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⋇ seventeen dorm
⋇ seventeen dorm
housing β€’ rated m
please knock if you aren't a member of seventeen.
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✦ Mingyu. ᡏᢦᡐ 2 years ago
@✦ Taehyung. ᡏᢦᡐ *smiles softly leaning my head on yours sighing in content before chuckling softly*
thank you for accepting me for who i cam... i truly never imagined such a date would come.. i love you sooo ing much baby
*smiles adoringly before chuckling kissing your jaw*
as you have me around your fingers! heck you probably had me first!
*winks playfully and laughs nodding*
i will always keep my promise to my one and only~
*gasps dramatically coverin my *
i!! what looks!! im just devoted to you!! my baby is a weak man for me.. i like it a little too much
✦ Taehyung. ᡏᢦᡐ 2 years ago
@✦ Mingyu. ᡏᢦᡐ *hugs you back just as tight*
Im happy too
*shrugs at first but ultimately shakes my head no*
I don’t know… like maybe you might have “flaws” here and there but to me they’re a part of your charm… in my eyes you’re perfect as you are
*scrunches my nose when you laugh at my whine*
Youve got me wrapped around your little finger
*throws my head back with laughter*
You’re so good for keeping your promise
*smacks your as you slip out of the bed*
You keep giving me these looks and touching me. I’m a weak man and even weaker when it comes to you!
✦ Mingyu. ᡏᢦᡐ 2 years ago
@✦ Taehyung. ᡏᢦᡐ *smiles softly at the kiss and hugs you tightly*
good baby~ im happy
*smiles softly pressing you firmly to my body*
thats not true.. im sure there are MANY flaws to me!
*smiles continuing to trace your cheeks chuckling at your whine*
im glad they are~ because im obsessed with you too~ youre everywhere i go and in everything i do~
*smiles softly befor elaughng with a nod*
exactly!! i did promise we wouldnt have to where clothes too often~
*teases before chuckling crawling out of bed to find you something to wear before looking back with a raised brow*
what! how did i tempt you this time?
✦ Taehyung. ᡏᢦᡐ 2 years ago
@✦ Mingyu. ᡏᢦᡐ *nods my head, giving in to my own desires and planting a quick kiss to your lips*
Of course not, I trust the love you give me Mingyu.
*leans into the touch with a smile*
I couldn’t see you as anything else Gyu
*whine a little, eyes fluttering close and I can’t help but feel a little shy with how soft and gently you’re treating me*
Same here Gyu. You’re everywhere I go cus you’re so deeply rooted in this brain and heart of mine. It’s like they’re obsessed with you
*chuckles and shakes my head*
Talk about a compromise, not completely but also not completely covered
*grins, a heated glint sparkling in my eyes for a second with the way you touch me but I clear my throat and look away before I start something I’m not sure we can fully get to now that we’re in your dorm room*
You’re such a devil! Out here tempting me
✦ Mingyu. ᡏᢦᡐ 2 years ago
@✦ Taehyung. ᡏᢦᡐ *smiles softly leaning as close to you as i possibly can smiling softly*
i know my love. i hope you know my words are also not baseless baby.
*smiles softly before nodding reaching to trace your cheeks lovingly*
thank you for seeing me perfect as i am
*whispers chuckling leaning up to kiss you temple before chuckling*
i was just saying what ive been thinking of for days baby. you are in everything i do.. EVERYTHING
*smiles softly before laughing holding you close*
how about... i get you a shirt.. but thats it?
*teases tracing your thighs over your pants*
i kinda like how your bare skin feels against mine
✦ Taehyung. ᡏᢦᡐ 2 years ago
@✦ Mingyu. ᡏᢦᡐ *shakes my head, still accepting the smooches and even tugging on your shirt to keep you close*
They’re not baseless words Gyu. You’re indispensable to me. I love you so much.
