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โ‹‡ย picnic park
โ‹‡ย picnic park
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welcome to the park!ย 
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โœฆ Hyunjin สฐสทแตƒโฟแต 2 years ago
@โœฆ Minho. หกแต‰แต‰ *i didn’t care where i found myself as long as you were in my company, your presence making every experience regardless if it were big or small all the better. it wasn’t just for the night, i always felt this way no matter what it was we were indulging in. your glowing smile always sending a fluttering sensation throughout my frame the longer i ogled. i suppose.. since you asked so nicely..
*meeting your gaze, i simply stared into the mesmerizing orbs i could easily and willingly lose myself in, my sight eventually migrating towards your lips before trailing back up to your eyes. my heart beating out of my chest the closer i drew to you, i didn’t bother with a response as i move to tilt my head the slightest bit, our lips meeting in the softest touch together which sends a wave of euphoria cascading through my frame, as i tighten my grip on you. my gentle fingers resting against the softness of your cheek moving just the slightly bit to instead curl around your neck with the same amount of care.
โœฆ Minho. หกแต‰แต‰ 2 years ago
@โœฆ Hyunjin สฐสทแตƒโฟแต /I couldn't tell exactly when and where this infatuation with you has started - when exactly have you become the sole reason for my silly smiles and where was I when I first felt my heart fluttering quicker in my chest upon the sight of you. Perhaps silly, but I still wondered, even in this moment with you, if you really could feel the same -- it sounds too good to be true, right? Your blush makes my smile widen, always enjoying the colour on your cheeks and if I weren't holding your hand I would be tempted to reach out and run my fingers over your skin, if only to feel the warmth/ let's aree to disagree then?
/my eyes widen just briefly as you pull me in, my hands landing to rest on your waist as i look into your own orbs, searching for something - anything you could offer. when you lean in closer I finally close my eyes almost as if I would burst in anticipation if I were to watch you closely any longer, your words ghosting against my lips and making me shudder gently - did you know you were already making me breathless?/ Kiss me then-- Hyunjin-- I want you to-
โœฆ Hyunjin สฐสทแตƒโฟแต 2 years ago
@โœฆ Minho. หกแต‰แต‰ *i still couldn’t wrap my mind around the mere fact that this wasn’t some lavish vivid dream of mine, that this was somehow my actual reality, feeling as if i was literally on top of the world right in this euphoric moment. the only thing bringing me out of my mind being the presence of your fingers intertwined with my own, as if the pairs were solely meant to keep us connected. your words causing my cheeks to blossom a shade similar to the flowers around us with the softest hue of red washing over my cheeks and spreading up to my ears as i attempt to wave off your compliment. Nonsense Minho hyung.. if anyone could outshine this sight it’s you, hands down.
*knowing i couldn’t dance around my true intentions any longer, i give your hand a gentle yet firm squeeze, pulling you in closer with my grip, i secure my other hand onto your cheek, my thumb brushing over your cheek as if it were the most precious sculpture so delicate it requires the utmost care. leaning in close to you, i let my eyes run over ethereal features before bringing myself close enough to rest my head against yours, my voice low as i speak. i’d like to kiss you breathless.. but i won’t unless that’s something you want as well~
โœฆ Minho. หกแต‰แต‰ 2 years ago
@โœฆ Hyunjin สฐสทแตƒโฟแต (Because those spaces closed, i moved your latest reply and my reply to that here!! Hope you don't mind that heh <3)

/I take my time to look around, the scenery truly mesmerizing, luscious with blooming flowers and a variety of plants. I feel giddy to be here /with you/ the moment seemingly so intimate - a pinch of happiness that we get to share without a worry in mind. Your gentle gesture captures my attention again, though and I turn to you, a little, sweet smile upon my lips as I intertwine our fingers. Your words bring a grin to my lips and i shake my head slowly/ well.. you definitely outshine the flowers, Hyunjin, I'll have to give you that-
/snickers, stubborn as always and determined to fight compliments with compliments - although all of my words were true- you looked incredible, the light in the garden illuminating and framing your perfectly sculpted features./ but i still wonder what was the anti-angelic thing you had in mind?

