㈠ qishan city

● city of qishan
● city of qishan
qishan wen pack • RATED M
☼┊wen chungha ᵃ 2 years ago
It has been so long since she got back to Qishan, Chungha needs to lay off for a while as she tries to recollect what had happened to her. She was crossing the border of Hangshui when the hunters were keen eyed caught her in the act, now the whole city of Hangshui knows that she's a Wen wolf, her identity has been exposed but only in the mean time. Her name was never registered, even her permanent ones, she's safe, for now. She was walking through the streets of Qishan as she tries to clear her mind.
☼┊wen changbin ᵇ 2 years ago
@☼┊wen karina ᵃ Changbin smiles back and chuckles as the other starts to jump. He nods and quickly follows her "good.. my parents will kill me if they knew" he called out
☼┊wen karina ᵃ 2 years ago
@☼┊wen changbin ᵇ "We won't..." She told him then she starts to run through the roofs, running and jumping to get to the border of Qishan. "Just follow me and stick with me, you'll be safe."
☼┊wen changbin ᵇ 2 years ago
@☼┊wen karina ᵃ Changbin blinked as the other started to climb up. He chuckles as he easily followed. He loved getting on high places. Well they met at a high place watching a event. He looked around as they got to the top "soo.. we won't get in trouble right for going out?"
☼┊wen karina ᵃ 2 years ago
@☼┊wen changbin ᵇ She smirks and gestured him, "Follow me." Then she went to the other way as she starts climbing through one building. Not all Wen wolves knows that Karina is expert at climbing at anything, she can easily get away from any danger. Once she climbed to the roof top, she could see which way is the route to Meilan and waited for the beta to follow her.
☼┊wen changbin ᵇ 2 years ago
@☼┊wen karina ᵃ Changbin looked down. It's something he had been told his whole live and he believed it. All humans where bad. Right... "I... oke... can you show me" he mumbled and bow his head again "I m sorry,.. " he smiled "I didn't mean it in a bad way tho, hope you know that" he looks up "okay soo where are we going?" He asked wanting to see what jimin ment with all the other humans.wanting to see if they really aren't all bad.
☼┊wen karina ᵃ 2 years ago
@☼┊wen changbin ᵇ "You can't resent all humans, most of them were unaware about your suffering." She told him as they kept walking down the path they were in, "You can't generally hate humans, you can only focus your resentment towards those who had done you harm." Karina was once had friends with the humans when she was living in Yunmeng before her mother left. She scoffed and looked at him, "I'm not a lady, I'm an alpha." She added.
☼┊wen changbin ᵇ 2 years ago
@☼┊wen karina ᵃ Changbin nods "oke just for a walk sure" he looks down feeling a bit embarrassed. He rubbed the back of his neck "not really... I really hate them... there the reason my... brother... so I never really went to human territories... I heard stories about them... most negative.. most from my parents..." He folded his hands into fists tightly. He really hated and feared them. But he kind of was curious too. "Oke I come... also I don't want... something to happen to you.. a lady even an alpha shouldnt go alone..." He showed a smile hoping it would calm himself down a bit
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☼┊wen karina ᵃ 2 years ago
@☼┊wen changbin ᵇ "We're just taking a walk there, I've been into Jiashi. People are nice there." She told him before looking at him, "You've never been into human cities?" Karina asked them. "Not all humans are bad, some are hunters but they don't attack us, they have laws equal to us." She explained to him.
☼┊wen changbin ᵇ 2 years ago
@☼┊wen karina ᵃ Changbin chuckled and took of his jacked and put it on her shoulders "I don't believe you because you shivering" he smiles and looks up seeing the two soldiers. There both alphas so changbin as a beta bow deeply to them. He watched them go and sighs he then eyes jimin again "huh? Wait what leave? Leave... to a... human city." He asked having a slight fear in his eyes. Of course he had the thoughts of running away but never did he really do it. He had no one else then his parents. Even tho he didn't love them. "Leave..." he mumbles again
☼┊wen karina ᵃ 2 years ago
@☼┊wen changbin ᵇ "No, I'm fine." She answered, even though she's shivering a bit. The cold never bothers her. While walking she sees the soldiers walking passed them, they bowed to her as a respect because her father is a general in their pack. Karina nodded as a response as they kept walking before looking at him, "Would you like to come with me in Jiashi or Meilan?" She asked him.
☼┊wen changbin ᵇ 2 years ago
@☼┊wen karina ᵃ "I'll never be rhe perfect son like my little brother was..." he finishes his food and throws the box away in a bin then looks at the female wolf "jimin?" He smiles gently and nods "okay... for me it's stays changbin" he smiles "you sure you don't want my jacket?"
☼┊wen karina ᵃ 2 years ago
@☼┊wen changbin ᵇ "Yeah, we are. No matter what rank you are, if you don't meet the expectation of them, they will look down on you." Karina quoted and lets him eat while walking with her, they had passed many stores inside Qishan before she shakes her head as the other offered his jacket. "Jimin..." She uttered her real name to him, "You can call me Jimin, just when we're just the two of us." Karina told him.
☼┊wen changbin ᵇ 2 years ago
@☼┊wen karina ᵃ Changbin smiled softly "so we're both a disappointment for our parents..." he blinks as she stands up. He quickly hold his food and stood up too "Ah sure, I'm not done yet but I can eat and walk. Are you cold? Need my jacket?" He asked as the beta walked next the other.