*smiles fondly, petting your head and hugging you close*
You don’t have to say anything just keep my words present in your mind. You’re wonderful, absolutely amazing my gyu
*leans my head against yours with a hum*
Gee now who’s the one saying words to melt people? Mingyu thank you for loving me like I love you. I cant stop thinking bout you either my love. Everything carries a memory of you.
*squirms at the little poke, laughing along with you*
Fine… then can I please borrow one of your shirts and maybe some shirts to cover my golden bits
✦ Mingyu. ᡏᢦᡐ 2 years ago
@✦ Taehyung. ᡏᢦᡐ *chuckles pulling back to pepper you in kisses oddly happy about how much that had affected you, making me feel extra special*
Baby.. you’re making me all shy and stuff.. but yeah.. I feel the same way about you
*looks at you adoringly blushing and melting at your words and hugs you tightly hiding in your nexk*
See.. you say stuff like that and I internally freak out and melt and become a pile of goo and don’t know how to reacttt
*whines eyes closed leaning into the hand on my head*
As I am about you baby! Like.. you’re the first thing in my mind when I wake up, only thing on my mind when I have free time and even sometimes I find myself thinking about you instead of paying attention to what I should be doing! Only thing I look forward to as my shift ends and only thing I dream of being with before I sleep and still also the only thing I’d be willing to dream about.. i love you so ing much taehyung
*whispers before laughing at your words poking your sides*
I can’t risk my members walking in and seeing what’s mine.. I refuse to share my golden and most treasured baby with anyone!
✦ Taehyung. ᡏᢦᡐ 2 years ago
@✦ Mingyu. ᡏᢦᡐ *grumbles, furrowing my brows, but still kissing back with a sulk*
*hugs you tightly, my expression softening at your words*
That’s because you are amazing Gyu. Don’t think that for one second that my compliments solely come from my undying love for you. Even before all of these feeling of mine came to be what they are now, I found you to be absolutely wonderful. You’re so talented, sweet, and hardworking.
*grins, still playing with your hair*
I haven’t really had the time to go about prancing my undying love for you like I want to, but just know that I’m absolutely crazy about you! You’re my sunshine, my heaven, my love, my everything!
*smiles against the kiss, caught in a daze until it’s abruptly interrupted by you pulling away and I end up laughing*
What happened to not needing pj’s?
✦ Mingyu. ᡏᢦᡐ 2 years ago
@✦ Taehyung. ᡏᢦᡐ *chuckles cupping your cheeks leaning down to kiss you over and over again*
thats not what i mean baby! i just dont think i can possibly have made you the happiest man alive~ but i am so happy i have managed to shimmy my way in and fill your days with happiness baby.. thats all i want for you
*whispers holding you close*
baby.. youre making melt.. you make me sound so amazing and it makes me shy
*admits against your kiss holding you close*
you make me so happy... and hearing how happy i make you.. i just cant help but melt baby~ thank you for cating about me~
*smiles as you play with my hair before chuckling*
i ask myself that everyday~ i.. i feel the exact same way.. you can ask anyone.. i have to hold myselfback from constantly talking about you or how much i miss you through out the day because im scared to annoy people! but youre all thats ever on my mind~ be it a good or bad day.. youre all i want to come home to and curl up against.. i love you so damn much my heart hurts~
*admits kissing you a little deeper tugging you closer before pulling back*
i forgot to ask if you want a change of clothes my love
✦ Taehyung. ᡏᢦᡐ 2 years ago
@✦ Mingyu. ᡏᢦᡐ *gasps dramatically, pouting at your words*
Why would you say that love? I don’t know if you really don’t see the difference you’ve made in my life Mingyu. You’ve make me happier than no one else. I love you with my entire being and you fill my days with a happiness I didn’t know o could experience.
*nuzzles your cheek*
As you should because you’re beautiful inside and out
*smiles sweetly up at you, pressing my lips softly against yours in a gentle kiss*
I love that about you Mingyu. You’re so sweet and it makes me crazy happy to hear you say that.
