㈢ mounds

● burial mounds
● burial mounds
qishan wen pack • RATED M
混血┊kang seulgi ʰ 2 years ago
@混血┊han sohee ʰ @☼┊wen lip ᵃ Seeing how the Wen leader harmed her second-in-command makes her more and more mad by any minute, jaw clenched as her growl turns into gnarl as her teeth slowly grows into small canine, eyes slowly changed into atrocious gray hues, nails slowly grows into claws, her strength grew a bit. Blinded by rage, she stood up from where she was pinned, the Wen soldiers couldn't get a hold of her. Seulgi grabbed them by their shoulders and smashed them against each other before she charges towards the leader, she gnarled loud like a raging wolf as she punched the Wen leader in the face with a left jab before she snatched Sohee away from Karina who was still stunned by the other's fast moves. However the Wen soldiers threw some fiery arrows at the two. Seulgi, who is still blinded by rage and fear, fled from the gruesome event while carrying the wounded Sohee to the a safe place.

Her small transformation was caused by adding concentrated wolf DNA into her tissues thanks to her late father who knew that Seulgi would always be in danger when she became a hunter, it only triggers this form when she's in an extreme emotional breakdown. Seulgi laid the injured hunter to a smooth, flat rock and didn't waste any time to treat the other's wounds. Her body is still shaking because of rage and fear getting mixed up in her mind but she tries to keep herself calm to wrap the second-in-command with a small first aid from their small kit. Then she was going to check if they still following them, she sprayed scent suppressants on the two of them before she falls on the ground, the small puddle sees her appearance changed. She looks hideous and almost like a wolf already. She doesn't know what's going on her and didn't paid attention to herself as she prioritized the safety of her only friend.
☼┊wen lip ᵃ 2 years ago
@混血┊kang seulgi ʰ @混血┊han sohee ʰ @☼┊wen karina ᵃ Lip looked at Seulgi with a smirk on her face, liking how much she cared about the other woman as she order Karina to do a little bit more damage to Sohee." If you don't want me to kill her, back the off and call you men to stop everything right now or you will see what we can truly do." She warned the leader once more even though she knew that they won't do that." Or I have a better option, how about you come here and crawl to me, Kang Seulgi. If you don't want to see your second in command die in front of you, you better listen to me!" Crossing her arms in front of her chest as she smiled at Seulgi, playing with fire in her hand as she throw one of them on Sohee. She saw Sohee spit some blood from as she did again, she wanted to see Seulgi's reaction." So, what is going to be, leave us alone or seeing someone so dear to you getting killed?"
混血┊kang seulgi ʰ 2 years ago
@混血┊han sohee ʰ @☼┊wen lip ᵃ @☼┊wen karina ᵃ She was going to move again but the Wen leader is faster that she is really going to kill the only person she could lean on, Seulgi was about to run towards it when another set of Wen wolves grabbed her and shoves her on the ground. Seeing how it is, the Hangshui leader was forcefully brought down to her knees while the savage Wen looked down on them. "Sohee... Don't kill her, please!" She begged, remembering how the rogue hunters managed to kill her father once, she cannot be powerless now. Her hunters were exhausted, killed and was taken hostage by other Wen soldiers. "Please! Spare her!" They didn't listen but Karina controls the situation when she manipulates the blood on the second-in-command's body, twisting one arm slowly. Seulgi's eyes widen, "No! No! Stop!" She screams and clenched her fists more as her eyes glowed gray in anger.
☼┊wen lip ᵃ 2 years ago
@混血┊kang seulgi ʰ @混血┊han sohee ʰ @☼┊wen karina ᵃ Lip smirked softly when Seulgi mention that they were just like them which made her laugh so hard in a evil way, looking at the hunter's leader." Just like you guys, we are not like you guys at all. You are killing wolves left and right, but for us we only kill them because we are protecting our own." She shook her head as she continue aiming at Sohee, playing the fire in her hand still." Give me a reason not to touch her, or this will be the last time you will ever see her, Kang Seulgi! " The alpha ordered her fellow alpha to bring the hunter closer to her, that way she could have a better look of the beautiful hunter." I got to say you guys are really pretty, I truly mean that. But you know, that's doesn't stop me from killing you if you try me. "
混血┊kang seulgi ʰ 2 years ago
@混血┊han sohee ʰ @☼┊wen lip ᵃ @☼┊wen karina ᵃ When she saw how the Wen leader burnt one of her hunters to ashes, it only made her mad more. She gritted her teeth and clenched her fists as she does the same to her fellow Wen soldier, she grabs one wolf and plunges her blade through his back as she shows her how she can be killed by hunters. "You were just the same as us." She told her before she charges towards her but stopped in the middle of way when she caught a scent of a familiar woman in front of her, her eyes widen when she sees Karina taking Sohee, her second-in-command as a hostage. "Don't you dare lay a finger on her!" She growls and grips her blade more.
☼┊wen lip ᵃ 2 years ago
@混血┊kang seulgi ʰ @混血┊han sohee ʰ @☼┊wen karina ᵃ Lip was fighting with other hunters as she stares at the hunter's leader, smirk softly as she felt something coming behind her with a knife but she easily dodged the attacker before using her power to control fire to set the hunter on fire as she listened to the other scream in pain before vanish in front Seulgi." See, you weaklings. Do you really think you can fight me and defeat my pack? " She smirked softly she continued to use her powers to kill and defeat more hunters before standing front of the Hangshui leader." Oh well well, look who do we have here?" Lip looked at Seulgi as her second in command Karina brought Sohee for her, she played a fire on her hand and teases Seulgi." Hmm, what do think I should do with her, huh? Torture her in front of you, or should I just burn her alive in front you? "
☼┊wen karina ᵃ 2 years ago
@混血┊kang seulgi ʰ @混血┊han sohee ʰ @☼┊wen lip ᵃ Karina was grabbed by more than one hunter by her arms and shoved her away from the second-in-command, she growls as her other eye reddens more as she unleashed her blood manipulation on them. The hunters were paralyzed as they let go of her, the alpha glared at Sohee and walked over to her as she uses her power on her. "One is enough to defeat you all." Karina told her before she uses the other's rope to tie her up and held her as a hostage before she gets her down the vantage point and shows her to the Wen leader.
☼┊wen lip ᵃ 2 years ago
@混血┊kang seulgi ʰ @混血┊han sohee ʰ @☼┊wen karina ᵃ Wen Lip was fighting with in the crowd with other wolves, killing all the hunters that came to her way as she kill them off one by one as she ran through the crowd before she stop her track when she watches Karina fighting against Sohee." Don't kill her yet, I still have plans for her." She yelled at Karina as she told her to to keep the hunter alive to bring her back to the city." Bring her back to our city, I have question that I want to ask."