โœฆ Hyunjin สฐสทแตƒโฟแต 16 hours ago Reply

@โœฆ Minho. หกแต‰แต‰ *pulling you out of the dance floor and out into the gorgeous path, stopping only when we were away from the general eye, nestled off in a inconspicuous little corner where we were allotted at least a bit of privacy yet could still see the beautiful scenery clearly. taking a moment to appreciate the view i give your hand a gentle squeeze, only after a bit turning to face you once more, a pleasant smile on my face as my eager orbs ogle your flawless features.
wow it really looks beautiful out here.. but your still my favorite view~
*i couldn’t sworn that sounded much better in my head, as the moment it left my lips i felt a pang of regret, a flush of color painting my cheeks in the visible evidence of my embarrassment, although i couldn’t help but to hope you found my words at least a bit amusing. anything to bring that gorgeous smile to your face again.
โœฆ Mingyu. แตแถฆแต 2 years ago
@โœฆ Taehyung. แตแถฆแต hmm sounds like a good damn plan then baby! we just gotta stay glued to each others hips~
*smiles softly before blushing at your words shaking my head*
youve never told me this.. but im glad.. it is automatic to me.. i just when i hold your hands it just feels right
*kisses your forehead grinning*
you are pretty and sooo freaking loved Taehyung.. that i hope you know
*smiles holding you tightly kissing your temple chuckling*
let me know everything you think baby~ thats the only way i can know what you are thinking about~
*smiles brihtly holding you close and nodding*
please and thank you!! ive been dying to have one! especially with you!! id be spoiled rutten if we get to do it!! so yes pleaseeee
*smiles happily kissing back arms looped around your hips tugging you close and squeezing your hips*
hmm it has never felt safer anywhere else
*grins at you happy to see your smile and laughs softly sitting down before tugging you between my arms so youre resting against my chest kissing your shoulder sighing in content*
im so happy i managed to do this for you. thank you for being patient with me my love
โœฆ Taehyung. แตแถฆแต 2 years ago
@โœฆ Mingyu. แตแถฆแต Damn then you’ll love it best if you keep staying by my side because you’re the one who makes me the happiest I’ve ever been
*smiles looking down at how you play with my fingers and I know you probably do it subconsciously, but to me this action always has me getting all kinds of soff*
I’m happy it’s the same for you… you know, I don’t think I’ve told you this before, but for some reason when you play with my fingers like this you make me feel really loved like I don’t know how to explain it really but you do it like it’s second nature, like you’re just automatically drawn to me when you’re near me and that makes me feel pretty and loved
*nuzzles your cheek*
Me too that way I can voice out all of my silly little thoughts my heart and mind conjure up whenever you’re by my side
*nids my head excitedly*
For sure! We’ll build a fort and have ourselves a little at home spa date! It’ll be fun
I’ll cuddle the hell out of you babe no worries
*smiles brightly, cupping your face in my hands and simply kissing you silly, thoroughly endeared by your rosey complexion*
And yours is safe with me my love
*smiles even wider when I see the rest of your set up and simply lean in and kiss your cheek again before pulling you towards our seats, wanting you to get settled first just so I could make myself comfortable right beside you, wanting to make your space my own and enjoy your warmth*
It is, specially with you by my side Mingyu
โœฆ Mingyu. แตแถฆแต 2 years ago

@โœฆ Taehyung. แตแถฆแต good my love.. i love it the most when you are happy~
*smiles leaning our foreheads chuckling softly playing with your fingers*
hmm you dont need to thank me my love~ you do the same to me baby~ and i couldnt be luckier for that~
*smiles lovingly rubbing your waist chuckling nodding*
same my love! this.. feels the best type of date.. i like to be able to just spend time with you one on one~
*smiles playing with your fingers smiling and nodding*
hmm same baby! you promised me some fort cuddles before we dated since ive never been cuddled in one and i am demanding on that... i want a fort date with you
*admits shyly against your lips grinning*
i will my love.. your heart will always be safe with me~ i promise you that much~
*smiles leading you to where i have some pillows around and a table full of finger foods with a screen against the wall with the sunroof ontop so we could see the stars as it gets darker*
hmm i really wanted this to be perfect~


