
jin hoseok & jungkook's mansion
jin hoseok & jungkook's mansion
✸┊jin jungkook ᵒ 2 years ago
@✸┊jin hoseok ᵃ Jungkook closed his eyes, letting his head rest against the alpha's as he listened to the soft spoken words. Enjoying being wrapped up in those strong arms and feeling the other's lips on his skin. It was such a good feeling that he let out a content sigh. Opening his eyes when the alpha started rambling which, admittedly, he'd always thought was cute.
"Was it okay? Baby, it was amazing! It was perfect. I love it when you're rough like that." Jungkook whispered. Reassurance lacing his voice as he put his hands on top of the alpha's. "My needs are definitely met. That was perfect." He paused. "Father of our future child... I like that title... Suits you." He let out a soft laugh. "Oh... My love..."
Jungkook went quiet again while he listened to everything the alpha was saying. His heart ached at how upset he sounded. Jungkook brought a hand up, putting it against the alpha's face gently.
"Alpha... You couldn't have known... Please... Don't be hard on yourself..." He whispered. "I love what you do... You do so much for people. I am patient... I will always... And I mean always... Wait for you. No matter what it is... , cuddles, conversation... The wait makes everything so much more worth it..." He turned his head, pressing reassuring kisses to the alpha's cheek. "Baby... I know how much you love me... I can feel it every night when you climb into bed with me... The feeling of love that radiates off of you when your arms wrap around me..." He was more surprised when he felt something drip onto his back.
"Hey! No! Don't cry! Please! Alpha... It's okay!" Jungkook contorted his body in such a way that he was able to hug onto the alpha tightly. "You're not terrible... You're the best ing thing to ever happen to me..." His mate crying caused him to start to cry. His arms wrapped tightly around his alpha.
✸┊jin hoseok ᵃ 2 years ago
@✸┊jin jungkook ᵒ Hoseok held the omega in his arms, whispering sweet words of encouragement and catching up with his mate. When his knot had shrunk down, he didn't slide out of the omega, his lips pressing kisses to Jungkook's neck and mumbling against the skin,
"Was the okay? Did I go too fast or too hard? It's been awhile, I'm sorry for not holding back..you just looked so ing y in that lingerie. My alpha instinct just kicked in..and I'm rambling again sorry baby. I just wanted to make sure that I satisfied you enough, especially as your mate..and the father of our future child"
He closed his eyes and pressed his face into Jungkook's back. The alpha leader usually kept up the facade that he was a strong leader and was under control but that was anything but true.
"I'm sorry Jungkook, when we declared our feelings and decided to become mates I had no idea that I would lose hyung and have to take over as pack leader on top of working at the hospital. I feel like a terrible mate since I haven't been able to take the time to be with you and show you how much I love and treasure you.."
The alpha let the tears slide down his face, he'd been holding back his emotions for too long and it was now overflowing.
"I'm sorry, my omega"
✸┊jin jungkook ᵒ 2 years ago
@✸┊jin hoseok ᵃ Jungkook didn't let go, smiling at the kisses placed on his head. His mind was racing with so many thoughts he could barely understand any of them. "Mmm..." He hummed. Breathing just as his alpha gently instructed. And it did help. "I love you too, alpha~!"
The omega let out a soft giggles at all of the kisses placed all over his face. Returning the favor by giving his alpha some kisses as he cleaned off his stomach.
"Hmmmm... That sounds absolutely amazing." Jungkook answered happily. "What movie do you want to watch? I'm okay with anything!"
Smiling against the alpha's lips, he cupped his face lightly. "I love you so much... I don't think I can ever tell you enough..." Pressing a loving kiss to his mate's lips.
✸┊jin hoseok ᵃ 2 years ago
@✸┊jin jungkook ᵒ Hoseok wrapped his arms around the omegas waist and pulled him closer, pressing kisses to the top of his head. "Shhh, I've got you baby. Just keep breathing, slowly in and out. You're taking my knot so well, Jungkook. I love you so much"
The alpha continued to press kisses to the omega's face, reaching behind the omega to grab tissues from the night stand so that he could clean Jungkook's stomach off
"After this, I'll make you something to eat and then we can cuddle in front of the fireplace and watch a movie. How does that sound?"
Hoseok d Jungkook's cheek, moving forward to brush his lips against the omega's own with a smile
✸┊jin jungkook ᵒ 2 years ago
@✸┊jin hoseok ᵃ Jungkook moaned happily at the alpha's movements. Not understanding how the alpha always knew how to drive him absolutely crazy. against the alpha's lips as the alpha's rough fingers played with the omega's highly sensitive buds. The omega's hands gripping onto the sheets below him now, taking the abuse to his prostate happily. His mind far too clouded to fully process that the alpha said it would hurt. But he was going to be fine.
"Hhnn.... Okay alpha~..." He whimpered out. His voice overflowing with pleasure. "I love you too, alpha! So much! I love you so much!"
Jungkook could feel the alpha's knot growing larger. Letting out a soft cry as he came onto his own stomach. His breathing was harsh as he brought his arms up to wrap around the alpha's neck. Wanting nothing more now than to be held in his alpha's strong arms. Trying his best to ignore the pain of the wider stretch from the alpha's knot.
✸┊jin hoseok ᵃ 2 years ago
@✸┊jin jungkook ᵒ Hoseok groaned as he continued to deeply into the omega. As soon as the answer was heard, the alpha captured Jungkook's lips in a kiss, the tips of his finger tips now played with Jungkook's s. His s became harder and faster, each time he'd make sure to hit the omega's prostate, driving both of them closer to the edge.
"It's going to hurt baby, and we won't be able to separate for a while, okay? Just let me hold you while it happens and until we can separate. Hnngh ..I'm close..mm baby you feel so ing good. I love you so ing much. So ing much."