*brushes your hair behind your ear with fondness*
What did I ever do to deserve you? Gee Mingyu I am so en in love with you that I don’t even know what to do with myself at this point
*sighs, holding you close as we kiss*
✦ Mingyu. ᡏᢦᡐ 2 years ago
@✦ Taehyung. ᡏᢦᡐ *smiles holding you close*
im sure that not true.. but thank you my love... you do the same to me
*smiles leaning my head on yours swaying side to side*
hmm thank you baby~ you make me feel so good about my self
*mumbles smiling blushing deeply at your words and slowly nodding*
maybe.. i love having fond memories and reliving them
*admits shyly laying with you tangling our legs before laughing*
you are... i camt even say anything because i feel the same way
*admits shyly leaning close to peck your lips grinning at your laughter*
✦ Taehyung. ᡏᢦᡐ 2 years ago
@✦ Mingyu. ᡏᢦᡐ *rubs your back*
You make me the happiest person alive baby
*leaning against your shoulder*
And I love you as the tall, gentle, loving, handsome, and amazing person you are Gyu
*caresses your blushing face with my thumbs*
Hmm is that what’s got my loving boyfriend so flustered? Are you caught up in our sweet memories baby?
*coos, standing on my tippy toes to kiss your forehead*
You’re so cute Gyu
*snuggles up close to you once we’re laying in bed*
‘M not a trouble maker, I just wouldn’t say no to getting in trouble with you
*winks at you before busting out in a fit of giggles*
✦ Mingyu. ᡏᢦᡐ 2 years ago
@✦ Taehyung. ᡏᢦᡐ *smiles lovingly down at you*
hmm we are.. and we met at the perfect time.. gosh you complete me
*smiles sleepily once we're back in my room*
hmm me too baby.. i dont need you to change who you are.. i lobe you as you are
*blushes before tugging you close nodding*
hmm.. it was the first day we both said we like each other.. after our first time cuddling to sleep
*mumbles before laughing at your wiggling brow and takes you to tuck you in bed before crawling in after you holding you close*
you are a trouble maker you know that my love?
✦ Taehyung. ᡏᢦᡐ 2 years ago
@✦ Mingyu. ᡏᢦᡐ *grins admiring you’re pretty smile*
I guess we’re just exactly what we both needed
*smiles, yawing myself with how tired I am from today’s work*
This is exactly why I’m crazy over you. You need me to be anybody else but me for you to love me.
*coos seeing your sudden change in demeanor, an air of timidness blanketing your tall frame and it hard not to point out my absence in your room*
It’s been a while huh? Last I came here we weren’t even officially dating yet and to think we’re dating, dating now
*wiggles my brows with a tiny shimmy*
✦ Mingyu. ᡏᢦᡐ 2 years ago
@✦ Taehyung. ᡏᢦᡐ *smiles at the kiss smiling*
as you do to mine my love
*chuckles softly holding back yawns and shakes my head*
there is no need for me to be patient baby.. i love you the way you are
*stiffles back more yawns while carrying you over to my dorm a slight blush on my cheeks at the fact that this is the first tiem youre coming over in a long time*
✦ Mingyu. ᡏᢦᡐ 2 years ago
@✦ Taehyung. ᡏᢦᡐ *chuckles softly leaning in to kiss your temple*
well now you dont have to be scared to say it.. gosh i almost freaked out when it slipped!
*smiles nuzzling into your neck grinning at your words*
im so lucky to have you taeh baby~ yes call me any of those and more.. i love everything that you call me.. especially the "MY Gyu" one.. it makes my heart skip a beat or two~
*grins looking at you at the same eye level now that youre on my lap hands wrapping tightly around your hips*
gosh baby.. im melting here.. where did i go right to deserve such a handsome, sweet cheesy loving soon to be boyfriend to fall for me huh?