((ignore the image backgrounds and let be set like the previous pictures!!))
โœฆ Taehyung. แตแถฆแต 2 years ago
@โœฆ Mingyu. แตแถฆแต Me too, I’m really happy right now
*smiled sheepishly, feeling a little shy when you smile at me so handsomely*
I feel the happiest I’ve ever felt by your side, thank you for taking care of my heart
*leans into you*
Mmm, I really like spending time together with you like this too. There’s no one else to worry about, just you and I. I get to learn more about you and simply get my heart’s fill of your presence like this
*squeezes your hand back, the warmth of your hold making my heart skip a beat*
I really hope so because I can’t wait to be able to really plan a date for us both, maybe even build a fort and have out own little spa day at home
*smiles into the kiss*
Yes, so love me lots because this heart of mine will do the same for you Mingyu
* my lips as the kiss ends pulling away with a bit of a dazed look, nodding lazily and letting you guide us further inside*
You’re really thorough with these things Mingyu… I like it
โœฆ Mingyu. แตแถฆแต 2 years ago
@โœฆ Taehyung. แตแถฆแต im REALLYY happy baby
*admits squeezing your hips grinning down at you*
mm im glad i can give you that comfort for oyu to feel at ease with me
*smiles sweety squeezing your hips*
i want to spoil you like this once in a while but lately ive been finding myself prefer the one on one times alot too.. there is something about being able to be comfortable with just being ourselves together in our own privacy that.. seems very intimate and nice
*admits smiling lacing our fingers as you hold my hand squeezing your hance softly*
hmm that pretty flowers was more than enough to make my heart skip beats and become stupidly happy.. ims ure once we do have more time we can do all the things that we cant right now
*chuckling seeing your puckered lips kissing you a little deeper*
hmm im glad~ because so are you my love!
*smiles softly picking you up to kiss you deeper squeezing your hhips tightly sighing in pure happiness as we pull back*
hmm i feel at ease with you baby. i feel like i can be myself and i love that you feel the same and love me the same.. shall we move in? there is still some more
โœฆ Taehyung. แตแถฆแต 2 years ago
@โœฆ Mingyu. แตแถฆแต I really do like it Mingyu
*sighs when you kiss me, smiling back up at you when you pull away*
Thanks my love. You really do have a way about you that makes me feel so at ease.
*smiles softly, leaning into you, placing my hands over yours*
I don’t need fancy stuff although I’d appreciate them too if that’s what you had planned. In reality Mingyu all I need is you my love.
*smiles happily, still looking about, holding your hands tightly in mine*
Don’t worry about that baby I know we’ve been busy, I myself wished I could’ve planned for something bigger, but I’ve got a pretty tight schedule these days
*puckers up to kiss you when I see you lean in, humming when our lips touch*
It’s all in good nature, but yeah you’re my one and only love Mingyu.
*wraps my arms around your neck as the kiss deepens, melting into the kiss*
You’re so cute! Of course I don’t underestimate how much you love me. I feel like my love only grows because you love me just the same.
โœฆ Mingyu. แตแถฆแต 2 years ago
@โœฆ Taehyung. แตแถฆแต I’m.. really glad you like it.. I’ll try to continue surprising you like this my love
*smiles sweetly leaning in to kiss your forehead smiling sweetly*
I will be with you through every step of it my love.. I promise my love
*smiles kissing your temple squeezing your hips and rubbing your sides*
Oh so did I baby.. so damm hard to not drag you to a five start hotel and give start resturant!
*breaks into a huge grin loving how happy you look with what I had planned*
I’m so happy you like it! Hmm I planned so much time planning it. I’m a little sad I missed our anniversary date.. but I didn’t want to rush your gift
*laughs and cups your cheeks leaning in for a kiss nodding*
You are such a. Tease indeed! I am happy you do love me tho~ I love you too my love
*smiles softly and happily leans to kiss squeezing your hips sighing in delight pulling you closer leaning up for a deeper kiss*
Of course mt love! I want to show you how much I care for you! I hope you understand just hie much I love you baby! Hmm then drown me in it baby!
โœฆ Taehyung. แตแถฆแต 2 years ago
@โœฆ Mingyu. แตแถฆแต I honestly feel like I’m dreaming
* looks at you, my heart clenching at your words, sad that you’d ever had to feel that way when you’re nothing but loving and attentive*
