㈢ stone castles

● ancestral grounds
● ancestral grounds
qinghe nie PACK • RATED M
混血┊mejibray meto ʰ[sadistic_child] 2 years ago
@☘ ┊nie john ᵃ[h] /looks at you stubbornly when you give me a look
/waits until the dome has shrunk and then walks in
/it's easy now because as they say, wind is always calmest at its centre and the wolf is clearly not used to fighting in close quarters
/i dig my jagged knife into the first part of his body I can, happens to be his back, and dig the other knife into his gut
/both he and i know he's dead now, but he's still struggling - I let him, for fun
/I'm not usually interested in making people suffer, I kill and then move on, but I'm being a bit childish now
/digs the knives deeper into him from back and front, he spits blood all over his front, I can feel it in the dark and I grin
/pulls the knife in his stomach up to his bone, his guts spill out and I push him away from me
/he's not dead yet, so I my knife through his ear into his brain and kill him
/the dead wolf is 'resting' against the side of the dome, still right in front of me due to how small the space is
/turns to the wall and wonders if you can hear me
/knocks on the wall first
I'm done! /maybe you won't let me out, maybe you'll leave me in here and crush me in the earth
/ my lips and braces for the walls to close in on me
☘ ┊nie john ᵃ[guarded] 2 years ago
@混血┊mejibray meto ʰ / gives you an exasperated look, worried you will end up hurt but opening the entrance just to let you back in/ if you hurt yourself... /agreeing, just stepping aside to let you enter as the dome begins to morph into a smaller arena with each passing second- fitted rather tightly for two/ let me know when you're finished.
混血┊mejibray meto ʰ[sadistic_child] 2 years ago
@☘ ┊nie john ᵃ[h] /notices in surprise how you keep holding on to me and wonders if you think I'll blow away again in the wind
/there is suddenly light and we're out in the open; raises a hand and squints up at the bright sun
/sees the spikes coming out from your shell, wolves impaled on it and grins at you
impressive~ I didn't know you had it in you.
/looks down at myself
A few, here and there /hums and waves dismissively
/climbs on top of the dome and looks at you, knives firmly in hand
Can you make the area just large enough for two people and let me back in? /wants to kill him myself because my pride is hurt, and he annoyed me/
☘ ┊nie jiyang ᵇ[ashflower] 2 years ago
@☘ ┊nie jaewook ᵃ [H] he nodded, walking with the alpha as he swung their hands in the air. the childish manner almost shocking the beta as jiyang softly laughed from the swings. "the tea shop? now? hmm-- alright. lets go."
☘ ┊nie jaewook ᵃ[mononoaware] 2 years ago
@☘ ┊nie jiyang ᵇ jaewook let the beta to entwine his fingers with his own fingers and a soft smile appeared on his face. "I am happy to be at my home too. it has been a long time," he said as he walked out from the ancestral hall. "do you want to walk around with me? let's go to the tea shop." he said excitedly while he swung their hands lightly in the air.
☘ ┊nie jiyang ᵇ[ashflower] 2 years ago
@☘ ┊nie jaewook ᵃ [H] watching the alpha, jiyang bowed to pay his respects before he made his way to entwine his fingers with jaewook's own. "i'm sure, they're happy to see their leader come home, jaewook. at long last, they can finally rest in peace."
☘ ┊nie jaewook ᵃ[mononoaware] 2 years ago
@☘ ┊nie jiyang ᵇ he took the incense sticks and burned the tip slightly until the smoke came out, filling their surrounding. he bowed few times and placed them in front of the memorials. "I, nie jaewook, the ruler of nie land, giving you my respect for those who protect the land and the people. may fenrir lead you the way to heaven," jaewook said firmly before he stood up, letting out a breath.
☘ ┊nie jiyang ᵇ[ashflower] 2 years ago
@☘ ┊nie jaewook ᵃ [H] looking back at the alpha, jiyang paused before he handed jaewook the incense. "pay your respects. i'm sure they would like to see their leader." jiyang smiled. stepping away and out of the ancestral hall to allow jaewook to pay his respects to the deceased.