The alpha trusted, once. Twice and then a third time before his knot grew and stretch the omega as his seed coating the inside of Jungkook. he didn't expect it to feel this good. To feel a sense of satisfaction in possibly impregnating his mate, but he was. He was ing satisfied and happy beyond belief
✸┊jin jungkook ᵒ 2 years ago
@✸┊jin hoseok ᵃ Jungkook's hands held onto the alpha's shoulder as he was carried out into their bedroom. Relaxing further when his back touched the bed. His face burning as the alpha whispered to him. Why was that always such a freaking turn on?!
"Mmm... I will~." He whispered, inhaling softly. Hoseok knows every way to turn him on, and sometimes it drives him freaking crazy... But he absolutely loves it.
Jungkook's lips parted, letting a pitchy moan leave his lips. The single abusive to his prostate sending waves of pleasure through his body. Looking up at the alpha as he spoke with those y hooded eyes, full of nothing but love and adoration for his alpha. Jungkook's eyes lit up a bit more at the mention of starting a family.
"I'm... I'm so ready, alpha... I'm ready." He answered, his hands holding the sheets beneath him. And he was ready, he wasn't lying. He's been ready, thinking about it quite often... But... The time to bring it up never came around. This timing was perfect.
✸┊jin hoseok ᵃ 2 years ago
@✸┊jin jungkook ᵒ Hoseok lifted the omega up, never letting his slip out as he walked them out of the room and laid the omega on the edge of the bed. He grasped the pale hips of Jungkook, leaning down to whisper in the omega's ear,
"Let me know when you're about to baby" and then dragged his tongue over the pierced lobe of his mates ear.
The alpha ed once, deeply just to see the expression on his mates face as his brushed against his prostate,
"You know, if I inside you there's a chance, you'll get pregnant. Are you ready for that, Jungkook? Are you ready to start a family with me?" the alpha looked down at his mate, searching Jungkook's eyes for an answer, any answer.
✸┊jin jungkook ᵒ 2 years ago
@✸┊jin hoseok ᵃ Jungkook's throat was hurting from all the moans and cries he was giving. His hands gripping tightly onto his alpha's shoulders. Head tilted back in case the alpha wanted to leave any marks or bites there. Jungkook never said no to marks of any sort. Ever.

