# ⁞ brick alley

brick alley
This alley is known for the brick buildings that make it what it is. The buildings are a bit older than some other parts of the city, making this a notorious spot with a lot of history.
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♔ Hongjoong² [A] 1 year ago
@☾ Karinaᵉ He nodded once when she thanked him, about to walk away but her words stopped him. Hongjoong stared at her for a long moment, his expression still as clear and empty as ever though. "Just remember to call me or someone next time," he finally responded, watching her walk into her house. He finally turned around to walk away, his eyes alert though as if he sensed movement nearby. The assassin glanced over his shoulder and back at her front door, wondering if she and her family would actually be safe. The ones being sent out, or even just having taken this mission on their own, were getting desperate and sloppy. Who knew what may happen to her family or her friends for them to try and get to her?
☾ Karinaᵉ 1 year ago
@♔ Hongjoong² Once they are in front of her house, she went in front of him with relief smile on her face. "Thank you for taking me home, oppa." She said before nodding at his words, "Don't worry, I'll call you when I need a company going home." She was about say no more but she felt the worry inside her when the other confirmed about him involved with a gang. Her smile slowly faded and looked at him, "Oppa, be careful out there. Okay? I... didn't know you're serious about it." She clasped her hands together behind her. "But don't worry, I won't tell anyone." Karina smiled and slowly turns away, walking into their house safe and sound.
♔ Hongjoong² [A] 1 year ago
@☾ Karinaᵉ If it's just the Kwon family moving about like this, Karina was starting to seem more and more like the common factor. From her friend seeing someone to someone ending up dead along the way she walks home and even to her almost getting attacked when they crossed paths... The higher-up ranks probably wouldn't divulge any information about him being a lower rank but a lot of them also constantly forgot that he was his current rank by choice. He made no effort in graduating ranks, although he was very capable of doing so. In his experience, a lot of the higher ranks, regardless of family, held onto their ranks with pride simply because they felt no one could top them. Hongjoong didn't have to understand emotions to understand that was the definition of ignorance. He knew he wasn't the only one that didn't climb the ranks because there didn't seem to be a need but there were those that felt lower ranks were less than them, that they didn't deserve to know a lot because of the difference in title. He'd find things out one way or another should he be forced to do so. "You should have someone to walk with you next time or just call me."
☾ Karinaᵉ 1 year ago
@♔ Hongjoong² She looked down a bit, confused and surprised a bit. He didn't meant what he said, did he? Karina thought before responding to him again about her friend with a smile on her face. "It's my friend but from another course and no, she is decent and not a troublemaker so don't worry about it." She told him as they are reaching to the block where Karina's house is, "Ah, we're nearly there."
♔ Hongjoong² [A] 1 year ago
@☾ Karinaᵉ "Just don't say that I didn't warn you," he informed her, looking around as they continued walking. It still seemed like it took some time to get to her place, even with the shortcut, but it would be better from now on for her to take the long way if she wanted to make it home alive. "What friend told you they met gang members," he asked, glancing at her, "Is this friend getting you in trouble?"
☾ Karinaᵉ 1 year ago
@♔ Hongjoong² She is quick to whip her head at him with a sharp gasp as Hongjoong just blurted out the response, at first Karina just laughed at him. He can't be serious, he maybe stoic but she knew that he's bluffing. "You? How can you be one of them? You're bluffing." She dismissed his response as they continue to walk, still clinging on him.
♔ Hongjoong² [A] 1 year ago
@☾ Karinaᵉ "Your friend," he questioned. It sounded like a question although he was just repeating it. People really didn't just run into gang members, not usually. Most, from his experience, didn't try to draw attention to themselves. There were some that did, and those were the ones that did tend to cause unnecessary trouble just because they felt big and bad being apart of a crew or family. Hongjoong hesitated for a moment although he wasn't sure why. Just as quickly though did he just ignore it. "Me," he answered simply.
☾ Karinaᵉ 1 year ago
@♔ Hongjoong² Karina looked at Hongjoong before responding, "My friend told me that she encountered one but she wasn't sure if it is a gang or a group people hurting a thief." She told her before her eyes widen at his response, "Oh? Who?" She asked as the other uttered about someone being involved with the gang activities.
♔ Hongjoong² [A] 1 year ago
@☾ Karinaᵉ "Where did you hear a rumor like that," Hongjoong glances at her. From what he was aware, people didn't generally talk about gangs or the families in an average conversation. Those assassins from the Kwon family had to have been drawing attention to themselves. Unless they weren't the only ones after her. Either way though, it was clear that those going after her were desperate. "You probably have and just didn't know it," Hongjoong answers, not even aware that he was unconsciously adding himself into the mix. The thing was that he just never felt the need to mention it. It wasn't something he was ashamed of or that he wore proudly. It's just the way his life went. It hadn't been too long after they met that he became an official member of the Kwon family. To him, it wasn't significant and it had never come up in conversation either. Although it seemed that was something that could and probably would change in the not-so-distant future.
