Dining Hall

Shinhwa is extremely proud of its gourmet cafeteria with catering from only the best restaurants around Seoul. Enjoy and maybe you'll catch a glimpse of F4 on a rare occasion they eat there. Normally they have their lunch specially delivered to their lounge or they go off-campus.

[ So ] Byunghun 10 years ago
@Wooyoung_F4 L.joe felt the male's grip tightening as he boasted about his shoes. "It's not like that. Though who would have thought a small bump could sent you flying down to the ground." L.joe had created more troubles and misunderstandings between the two. L.joe realized what he had just said and mentally "thanked" his blunt mouth. Not wanting to get beaten by the tall male, L.joe wrecked his mind hard and thought of the possible things he could do to make the male released his grip off L.joe. L.joe then thought about the male's shoes that could slip easily. "Guess this is worth a try." L.joe wrapped one of his legs around the male's and aiming to kick the male's shoes, in hopes that the male would fall again, though if he was to succeed, the both of them would be falling onto the ground.
[ F4 ] Wooyoung [A] 10 years ago
@[ So ] Byunghun A smug smile tugged at Wooyoung's lips when he heard the kid mutter a meager apology, waiting for the groveling to truly start. Maybe he should demand he get on his knees and clean the muck off his shoes with the pages of his text book. Oh yes, that would be hilarious! The young billionaire's mind was so busy playing over this sick, twisted fantasy of his that he barely caught the next words coming out of the unfortunate sophomore's mouth. "What did you just say?" He growled, wondering if for a second he had misheard. Taking a threatening step forward and tightening his grip on the other's collar, he pressed his shoe right onto the open pages of the text book. "So this is my fault? I think that's what I just heard. Because these shoes are worth more than your entire family, there's no way they could be flawed."
[ So ] Byunghun 11 years ago
@Wooyoung_F4 "I'm so sorry.." L.joe apologized to person in front of him who had an epic fall. Though the figure in front of him have a moment of his own, L.joe had knelt down to help him up but the male wasn't in a good mood at all as he gets up and sprung around, L.joe's collar. Having his collar grabbed isn't one of the comfortable thing one could experience. "I'm so sorry.." L.joe apologized again, this time timidly looking up at the tall male whom knocked his precious biology textbook to the ground where the food mess were. Though it was L.joe's fault to bump into the male, the after effects were the cause of the man's dress shoes. "Though I believed that the dress shoes of yours are the ones which cause you to slip yourself onto the food." L.joe calmly stated, pointing towards the male's shoes, before pushing up his spectacles.
[ F4 ] Wooyoung [A] 11 years ago
@[ So ] Byunghun There he was, minding his own business and innocently trying to quell the hunger in his rumbling stomach, when chaos broke out. Feeling someone careen into his backside, Wooyoung unwillingly stumbled forward into the person in front of him, dropping his plate of delicious treats in the process. He tried to catch himself on the unfortunate student, not caring that he also shoved them into the person in front of them, but his expensive, one of a kind Testoni dress shoes weren't exactly slip proof. His feet slid out from under him, sending him sprawling into the remnants of his would-be lunch. It took a long moment to get past the initial shock and pain that came with falling flat on your face, but probably not long enough for whoever dared bump into him to run for their life.

Avoiding the shattered pieces of his dish, Wooyoung pushed himself to his feet and glanced down at his now ruined suit. His upper lip curled away from his teeth in a disgusted scowl as he rounded on the student behind him... Woah, they made people that small? The charismatic leader of F4 almost burst out laughing as he looked down at the guy when he should be seething. "You blind troll." He growled, reaching out to knock the textbook from the kid's hands and grab him by the collar of his uniform. "If you were really smart, you'd watch where you were going rather than stick your nose in that book!"
[ So ] Byunghun 11 years ago
L.joe was engrossed in the biology book he was holding that he didn't notice the students stopped and admired a male. He often enters the dining hall just to grab a small bite before walking out of the place, so it was really strange when the entire room become silent after a girl screamed. Even though he have been in the school for more than a year now, he haven't seen the F4 members before, let alone interact with them, though he had only heard rumors about how great they were and that the girls were drooling all over them. L.joe shrugged off the silent atmosphere after a girl's squeal and walked towards the queue. Without focusing what's in front, L.joe stepped forward and bumped into someone. The line toppled forward like domino.
[ F4 ] Wooyoung [A] 11 years ago
It wasn't often that Wooyoung ate in the school's dining hall despite it's delicious looking gourmet food. However, it just so happened that the person who was supposed to cater their food in the lounge that day foolishly decided that the prime minster's fund raising event was a more important ordeal. If he was trying to get recognition, blowing off the son of the Jang empire was not the way to do it. After making a call to the prime minister himself and telling him a very /interesting/ rumor about his caterer, Wooyoung reluctantly made his way to the cafeteria. A smug smile grew on his lips as he heard a girl's surprised squeal and the whole room turned to look at him, but he nonchalantly made his way to pile food onto a plate.


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sayonarababy- 10 years ago
Namsoo left~
sayonarababy- 10 years ago
I have to leave~
fragrance 10 years ago
i'm sorry. i don't think i can be active here
i'm too busy with studies, so i need to cut down rping.
thanks for everything.
~ luhan
caffeine_junkie 10 years ago
Jeongmin left. I have too many roleplays going, plus I'm not really active in this one. :/ Sorry.
cuddle 10 years ago
sehun's out
penultimate 10 years ago
Tiffany will be on a hiatus: 22.6.13 - 12.7.13
b2db8fe822e266277863 10 years ago
L is leaving
howlett 10 years ago
sorry but chen is gone
Loner_Kei 10 years ago
Mingyu** sorry
Loner_Kei 10 years ago
Sungyu is leaving, not very active.
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