His eyes opened briefly when he felt the other slide just a bit. Before he could say anything the alpha managed to get Jungkook's leg up and managed to get deeper. "Alpha~!" The word left Jungkook's tongue so naturally now. And the love in his voice, compared to the teasing from a while back, was genuine. "Bed... Bed please." He leaned up, kissing the alpha deeply. His alpha. He missed this so much more than he ever imagined possible. He always feel connected to the alpha but this always deepened that connection.
✸┊jin hoseok ᵃ 2 years ago
@✸┊jin jungkook ᵒ Hoseok slammed his hips into the omega's , over and over again, loudly and holding Jungkook as tight as he could, not wanting his mate to fall. He pressed his lips to the omega's throat, his tongue dragging over their mating mark. His. His omega.

The alpha growled in frustration as he slightly slipped, muttering to himself as he set the omega on the edge of the bathtub, sliding one of the omega's legs over his shoulder and kept the other down, ing harder and faster, starting to feel that intense feeling in his stomach. He rubbed his nose against Jungkook's, "Do you want to finish here, or should I carry you to the bed?" the alpha slowly and shallowly ed as he awaited his mates answer
✸┊jin jungkook ᵒ 2 years ago
@✸┊jin hoseok ᵃ Jungkook, oddly, found the alpha's gruff voice comforting. He loves the way his voice sounds when they're doing this. It's so low and growly. Jungkook's body managed to relax. Confusion briefly crossing his features until the alpha stood up, his arms bringing Jungkook's legs further apart. "Oh-!" His head fell back as the alpha so much harder. " alpha! So good!"

Jungkook's face was burning red. "God it feels so ing good, alpha. Nothing is better than this!" He moaned happily. "You're hitting all the right spots, daddy... !" He melted at Hoseok's words, wanting nothing more than that. "... Please... Wreck me hard... I don't want to feel my legs after this! Please!"
✸┊jin hoseok ᵃ 2 years ago
@✸┊jin jungkook ᵒ "Shhh, just relax baby" The alpha muttered as he pressed kisses to Jungkook's skin, his hips moving as he continued to reassure the omega. "Mmm, this isn't working" The alpha suddenly stood up with the omega, hooking his arms under Jungkook's knees and spreading them apart as he began to again, this time harder and much much deeper.

"ing tell me how good my feels, mm tell me where my at baby. Be daddy's good little boy and don't hold back those filthy little moans you like to make when I you. I want to ruin you and make you unable to walk for a week"
✸┊jin jungkook ᵒ 2 years ago
@✸┊jin hoseok ᵃ "I will~" The omega whispered, nodded a little as he braced himself. The alpha was right about that but he was hoping it wouldn't be too bad.
The omega gasped loudly as the alpha's pushed in so quickly. His hands gripping the alpha's shoulders. Hoseok's hands sending shivers through his body with soft moans leaving his lips.

"You deserve it~ You work so hard." He whispered with a soft moan at the end.
The omegas moans got much louder as the alpha started ing harder. Doing his best to ignore the slight pain of stretching out so much after so long. Listening to the water hit the floor. He didn't care at the moment. They would have to clean that up later but it was so worth it.
✸┊jin hoseok ᵃ 2 years ago
@✸┊jin jungkook ᵒ "If you need to stop at any point, just let me know. It's been awhile since we've done this after all"
The alpha lifted his hips and his inside the omega, his hands ran up and down Jungkook's back as he started at a slow pace and made his way up

"You're too good to me Kook. Far too good"
His hands were now on the omega's waist, gripping it tightly as he began to harder and faster, the water moving and splashing over the tub.
✸┊jin jungkook ᵒ 2 years ago
@✸┊jin hoseok ᵃ Jungkook was doing everything he cold to relax his body. It helped once they were in the water, he just let himself relax like he would in a normal bath. But this time he was seated on his alpha's lap, waiting patiently for what he missed so freaking badly. The alpha's growl sending an aroused chill down his spine, which he was sure the alpha could probably see.