*smiles against your lips feeling your tight grip on my shirt slowly slipping my tongue past your parting lips squeezing your hips tightly to myself*
✦ Taehyung. ᡏᢦᡐ 2 years ago
@✦ Mingyu. ᡏᢦᡐ *relaxes in your hold, smiling towards you*
me too! you don't know how many times I almost said just today! it was torture!
*laughs, hugging you tightly*
I won't! I couldn't imagine if I get used to that and um.. well you know and I end up calling you that- just no, I like calling you bby and love and MY Gyu and a Gyubear feels right but I don't know I'll keep looking until I find one that matches your handsome face!
*shuffles sitting on your lap, my heart racing in chest since this it the first time I do so*
Well in my head you're all of those things so I'll always imagine people see you the same way, but is okay if they troll me. That way they'll see I'm not just a world star but a man in love with their Mingyu
*grasps the fabric of your shirt tightly in my hands, lips parting
✦ Mingyu. ᡏᢦᡐ 2 years ago
@✦ Taehyung. ᡏᢦᡐ *blushes before lucking my eyes on you smiling as i listen to you letting out a soft sigh of relief as you agree*
oh im so glad... ive been trying to hold back and it finally slipped.. i was so scared id be scaring you off! and i am sooo damn happy you feel the same way
*grins at you rubbing up and down your back tugging you impossibly close*
hmm? oh.. yes please dont call me ahjussi! i.. ive een wanting to call you love too.. so that is perfectly fine by me!! but imnot picky with my nicknames! well normally!
*grins sitting back and tugging you to move onto my lap*
You are so freaking cute taeh baby.. gosh i can so imagine them trolling but giving up but.. there is now ay they will refer to me that way~
*hums against your lips tugging you tightly to my chest rubbing up and down your back lightly nipping onyour bottom lips*
thank you for loving me tae.. i really really.. could not have been happier
✦ Taehyung. ᡏᢦᡐ 2 years ago
@✦ Mingyu. ᡏᢦᡐ *shakes my head, cupping your face in my hands so you'll look at me for what I'm about to say*
No- don't apologize, you're not the only one. I-I know it's crazy and I've only been afraid to say it because it feels like it's all happening too quickly, but it feels so RIGHT! I love you Gyu, more than you can even imagine.
*sighs, bringing our hands to my chest, holding them close in a hug*
I like the sound of that but I've got a question Gyu? What kind of nickname would you like? I've been thinking and I know they call you ahjussi, but you're my baby I've got no business calling you that. I've been dying to call you love, but since you said the L- word first nothing can stop me now
*grins happily, looking up at you with eyes full of adoration*
ooh sounds nice and we'll pick the cutest pictures so they have no doubt! They'll say "Taehyung after this very informative pamphlet we just gotta grant you permission to court our lovely, handsome, one of a kind, y Mingyu." And I'll be grateful
*molds my lips onto your, tilting my head to deepen the kiss, humming into it from how good it feels and I can't help but to simply pull you in closer*
I know what you mean, so thank you for loving me.
✦ Mingyu. ᡏᢦᡐ 2 years ago
@✦ Taehyung. ᡏᢦᡐ *blushes realizing what i had told you but grinning seeing you blush holding you close*
im.. im glad.. im sorry.. if i rushed it or .. i.. it felt right to say it.. and im so happy i make you feel how you make me
*smiles lacing our fingers holding you close rubbing up and down your back*
ohhh you'll be stuck with me for life~ you will always be my pretty baby boy~
*grins holding you to my chest rubbing up and down your back sighing in content kissing thw crown of your head before chuckling*
how does purple and blue sound?? and well duh!! we will start going on numerous dates and have fun!!!
