㈣ hospital

hangshui• RATED M
人┊lalisa manoban 2 years ago
@人┊joshua hong Lisa was about to brought to tears as she watched Joshua suffer like this in bed, she want to help him the best way she can in her power. She held onto his hand as she smiles softly, making sure that her friend would feel comfortable and relaxed. Moving closer to the bed again, prepared some food and drinks for him so he will have something to gain some energy when he wake up later. " Josh, is me Lisa. We went to the same university years ago, do you remember me? " She monitored all the machines that was running to help Joshua, knowing how bad his injuries were so she was very careful not to cause any other unnecessary pain.

Lisa let go out his hand as she walked out of the room to talk to the doctor that was taking care of Joshua, reminding them that he need be take care very well 24/7. She walked back to the the room as she closed the door behind her, walking back to Joshua's bed before sitting back down next to him. Just watching over him, gently holding his hand in her own and slowly falling asleep as time goes by.

She woke up just a few hours later when it was midnight that was shown on her watch as she yawn, seeing her friend was still sleeping she decided to get something to eat for him and herself. She called for the nurse to come in and look after Joshua so she can go out to get some food, smiled at the female nurse as she walked out the room again and only comes back half an hour later with food and drink for the both of them.
☁┊lan zhan ᵒ [cloudangelheartsuju] 2 years ago
@☁┊ lan yibo ᵃ[sh ³ ⁿᵒᵛ] Zhan nods gently and kisses Yibo's lips softly, trying to calm his lovely mate down. "Of course I will stay at home, but I will miss you," he mumbles and gently leaned closer to Yibo, he was happily planting kisses all around Yibo's neck, giving a soft , making little hickies. "Did I tell you that, your neck is-" he blinks when he the doctor came in, holding onto Yibo, giving him a little squeeze on his hand. "Yay! Go home time!" he got up slightly and walked towards the bed to carry Yuan. "Let's go home, Lan Yuan. Let's go home with mama and papa," he mumbles and followed Yibo back to their warm house.
☁┊ lan yibo ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@☁┊lan zhan ᵒ ' you will stay at home regardless. yuan needs his mother and I need you to be safe. I will ask sehun to insure your upmost safety. we will strengthen the patrol around the mansion.' he informed the other. he wanted to say something more yet the doctor suddenly entered the room. as he did small checkups on the baby, yibo observed him. he did not trust any human, even if they were from his brother's hospital and was carefully selected by his leader. when the doctor informed them about the departure from the hospital and the safety of yuan, yibo did not think twice and made sure to get his family away from the unsafe place.
人┊joshua hong 2 years ago
@人┊lalisa manoban Her voice was soft, resonating like a thousand slow ripples from a teardrop that the sky had gifted. Although, they may be muffled from his sense of hearing, Joshua used it as a collection of lullabies making him drift off to sleep. He wished it was always like this. A peaceful moment where everything sat in place through the depths of time. No worries and overwhelming tragedies would rise from his current mood.

The sky looked empty. Joshua is in his own world again but in the absent of stars that made everything feel so eerie. He felt unaware of the days he spent on the hospital bed, the days he slept and reopened his eyes for a new day was always so sore that he couldn't help but gain the thirst of escape. Joshua misses his home, the warm blankets enveloping his entire body while he rest his head on the pillows and, oddly enough, his office. "Until when will I be staying here again?" A hint of urgency and impatience came through his weak voice. All the questions he had, creating a storm in his head slowly subsided into blue skies and calm shores. The hospital provided many services that he could thank for, but he couldn't help but wanting the feel of taking a walk outside and feeling the rubble and soil crunch against his feet.

Besides, no one wants to be stuck alone, sitting all day while their rear warms the bed seat. However, one could disagree.
