
☁┊ lan irene ᵃ 2 years ago
@☁┊lan sehun ᵃ Irene’s brow furrowed slightly as the alpha mentioned his friend, the Jin leader. It was true Jin was more the equipped, but the Lan leader had intended for something more inner circle. “Miss Kang and I had a altercation…I went to her home and found files on various wolves from all different packs. The hunters are keeping valid tabs…and it doesn’t help that there is a situation between the Wen’s and Nie’s that’s under tight investigation. Reguardless if the two aren’t connected, that paper of a mixed wolf seems a little too coincidental, especially when Kang fought so hard to keep every single piece in her corner with red tape…and she apologized… something’s wrong.” There was a lot to talk about that the female leader had been working solo on until she had a little more concrete standings to involve her partner. But the head huntress was more then valiant on keeping wolf property, enough so that even after peace-intended conversation she shot the Lan leader and then let her walk away… it just screamed something was occurring under the surface, and the hunters were moving onto a bigger fish then high ranked wolves.
The female grunted under her breathe as she was scooped up by the other, carried to her side of the shared house and put on her bed. She sat up with sweat dripping from her body as her body naturally tried burning off the poison. She looked over her skin which was starting to discolor. ‘You got to be ing kidding me.’ She thought, having a nauseating feeling that her leg was going to be out of commission for good if they didn’t drain it asap. She looked over to the other leader as he preped her arm, looking between his eyes and the equipment m. “Thank you.” She told him gently, watching him work, wondering his thoughts.
☁┊lan sehun ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@☁┊ lan irene ᵃ when she suddenly talked about the healers, the only one he could think of was hoseok. jins were the healers and he didn't doubt that hoseok would help. he was a part of Gusu Lan long time ago. 'hoseok. jin's leader. lanling's wolves are great healers. ' he muttered as he bit onto his lip and stitched up her wound. when the other mentioned the iv system and a bag, he nod head. like he had previously mentioned, he was pretty equipped. he did not know when he would be the one needing it. better be sure.
sehun finished stitching up, his stitches tightly holding both sides of the skin. as she did not whimper in pain, he took off his bloody gloves and began to apply a disinfectant over the stitched up wound. he put on a huge bandaid, covering all of the wound. sehun wiped his forehead with his lower arm and exhaled. he was tired, it was hot. sehun felt disgusted as he was covered in sweat and blood. the male got up and leaned to throw her arm over his shoulder. he helped the female get up before scooping under her thighs. the leader got her in bridal style and carried to her bedroom. sehun laid her down and stepped back. 'lay here. I will get the bag' the leader pulled away and left the room. his medical equipment was in a box in his room. he got the sterile system and the bag, going back. sehun stood on his knees as he looked at her arm and prepared a tourniquet. the leader placed the tourniquet right above her elbow and palpated for the vein. 'how did you even get it?' he asked as his hands worked skilfully to dab the cotton pad against her skin, leaving a wet trail of disinfectant on her skin.
☁┊ lan irene ᵃ 2 years ago
@☁┊lan sehun ᵃ [sh ³ ⁿᵒᵛ] Irene could see from the other alpha’s reaction to her telling him to take his shirt off that he would do it to help her. Her shirt was off, after all she had used it to pause the bleeding so Hunter’s couldn’t track her back to Lan territory. So her front was equally as exposed, as she sat in a sports bra before the other (not that she really cared). “Thank you,” she muttered as be tossed her his article, his height being of great use to her as she got the peice around her upper most leg, tieing it as tight as she could manage in a double knot to cut off any circulation that would make the infection go past her hip. “We need to drain the poison. Do you have any connections in Jiang? Or a healer we can call.” The female watched Dr. Lan work as he made a couple of cuts to increase the surface area in which he could get the bullet or some tissue. She kept still, worried as she didn’t feel anything, but she would let that go to the anesthesia for now. “Do you have empty IV bags somewhere? Or a blood drawer?” She didn’t know how much medical equipment was in the mansion, but if they could get more samples and start looking at it, they might be able to do some tests and see what can kill the bacteria.
