's too trusting, too untouched by the darkness in this place. it's almost entertaining by itself - a fresh slate. "how much do you know about this place by the way?" he decides to ask, prepared to gauge her response as they carry on conversation just like any other two people would.

[] hhhh-- ty ;;; i'm trying, but i also don't want to keep people waiting !!
◇ k seulgi 3 years ago
@◈ k shinwon ᵗʰᵉ ʳᵃᵛᵉⁿ The smile on Shinwon's face makes Seulgi blink curiously nonetheless, she smiles at him back. 'This guy isn't so bad, but I'll be on guard because people can be unpredictable,' she thinks as her head moves to nod at him. "I agree with you. It's a great activity to do when you want time to pass by quickly." A small 'oh' escapes her lips as she rubs her nape, almost shyly. "Ah, if you don't mind me tagging along, then it'll be nice to have company in this place."

() it's okay! Please do get your rest first before taking up any replies skdjg ;;
◈ k shinwon ᵗʰᵉ ʳᵃᵛᵉⁿ 3 years ago
@◇ k seulgi releasing her hand after the greeting is over shinwon lets his arm drop to his side. he shrugs while smiling, glancing around the the library, "it seems that way. and it's nice to meet you as well, seulgi." turning his attention back to her shinwon shakes his head. "no, you didn't disturb me. sometimes company is actually welcome. i was just reading some old textbooks that i never got the chance to look at before ending up...here. it probably seems pointless, but it's a good way to pass the time. sometimes you need that in a place like this. you're welcome to join me, if you like."

[] sry this is so late !! ;;;; i've been rly busy this week
◇ j wooyoung [A] 3 years ago
@◇ k jongin wooyoung doesn't know why but the air around him felt super eerie as if eyes were locked on him, watching intensely at his every move. he knew the feeling all too well as he had many people dropping down to their knees for his attention, stealing glances just to see him doing god knows what; however, it was much different now that he was left abandoned in this ghost town with no one really to rely on except perhaps the people through the walkie talkie. his throat started conjuring up uneasy swallows of air as he walked closer, his ears piercing through each creak of the gym floor.

"here goes..." he breathed as he opened the door wider, eyes pinch closed but opened once more to find himself a regular storage room. he wiped an invisible sweat as he ventured inside, exploring the dusty covered gym equipment and stuffed boxes on top of shelves. he was making quite a lot of noise, shuffling through junk does that, but he didn't really mind. it beat the deafening silence and white noise he grew accustomed to. besides, it wasn't like someone was there with him, right?

() gobbles it right up ; )
◇ j wooyoung [A] 3 years ago
it was uncharacteristic of wooyoung to enter the local university willingly but here he was exploring deeper into the abandoned halls. the reason he wanted to come there in the first place was to see if they had any recreational activities that he and a few people could entertain themselves with. once he was able to figure out the location, thank god for pamphlets, he found a gym with a few useable tools spread all over the floor. tennis, basketball, volleyball, all checked out. although they were dusty, he can easily polish them up if he found a clean enough towel somewhere. double doors that belonged to what looked like the gym storage creaked, stealing his attention, and invited him to go inside. only one place to find out, he guesses with a short uneasy swallow.