*smiles leaning into your touch kissing your bottom lip and squeezes your hips tugging you close kissing you deeply*
Taehyung.. i can say the exact same thing.. i have been so scared of everything for a long time and to have you near me and have you reprericating my feelings.. i love it
[post deleted by owner]
✦ Taehyung. ᡏᢦᡐ 2 years ago
@✦ Mingyu. ᡏᢦᡐ *hides my goofy smile behind my hand, gushing a little after being kissed and told I’m loved so suddenly*
I- Me too! I love this feeling Guy, and I can’t seem to get enough of it. You’ve made me the happiest person ever
*raises my hands up, tipping back into your arms after my declaration, reaching out to hold your hand in mine*
Ooh you’re gonna be my cell mate! But talk about throwing the good boy agenda out the window… at least I’ll still be your baby boy
*hides in your chest, calling myself baby boy making feel shy but utterly happy because above all I’m /your/ baby boy*
Oh yeah we gotta pick a very eye catching color scheme and we’re gonna have to take lots of pictures together so they know it’s the real deal.
*cups your cheek with one hand, sitting up to reach out for a kiss, sighing dramatically like in those chick-flicks when the girl is day dreaming about her crush*
I can’t believe I’m actually here doing all of this! Gyu, I’m so lucky to have you. I just cry from how happy you’ve made me during our time together. I didn’t think I’d be able to feel like this for again, and on top of that for someone who doesn’t make me feel like a burden.
✦ Mingyu. ᡏᢦᡐ 2 years ago
@✦ Taehyung. ᡏᢦᡐ *laughs and leans down to peck your fishy puckered lips*
aww baby~ i love you.. and i love the damn effect i have over you~ it makes me happy
*smiles softly kissing your jaw holding you close*
oh i will be indeed~ we will be each others partner in crime~ and i love that alot
hmm good.. i truly love calling you my baby boy.. i always loved how you reacted
*grins at your raspberry laughing holding you close rubbing your hips grinning at how cute you are*
ohh!! we can design it together baby!! i would love it!!! lets do it together.. i would love to see you doing that!!
*grins leaning down to peck it*
that sounds good to me baby boy~ lets do it!
✦ Taehyung. ᡏᢦᡐ 2 years ago
@✦ Mingyu. ᡏᢦᡐ *makes a fishy kiss face when you cup my cheeks*
I try to play it off, but you make my heart stutter all the time. I feel like putty when you look at me like this
*leans back nuzzling your jaw line*
You’re going to be my enabler and I love it!
I really like it when you call me that, have liked it even before we got to be like this
*blows raspberry, feeling so cute and tiny in your hands, something that doesn’t happen as often now that I’ve gotten a little bigger*
Okay when I officially meet them I’m gonna hand them a pamphlet explaining all the things I like about you and why I should be allowed to come steal you away from them from time to time.
*taps my chin in thought with a hum*
I guess we’re just going to stay together and figure it out as we go.
✦ Mingyu. ᡏᢦᡐ 2 years ago
@✦ Taehyung. ᡏᢦᡐ -chuckles cupping your cheeks squeezing them lightly*
Well I really hope so.. I wanna be able to make you all shy like this
*smiles wrapping my arms around your waist*
That is a very good question.. because I’d love it too much to wanna stop you!
And I’m glad baby boy.. I like calling you that
-smiles tracing your cheeks *
Hmm try explaining that to my members!!
-smiles leaning my head gained yours
Look at us both being in so icy trouble! How will we possibly live!!
✦ Taehyung. ᡏᢦᡐ 2 years ago
@✦ Mingyu. ᡏᢦᡐ *furrows my brows when you laugh*
Well it’s true! I like you and I like you a lot! I don’t think your kisses will lose their value
*shuffles over, plopping down right beside you*
Oh man then who’s gonna stop me if you think my shenanigans are endearing? I-… you don’t have to stop calling me that, I um actually really like it.
*looks down shyly*
Blackmailed… pft. You would’ve had to catch me doing something really bad for that to happen, but no. I just ended up falling for you
*rests my head on your shoulder*
The boy I like is really handsome too so like compliments from him are double trouble. My poor heart goes doki-doki
✦ Mingyu. ᡏᢦᡐ 2 years ago
@✦ Taehyung. ᡏᢦᡐ *laughs at the way you look at me*
im sorry!!! i just.. it still shocks me that you liked me okay!! but i sure hope my kisses will always stay this meaningful baby boy~
*laughs at your grumbles and sits down at the headboard of the bed tapping beside me wanting you to comejoin me*
i dont know~ i think its super endearing baby boy.. also is it okay if i keep calling you that? or should i stop?