☁┊lan sehun ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@☁┊ lan irene ᵃ the doctor focused on the wound as he cleaned it. the skin began to darken and even move upwards her limb. he did not know what it was and what kind of result it would lead to. they had no time. she was covered in sweat, he could tell she was in pain. when the other mentioned his shirt, their eyes met briefly. maybe it was the bond of the pack or mutual understanding, sehun nod head and took off his shirt. his masculine and flawless upper body was now exposed to the female. he moved to place the flashlight between his teeth and tied the piece of clothing around her thigh. he made sure that the distance between his hand made tourniquet and the wound was decent, so it won't cause any other harm. he knew the risks of placing a tourniquet yet they did not have a choice. the doctor changed his gloves. as he did not have any spare hands, he held the flashlight in his mouth. he made sure the wound was lightened up properly. sehun took tweezers and poured the disinfectant on them. his other hand reached for the sterile scalpel as he made small cuts. the anaesthetic must have worked as she did not even move. the doctor moved carefully, he did not know if the bulled had grazed any major arteries. tourniquet was a huge help as he got the bullet with the tweezers and gently pulled out, it stopped blood from leaking. the male saw the blackness forming around and gulped, he had not seen anything like that. the doctor got another dose of anaesthetic and worked around the healthy tissue. sehun worked skilfully and quickly, in no time he cut off small pieces of her skin. he worked carefully not to graze the healthy tissue. he was a neurosurgeon, small work like this was his speciality. as he cleaned the inner wound, his eyes looked up. 'I am not sure what it is.' he said as he spat out the flashlight, 'but I managed to clean the most of it.' he focused back on the wound and began to stitch it up as he choose the correct surgical needle, the tread being attached to it.
☁┊ lan irene ᵃ 2 years ago
@☁┊lan sehun ᵃ [sh ³ ⁿᵒᵛ] The female alpha was much too distracted, or tired to worry about the blood she has spread about the house. She knew she needed to get the bullet out as soon as possible, since it had been logged in their for hours and the brown poison was creeping up to her hip bone, even though she had attempted to cut off its circulation. As she was steadying the tweezers on her slightly shaking hand she heard the door knob turn. She froze, focusing on the smell of the air again, before the door was literally kicked open, causing her to stand up fast in case she had been followed. “Bloody hell Sehun!” She scolded him harshly for making her panic, practically crashing back down on the edge of the tub as her leg ached in numbness. “It was the Kang, but that doesn’t matter-.” She sighed as the other was moving very fast around the house to get medical supplies. “it’s okay,” she tried to ease the other’s Conscience, feeling a twinge of guilt. She had been sick before and he felt obligated to take care of her, but not even a month later there was a round two? Ridiculous. “Move?” Irene guided herself to the shower mat to sit, as Sehun was gesturing for her to stop being on the edge of the bathtub. She hummed in slight pain as she had to pick up her leg to manually adjust it so Sehun and her could better see the bullet hole. She breathed through her nose as the other placed disinfectant on her skin. “I don’t need anesthetic, just get the bullet out so we can figure out what type of wolfsbane she used.” She felt a small smirk twitch onto her face as the other washed his hands in his doctorly way, prepping for surgery. Maybe she was just a little loose from the poison, because all she could think about what when they were in medical school together, and how Sehun would wash his hands so nonchalantly (as he was half asleep all 6 years of school). But in the next second she was pulled out of her thoughts when a sharp poke was given to her injured leg. She looked down as saw he was injecting painkiller anyway. “It’s deep, and there’s poison in my system, that’s only going to work for the first centimeter in.” She looked down at the rotting brown brushing up her her hip bone and she snapped her fingers. “Give me your shirt.” She needed to tie something again in hopes whatever infection it was, it would get to her major organs.