"Mmmm~" Jungkook moaned softly at the feeling of the alpha's teeth in his shoulder. HIs heart was racing. It's been so long since they've done this. He closed his eyes, his head hanging slightly to the side.

"Okay~..." Jungkook's voice came out as a soft whisper. One of his hands gripping onto the side of the tub as the alpha pushed in. He took some deep breaths, managing to relax once again after a little bit of breathing. "Mmm..." He didn't say anything for a little bit. But soon he felt like he was okay to continue. "Keep going, alpha~ Please."
✸┊jin hoseok ᵃ 2 years ago
@✸┊jin jungkook ᵒ "As you wish, my Omega"
The Jin Alpha sat down in the tub, with the omega on his thighs and his brushing against the omega's . He growled, a possessive alpha like growl, like claiming what was his and only his before sinking his teeth into the omega's shoulder, lapping at the wound while he maneuvered his to rub the tip against the omega's hole.

, he couldn't remember the last time he'd been able to hold Jungkook and being engulfed by the feeling of being safe and at home.

"Jungkook, I'm putting it in now"
He mumbled against the omega's skin, continuing to lap at the wound as he pushed his large into the omega's hole, not going all the way since it had been a while since they'd been intimate

"Tell me when you want me to continue, take deep breathes"
✸┊jin jungkook ᵒ 2 years ago
@✸┊jin hoseok ᵃ The omega was slightly shocked by the sudden kiss but that quickly changed as he melted into it. The pounding in his chest getting louder in his ears as the alpha carried him.

Soft moans slipping from his lips, swallowing the one's the alpha let out. He could feel the fabric clinging to his body. It was a bit odd but he didn't mind it. Anything for his alpha.

"Mmmm~" He moaned softly. Smiling as the alpha left a rather large dark hickey on his neck. He blushed lightly at the alpha's question.

"Hmm..." He hummed softly. "I want to see you, alpha~ I want to see your face." He leaned forward, leaving kisses up the alpha's neck, along with small bites here and there. He couldn't let his alpha get away unmarked. Biting softly at one of the alpha's more sensitive spots on his neck with a soft sound escaping his lips as he let the skin go.
✸┊jin hoseok ᵃ 2 years ago
@✸┊jin jungkook ᵒ The alpha gave a warm smile before crashing his lips against the omega's, swiftly lifting the omega up and stepping into the tub with him

"Ngh, mm"

Hoseok moaned into his omega's mouth, his hands roaming up and down the omega's breathtakingly beautiful body, the lingerie now clinging to his frame like a second layer of skin

The alpha trailed kisses along the omega's jaw and stopped at his neck to leave a deep dark hickey to which he lapped at afterwards.

"My omega, how do you want me to make love to you? From behind or do you want to be able to see me baby?"
The alpha asked in a husky voice, his eyes clouded with lust as his gaze raked over the body of his mate. , he was so God damn lucky
✸┊jin jungkook ᵒ 2 years ago
@✸┊jin hoseok ᵃ Jungkook's skin lit on fire as his alpha's fingers rubbed against his thigh. This feeling never went away. Even though they've been together for a while now.
"Mmm~ Thank you, alpha~..." Jungkook whispered, smiling.

Gripping onto Hoseok's arm lightly as the alpha pulled him close so quickly. Supported by one of the alpha's arms. Just waiting for that kiss that made breathing difficult but the same kiss that he never wanted to end. It's been so long since they had that sort of kiss.

Hoseok's words gave him butterflies. Just the mention of having Hoseok's children heavily excited him. "God... I would love that. I would love that so much... Please alpha~!"

A soft squeak left Jungkook's lips as his feet leave the ground, wrapping his arms around Hoseok's neck happily. How long had it been since he was carried like this? Far too long...