Well that man was an idiot and I’m just happy he’s gone now so that it can be me who gets to appreciate all of your affections. Thank you for being so understanding… It’s just as you say, we’ll work through things together Mingyu. We’ve got each other now.
*sighs, leaning into you, nuzzling your cheek while I’m at it*
I can’t blame me because I was about to say yes, had to fight myself on it too
*chuckles along with you, only to look around, eyes twinkling with all the little details you’ve added to the space to make it so aesthetically pleasing and cozy for the both of us*
Are you crazy? This is perfect! I love everything about it, specially the fact that it was all planned by you!!! AHHH IM SO SICK OF THIS AUTO CORRECT! ITS MY FAULT FOR TEASING MY FRIEND ABOUT HER BIAS DO MUCH THAT NOW IM STUCK HERE RUINING MOMENTS! this is karma… I’m sorry! You! Kim MINGYU, are the man the makes my heart swoon and loose my day in and day out!
*whimpers only to laugh when you pick me up*
I really like it along with everything else you’ve got in store for us. Thanks again for planning something like this. You make my heart so full Mingyu, all my love is overflowing at this point
โœฆ Mingyu. แตแถฆแต 2 years ago
@โœฆ Taehyung. แตแถฆแต I love you too baby.. so God damn much
*softens at your words cupping your cheeks leaning down till we are eye to eye*
i used to feel the same way baby.. my ex made me feel like i was horrible and too clingy and a burden for wanting their attention.. where all i needed was simple attention and randome affection so.. i know what you feel.. but you will never have to worry about that with me.. and i will be here to help yu through it my love~
*smiles softly rubbing your sides lovingly before chuckling at your words*
can you blame me? have you seen yourself? but i agree.. hotel would be nice.. but this... feels more intimate to me.. and i like that about it
*chuckles softly kissing your temple before chuckling at your reaction feeling satisfied that i was able to awe you and chuckles at your words*
not at all baby! im glad you like it.. i really do.. i was afraid it wouldnt be worthy~ but.. Im going to tease you.. Who is this Minhyuk that keeps coming out when i make you all uwu huh
*teases playfully before picking oyu up and spinning you aroud*
im kidding my love.. im glad you liked it... but it isnt done yet.. we are going to have a movie night in here with food before we lay down after our movie and food and look up at the starts until we fall asleep together.. and wake up before sunrise so we can cuddle adn watch it.. how does that sound?
โœฆ Taehyung. แตแถฆแต 2 years ago
@โœฆ Mingyu. แตแถฆแต I love you Mingyu. More than you can ever imagine
*looks into you fondly, chuckling at the ticklish feeling*
I’d like that Mingyu and I’ll try to do the same, sometimes I might hesitate though because I’m still working through not feeling like a burden to people but understand that I really love you.
*gurgles hearing you say it again because it feels so good in my chest when you do*
I love it! It’s so beautiful and ugh! I can’t believe you wanted to skip this a couple of minutes ago! I mean don’t get me wrong you and me in a hotel doesn’t sound bad, but baby I wouldn’t want to miss a moment like this either. You’re so thoughtful, I’m honestly so touched right now!
*sniffles, fanning my face so that I won’t actually end up shedding tears before nodding to your question*
Yes, I’m ready.
*takes your hand and walks forward, stoping dead in my tracks, awed by the beautiful set up*
I- are you trying to make me cry? Minhyuk you’re perfect, this is absolutely gorgeous!
โœฆ Mingyu. แตแถฆแต 2 years ago
@โœฆ Taehyung. แตแถฆแต Hmm well im going to keep it up! i want to have you falling for me over and over again lie i do for you~
*smiles softly nodding kissing your neck*
i know we can baby! i'll try to get in here and pepper you in as much kisses as i possibly can or at least text you a good morning and good night!
*smiles sweetly nodding*
all mine
*bites my lips looking at your reaction and nods to your question grinning at your reaction*
Im glad you like it my love
*holds you tightly leaning over to kiss your jaw*
its not the end yet.. i have more surprises.. ready to go in?
*holds your hand slowly leading you to the front door slowly opening it smiling widely waiting for you to look at how the interior is designed so you can see the outside and the starts with ease*