☁┊lan sehun ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@☁┊ lan irene ᵃ when he got home, he did not expect a trail of blood and bloody stains on the walls. sehun was immediately alarmed, he did feel only Irene's scent yet he was not sure whenever hunters or hybrids were not present. those sly beings knew how to move past the wolves unnoticeable. his eyes glowed as he was ready to use his powers. the leader slowly moved up the white marble stairs and blinked as the trail of blood stopped at the door. the male pressed his hand against the door knob, ready to twist it. it was locked so sehun used his strength as an alpha and broke the knob. as soon as the door opened, it revealed a rather horrifying sight. it was his partner, sitting on the side of the bathtub. her leg was all in blood, brownish from the poisoning. he let go of his powers and moved closer to her. 'what happened? who did this to you?' when he noticed that she was about to get the bullet out on her own, he immediately ran to his room. sehun had his own medicine at the house, what if stuff like this happened? what if it was him in her situation? he wanted to be sure he had everything. the male got the needle, sterile equipment and gloves. he got a lidocaine solution and came back. 'move.' he said and made her sit rather comfortably. sehun got out a desinfector out from his bag and poured into a bowl. he soaked the cotton pads in it and began to clean the skin around the wound. 'I will use local anaesthetics. it won't hurt as much.' he informed her and moved to wash his own hands. as soon as he did that, he disinfected them and carefully put on the sterile gloves. the male took the tweezers and took a cotton pad, dipping it inside of the antibacterial solution and cleaned closely around the wound. he took the sterile syringe and pierced the cap of the glass bottle with the needle, pulling in the anaesthetic. the lighting was ty and he concentrated on his work. sehun pierced the skin around the wound with the needle and injected the anaesthetic. he did that in a circular motion around the wound to numb the skin. 'do you feel it now?' he took another clean syringe and pulled a painkiller inside. he took her arm and disinfected the place before injecting the painkiller.
☁┊ lan irene ᵃ 2 years ago
@☁┊lan sehun ᵃ [sh ³ ⁿᵒᵛ] Finally having finished the hike home, the alpha’s leg was soaked with blood, and she was exhausted. Her t-shirt which she used to stop the bleeding had gone from blue to brown as the bullet the hunter had used had some sort of wolfsbane that was preventing her body from healing itself. She limped into the large mansion, moving through the kitchen and hopped up the stairs on her good leg to her bathroom.
She sat herself on the edge of the tub, taking a second to catch her breathe before grabbing her first aid kit from under the sink, finding herself the tweezers, fabric scissors, gauze and disinfectant. She shivered softly from the loss of blood, cutting away her t-shirt to expose her wound, tossing the now rag into the tub, then cutting her legging to create enough space to comfortably see the wound.
☁┊lan sehun ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@☁┊lan chengcheng ᵒ he suddenly felt a panic rising inside of him. the male reached for him, trying to grab his hand. ‘wait.’ when cheng pulled away, he slumped back in his previous position. he had no right to make him stay, he had no right to beg for his presence. sehun had no right to be a part of his world when he was the one who wrecked it in the first place. his words hurt like hell. he would have to go back to pretending like nothing had ever happened. when cheng put on his clothes and left, sehun finally let out a sound, a broken cry echoing through his room.
☁┊lan chengcheng ᵒ [keyboardsmash] 2 years ago
@☁┊lan sehun ᵃ [sh ³ ⁿᵒᵛ] /sniffles again finally settling down from my tears and listens to the rhythm of your chest finding it soothing in this situation. shakes my head softly at your words and lifts my head up/
its fine, this was just… a one time event…
we cant let it happen again. i dont want to distract you from fulfilling your duties to the pack
/rests my hands onto your shoulders with a saddened smile/
ill be fine… i dont need to get a suitor to cover this… if people want to talk i wont stop them
/lets go of you and sighs out/
this is the end sehun…
/moves to put on my clothes looking back at you/
lets stop here… i am your general… and your friend- nothing else
/smiles again sadly a tear straying onto my cheek/
it was really nice while it lasted… lets move on
☁┊lan sehun ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@☁┊lan chengcheng ᵒ all of that made him hope that they could be something more. that they could have a happy ending. but it was all a lie, a realm sehun created in his tired and hopeless mind. he tried to push him away, yet sehun held him close. he pressed his face against his chest and waited for cheng to listen to his heartbeat, his heart skipping a beat whenever the omega was around. he gently caressed his hair and whispered. 'as much as I hate the thought of it...I can find you a suitor..someone who will be worth being your mate. they will not call you any names..they don't have to know about our relationship.' his heart broke one more time. if someone knew about their hidden relationship, how their bodies tangled together behind the closed door. cheng would be accused as a family breaker, a concubine of the leader and sehun would do anything to make those rumours die out.
