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✦ Paul. ⁿᡃ 2 years ago
@✦ Jeno. ˑᡉᡉ Oh you don't need to do anything to keep my attention.. You know you have all of it.
hums softly as I carefully take my seatbelt off, leaning over to press a few more kisses on your lips
So... we either find a nice place that nobody else can see us or I'll have to collect all my kisses from you now. I'm not sure I'll be able to last that long hehe
✦ Jeno. ˑᡉᡉ 2 years ago
@✦ Paul. ⁿᡃ I can do stuff to keep your attention on me, baby. But for now I will behave first.
chuckles grinning once I feel your soft lips on my knuckles, turning to smile at you before I stopped the car across the park, turning the engine off before removing my seatbelt in a swift motion moving to place a kiss on your lips.
I don't think it would appropriate for kids to see me kissing you so much, love.
✦ Paul. ⁿᡃ 2 years ago
@✦ Jeno. ˑᡉᡉ Hmm. Then you're just gonna have to figure out a way to keep my attention on you.... kidding, love. My attention is only on you
giggles as I mirror your actions, kissing your knuckles as I watch you drive, sighing contently as I watch you drive
Nono, I'm so deeply in love you. I'm gonna spoil you with all my love!
✦ Jeno. ˑᡉᡉ 2 years ago
@✦ Paul. ⁿᡃ Me too. What if there will be dogs and kids around I’m afraid all the attention will be on them. steals a glance teasing you for a bit as I turn right humming to myself.
Spoiling you is the only right way baby. And I will spoil you as much as I could, my love. lifts your hand placing a kiss on your knuckles.
✦ Paul. ⁿᡃ 2 years ago
@✦ Jeno. ˑᡉᡉ grins widely at the kiss, giving your hand a squeeze as you drive off, busying myself with your hands and fingers, glancing at you
ehe... I'm really excited to go on a picnic! You really spoil me, love
✦ Jeno. ˑᡉᡉ 2 years ago
@✦ Paul. ⁿᡃ gets in the car holding your hand in mine before leaning to place a kiss on your lips slowly, pulling away just to peck on your lips once more.
There I wanted to do that baby. I saw a park nearby let’s go there baby.
starts driving off to the park I managed to find near our place.
✦ Paul. ⁿᡃ 2 years ago
@✦ Jeno. ˑᡉᡉ thats right! only me !!
laughs and carefully peeks into the bags of cakes, trying to hide my excitement as you make your way to your side of the car, swiftly putting on my seatbelt before I hold my hand out, ready for you to hold
I am ready to go! Where are we having our picnic, nono?
✦ Jeno. ˑᡉᡉ 2 years ago
@✦ Paul. ⁿᡃ You know exactly what I mean baby. grins at you shaking my head. Only you that’s right baby.
smiles at the kiss almost leaning in for more watching you get in the car, closing the door after you settled down as I jog to the other side getting in gently.
✦ Paul. ⁿᡃ 2 years ago
@✦ Jeno. ˑᡉᡉ P Painful... I do that?
clears my throat when I realize what you mean, blinking as I stare off only being snapped out of my imagination with your smooch, flashing you a bright smile
No!!! Only me!
gasps dramatically at you, stealing a kiss from your lips as thanks before carefully sliding into the passenger seat, carefully setting the bags down in between my legs
✦ Jeno. ˑᡉᡉ 2 years ago
@✦ Paul. ⁿᡃ I bothers me a lot in the most loving and painful way baby. teases you with a grin smooching your cheeks back mumbling a small thank you when you take the bags.
Who else is my bunny? you want someone else to be my bunny baby?
walks out of the cafe with you opening the door first for you. After you, love.
✦ Paul. ⁿᡃ 2 years ago
@✦ Jeno. ˑᡉᡉ scrunches my nose as I pause giving you kisses, innocently flashing you a smile
Limits? Are my kisses bothering you, love?
slowly unwraps my arms around you, taking a few of the bags from your hands to help you out
hehe... is it me? am I your bunny?
✦ Jeno. ˑᡉᡉ 2 years ago
@✦ Paul. ⁿᡃ I would get all those, not leaving a single kiss behind. chuckles at you pinching your nose.