She looked through the crowd when she saw the hunter's leader Seulgi running towards her as her claws came out from her hands, turning into a wolf as she begin charging toward the female leader as she fights her way out of the crowd. Eventually she stopped at her track when the hunter leader called her name from the other end of the crowd as she looked straight into Seugli's eyes, she raised her voice as she screams at her enemy." Kang Seulgi, today is day of your death! You will pay for what you did, and I will make sure that I get revenges on the people that your hunters killed."
混血┊kang seulgi ʰ 2 years ago
@混血┊han sohee ʰ @☼┊wen lip ᵃ @☼┊wen karina ᵃ "This is an unmarked territory, it's not yours for you to take." She clenched her fist more as she glared at the Wen leader, "You know I didn't come here alone, just as you did." Then she snapped her finger as her forces shows up with guns pointing at the Wen wolves they see in front of them, "I know you couldn't go through on a peaceful talk..." Seulgi then gets a blade from her back. "I've been wanting to kill a leader for a longest time. I hope you'd want it as well." Then she prepares her fighting stance before they start fighting.

Everything happened so fast, hunters kill wolves, wolves kill hunters. Seulgi kept fighting against Wen wolves but not to this extent, this is blood bath, too much for the Hangshui leader to handle. Every wolves she killed, is a toll to her sin as a creature between human and wolf. Are they really destined to kill wolves? Seulgi had always think of that but no one has the answer for it.