☁┊lan chengcheng ᵒ [keyboardsmash] 2 years ago
@☁┊lan sehun ᵃ [sh ³ ⁿᵒᵛ] /hiccups ans ends up crying even more if possible by your answer saying you knew, even tho i had tried my best to keep it to myself and push you away, and act strong everytime you were around, you could read me like an open book, sniffles softly at the peck and rubs my eyes calming down slightly from your words my chest heaving from all the breathless crying/
im sorry…
/mutters as i catch my breath, tears still trickling down my face as you stare at me. looks up at you and sighs out/
we can still be friends-
☁┊lan sehun ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@☁┊lan chengcheng ᵒ he pressed his forehead against the omega's and closed eyes. it was their moment, holding each other, bare . their skin touched and there was no barrier between them. when the other whispered those words, the words he did not think he would hear again, a small smile appeared on his lips. 'I know.' was all he whispered. he did feel the love and it made him feel even more guilty. sadly, he was the one who knew cheng the best. all of the hidden glances, all of the stares. he knew it. he once was so oblivious and now he learned how to read him by his actions. the leader leaned to gently peck his lips and very gently caressed his tears away. 'don't cry...I can't handle it when you cry.' he whispered and let his eyes roam over his face. for sehun, cheng was the prettiest person he had seen. for sehun, he was the most flawless omega. for sehun, he was the strongest warrior. for sehun, he was his whole world.
☁┊lan chengcheng ᵒ [keyboardsmash] 2 years ago
@☁┊lan sehun ᵃ [sh ³ ⁿᵒᵛ] /looks up at you with swollen eyes and flushed cheeks, my face messy from all the tears, the eye contact causes me to weep more along with your heart felt words causing my body to throb/
/hiccups through my tears closing my eyes and looking down as i sob miserably like a child sniffling and choking on my own words/
i- still love you-
/i manage to choke out almost incoherent as im bawling my eyes barely able to catch my own breath as i pour my sadness out in front of you/
☁┊lan sehun ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@☁┊lan chengcheng ᵒ he wrapped arms around the other, this time it was sehun's time to hold him into his masculine arms. this time his tears naturally rolled down his cheeks as he was so broken, even more broken after seeing and hearing cheng cry. cheng was one of the strongest people he had ever met. sehun reached tup cup his cheeks, making the omega look up at him. his own heart ached, his hand ached as well, yet it numbed the pain. 'I wish I could say that we can have a happy ending. I wish we could just run away and leave this behind. but we can't. I wish I wasn't a coward and I could stand up for myself, but leaders don't get happy endings, cheng.' sehun ran fingers through his hair and bit his own lip.
☁┊lan chengcheng ᵒ [keyboardsmash] 2 years ago
@☁┊lan sehun ᵃ [sh ³ ⁿᵒᵛ] /sniffles holding your trembling body my other arm wrapping around you as well as i comb my hands through your hair/
/my words were stuck and i didnt know howni should respond to your words, i just started crying more instead and my slumped into your hold letting out a loud cry from having held all this pain in for so long, my body itself shook with sadness as i weeper into your arms/
☁┊lan sehun ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@☁┊lan chengcheng ᵒ he cried out more, feeling his nose become runny, his face become wet with tears. he let out a soft exhale, once he started to cry, he was not able to calm down. when he felt the familiar scent and warmth suddenly embracing him, he cried out more. he pulled his hand away and immediately wrapped arms around the omega. he buried his face in the other's shoulder, it immediately becoming wet with the tears. sehun let out another broken sob and held onto cheng as if he was afraid to let him go. his knees hurt from standing that way, yet physical pain somehow numbed the ache he had inside. 'I love you.' he whispered, his voice being raspy from all of the crying, it breaking in the middle of the sentence. 'I have always loved only you.'