☘ ┊nie jaewook ᵃ[mononoaware] 2 years ago
@☘ ┊nie jiyang ᵇ Once his hand off from jiyang's hand, he too bowed to give his respect to the place, the tablets and memorials. He straighten his body when Jiyang asked a question to him. "No, we haven't," he said before he looked back at the memorials, gazing each name that were there.
☘ ┊nie jiyang ᵇ[ashflower] 2 years ago
@☘ ┊nie jaewook ᵃ [H] "you should... but if you want to wear the cologne, you can wear it as well." jiyang hummed as he made his way in with the alpha in hand. prying his fingers off of the alpha's own, jiyang bowed at ninety degrees, the beta looked towards the tablets and memorials that held the memory of every nie that had gone by. "we meet again." jiyang sweetly smiled, moving to the side to grab some incense to honor the dead ancestors of the nies that had come before them. "jaewook-- i don't think we ever bowed to heaven and earth yet, have we?"
☘ ┊nie jaewook ᵃ[mononoaware] 2 years ago
@☘ ┊nie jiyang ᵇ jaewook's heartbeat raised when he heard the comment about his scent. it made him smile widely as he looked at the front. the grip on jiyang's hand tightened a bit. "I guess I have to keep my cologne inside the closet then," he said before they were fully entered the hall. for the first time in five years, jaewook finally let himself into the ancestral hall.
☘ ┊nie jiyang ᵇ[ashflower] 2 years ago
@☘ ┊nie jaewook ᵃ [H] brow raised towards the alpha as the two made their way to the halls, jiyang lightly scoffed, his lips pulled into a slight smile as he turned away. "good. let it hurt." jiyang laughed before looking up at the alpha for a moment. his lips pressed together before he leaned in to press his lips against the back of the alpha's wrist. "i don't need you to wear cologne... not when your scent already smells good enough." jiyang admitted as he then stepped down into the ancestral halls where the nies and their lunas and sols were buried.
☘ ┊nie jaewook ᵃ[mononoaware] 2 years ago
@☘ ┊nie jiyang ᵇ "ouch, that hurts" jaewook said as he clenched a fist on his chest and lightly chuckled. "but hey, I am wearing new cologne. do you want to smell them?" he hovered his arm in front of jiyang, exposing the back of his wrist.
☘ ┊nie john ᵃ[guarded] 2 years ago
@人┊mejibray meto ʰ /grunts when you fall into me, my arm instantly wrapping around you to hold you in place, losing the barrier as I make a small opening to pull us out, trapping the rogue inside/ that was close. /coughs as I shake sand out from my hair, realizing the last wolf had ran off once he was the last standing/ are you hurt? Any scratches? /looks you over, knowing my own skin was rubbed raw from the sand while keeping a firm grip on the barrier/
混血┊mejibray meto ʰ[sadistic_child] 2 years ago
@☘ ┊nie john ᵃ The- what? /turns around to look at you through the dark, confused by your riddle
/lucky for me cause if I hadn't turned away I'd have sand in my eyes
/turns back to the assailant in the hurry, bracing myself against the wind
!! /at least this one isn't approaching me, he seems like a long-distance fighter
/but what the hell am I supposed to do with my knives? How do I use the wind?
/tries to think of something ingenious and fails
/gets hit with a gust of wind that sends me flying back against you
He probably can't see anything, right? /whispers softly to you after I pick myself up again
☘ ┊nie john ᵃ[guarded] 2 years ago
@人┊mejibray meto ʰ Make the wind work for you. You'll die if you go against it. /casts a look of doubt in your direction before opening up the barrier and allowing the wind user to dart through, shutting my eyes to avoid the sand whipping around in the air and blinding me/
混血┊mejibray meto ʰ[sadistic_child] 2 years ago
@☘ ┊nie john ᵃ yes /coughs/
yes, I'm fine /picks myself up, grabbing my knives and rolls my shoulders back
/kind of pissed off at how close that one got so I'm eager to redeem myself
☘ ┊nie john ᵃ[guarded] 2 years ago
@人┊mejibray meto ʰ Hey kid- are you alright? /hears the commotion in the dark, panicking at how long the struggle takes as I wait impatiently for my eyes to adjust, keeping a firm hold on the barrier/ there's two more. I can bury them if youre unable to fight.