Once she killed one Wen wolf, she sees a very clear sight of the leader. Seulgi growled and ran to her as she shouted her name, "Wen Lip!" Her eyes are fixed on her as her body is full of blood of Wens that she killed right now before she gets her gun and starts shooting her as she charges towards the Wen leader.
混血┊han sohee ʰ 2 years ago
@混血┊kang seulgi ʰ @☼┊wen lip ᵃ @☼┊wen karina ᵃ Sohee was still on the vantage point ready to strike upon Seulgi's order when she heard the noise coming from behind her, she turned around when she spotted Karina coming towards her when she was being choked by the neck when the other grabbed her neck with her hand. " Who the hell do you think you are, just a little wolf trying to harm me?" Sohee easily swapped her hand away with her arm as she stares the other's eyes, kicking her away before rolling away from Karina before she stood against the rock. she took out her weapon from her back as she stretch it out, pointing at the wolf before smirk at her." You really think you can kill me, do you know who I am?"

Sohee walked close to the wolf with her fellow soldier to surround Karina, ordering them to tackle her as she stands aside to get the last beating. " You are so stupid to come here alone, did your leader tell you to do that? You will be captured by us and exchanged for more things in the future, you know that?" She smirked as she told her leader that the wolves are surrounded by all the hunters, now is was time to have a one on one between the two leaders." Seulgi, you got this! I can still help you since they already got this little wolf here." Sohee shook her head at Karina as she lift her chin with her knife's edge, chuckle softly as she order the other to tie the wolf up and watch over her before she jump down and stand next to Seulgi." You really got some nerves to come here, wolf." She stared at Wen Lip before looking at Seulgi." Let me have a try with her. You can just watch from the side."
☼┊wen karina ᵃ 2 years ago
@混血┊kang seulgi ʰ @混血┊han sohee ʰ @☼┊wen lip ᵃ Amongst the soldiers of Wen that Lip has, Karina is the topnotcher among them. She has one of the strongest ability that a Wen would wield, she was trained by her father, a general in Qishan. However she never had any experiences in a real battle, now the leader has chosen her for this mission. She had to prove herself to be a true alpha if she wanted to be recognized by their leader.

She had no time to waste as the leader had told her to apprehend the Hangshui leader's right hand man, Karina nodded and went to catch the scent of the right hand woman. She looked up to see one's head in the vantage point, she quickly ran to it and climbed fast to catch the woman. Karina got to the vantage point and grabs Sohee's head by the back and pulls her away from the vantage point by throwing her at the opposite direction. Karina's left eye glowed as her ruby hue emerges, "I can't let you kill any more wolves from us, hunter." Then she shows her claws to her as she growled. "You made a grave mistake to come into our territory." And charges towards the hunter with her claws.
☼┊wen lip ᵃ 2 years ago
@混血┊kang seulgi ʰ @混血┊han sohee ʰ @☼┊wen karina ᵃ " Your territory, you are in my city you know that? " Wen Lip looked at her strongest one as she scoffed softly, making sure she wasn't hearing that wrong. The alpha leader turned her hands into two fists as she gets ready to fight the hunter's leader and her underlings, knowing that Seulgi's had her army hide in the brushes or on trees that was surrounding them. She told everyone to get back in case of ambush, looking around and trying her best to sense people around them. " You think you can kill me with your pathetic army of hunters, have you ever try just for once? oh, your second in command there is useless too. I don't even think she can get pass my warrior there, here name is Karina by the way."

She chuckled softly as she sensed people around them that wasn't belong to the city at all, crossing her arms in front of her chest as she look at the other leader before she ordered Karina to take Sohee with her so they can discuss something that only the leaders can." Now that we are alone, you want to talk about the real problem?" Wen Lip stared at Seulgi as she walks closer to the hunter's leader with her claws began to show, she raise her voice at the other as she speaks" What exactly it is that bring you here, you are not welcome here at all. You and your pathetic hunters!." She pointed at people around her as she noticed some hunters that hide behind the tree and rocks, calling them out so they didn't have to hide anymore.