☁┊lan chengcheng ᵒ [keyboardsmash] 2 years ago
@☁┊lan sehun ᵃ [sh ³ ⁿᵒᵛ] /frowns when you finally let your tears out, my own tears swelling up in my eyes once more and i slide to the ground with you to embrace you in a warm hug, my free hand wrapping around your neck as i shush your crying calming while burying my own sobs into your nape/
im sorry…
/i apologize again while closing my eyes, the way you seemed to hurt made me feel so guilty for turning you away, the love ive had for you since middle school has only grow and since the years passed i was okay with not being with you, but once i was i didnt want to let it go, but i was broken.. i didnt want to be broken again, even if i still love you, all i could do was watch you go on with your life as i stayed still in the same broken spot ive been in/
☁┊lan sehun ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@☁┊lan chengcheng ᵒ he looked down at his feet. he refused to show his tear stained face, his bangs covered his face. the words cheng brought out of his mouth, made his lip quiver, but he refused to cry. he was a leader, he knew better than let emotions take over him. when he felt hand on his cheek, he finally broke down in soft sobs. the male fell down on his knees and looked down, his injured hand still in Cheng's smaller palms. he covered his mouth with his palm, yet broken cries somehow managed to escape. he cried his heart out. his healed fist was pressed against the ground. he looked so broken, so vulnerable. sehun was ashamed that he could not control himself better. he regretted every day that he hurt him, that he let him go. they could have it all but it is his own fault, his own overthinking self, that let go of the other instead of letting him in.
☁┊lan chengcheng ᵒ [keyboardsmash] 2 years ago
@☁┊lan sehun ᵃ [sh ³ ⁿᵒᵛ] /quickly brushes my tear stained cheeks away as you stand up and watches you frustratedly punch the wall, my heart started aching more as i came over to your side/
/takes your injured hand into mine while frowning slightly, turns you to look at me and caresses your cheek easing you to calm down/
its okay to be angry… but dont injure yourself in the process… if its okay im wiling to be friends still, you are still important to me… please dont be angry
/mumbles looking up at you before looking away, my chest kept hurting because all i was doing was lying to myself, i wanted to be yours and to be held in your arms for eternity but i just couldn't bring myself to accept you being with me, this was for the best, if you went to got married and no longer thought of me… maybe if you were happy id be happy as well, even if its not with me/
☁┊lan sehun ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@☁┊lan chengcheng ᵒ what hurt more was his confession that it was wrong. what they did was a mistake, yet sehun never thought of it that way. being close to his once beloved one was something he didn't know he craved. he craved cheng and his alpha did too. sehun wiped his eyes with his palms and refused to look at the other. he did not make a sound as his cheeks became wet. the leader looked up, trying to stop himself from crying. he frustrated ran fingers through his hair, rather forcefully tugging on his own locks. he let out a groan and got up. his alpha was fuming, he could not control it so the alpha raised his fist and smashed against the wall. the concrete cracked at the impact. sehun did not make a sound, yet the sound of the bones cracking under the pressure could be heard. he refused to move, the wall becoming crimson red with his blood.