Nana stop trying to push me to my limits challenge.
smiles at the cashier as I took the bags and bags of cakes and drinks.
Okay time to feed my favorite bunny.
✦ Paul. ⁿᡃ 2 years ago
@✦ Jeno. ˑᡉᡉ continues pressing little kisses on your lips, not minding the possibility of wondering eyes as I give you all the affection that I can appropriately in public
I'm gonna spoil you in love and kisses. I don't know what I deserved to get treated this well, but whatever it is, I'm kinda glad heh
✦ Jeno. ˑᡉᡉ 2 years ago
@✦ Paul. ⁿᡃ leans in more to your kiss smiling widely ignoring everyone in the cafe.
I like spoiling you so much on that too. You deserve to be treated this well baby.
leans kissing you back wiggling my eyebrows at your words. You are a cheesy boyfriend I like it too much.
✦ Paul. ⁿᡃ 2 years ago
@✦ Jeno. ˑᡉᡉ i'm gonna give my roommie all my kisses right now...
presses my pouty lips against your cheek and muumuus your cheek, grinning widely
You're spoiling too much. I'm gonna end up having to give you everything i have as your prize. You treat me so well
slowly wraps my arms around you, giving you a tight squeeze, leaning in to peck your lips, before whispering
Bestest boyfie-roomie ever
✦ Jeno. ˑᡉᡉ 2 years ago
@✦ Paul. ⁿᡃ I would still choose you tho. I can’t kiss my roommate baby. Even if I want to. But now I can.
hugs you to my side laughing at your words, nodding my head at your requests. On a normal day I would disagree with the amount of sweets you like but since its our date I will spoil you.
orders everything you want, paying for it too, caressing your sides as I hug you close to me.
One iced tea too. samiles at the cashier and pays up before turning my attention back to you.
✦ Paul. ⁿᡃ 2 years ago
@✦ Jeno. ˑᡉᡉ I... him? should i go back to being your roommie again??
gasps and gently bonks the side of my head against yours as I grumble softly
gimmie all of it. cheesecake and carrot cake and red velvet
pouts my lips towards you
✦ Jeno. ˑᡉᡉ 2 years ago
@✦ Paul. ⁿᡃ Hmm.. I would say. Him. chuckles placing a kiss on your cheeks, ordering just a sandwich.
How about some of those cheesecake do you like those baby? We can get more.. or some carrot cake?
caress your back softly waiting for your choice.
✦ Paul. ⁿᡃ 2 years ago
@✦ Jeno. ˑᡉᡉ H... Hot?
smiles goofily at you, before shaking my head to feign a pout
wait. what about me? who do you think is hotter? me or your roommie? cause i think i'm gonna have to make sure he stays away
hums softly as I look back at the menu, scrunching my face as I try to figure out what I want
mmm... I think I'll eat anything. What if we get more cake? heh
✦ Jeno. ˑᡉᡉ 2 years ago
@✦ Paul. ⁿᡃ My roommate might be home so I have to check first. He’s hot by the way. teases you with a grin ordering some before turning my attention back to you.
I like the chocolate baby, also is there any sandwich you prefer hmm? We need to make this a real picnic style baby.
✦ Paul. ⁿᡃ 2 years ago
@✦ Jeno. ˑᡉᡉ pft... I get to come over to your place this time?
hums softly as I point towards the fruit cakes and chocolate cakes
i want one of those and... maybe.... one of those... What's your favorite flavor, Nono? I wanna get something you'd like too!
✦ Jeno. ˑᡉᡉ 2 years ago
@✦ Paul. ⁿᡃ cute. smiles at you staring at the number of cakes in front of us.
I will definitely take you home. Anything that caught your eye from the cakes baby?
walks up to the cashier with you holding you firmly beside me.
✦ Paul. ⁿᡃ 2 years ago
@✦ Jeno. ˑᡉᡉ stumbles closer, blinking back at you for a moment, coughing as I feel my cheeks heat up
I... umm... You-
gently nudges you with my elbow, shaking my head, mumbling softly
as tempting as that sounds... date first and then you can take me home
✦ Jeno. ˑᡉᡉ 2 years ago
@✦ Paul. ⁿᡃ hums at your words just accepting the fact that your coffee has to be ordered, turning my head at you once I hear your whisper placing my arm to your waist to pull you close.