混血┊mejibray meto ʰ[sadistic_child] 2 years ago
@☘ ┊nie john ᵃ Huh. /thinks about it but doesn't really get it, not being a wolf myself
/shakes my head lightly to focus when you start expanding the dome and I rise to my feet
/my eyes narrow when one person runs in and I hear you warning me from behind right before beams of water shoot out from their palm towards me
/the beams are spread out too far for me to avoid left or right, so I drop down to the ground and the beams miss me by a hair's length
/I'm lying flat on the ground now and I grab the man's left leg, quickly dragging my knife deep across his Achilles heel
/he falls and I use the opportunity to get on top of him and stab him in the heart, but he's not stupid and shifts us - before I know it I'm the one being pinned down, he's got my hand holding the knife pinned against the earth, the other clasped over my mouth and nose
/my eyes widen and start to tear when I feel the water rushing into me, I try to swallow but it's too much too fast, my lungs are screaming as he drowns me from the inside
/I can't use my knife and I don't have time to start wrestling, I'll die before I achieve anything - I need to kill him right. now.
/my free hand, unarmed reaches for his face, I unceremoniously dig my fingers into his eye - he tries to shift his head away, but he can't without letting go of his hand over my face - it becomes a race of who dies first and the moment I reach his brain I've won
/he collapses and starts convulsing and I quickly roll to my side, coughing and spluttering and gasping for air
! /curses and punches the ground angrily because no one likes to almost die - and I really hate fighting in narrow spaces
/holds up a hand, palm facing you
Wait- /coughs/ Wait a second before you let the next on in-
☘ ┊nie john ᵃ[guarded] 2 years ago
@人┊mejibray meto ʰ Yeah. I can't open up a portal for you to walk through if I tunneled. Its different. /starts expanding the walls of the dome, forcing them to get big enough for us to stand in as an opening crumbled and one of the assailants darted in, the water mark of his clan baring scars as he lunged at you while I sealed the dome up once more in complete darkness/ careful. This one has the affinity for water.
混血┊mejibray meto ʰ[sadistic_child] 2 years ago
@☘ ┊nie john ᵃ /sulks when you laugh/
Hey, you were swallowed by the earth in that maze! I thought you might be able to...
Oh? Okay, let's do that. /crouches, holding the knife at the ready
/blinks at you and shrugs
I dunno, ask them. Maybe I killed someone they liked. /laughs lightly
☘ ┊nie john ᵃ[guarded] 2 years ago
@人┊mejibray meto ʰ /lets out a hearty laugh/ what do I look like to you? A mole person? /feels the earth begin to shudder at my finger tips when something slams against it, causing me to grow concerned/ one of them controls wind. That is still two members unaccounted for. /dissolves a small opening through the dome to peek through/ we can pull one in at a time. I can make the dome bigger. /freezes before looking towards you with the little light peaking through/ what have you done for them to want to purge you? This is bizarre even for rogues.
混血┊mejibray meto ʰ[sadistic_child] 2 years ago
@☘ ┊nie john ᵃ Tsks. /you're right, I do have a much easier time killing wolves who go on the offence
Well, good to know I guess.. /mumbles, not aware of what you're doing outside but I sense the heat lessening and relax a bit
/laughs/ Why? It serves me well.
/thinks for a moment
I'd like to not be stuck in a dome. Or at least have my gun.
/since being grumpy is not helpful in this situation, I answer your question seriously after thinking/
I'd like you to travel through the earth and pop up behind them. Leave me in the dome. Distract them, and once they turn to you, open up the dome and I'll attack.
☘ ┊nie john ᵃ[guarded] 2 years ago
@人┊mejibray meto ʰ Because most wolves focus on attacks, not their defense. When you have to split your mind between both, it lessens your ability for either. /listens carefully, earthy spikes shooting out from the walls of the dome, blindly impaling the wolf controlling fire, forcing the heat to come to a halt/ im surprised youre not dead yet with your shoot first and ask no questions. If I open this dome and we are attacked by an unknown element, there's a chance we could both die. How do you want to handle this?