☁┊lan zhan ᵒ [cloudangelheartsuju] 2 years ago
@☁┊ lan yibo ᵃ[sh ³ ⁿᵒᵛ] Zhan eyes were staring at their little baby, their a yuan. He saw how the little one cuddled up in the blanket, making him coo and he wasn't aware that Yibo was back in the bed with him until he felt a pair of warm arms around him. He sighs happily and nuzzles close to Yibo, his body was sore but seeing how happy Yibo is and a happy healthy yuan, everything is worth it. "That's true..." he mumbles softly and thinks a little. "Should I stay at home and work from home for at least a year? Got to ensure that a yuan is healthy... What if he is hungry! I need to feed him too.." he mumbles and pouts slightly. "But I want to be with you..."
☁┊ lan yibo ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@☁┊lan zhan ᵒ he chuckled as the other mentioned it. it made yibo actually get lost in the thought. was it really all black? he will have to ask his brother. the alpha leaned to look at the photo. it really came out well. their first photo as a family. as his little son fell asleep, the father moved to lay him back inside and covered with a blanket. yibo returned to zhan's side and immediately wrapped arms around his babe, allowing him to rest in his embrace. 'lets not put it in the office? it is still hangshui, baby. we need to be cautious.'
人┊lalisa manoban 2 years ago
@人┊joshua hong Lisa pulled a chair next to his bed, watching him from close as she felt bad for whatever happened to her best friend. She only heard about it when the nurse called her on the phone, she was surprised when she heard the story and came immediately as she dropped everything in hand." Yes, it is me. Joshua, I'm Lisa." She continued holding onto his hand gently, her heart aches seeing him like this especially knowing what he had been through after they parted ways since college.

" I'm not going anywhere, I'm right here with you. I'm here to check up on you and see what I can do to help you." Lisa looked at Joshua who was in so much pain and she knew that his condition was really bad from what she heard from the doctors. Seeing her friend like this just really pained her, watching him falling back to sleep because of the meds and the pain he had. Calling the doctor to come, she whispered to the surgeon." Make sure he gets the best treatment and I will pay all the fees that is needed to achieve that." She smiled at the surgeon before sending the doctor away so she can stay and look after Joshua, she text her assistant back in Jiashi and make sure that her company would pay for all the expenses for Joshua's treatment.
☁┊lan zhan ᵒ [cloudangelheartsuju] 2 years ago
@☁┊ lan yibo ᵃ[sh ³ ⁿᵒᵛ] Zhan's eyes widen and let out a soft gasp, he didn't know that baby are not able to see for a few months. "Isn't it really scary for them? They can hear sounds but everything is black... We got to stay close with A yuan so he wouldn't be scared!" His eyes widen and a faint blush appear on his cheeks when Yibo pressed onto the shutter. "I want that picture! I'm going to print it and paste it into the office~! Although I think... I will work from home more now that our baby is still growing.." he mumbles and looks at A yuan. "Adorable like papa~"
☁┊ lan yibo ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@☁┊lan zhan ᵒ he chucked. 'baby yuan can't even see now. they don't see till they are like four months old. sehun said so.' he grinned and kept rocking the baby. yuan seemed as if he had fallen asleep safe and sound. the baby yawned softly as he was being rocked by his father and the alpha's pheromones. when the other the camera, yibo leaned closer and pressed his lips on the omega's cheek. he made sure the baby was visible in the camera, right when he pressed the shutter.
☁┊lan zhan ᵒ [cloudangelheartsuju] 2 years ago
@☁┊ lan yibo ᵃ Zhan let out a happy hum, as he happily unlock Yibo's phone. He remembered the first time when they just started dating, Yibo screen was black, it was simple and just plain. But he loves it, hd loves the mysterious feel of his mate and of course he loves the caring loving side more. He looked at his phone and let out a small gasped seeing the photo of himself immediately putting the phone down and cover A yuan eyes, with a huge pout. "Yibooooooooo~" he let out a soft whine with a slight blush. He knew he always loved to tease the Alpha with his pictures but he didn't expect to see it on his lock screen. "Baby a yuan saw it" he whines slightly. "He is too young to know how his papas make him~"
☁┊ lan yibo ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@☁┊lan zhan ᵒ he moved his hip forward. he had his phone in the pocket as zhan’s phone was back at home. they did not bother to take it along. as the omega reached for the phone and unlocked it, the alpha took his seat next to the omega. zhan looked so small next to yibo, thanks to yibo’s height. all of the alphas in gusu inherited a tall height. when the omega noticed the Lock Screen - the very photo of zhan, he couldn’t stop laughing. ‘this photo makes my life more worthy’
混血┊kim taeyeon 2 years ago
taeyeon sees the hunters fleeing from the building and carries wounded yeri down to where irene and lisa are with her units checking if there are still hunters on sight, the beta's shoulder is still bleeding and felt her breath is slower. "ms. yeri, please hold on. we're going to treat you real quick." she told the beta before she saw irene going to the storage room, she follow through and went inside as well. "ms. irene, can you give me a hand here? i think ms. yeri is losing blood." then she placed the beta on the table, "we need painkillers and sew up her wounds, the bullet when through in and out." the second in command told the lan leader.