(( yeay~ yeah he needs a friend too. He doesn't really have any yet. Sounds fun ^-^)
☼┊wen karina ᵃ 2 years ago
@☼┊wen changbin ᵇ She sighs and looked down, "I don't think my father would ever trust me as his own." Karina muttered and stands up from the bench. "Let's go... I need my feet to walk more." She told him and they start walking through the streets.

( Ofc! Karina needs a friend tho! I was thinking the same thing that Changbin might join her. )
☼┊wen changbin ᵇ 2 years ago
@☼┊wen karina ᵃ Changbin sighs and kept looking at his food "hmm.. donno... if you would have starved... I heard wolves in yunmeng are kind and stuff... only to us wen there not.. so I'm not sure what they would have done... " He slowly eyes up at the woman "what about your brother? Wouldn't he be?" He shook his head after her last remark about going back "don't think you can now... im not to sure... are you... planning on leaving?"

((I have a question what about changbin starting to really like her as a friend and he's really protective of people he likes. What about he starts to be her bodyguard (specialy if she does go out of the pack) donno if it's possible))
☼┊wen karina ᵃ 2 years ago
@☼┊wen changbin ᵇ She sighed and looked at her both hands, clasping together. "If my father didn't look for me, I would be dead inside my old home in Yunmeng from starvation... No one will be the next general after my father." Karina leaned against the bench and looked at the night sky, "Would it be possible for me to go back where I was first raised?"
☼┊wen changbin ᵇ 2 years ago
@☼┊wen karina ᵃ Changbin was about to drift into his own thoughts as Karina suddenly talked. He blinked a few times and swallowed his food. He looks down at his food and nodded "to be honest... yes... but I cant.. it also goes against a wolfs nature to just leave there own pack... May I ask why your asking?" He looks up at the other next him
☼┊wen karina ᵃ 2 years ago
@☼┊wen changbin ᵇ She finished her food and looked down, feeling a bit lonely that she's thinking about what would her life be if she didn't join Wen before. "Have you ever thought of leaving the pack before?" Karina asked him.
☼┊wen changbin ᵇ 2 years ago
@☼┊wen karina ᵃ He hums with a smile as the food hit his tongue. "Hmm.. so good" he mumbles but blinks as he looked at the woman next him. Her being quite made him quite as well and looked around as he eat in silence
☼┊wen karina ᵃ 2 years ago
@☼┊wen changbin ᵇ She is still crossing her arms until he came back with a food, she gets the box of food and sees what he's doing before mixing it as well and starts eating it. She didn't comment on the food as she kept eating it, she was hungry and she's trying to clear her mind while eating.
☼┊wen changbin ᵇ 2 years ago
@☼┊wen karina ᵃ He nods "I'll go ask for it now" he quickly left. After some time he came back with two boxes "here you go hun~" he sits down next her om the bench and places the stuff between them he than opens it and put in a spoon then hands I over to her. He also opened his own box and mixed the food inside and takes a bite "hope you like it"
☼┊wen karina ᵃ 2 years ago
@☼┊wen changbin ᵇ "Anything that I could eat." Karina told him as she crosses her arms as she waits for the beta, "Fine. Bibimbap, your treat." She answered him.
☼┊wen changbin ᵇ 2 years ago
@☼┊wen karina ᵃ Changbin looked at the woman as they walked around. He heard her stomach. He was about to chuckle and asks if they would go to his favourite place but she suddenly commanded He blinked and suddenly had the feeling ro bow his head "hm.. what you're in the mood for? I hm.. there is this place with great bibimbap. Wanna try that?" He asks looking at the alpha sitting on the bench "it's also really nice and warm inside the restaurant" he mumbled the last part. It was getting colder telling winter was around the corner.