混血┊mejibray meto ʰ[sadistic_child] 2 years ago
@☘ ┊nie john ᵃ Hah! /sits up once you've rolled off me
Great ing news. /grimaces and subconsciously starts breathing a tiny bit faster than required
/lowers my hand once I've found your face
/shuts up and listens
Oh - /the air is heating up and I inch away from the walls of the dome
In case you survive this, don't corner yourself, okay? That's like 101 of how to make sure to die. I'm surprised I haven't managed to kill you yet. /grumbles, upset that I'm trapped in here like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered
/tugs at my collar cause it's getting quite hot in here
☘ ┊nie john ᵃ[guarded] 2 years ago
@人┊mejibray meto ʰ / rolls off of you and onto my back, hand pressing to the dome to keep it sturdy/ yes, im also aware that we have about an hour worth of oxygen before we suffocate. We need- what are you doing? /reaches up to touch your hand, realizing what it is and dropping mine on top of my chest/ wait- listen. /the clawing stopped, the sounds outside growing silent as I strained to hear anything- human voices arising as the dome begins go grow intensly hot, realizing the wolves have shifted to use their powers, demanding for the hunter to be given to them/
混血┊mejibray meto ʰ[sadistic_child] 2 years ago
@☘ ┊nie john ᵃ Hey! /calls out in process when you make me fall forward and then have the gall to get on top of me
/very confused until you draw a protective dome around us
/I can't see anything, but I still feel you hovering over me and your heavy breathing
/props myself up on my elbows
Talk about what? You know they might not go away. /reaches up with my free hand to find your face so I know where you are, puts it back down once I find it
☘ ┊nie john ᵃ[guarded] 2 years ago
@人┊mejibray meto ʰ /watches the gruesome death in horror, not wishing such a fate upon any of those surrounding us as I turn to face those at your back, grunting a warning as my ears flatten against my head; flinching the moment they lunge for attack, head butting the back of your legs to force you to lose balance and collapse on the ground, crawling on top of you for protection and shifting back to pull the earth around us for safety in a giant earthen dome, surrounded by darkness and the sounds of them clawing at the shield while the adrenaline racing through my veins causes me to pant heavily for breath/ this is probably a bad time, but we need to talk about this.
混血┊mejibray meto ʰ[sadistic_child] 2 years ago
@☘ ┊nie john ᵃ /looks up when you stop
/the group of rogue wolves near. some stepping into the open and I finally notice them
/looks down and notices how you have tensed
/wordlessly slips off your back and brandishes my large jagged knife
/I step a meter away from you and sure enough, one of the wolves falls for it and attacks me by itself, thinking that I'm an easy kill
/as it's jumping at me I swoop forward and with a yell the knife with both hands deep into the wolf's chest, I miss the heart so I drag the knife down, slicing open its stomach and blood and guts fall out; grins; I yank my knife out and quickly step back closer to you
/there are 4 wolves left now, two attack me, the other two attack you
/twirls the knife in my hand, getting a better grip

[] feel free to rp the wolves if you want owo
☘ ┊nie john ᵃ[guarded] 2 years ago
@人┊mejibray meto ʰ / slows down to a halt, looking around me to see the smaller wolves surrounding us with great concern- staring them down each one by one, trying to speak with them telepathically only to realize they're not from my pack, the hair on my neck rising while waiting for someone to make the first move/


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huniverse [A] 2 years ago
Hi babies ❤️
-jewel 2 years ago
I have a weird question for any of the admins
keyboardsmash 2 years ago
leaving lan cheng cheng,
thanks for having me
c1790eab18ec0f9c7162 2 years ago
Wonder if you're accepting any wolves?
schnuggldiwuppdich 2 years ago
~peeks~ 0v0
[comment deleted by owner]
Harlequin2021 2 years ago
hey, is it possible to request jin meixin, thanks :)
huniverse [A] 2 years ago
☽ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ sᴛᴀᴛs ☾
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ʟᴏᴏᴋɪɴɢ ғᴏʀ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ʜᴜɴᴛᴇʀs!
W-WHIPLASH 2 years ago
kim jungwoo please
mononoaware 2 years ago
Jaewook will have to take hiatus for a month due to personal reason.
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