☁┊lan zhan ᵒ [cloudangelheartsuju] 2 years ago
@☁┊ lan yibo ᵃ He pouts slightly and shook his head, he then rests on the bed and looks at Yibo, with so much love. Seeing Yibo carrying A yuan, Zhan let out a soft mumble, not wanting to wake up A yuan. "You are such a good father, my lovely mate. Let's take a picture today, it's mine and a yuan birthday and it's also the day where we are officially parents.." he smiles warmly, "The pain doesn't matter."
☁┊ lan yibo ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@☁┊lan zhan ᵒ he chuckled as the other suddenly insisted about a family photo, they would have a plenty of time for that. when the omega grimaced in pain, he shook head in disapproval. 'you should rest first. the photo can come later. now lay down.' he rocked side from side, his son peacefully sleeping in his arms. he waited for his mate to lay down and smiled. 'get plenty of rest so you can take care of our son, baby.' he whispered with the softest voice possible, looking at him in worry and concern.
☁┊lan zhan ᵒ [cloudangelheartsuju] 2 years ago
@☁┊ lan yibo ᵃ He chuckles and leans in to eat the cake, feeling the sweet flavours in his mouth, he let out a loud happy squeal and moan, moving his body happily as he did a little dance to how sweet the cake is. "it's nicer when you feed me!" he opens his mouth once again but closes it slightly when he heard the cute little cries coming from the crib. He was about to get up but when he saw Yibo getting up, bouncing and carrying A Yuan, he let out a warm smile. He chuckles softly at Yibo's comment. "Of course~ He is a mix of you and me! Bring him here, let's take a family photo together, our first family photo." he reaches out slightly with a little groan to take his phone at the side.
☁┊ lan irene ᵃ 2 years ago
“Two!” She was almost done with the countdown, but looking between the huntress and her party, the lady made a quick hand signal, and the hybrids immediately stopped coming forward, instead turning around and running out the windows, down stairs, and scattering away from the premises. The Ian leader breathed through , watching as the hybrid girl evacuated through the ceiling, her dark brown eyes focused on her ice blue ones.
Once seeing the enemy had left, she hugged her arms with long cuts, attempting to minimize the exposure as she went to Sehun. “Please take your family somewhere safe.” The female leader spoke bluntly, anger still clear in her eyes, as she figured he couldn’t give two less s about what she thought. From the way had shoved her up and wall, dragged her around the hospital, and called her stupid because she was trying to get the people he care’s about to safety… she sighed and moved along down the hall, still holding her arms, looking form the storage area where there were surgical tools and she could disinfect and sew up her wounds.
☁┊ lan yibo ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@☁┊lan zhan ᵒ he chuckled and reached to kiss his lips, it was a small birthday gift. honestly, he had prepared more, but due to the circumstances, he could not give him the gift. he took out the match and threw it out, his eyes focusing on the baby. yibo got a plastic fork and gave it to the other. 'try it. it is your favourite.' the male smiled. suddenly, their baby began to stir in his sleep, crying and tossing around. yibo reached to gently take the baby and held into his arms. he began to sway at the imaginary beat, slowly making him drift to sleep once more. 'he is just like you, baby.' he chuckled at zhan. 'always needy for an attention.'