*laughs softly noticing you hiding your ears*
i really do think so.. never in a million years would I have thought id get you.. they will literally think ive blackmailed you or somethin!
*laughs softly tugging you close*
i can never get tired of hearing you say you like me.. seriously.. but the boy you like shall continue complimenting you.. cause he like how cute and red you get
✦ Taehyung. ᡏᢦᡐ 2 years ago
@✦ Mingyu. ᡏᢦᡐ *scoffs and looks at you like you’ve grown 3 new toes on your head*
WHAT KIND OF NONSENSE?!! That’s crazy talk. The more smooches you gimme the more I want. They mean a lot to me because I have been wanting them for a while now, and something tells me that i could’ve simple not had them at all so I cherish each and everyone I get.
*grumbles, towards the end, mumbling something about “some people won’t even have the privilege and you’re out here saying they won’t be meaningful”, leaning into your touch with a light scowl*
Whoever hears it is gonna know I have a crush on you that’s embarrassing
*covers my ears again, feeling shy again*
You think they’ll be really surprised?
*feels my face heat up even more when you say that whining a little*
Yah, it’s not that serious! You just caught me off guard and you made me feel pretty, it’s normal for me to blush. The boy I like just complimented me
✦ Mingyu. ᡏᢦᡐ 2 years ago
@✦ Taehyung. ᡏᢦᡐ *hums into the kiss feeling myself so happy in this very moment*
exactly~ but im scared if i keep smooching you,, you' eventually grow bored of my kisses and they wont be as meaningful
*pouts before smiling at the sight of your own grin tracing your cheeks*
it would be an amazing story to tell indeed!! gosh it would be so cuteee!
*chuckles softly tracing your cheeks*
you are so considerate hyung.. thank you~ but no~ i dont think it would be troublesome at all~ but i do want to keep you hidden from them just long enough till we are dating.. i would love to see their faces when they find out~
*chuckles seeing your blush cupping your cheeks making you look at me tracing you cheeks teasing a little*
and now you are blushing while wearing my clothes.. gosh.. could this get any better
✦ Taehyung. ᡏᢦᡐ 2 years ago
@✦ Mingyu. ᡏᢦᡐ *smiles, kissing you back just as softly*
Look when I doubt or in a pinch a smooch maybe the right answer and If it’s not at least you got a smooch right? I’ll share your shyness with you that way too
*shakes my head, grinning as I imagine you taking your time to save me, too caught up between snapping pictures and laughing*
It would be embarrassing, but like a good story to tell down the line
*shrugs, scooting over to give you a little more room*
Well how am I supposed to know that? I mean even if they’re fans of my work I’m still infiltrating their space and smooching their rapper… might be a little troublesome, no? I’ll be happy to sign stuff for them when we officially meet though
*quirks a brow when you suddenly stop*
I- thanks
*looks down blushing again, having been caught off guard*


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itoshirin 1 year ago
hello is lee felix from stray kids available?
iBANAYNAY 1 year ago
oneus' Son Dongju (xion)
b7195fb9d4eaf8ae7acf 1 year ago
Tell my devil twin that i miss him and he better be taking care of himself.

-fellow Wang
aberrant 1 year ago
Well-deserved on the feature!
[comment deleted by owner]
[comment deleted by owner]
jektuje0ng 2 years ago
reserve for jihoon from treasure please? thank youu
babygirlx_ 2 years ago
na jaemin pretty please?
LilacTears 2 years ago
Y’all may have forgot about me butttt

May I get Kim Inseong from SF9?
please and graciass
0855e0d15942e23aa583 2 years ago
damn i’m torn and sorta back, but idk who to get. mark lee or wonho?
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