() open starter !!
◇ k seulgi 3 years ago
@◈ k shinwon ᵗʰᵉ ʳᵃᵛᵉⁿ After glancing at his outstretched hand, Seulgi takes it with her own before shaking it gently. "I see. We're doing the same thing, huh?" She says as she nods. The tone of his voice relaxes her slightly. He is friendly, but that doesn't mean that she should let her guard down immediately– though she does trust him to let him know her name. "It's nice to meet you, Shinwon. The name is Seulgi, Kang Seulgi." She lets out a hum afterward before retracting her hand back. "Did I disturb you or anything? If I did, then I do apologize."
◈ k shinwon ᵗʰᵉ ʳᵃᵛᵉⁿ 3 years ago
@◇ k seulgi the visible jolt from the stranger make shinwon smile, though it would most likely be interpreted as a friendly expression and not one of amusement. he walks further out from the bookcase and towards the woman, eventually getting close enough to hold out his hand to her. "ko shinwon, also here to reminisce the years of being a student," he says. his tone is light and casual, since he has no reason to be on guard right now. "though most often i'm here just to have a quiet place to read, especially since most of the books here are still intact. and your name is...?"
◇ k seulgi 3 years ago
@◈ k shinwon ᵗʰᵉ ʳᵃᵛᵉⁿ The sound of Seulgi's footsteps echoes throughout the not-so-empty room. She isn't expecting anyone to pop out, but then again, she should at least keep her guard up. Once Shinwon appears, Seulgi flinches visibly before breathing in and out. "Hello," she replies as she waves her hand at him for a short while before returning it back to her side. Should she tell him on why she's here? "Honestly, I was looking around and reminiscing my times as a student." She looks at him, blinking curiously. The female hasn't seen this man around yet. "May I ask who you are?"
◈ k shinwon ᵗʰᵉ ʳᵃᵛᵉⁿ 3 years ago
@◇ k seulgi it's quiet enough in the library that shinwon can hear the footsteps coming down the stairs of the upper levels. he sits up and looks away from his book, eventually standing and walking towards the large middle aisle of the floor. unlike the newcomer, his footsteps are practically silent as he walks through the shelves. he reaches the end and looks out from behind the bookcase, not bothering to hide himself, and sees a young woman at the bottom of the steps. "hello," he calls, waving in her direction and stepping out into the hall. "what brings you inside these walls of learning?"
◇ k seulgi 3 years ago
@◈ k shinwon ᵗʰᵉ ʳᵃᵛᵉⁿ Seulgi, once again, wanders off to another place, and this time, it's the university. Of course, she's still alone, and that she's regretting her choice of doing this solo for the nth time. As much as she wants someone to accompany her, she didn't even want to bother the people with her– besides, this place is better than the previous ones she was in. The times when she was a student flashes through her mind as she walks through the halls before heading to the place where Shinwon is, unaware of his presence there.

() it doesn't , bb ; w; but uh, I think I matched the length– no need to mirror ><
◈ k shinwon ᵗʰᵉ ʳᵃᵛᵉⁿ 3 years ago
@◇ k seulgi deep beneath the campus of the university shinwon finds the lower levels of the academic library. three floors built underground, housing all sorts of scholarly texts that haven't been damaged as much by the light and other elements. when he's not busy killing people or following his victims he spends his time here, sifting through academic and scientific books. he currently sits at a table against the wall, using a gas powered lamp that he salvaged from the hotel, and flips through pages of skeletal avian anatomy. whether he learns something new or reviews old material doesn't matter to him. he just enjoys passing the time this way.

[] hhhhhh-- i'm sry if this !! ;;; feel free to respond with as much or as little as u like !


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saorsa 2 years ago
taps my fingers together


I know I totally failed u the first time this opened but

chances of a revival are..............??????????????
18dba1cf7aea0a23584d 2 years ago
im screaming what is this
is it still open
disrespect [A] 2 years ago
ʀᴇsᴇʀᴠɪɴɢ ;
◈ upvote and favorite the roleplay before commenting or applying for your desired character
◈ your first character will always be a survivor unless you pre-reserved; requirements for seconds
are located in the rules
◈ only accepting those that are at least 19 internationally; internationals are welcomed
◈ problematic faces / those who are married / wish to not be roleplayed are not to be
reserved or applied for
◈ we have the right to reject or ignore reservations from problematic users

ʀᴇᴠᴀᴍᴘ ;
◈ will happen sometime this week. new layouts, some tweaks here and there
◈ roleplayers will be notified that the rp will be drafted for much-needed construction work and once it's finished
◈ trials will be rescheduled when things have been settled

sᴛᴀᴛɪsᴛɪᴄs ;
keep these numbers in mind before reserving or applying. we will cap at 08 killers and 18 survivors.
however, this may change in the future depending on the group's activity
◈ killers : 02 | survivors : 06
-nekotrap 2 years ago
add & reserve shin ryujin pls!
cthuwu 2 years ago
Can I reserve Momoko Gumi Company?
amateur_writer 3 years ago
hello, I got a question.
So I joined this site today with a new account because I can't remember my old username or password.
So I don't have the opportunity to upvote yet.
Do I have to wait until then to be able to join?
heartcore 3 years ago
may i have choi yoonjung/ chloe devita pls?
rosetea 3 years ago
may i please reserve johnny seo?
appletea 3 years ago
Okay, I’m ready finally. Can you reserve Park Jaehyung for me please?
hippie 3 years ago
I'd love to reserve Huang Zitao (aka Tao) for my frist character, if I could!
I do gotta let you know that I only play , so I hope that's alright ;; not that this is a relationship-heavy or -heavy RP but it still applies bc my brain is weird, i guess?
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