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https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0418/5112/5920/products/[email protected]?v=1606441714
โœฆ Taehyung. แตแถฆแต 2 years ago
@โœฆ Mingyu. แตแถฆแต Oh baby, but you already do. You’re so wonderful and lovely that it feels so surreal to me.
*bods my head and nuzzles in*
We can! We just have to hang on a little longer and then we’ll get to really spend time together! Also don’t worry I’ll probably be really busy then too
*hums, eyes fluttering sit at the kiss*
All yours Mingyu!
*lets my breath out with a sigh*
It’s all you babe
*shivers, feeling your breath fan on my neck, gasping loudly at the sight before me, looking around in aww before turning around with misty eyes*
It’s so beautiful, Mingyu… you did this all on your own? I- thank you baby!
*runs back to you, burying my face in your chest, squeezing you tightly in my arms in a wordless ‘thank you’.*
โœฆ Mingyu. แตแถฆแต 2 years ago
@โœฆ Taehyung. แตแถฆแต Hmm even if it isnt i will make i possible! i want to constantly blow you away!!
*pouts and nods leaning closer to you*
we can do it! i know we can! we may be tired right now but everything will be okay! we can do it and once we have our vacation will be totally worth it.. which reminds mje.. i might be a little MIA till sunday baby
*sighs dramatically before smiling kissing your temple*
all mine~
*coos poking your puffed up cheeks and chuckles*
hmm yes I will.. And yes my love.. let me take it off
*whispers slowly taking your blinds off biting my lips anticipating how you will react to what i had been working on for almost a week and ahalf from planning to making it fall into actions*
โœฆ Taehyung. แตแถฆแต 2 years ago
@โœฆ Mingyu. แตแถฆแต Is that even possible? It gets better than this? I thought this was already perfect enough!
*nods with a little pout after hearing how tired you come back from work*
I know Mingyu and half the time I’m the same way too! I’m so exhausted these days from the crazy amount of work but thankfully my vacations are starting soon and after the next couple of weeks I’m sure I’ll be busy but after that we’ll be okay. Just hang in there my love.
*laughs, leaning my back against your chest to get my hug*
All yours baby!
*puffs my cheeks out*
I trust you Mingyu! I’m not worried I know you’ll take care of me always
*my grip on your hand tightens after the blindfold is on, my steps a little hesitant, but I walk alongside you nonetheless*
I’d follow you to the end of the world my love!
*feels the air around us change a tad and I wonder what it is, my hand squeezing yours*
Are we here?
โœฆ Mingyu. แตแถฆแต 2 years ago