We’re on a date baby… don’t make me drag you back to the dorms.
wiggles my eyebrows at you with a playful grin.
Try me.
✦ Paul. ⁿᡃ 2 years ago
@✦ Jeno. ˑᡉᡉ hums softly, smiling widely when I feel your hand in mine, swinging our hands as I skim the menu
mm... can i get my usual coffee? and for the food... hmm... we can get whatever!
leans over to rest my chin on your shoulder, staring at you for a moment before whispering
you look the tastiest anyway-
clears my throat and laughs before pressing a kiss on cheek, looking back at the menu and the glass case of baked goods
✦ Jeno. ˑᡉᡉ 2 years ago
@✦ Paul. ⁿᡃ pfft cute. I do appreciate and like it a lot baby. smiles watching you hop out of the car following after you, taking your hand in mine as I went in the store with you, taking the scent of coffee in.
Tell me what you want baby let me get it for you.
✦ Paul. ⁿᡃ 2 years ago
@✦ Jeno. ˑᡉᡉ scrunches my nose, roughly pinching your cheek, pouting my lips at you
cheesy? I thought you'd appreciate me -
laughs and happily accepts your kiss, carefully slips out of my seatbelt
I'll come in! I can't leave my boyfriend alone on our date, can I? coffee time!!
opens my door, swiftly slipping out of the car, lightly jogging into the store
✦ Jeno. ˑᡉᡉ 2 years ago
@✦ Paul. ⁿᡃ squints my eyes at you flashing you a smile. You are so cheesy baby. But you got me I was scared you know, what if you suddenly slap me after I kissed you cause you don’t want that, baby.
parks in front of the cafe, letting go of your hands for a bit leaning in to place a kiss on your lips.
Want to come with me inside or you want to stay in the car, love?
✦ Jisoo. ʰᡒⁿᡍ 2 years ago
@✦ Yoongi. ᡐᢦⁿ () this got lost in my replies i'm so sorry ;;

*as you're signing off on your mug, I'm dabbing my paint brush messily into the paint with one hand while the other clings to the iced beverage, squinting as I nearly give myself a brain freeze*
Hmmm... *looks up to you as you compliment the mug, and grins*
You think? *carefully tilts the mug to you so you can see inside*
Look! J. H.
Sort of... It looks more like ... L.. B...
✦ Yoongi. ᡐᢦⁿ 2 years ago
@✦ Jisoo. ʰᡒⁿᡍ /noticing the movement out of the corner of his eye, he glances over as you enjoy your sugary coffee drink on a whole new level, smiling in amusement as you wiggle happily. shaking his head a bit while returning to the mug, the small smile staying along his lips as he finishes with painting. cleaning the paint brush in the cup of water and drying it a little on a napkin, he dips the brush in the grey and writes 'suga' at the bottom of the mug. setting the mug and paint brush down in front of him, he leans back and turns towards you slightly, looking down at your mug as you make the sun a paw/
hmm.. yours is cuter.
/he says while reaching for his own drink, having also forgotten about them as he was so focused on painting the mug. while watching and listening to you he drinks the slightly watered down expresso, elbows resting on the table as his eyes turn down towards the mug/
oh? ahh.
/laughs a little and nods slowly/
that's cute.


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itoshirin 1 year ago
hello is lee felix from stray kids available?
iBANAYNAY 1 year ago
oneus' Son Dongju (xion)
b7195fb9d4eaf8ae7acf 1 year ago
Tell my devil twin that i miss him and he better be taking care of himself.

-fellow Wang
aberrant 1 year ago
Well-deserved on the feature!
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jektuje0ng 2 years ago
reserve for jihoon from treasure please? thank youu
babygirlx_ 2 years ago
na jaemin pretty please?
LilacTears 2 years ago
Y’all may have forgot about me butttt

May I get Kim Inseong from SF9?
please and graciass
0855e0d15942e23aa583 2 years ago
damn i’m torn and sorta back, but idk who to get. mark lee or wonho?
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