⤜ cathedral

a house of worship and prayer. come and give thanks to the lord for your blessings, or perhaps atone for the sins you have committed.
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◑ joshua h. [A] 3 years ago
@⚘ taemin l. It was a strange sense but he never recalled a dark aura to ever slip into the house of their god. But it never stood as a surprise to see their kind litter through the deepest ends of New Seoul. The sight of a demon lurking through the corners of the city deemed to be one of the most normal occurrence in their world. Even god never restricted them inside the premise of his home just like the demon who decided to talk to the angel who fell into eternal damnation. But of all the people in the cathedral, why would he choose to talk to him?

Certainly his aura came from a divine source one that he was created by the one who stands above them. The same being who guides every human who walks through the earth itself. Does he have the ability to see right through his black stained wings? He is never welcomed into the gates of heaven but somehow he still posses the same power of those who shine as bright as the sun.

"What's a demon doing in god's heavenly grounds? For sure you have your own reason just as I."

Joshua was completely aware that he was dodging the question. But he wanted throw in his own inquiry knowing that the man who decided to talk to him had no intentions in worshipping their god. "Strange how you decided to simply walk inside this place with no regrets. People such as yourself have no shame. But that is something normal in you, is it?" Joshua turned his body to meet the man speaking to him. He observed his features and the style on his clothing. It would be a waste to repent today considering on what he was seeing. May god, never forgive his sins.
⚘ taemin l. [A] 3 years ago
@◑ joshua h. the nun was a youth who only witnessed nineteen summers. she was ardent in her worship of her omnipresent yet invisible god. not to mention, she was absolutely gullible, believing the sweet talks of a snake in eden like eve.

under the layers of clothing, she was slim and fragile. her skin was smooth like porcelain, fair and hairless. she was not particularly endowed, but she still exuded a flawless beauty that caught taemin's attention.

taemin thought, 'she would be my conquest for the night.'

it was easy to lure her into his trap. the moment she was within his grasp, they were already in her bed. her moans and screams of pleasure echoed through the dormitory of the nuns, unabashed of whoever eavesdrop on their affair.

by the time taemin was thoroughly finished with her, the nun had passed out and was sleeping soundly. with a final once over of the nun's body, taemin got out of bed and slipped on his clothes. he did not bother to button his dress shirt before leaving the room, catching the eye of an unsuspecting nun on his way out. he winked at the lady, laughing when she released a surprised squeak before scuttling away. shaking his head, taemin closed the door and walked out of the nun's dormitory.

the building was connected to the church, positioned right behind it. taemin fished out a cigarette and balanced it between his lips, grabbing his lighter from his pocket to light up the tip. as he strode into the church, the demon let out a puff of smoke through the corners of his lips.

his eyes immediately caught the figure of a man on one of the benches in the church. his brow raised as he noticed the holy energy slipping from the male, lips tugging into an intrigued smirk. he did not expect to meet a holy being on a holy ground, it was not a usual sight.

extracting the cigarette from his lips, taemin blew out another string of smoke. wondering if the other had noticed his demonic presence, he decided to call out first instead.

"and what is a child of the heavens doing in a dingy cathedral like this?"
◑ joshua h. [A] 3 years ago
@⚘ taemin l. "Dear heaven's above... You know all the answers to my questions that I, myself have been blinded to tell. I feel very conflicted. God, why you have forsaken me."

The air moved in sync with his whisper tucked within the depths of his soul. His heart beat against the confinements of his rib cage while his eyes travelled upwards. He came eye to eye with the statue of whom they worship from the gates of heaven. A home for everyone excluding him and many others who decided to paint their wings black from the actions they have dealt with in their previous year as a full fledged angel. Joshua was no longer welcomed into the house of God and prayer. The same place gifted with angelic music between strings of a harp.

Did he ever tried to make music while he was one of those celestial beings they call as angels? His memory slowly faded when he was found in the dark alley ways of California. Stains red and the scent of blood wafted into the air while he was taken away by a group of researchers who claimed to be his light and savior.

A lie that was slapped onto his face. How much he was deceived by a group of humans who's desire was to utilize his body for experimentations and chemicals for some type of medicine or poison.

The reason why he was kicked out of heaven remained unknown in his memory. Joshua wnated to know their claims and why he will never be accepted into their house. What do God exactly want him to do for him to be accepted? Does he need to beg? Repent until he finally passes away into the damp soil of the earth below him? He will never know and knew he will only be wasting his damn time over something that will never exceed upon his expectations. A complete void that rested on the deepest part of his heart.

Joshua sat on the church bench making his head turn from his right then left as if he was trying to make sure if anyone was trying to hear his cries and pleads in pure silence. For sure he had many witnesses but he could care less since the area was a bit empty in exception to the nuns and priests lurking inside the premises of the cathedral.


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amateur_writer 3 years ago
Hello, is this roleplay still active?
nihilist 3 years ago
boop. hello, hello- i have a question!
SoftBoiHours 3 years ago
Lee Hoseok, please
-lait- 3 years ago
owo can I a&r lee taeyong?
quarter-life 3 years ago
might i snag xiao dejun (xiaojun)
be9b0451157f1c933f50 3 years ago
can i reserve kim seokwoo (rowoon)?
asueki 3 years ago

may i get choi ran (bryn) as a second <3
seulgae 3 years ago

hi! may i reserve Jung Wheein as my second? :D
vanitas [A] 3 years ago
⌠ ɴᴏᴛɪᴄᴇ! ⌡
— all applications are open once again!
51730e75925c7e1dca74 3 years ago
add shokichi yagi for me please.
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