☁┊lan chengcheng ᵒ [keyboardsmash] 2 years ago
@☁┊lan sehun ᵃ [sh ³ ⁿᵒᵛ] /hisses under my breath as you pull out of me my body washing over with coldness as your warmth left me. lays on the bed while looking at your back, my hand starting to reach out to comfort you but stopping half way deciding it was best not to/
im sorry for doing this with you… we shouldnt- it was wrong to sleep with you-
/mutters in pain, my body feeling heavy with sadness. sits up with my aching body, your starting to leak out my backside causing me to twitch. the overbearing emotion of grief was running in my mind as i sat there tears already rushing down my cheeks/
☁┊lan sehun ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@☁┊lan chengcheng ᵒ he felt the other move on top of his and bit his lower lip. he refused to move his arm away, his other arm was still tightly wrapped around the other. he held him close, refusing to let go. he once did it, he regretted it deeply. the day he walked away, was the day he had sealed his heart close. sehun made himself a promise that he will not allow cheng back inside, yet as soon as he saw those eyes, he felt his wounds being reopen again. he gritted his teeth, wanting to hide away from cheng, so he would not see his pathetic self. the ugly self that couldn't even fight for his own happiness. coward.
as soon as the knot loosened, he gently moved cheng to lay down on the bed and sat on the edge of the bed. he refused to face the other, his own head in his palms. sehun stared down at the floor, his elbows resting on his knees and felt a droplet run down his nose and then fall against the ground. he hadn't cried since father's funeral.
☁┊lan chengcheng ᵒ [keyboardsmash] 2 years ago
@☁┊lan sehun ᵃ [sh ³ ⁿᵒᵛ] /i had missed this warmth of yours and the fact that i was going to someone else from now on tore my heart out, if i had it my way id probably want to be with you forever, but it was just not meant to be is how i felt. even if i wanted to be with you i just felt it wasnt my place. my eyes were watery and all of my emotions flooded my head as i held back my tears of sadness, just like how i was your sanctuary, for me you were my ground, you kept me on my toes and allowed me to express myself more than i would on the outside/
it is for the best that you marry soon… the bloodline must continue
/sighs out and fists my hands against the bed/
☁┊lan sehun ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@☁┊lan chengcheng ᵒ when the other suddenly said that, he felt his own heart finally shatter until there was nothing left. his hand stopped moving as he let out a soft sigh, 'yeah...it has been few months. the council took the matter in their own hands..I guess it is my own fault for trying to be free for more years.' he looked at the ceiling. he did not want to lie to the other, they have been close for a very long time and somehow cheng would be the only one he would not lie to. he could be himself, he wanted to be himself. like irene said, sehun had problems with opening up, but not to cheng. he was his own little sanctuary where he could always return to and open his wounds once more. his shoulder to cry on. and even that is going to be taken away from him. he let out another sigh and threw an arm over his face. he did not want the omega to see him so broken, so vulnerable, so the leader turned head to the side and hid his true emotions once more. he was a leader. happiness was not meant for the leaders.
☁┊lan chengcheng ᵒ [keyboardsmash] 2 years ago
@☁┊lan sehun ᵃ [sh ³ ⁿᵒᵛ] /blinks softly at your words, a huge amount of what felt like grief ran over my body, my heart nearly stopping at your confession, now the chance of us getting together was really torn apart even tho i had just rejected your feelings/
congratulations… i didnt know
/mumbles frowning slightly wishing to be anywhere else but here at this moment, my chest ached at the thought of you being with someone else otherthan myself, even if i was the one telling you to move on, in reality it just hit differently than expected/
im glad that ill be serving under you both
☁┊lan sehun ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@☁┊lan chengcheng ᵒ sehun leaned to take his smaller palm in his larger one. cheng’s words hurt like blades through his heart, slicing it open and making him bleed out. he pulled his hand closer to his face and kissed his fingertips. he was right. what was sehun expecting ? it was literally him throwing the omega away and then wanting him back? sehun knew better than anyone else that it was a ty thing to do. he let go of his hand and reached to run fingers through his silky locks. ‘I know. love is nonexistent for people like us. I mean I am betrothed to someone else.’ he spoke calmly, yet there could be heard a hint of sadness in his voice. ‘but at least they can’t decide who makes my heart race.’ he whispered in the softest voice ever.