@โœฆ Taehyung. แตแถฆแต *chuckles softly holding you close*
hmm and i promise they will only get better and nicer!
*smiles softly rubbing your sides chuckling softly*
i know baby me too.. i come home exhuasted and i keep trying to last longenough to see you but i fall asleep and miss you
*pouts at you before smiling softly squeezing you frrom behind*
hmm all mine!
*slowly grins and pinches your cheeks nodding*
hmm yes~ trust me baby! Everything will be okay!
smiles slowly blindfolding yu making sure you cant see anything but nothing to hurt you before coming to the front to take your hand*
alright baby.. just follow me
*grins as i walk slowly to make sure you dont trip guiding you through every step of the way till we get to the outdoor tent i have set up for us in a nice secluded area for our privacy*

โœฆ Taehyung. แตแถฆแต 2 years ago
@โœฆ Mingyu. แตแถฆแต They’re the nicest surprises I’ve ever gotten.
*leans over and pecks your cheek*
I’ve been pretty busy these days but hey I’m on the last days of this work cycle.
*smiles, letting you do as you please, really liking the way you always play with my fingers*
I love that! I wanna spend lots of time with you baby.
*raises a brow at the sight of the blindfold, blinking in surprise*
I- m’kay Guy, I trust you
*turns around, giving you space to cover my eyes with the blindfold*
โœฆ Mingyu. แตแถฆแต 2 years ago
@โœฆ Taehyung. แตแถฆแต hmm i just have to do more sneak attacks in kisses!!
*smiles tugging you happily shaing my head*
still.. i wanted to be here with you so badly! i hope you have been resting at least my love!
*smiles happily playing with your fingers chuckling softly*
sounds good to mee too baby!! you will be stuck to my hip for the rest of day and a half baby~
*smiles tugging you along till we get deep enough in the park pulling out some blind folds*
here.. is where you must close your eyes baby~
โœฆ Taehyung. แตแถฆแต 2 years ago
@โœฆ Mingyu. แตแถฆแต I mean that’s true, all you kisses are hella yummy
*smacks my lips together again*
You don’t have to apologize though because it’s not like I have been any better, I’ve been pretty busy too
*follows along happily, squeezing your hand*
I can live with that. I’ll just follow after you all day long!
*smiles looking down at our hands*
Oh… well that sounds very promising! I’m already living where this is going!
*skips along with a huge smile on my face, my excitement very much palpable*
โœฆ Mingyu. แตแถฆแต 2 years ago
@โœฆ Taehyung. แตแถฆแต *laughs softly shaking my head*
baby boy.. i always kiss you like that.. im sorry i hadnt been around much lately
*smiles squeezing your hand before chuckling tugging you along*
you wont be going home until you are all recharged! there will be no room for withdrawl!
*smiles lacing our fingers again before tugging you along*
oh.. i should have told you.. our date will be going on till tomorrow afternoon my love~ youre staying the night with me
*grins winking before tugging you towards the park*
โœฆ Taehyung. แตแถฆแต 2 years ago
@โœฆ Mingyu. แตแถฆแต *smiled sheepishly, my lips a little, still tasting you on my lips*
I missed you too baby, and damn I’m tempted to making you miss me more often if you’re gonna kiss me like that
*takes your hand in mine interlacing our fingers together*
It was difficult but yes please help me recharge all of my Mingyu Minutes so that I can make it through my days without withdrawals
*leans into your touch, smiling softly when you help me out*
I mean nothing is stoping us after the date… but I’m curious about what you have in store. I wouldn’t want all your planning to go to waste either*
*winks at you*
โœฆ Mingyu. แตแถฆแต 2 years ago
@โœฆ Taehyung. แตแถฆแต *smiles softly as we pull back leaning our foreheads laughing softly*
i just couldnt handle being away from you anymore.. i really missed your pretty lips
*smiles sweetly pulling back to take your hand*
im sorry we kept missing each other my love!! i was starting to go crazy too! we'll you have me to make sure to recharge your Mingyu Minutes!
*smiles softly staring at you grinning reaching to play with your hair*
you look so god damn good.. i almost want to give up with my plan and take you to a 5 star hotel~
โœฆ Taehyung. แตแถฆแต 2 years ago
@โœฆ Mingyu. แตแถฆแต Oh shi-
*half mutters before I’m getting kissed, clumsily trying to catch up and kiss you with the same fervor, holding into you when I start feeling a little weak in the nice with how nice it feels*
Mmmm~ I wasn’t expecting that right off the bat, but hello my love!
*smiles bright up at you nuzzling you’re cheek right as you pull back*
I missed you too Gyu, for a split second I thought I’d gone delusional and that I made you all up in my head… good thing you texted me. I’m running low on my Mingyu Minutes
*grins, suddenly more aware of my own appearance and running my fingers through my fluffy hair out of nervousness*
โœฆ Mingyu. แตแถฆแต 2 years ago
@โœฆ Taehyung. แตแถฆแต *smiles as i see you coming down chuckling as you are running grinning at you excitedly before blushing at the wolf whistle reaching out to wrap both arms around your waist tugging you close leaning down to kiss you deeply*
hello to my dearest most beautiful fairy prince~
*whispers leaning our foreheads slowly pulling back*
ive missed you so God damn much my love
*whispers pulling back to look at you*
โœฆ Taehyung. แตแถฆแต 2 years ago
@โœฆ Mingyu. แตแถฆแต *comes dashing down the steps of my apartment complex, smiling brightly when I spot you, saying excitedly as I make my way over*

Oh damn!

*wolf whistles once I think I’m within earshot, grinning mischievously once I’m standing in front of you, panting a little from having rushed to meet you*

Hello my dearest, most handsome boyfriend~
โœฆ Mingyu. แตแถฆแต 2 years ago
@โœฆ Taehyung. แตแถฆแต *smiles at the reply and chuckles humming to myself as i find a nice shaded place to wait for you*

/from: Gyugyu
To: Taehbaby/

alright my fairy prince~
I'll be waiting for you.. i cant wait to see you either

*hits send sighing in pure content before biting my lips suddenly feeling nervous since this is the first date im taking you on*
โœฆ Taehyung. แตแถฆแต 2 years ago
@โœฆ Mingyu. แตแถฆแต *spraying some cologne I fix my hair one last time, going for that signature fluffy hairstyle I’ve been rocking lately. Perks up when I hear my phone go off again and runs to it*

to: BabyPuppyGyu/

I’ll be down in about 5
Lemme just get my shoes on and I’ll be there, no need to come up! Can’t wait to see you <333


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itoshirin 1 year ago
hello is lee felix from stray kids available?
iBANAYNAY 1 year ago
oneus' Son Dongju (xion)
b7195fb9d4eaf8ae7acf 1 year ago
Tell my devil twin that i miss him and he better be taking care of himself.

-fellow Wang
aberrant 1 year ago
Well-deserved on the feature!
[comment deleted by owner]
[comment deleted by owner]
jektuje0ng 2 years ago
reserve for jihoon from treasure please? thank youu
babygirlx_ 2 years ago
na jaemin pretty please?
LilacTears 2 years ago
Y’all may have forgot about me butttt

May I get Kim Inseong from SF9?
please and graciass
0855e0d15942e23aa583 2 years ago
damn i’m torn and sorta back, but idk who to get. mark lee or wonho?
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