"Mmm... I think I can live with that~" He said softly, nuzzling his alpha's cheek.
✸┊jin hoseok ᵃ 2 years ago
@✸┊jin jungkook ᵒ[h ⁴ ⁿᵒᵛ] The Alpha slid his hands over the omega's hips, his fingers deftly slipping under the fabric to rub circles around Jungkook's thigh,
"You look beautiful, my omega. Just as beautiful as you were on the day of our wedding"

He suddenly pulled the omega closer, an arm wrapping around the omega, he took the omega's lip in between his thumb and index finger, lightly pulling on it. , when was the last time he'd kissed those lips, Hoseok couldn't remember.

"If I wasn't so busy with the pack and the hospital, you would be round with my children. You like that idea baby? Filling you up with my until you're leaking from your ? Mm or maybe that's just me"

The Jin leader grinned devishly, and bit his lip. He swooped the omega off of his feet and carried him back to the tub,

"If I promise to buy you more of this lingerie, can we have set in the tub? Would that be alright baby?"
✸┊jin jungkook ᵒ 2 years ago
@✸┊jin hoseok ᵃ Jungkook was hesitant, at first, to put the outfit on. But it wasn't exactly cheap clothing... And he bought it specifically for today. The ring on his finger was a constant reminder of the alpha he loved so much. And he felt bad for not being able to stay awake until said alpha gets home from work. He always feels the bed dip at late hours, that's how he knows the other is home. Even when he's sleeping soundly, he'll move a little just to get as close as possible. It was instinctual for him at this point. Hating that the two of them barely spend time together. Never voicing it because he knows and he accepted it when they mated. Hell... He accepted it WAY before they mated. He knew all the work Hoseok would add to his schedule. He shouldn't hate it... But sometimes... He just wants his alpha. And today was one of those days.

Jungkook changed easily into the outfit and walked to the bathroom door, watching Hoseok with a smile on his face. Once the alpha noticed him there was no backing out. Not that he would. He wanted this too badly. His eyes dead set on the alpha walking towards him.

"Thank you, love~ Mmmm... For you? Absolutely~! I wanted to do something for you." He answered, smiling. Looking up at the alpha.

"I missed you too..." He said softly. Leaning his head into the alpha's hand.
✸┊jin hoseok ᵃ 2 years ago
@✸┊jin jungkook ᵒ The Jin Leader's eyes were shut as he relaxed in the large white bathtub, feeling exhausted after a long day. He slowly opened his eyes and looked at the wedding band on his left hand, smiling. Hoseok had been coming home later due to the amount of work he now had as the leader, he'd barely seen his omega in the past few weeks. Usually when he arrived home the omega would be fast asleep, to which Hoseok would climb into the bed next to him and wrap his arms around him, maybe leaving a kiss or two on the omega's cheek. It never went further than that, and he understood but he missed being with his beautiful and precious omega and he saw now that his omega felt the same. Jungkook stood in the doorway in a sheer black robe, and black .

Hoseok wasn't usually caught off guard, but this definitely had. Seeing his omega trying to seduce him made his become hard. He slowly rose from the tub, water gliding down his body as he crossed the room and stood infront of his omega

"You look ing y Jungkook. Did you buy this for me? You wanted to seduce your tired alpha husband..such a naughty omega you are my Kook"

He chuckled softly and d the omega's cheek, "I missed you, Omega. I'll make it up to you, okay?"


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huniverse [A] 2 years ago
Hi babies ❤️
-jewel 2 years ago
I have a weird question for any of the admins
keyboardsmash 2 years ago
leaving lan cheng cheng,
thanks for having me
c1790eab18ec0f9c7162 2 years ago
Wonder if you're accepting any wolves?
schnuggldiwuppdich 2 years ago
~peeks~ 0v0
[comment deleted by owner]
Harlequin2021 2 years ago
hey, is it possible to request jin meixin, thanks :)
huniverse [A] 2 years ago
☽ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ sᴛᴀᴛs ☾
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W-WHIPLASH 2 years ago
kim jungwoo please
mononoaware 2 years ago
Jaewook will have to take hiatus for a month due to personal reason.
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