☁┊lan chengcheng ᵒ [keyboardsmash] 2 years ago
@☁┊lan sehun ᵃ [sh ³ ⁿᵒᵛ] /jerks a bit letting out a whimpered mewl at the slap against my which then causes me to clench my hole slightly out of reaction. blushes softly at your words and shakes my head gently while my hand comes to caress your arm/
dont have feelings... sehun ah.. you deserve better than what i have to offer
/mutters knitting my brows together as i do my best to keep my composure, though my heart starts to race at those words not really knowing how i should react/
i... dont feel anything- for you in that way anymore...
/i lie through my teeth my eyes closing as well
☁┊lan sehun ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@☁┊lan chengcheng ᵒ when the other suddenly leaned to kiss his collarbone, sehun felt the foreign to him feelings. or maybe they were not foreign, he was just pushing them away. his hands kept caressing his back, his fingertip drawing a line, feathery touch must have tickled to the omega. sehun kissed his temple and closed eyes for now, holding the omega close. his fingers moved over the curves and gently slapped his . the alpha smirked at his reaction before laying back down and closed eyes for now. 'you make me...feel things...cheng.' he finally admitted.
☁┊lan sehun ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@☁┊ lan irene ᵃ when the other suddenly went to the sleep, he sighed in relief. the female was being so stubborn about it, it would do no good to her condition. sehun fixed the blankets around her and pressed palm against her forehead once more. due to the medicine, the fever had visibly gone better, her forehead was not hot as it was before. it was a good sign. the alpha dropped the wet cloth back into the bowl and hummed, squeezing the water out, before placing back on her forehead once more. irene was an alpha, she would easily get better, if she would listen to sehun and rest in the bed. after making sure she was sound asleep and resting, the leader smiled down at her sleeping posture and quietly left the room, to work on his own stuff.
☁┊lan chengcheng ᵒ [keyboardsmash] 2 years ago
@☁┊lan sehun ᵃ [sh ³ ⁿᵒᵛ] /shudders softly under your soothing touches that i loved so much, my head rested against your chest as i try to ignore the pain in my . even if we had parted, doing things like this made me feel anxious, and the fact that i let it happen was making my heart beat like crazy for a man that i said i was over. i wished this could continue but it would start making me feel some type of way for you again which i didnt want to do even if i still loved you. but maybe it could be a possibility to work again?/
o-oh okay
/blinks softly and looks at you before instinctively for some unknown reason kisses your collar bone


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huniverse [A] 2 years ago
Hi babies ❤️
-jewel 2 years ago
I have a weird question for any of the admins
keyboardsmash 2 years ago
leaving lan cheng cheng,
thanks for having me
c1790eab18ec0f9c7162 2 years ago
Wonder if you're accepting any wolves?
schnuggldiwuppdich 2 years ago
~peeks~ 0v0
[comment deleted by owner]
Harlequin2021 2 years ago
hey, is it possible to request jin meixin, thanks :)
huniverse [A] 2 years ago
☽ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ sᴛᴀᴛs ☾
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ᴀʟᴘʜᴀ ᴀᴘᴘʟɪᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴs ᴀʀᴇ ᴄʟᴏsᴇᴅ ! ʟᴏᴏᴋɪɴɢ ғᴏʀ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ʙᴇᴛᴀs!
ᴘᴜʀᴇʙʟᴏᴏᴅ ᴀᴘᴘʟɪᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴs ᴀʀᴇ ᴄʟᴏsᴇᴅ ! ʟᴏᴏᴋɪɴɢ ғᴏʀ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ʜᴀʟғ-ʙʟᴏᴏᴅs ᴀɴᴅ ᴄᴏʀᴇʟᴇss!

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ʟᴏᴏᴋɪɴɢ ғᴏʀ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ʜᴜɴᴛᴇʀs!
W-WHIPLASH 2 years ago
kim jungwoo please
mononoaware 2 years ago
Jaewook will have to take hiatus for a month due to personal reason.
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