☼┊wen karina ᵃ 2 years ago
@☼┊wen changbin ᵇ She walks through the city while looking around, looking for a store for them to eat. Karina glances at the beta before looking at the road, her stomach growls and sat on the bench. She sighs and looks at the male, "Get me some food." She commanded the beta, despite not having much of an authority, Karina has an opportunity and privilege as an alpha to command anyone since they are in Qishan.
☼┊wen changbin ᵇ 2 years ago
@☼┊wen karina ᵃ Changbin couldn't help but smile a little and stood next the alpha "soo wanna... hmm... grab something to eat?" He mumbled softly
☼┊wen karina ᵃ 2 years ago
@☼┊wen linghe ᵃ Karina sighs and shakes her head, "You know you're way older than father, way older than anyone else, you should know people grow up and change sometimes. You can't always treat me like a baby." She told her before looking at him. "Sometimes yes, but have you ever thought of getting tired of being controlled? Am I going to be under my father's tutelage?" The female alpha asked him as she looked at him directly into his eyes.
☼┊wen linghe ᵃ[Bluming] 2 years ago
@☼┊wen karina ᵃ Linghe sincerely thought Karina would agree on their agreement but out of nowhere, the lady sulked and explained back and fourth about her being alpha and about how she hate the situation she's in right now plus walked away from his side. Being a good brother, he watched her antics and stay silent, pretend as if he heard everything about it. "What if I don't give any condition to you? What if I am not protecting you earlier? How many lives will you sacrifice?" He questions back. "What if you're in rut and no one controls you? Father will have total headache by then." He makes his way to her and places his palm on top of her head. "Sometimes you need someone to have control over your life."
☼┊wen karina ᵃ 2 years ago
@☼┊wen linghe ᵃ "Not fair. I don't like finding myself a mate when all I wanted is to find my mother." Karina frowns once again at her older brother before pulling away from him, "Alphas are dominant whether you are male or female." She retorted before she got up from the ledge. "What's the purpose of me training for all these years just to tell me that I'm not a dominant alpha?" She starts walking away from him, "I hate people giving me conditions just to get what I wanted." The female alpha muttered and stops walking before looking back at him. When she was younger, she thought she could count on Linghe in every way possible but soon she realized that the more she grows up, the more he and her father became protective of her.


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huniverse [A] 2 years ago
Hi babies ❤️
-jewel 2 years ago
I have a weird question for any of the admins
keyboardsmash 2 years ago
leaving lan cheng cheng,
thanks for having me
c1790eab18ec0f9c7162 2 years ago
Wonder if you're accepting any wolves?
schnuggldiwuppdich 2 years ago
~peeks~ 0v0
[comment deleted by owner]
Harlequin2021 2 years ago
hey, is it possible to request jin meixin, thanks :)
huniverse [A] 2 years ago
☽ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ sᴛᴀᴛs ☾
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W-WHIPLASH 2 years ago
kim jungwoo please
mononoaware 2 years ago
Jaewook will have to take hiatus for a month due to personal reason.
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