混血┊kang seulgi ʰ 2 years ago
The hybrid was blocked by Jiashi's female leader, she glared at her before she raised her on her, ready to slap the Jiashi leader. But she paused when she heard the shout of another Lan leader, Seulgi looked at Irene before she saw her own hunters getting crumpled like a paper in a gruesome way as the female alpha counts down to five for her to call off her reinforcements. She knew she had lost the battle, she was outnumbered by three leaders and she doesn't fear them for out matching the hybrid. She sighed and raised her hand to signal her own hunters to regroup to their headquarters, they obliged to do so. Seulgi closed her eyes as her vile smirk gone away from her face as she eventually looked at the leaders in front of her, "This is not finished, it is only just the beginning." She took a step back once more before she gets a grappling gun and hooks up to the open ceiling of the hospital then she launch herself up before looking down at the female Lan with a smirk on her face, "Interesting..." she muttered and already took a liking a bit on the alpha before she escaped from the hospital.
☁┊ lan irene ᵃ 2 years ago
Of course, the female leader didn't go along with the plan as Irene would have wished (probably Taeyeon as well). Even though the alpha had cleared a path for the human to move and get the royals out of the hospital, she instead rushed up on the hybrid that was much stronger then her and put up a threatening front. The brunette growled in slight irritation, as it was probably not going to help anything and Lisa would get hurt in the stupid process of playing hero. She had no clue if Sehun would help the human or let her get crushed as a distraction. 'Please,' she prayed in her head, even though they weren't mated officially, that the other would take out the hybrid if Lisa became a target.
Meanwhile, the hybrids she had knocked over were up for a combative tango, and the alpha's eyes burned blue as she got ready to battle. Four ran toward her with lightening speed and the alpha pushed air out from her body. "This is obnoxious." she growled, as Lisa had asked her not to harm the hybrids too bad, but their leader did want trouble. "Kang!" she hollered as she dodged attacks. "I'm gonna give you 5 seconds to call your people off, or you're gonna have a lot of bodies to carry!" Irene yelled, taking a quick cut to her arms before growling and snapping the necks of two of her opponents with her air manipulation, leaving their bodies to crumple like paper onto the ground. "5!" she counted, hoping Sehun would snap her neck if the huntress was distracted, or if the carnages would just continue, and Irene would take out the oxygen from the room (if Sehun could secure a barrier where the hunters would be stuck. She also prayed Sehun would bloody remember her abilities to preform such an act. "4! 3!"
人┊lalisa manoban 2 years ago
混血┊kim taeyeon 8 hours ago Reply
taeyeon assisted yeri as they get on the chopper one hunter from the other building is waiting for the right moment to strike. he scope his gun towards the beta he pulled the trigger and it landed right through her shoulder, taeyeon failed to noticed it and it was too late. "no!" she caught yeri and her left shoulder is bleeding as the bullet went through her shoulder blades, "..." the hybrid takes off her vest and wrapped it around the beta's shoulder. she let out a growl and takes out a gun and angrily shoots the sniper before she carried yeri into the chopper as she got fainted from it, "we need to get to the hospital of meilan quick!" taeyeon told lisa through the phone, "yeri had been shot! we need to get her to meilan hospital quick!

Lisa saw the hybrid leader playing with the knife in her hand, she rush forward and block in front of everyone. " Kang seulgi, do you know what you just did..." She look at everyone else behind her." Yeri got shot by one of her sniper, Taeyeon took care of the shooter but yeri fainted and is on the chopper." The anger in Lisa's eyes just light up before she pushes Seulgi against the wall even though she knew that she is not strong enough to fight the hybrid leader. The only thing she knew was to protect everyone so no one else will get hurt again
混血┊kang seulgi ʰ 2 years ago
Seulgi groaned as she was grabbed by the alpha's grasp and was pinned against the ground, she growled lowly as she glared at those pair of raging blue eyes staring down at her. "A wrong leader indeed." She gets a knife from her waist and plunge its sharp edge against the other's wrist to get away from his grasp, when she escaped from the Lan leader's clutches she took another step back from him as she presented the bloodied knife to him, playing it in front of him. "Hmm..." she sniffed his blood from the knife and smirked, "Interesting type... We might use this to create another hybrid made from your blood, would you like that?"