" You can let them out now, no need to hide anymore." The wen leader stepped back a little, staying away from Seulgi as she looks at all the hunters that walked out from hiding themselves from her own people." You really think you can beat me and kill me with these idiots? You really need to prepare better next time, Seulgi." Wen Lip glared at the other before she gestures her follower to come out as well so they all can see each other face to face." Now we know everyone, shall we just get straight to business?"
混血┊kang seulgi ʰ 2 years ago
@混血┊han sohee ʰ @☼┊wen lip ᵃ @☼┊wen karina ᵃ Seulgi didn't respond to her as she was dead serious of this situation, the Wen will pay for what they had done to her people. They either make a truce or shed blood on the very ground they are in. "Someone reported a massacre in the location far away from here, a village." Seulgi told her coldly and looked at the map where the exact location is, there is a village that was from the part of Hangshui that was reported to be razed and raided by the Wen wolves.

She looked at Sohee with a serious gaze, "Find a vantage point once we get there, find anything suspicious and shoot it down." She commanded and gets something from her pocket. A butterfly bracelet, she bought from the mall for her. Seulgi then looked at it before putting it back on her pocket once they are in the location. She gets ready her gun and prompted her second-in-command to find a vantage point as she walks inside the raided village, it was recently raided and burned as cinders and smoke is still present around the area. She slowly walked through the village as hundreds of burned corpses and their putrid smell lingers the leader's nose, she scrunches her nose a bit as she spreads one team in one area.

Among the putrid scent, she caught another smell, a smell of roses. A rare scent from a Wen. It came from an almost burned restaurant. Seulgi clutched her gun more as she signalled her men to surround the place as she casually walks inside to see a suspicious looking Wen wolf, "You got a pretty good perception of getting our supposed territory... Wen Lip." Seulgi greeted the Wen leader as she glared at her.
混血┊han sohee ʰ 2 years ago
@混血┊kang seulgi ʰ @混血┊han sohee ʰ @☼┊wen karina ᵃ Was just cleaning her weapons on her table when she got the call from Seulgi, immediately got up from her chair as she followed the order and called for backup, grabbed her weapons before before running down stairs to the van to meet with Seulgi.

" I'm here now, what's the hurry? Something is going down? " Sohee looked at her friend and the troops behind her, feeling the nerve and the excitement in her body just building up. She constantly looking at the clock to make sure that they would be there in time, looking over at her leader and whisper softly" Anything else we need to prepare for, ma'am? "
混血┊kang seulgi ʰ 2 years ago
@混血┊han sohee ʰ @☼┊wen lip ᵃ @☼┊wen karina ᵃ After receiving some reports of massacre in one unmark land, with countless of people involved in one location Seulgi had to act. Many innocent lives were lost, their blood had spilled in the unmarked soil. This outraged the loved ones who had lost their other halves. They were calling out to their leader to resolve this problems and no more innocent lives would lost in the future.

Seulgi went to the headquarters in a quick pace and calls her hunters to prepare a silent approach to the location, she went to her own office to prepare her things and equipments, she called Sohee for back up in case something goes wrong. "Sohee, I need you to call your units for back up, things will get out of hand later on. Just be ready and come with me inside the van." Seulgi called out as she wears an ultra light vest and holstered two guns on her hips and a blade on her back before she went to the gates to gather her troops and her second-in-command.


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huniverse [A] 2 years ago
Hi babies ❤️
-jewel 2 years ago
I have a weird question for any of the admins
keyboardsmash 2 years ago
leaving lan cheng cheng,
thanks for having me
c1790eab18ec0f9c7162 2 years ago
Wonder if you're accepting any wolves?
schnuggldiwuppdich 2 years ago
~peeks~ 0v0
[comment deleted by owner]
Harlequin2021 2 years ago
hey, is it possible to request jin meixin, thanks :)
huniverse [A] 2 years ago
☽ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ sᴛᴀᴛs ☾
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ʟᴏᴏᴋɪɴɢ ғᴏʀ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ʜᴜɴᴛᴇʀs!
W-WHIPLASH 2 years ago
kim jungwoo please
mononoaware 2 years ago
Jaewook will have to take hiatus for a month due to personal reason.
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