☁┊lan zhan ᵒ [cloudangelheartsuju] 2 years ago
@☁┊ lan yibo ᵃ His eyes widen and grin sweetly as he listen to Yibo singing, his eyes were a little teary, really surprised at the cake. He looks at the beautiful cake and the little match that is burning, he chuckles and closes his eyes slightly, putting both his hands together. "I wish for my family..to be loving and healthy forever" he mumbles really softly before smiling brightly and blowing the cake playfully. "Thank you baby~!! I love this so much!! Happy Birthday A yuan." he mumbles softly and gently hold onto the crib, chuckles softly and looks at Yibo,"Congratulations for being a papa, my lovely mate."
混血┊kim taeyeon 2 years ago
taeyeon assisted yeri as they get on the chopper one hunter from the other building is waiting for the right moment to strike. he scope his gun towards the beta he pulled the trigger and it landed right through her shoulder, taeyeon failed to noticed it and it was too late. "no!" she caught yeri and her left shoulder is bleeding as the bullet went through her shoulder blades, "..." the hybrid takes off her vest and wrapped it around the beta's shoulder. she let out a growl and takes out a gun and angrily shoots the sniper before she carried yeri into the chopper as she got fainted from it, "we need to get to the hospital of meilan quick!" taeyeon told lisa through the phone, "yeri had been shot! we need to get her to meilan hospital quick!"
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[post deleted by owner]
☁┊ lan irene ᵃ 2 years ago
Irene nodded in agreement, seeing as the other did have her own task force to do her bidding. The Lan leader opened the door and walked down the hall, heading back over to the labor room and seeing a good sum of hybrids surrounding Sehun as he fought the main hybrid hunter. Irene grunted and threw a huge gust of wind, knocking a section of the hunters over like domino’s. “Lisa,” she called the human leader, trying to signal for her to get her people to go to Yibo and Yuan as she made a pathway.
人┊lalisa manoban 2 years ago
Lisa was shocked to say the least, looking at Irene" He is your fiance? Now i understand why he is like that." She nodded her head and walk back to the other, she look back at the others." you guys can leave first i will stay behind just in case something happens. Taeyeon and yeri are already in the chopper."
☁┊ lan irene ᵃ 2 years ago
Irene couldn’t help but snort, holding up her hand quickly to let the female know she wasn’t laughing at her, but more the notion that Sehun was her sibling. ‘It certainly looks that way, huh?’ “Actually, I’m not related to any of them. I’m Sehun’s fiancé.” They finally got to the 11th floor door and Irene paused her steps, smiling still at the notion that she could be related to the royals of Lan. “He feels he has to be the strongest and coldest of them all…hence he doesn’t trust anyone but himself, which leads to a lot of fighting.” Irene extended her claws from her hands, her eyes glowing blue again as she held onto the door handle. “I’ll cover you if you can get to the couple and newborn, and bring them to the chopper.”
人┊lalisa manoban 2 years ago
" well, is a positive way don't worry." Lisa smiled softly, keeping up the pace with the alpha." i mean you and your brother, do you guys always argue like that?"
☁┊ lan irene ᵃ 2 years ago
Irene made her way up the staires with ease, but made sure to keep the human’s pace and not wear her out. “Interesting? I hope it’s a positive interesting, but I can understand if not. What do you mean?” She questioned the leader as they made their way up, almost to the correct floor.


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huniverse [A] 2 years ago
Hi babies ❤️
-jewel 2 years ago
I have a weird question for any of the admins
keyboardsmash 2 years ago
leaving lan cheng cheng,
thanks for having me
c1790eab18ec0f9c7162 2 years ago
Wonder if you're accepting any wolves?
schnuggldiwuppdich 2 years ago
~peeks~ 0v0
[comment deleted by owner]
Harlequin2021 2 years ago
hey, is it possible to request jin meixin, thanks :)
huniverse [A] 2 years ago
☽ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ sᴛᴀᴛs ☾
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W-WHIPLASH 2 years ago
kim jungwoo please
mononoaware 2 years ago
Jaewook will have to take hiatus for a month due to personal reason.
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