☾ Karinaᵉ 1 year ago
@♔ Hongjoong² Even though she's a bit anxious, she was curious enough but since the other starts walking again, she starts to agree to what he said. "There's rumors about gangs gone rampant today..." She opens up another topic, "I never met a gang member before but it scares me to think that can be as dangerous as they are actually is." She explained, not knowing hongjoong is one of them.
♔ Hongjoong² [A] 1 year ago
@☾ Karinaᵉ "You are the only person that calls me that," he comments but says nothing else after that. Ever since they'd first met, namely since he'd stood up for her in school, she didn't hesitate to flock to his side. She didn't get in his way or hinder him from doing anything so he didn't bother trying to avoid her. She'd said a lot of things similar to that over the years and it seemed that she still felt the same way. The scream didn't phase him, Hongjoong just off in his own world as usual. Her tighter grip is what catches his attention. "Dead," he repeats, glancing around before actually paying attention to where the people were hovering around. It was clear that Karina didn't want to go anywhere near it. He didn't need to go near it to recognize the face, despite how corroded the body was becoming already. There was something going on with Karina and there was a reason members of his family were coming after her. Either there was something she wasn't telling him or something she'd done without being aware of it. "Start taking the long way home," Hongjoong states as he begins walking again, taking her along with him.
☾ Karinaᵉ 1 year ago
@♔ Hongjoong² "Oh oppa, you're just cuddly as usual." She chuckles as they kept on walking among the people walking through the night, but they heard someone screamed and ran out of the alley to see a corpse inside the trash can. It was one of Kwon assassins that has been assigned to kill Karina a few days ago, it's already dead and decaying. It was Jimin's doing, she stopped from walking when people starts flocking in one alley to call an ambulance. Karina became anxious and clings to Hongjoong's arm again, "S-Someone was found dead?" She looked at the stoic man with her.
♔ Hongjoong² [A] 1 year ago
@☾ Karinaᵉ "If he worries so much, why would he not want you to take the safer route," he asked, feeling as though the logic didn't make sense. He didn't mind her holding onto him but something did catch his attention when he heard her utter something else. The fact that she seemed confused by it stopped him from questioning but should it happen again, he would mention it. "It's fine. I'm used to it by now," Hongjoong replied, shaking his head. This was going to be an interesting discussion. His family was after her. What would that mean should they see him with her? "You have to let me know when you're moving around. It's really dangerous out lately, more than usual," he cautioned her, saying words he found easy to repeat. Even if he couldn't feel much of anything or even process responses, he could spot patterns and see when to use which phrases he picked up over the years.
☾ Karinaᵉ 1 year ago
@♔ Hongjoong² "But my dad worries more than my mom would! So I have to go to the shortcut instead." She insisted and pouts harder at him before leaning her head on his arm, "I was a black belter in Judo, I only use it for self-defense but I rarely encountered people that were really onto me." She muttered as they keep walking. All of a sudden, Jimin subconsciously slid through her mind to utter a few words, "I've taken a few of them." She spoke in a low and quiet tone. Then Karina's personality resurfaced, "Huh?" She blinked and noticed that her hold got tighter around his arm. "A-ah! Sorry! I think I couldn't resist myself, you're cuddly sometimes, oppa!" She lets go of him with a sheepish smile.
♔ Hongjoong² [A] 1 year ago
@☾ Karinaᵉ "Is that all you know for self-defense," he questioned, "You should stay on the long way. It has better lights and all, too." He tilted his head a little when she mentioned being worried. "That just seems to be the way that people stay safe. Pepper spray and tasers only work on some people and in some cases, like petty thieves and pickpockets. "Do you know actual self-defense," he asks, and it kind of feels like he's on auto-pilot. It feels like they've had this conversation before, and they probably have and multiple times, so it's almost like he's rehearsing a script.
☾ Karinaᵉ 1 year ago
@♔ Hongjoong² She pouted even more at the other's statement towards her, but eventually chuckles at him, "I have pepper spray and a tazer, my dad told me I'm their only daughter so I had to protect myself at any cost." She told him as they are very close to a street with crowded people. "I did change where I go, but it's a long way, so I decided to go through the alley because it's the shortcut." She cheekily smiles at the stoic man, "Oppa, are you worried of me?" Karina looked at him.
♔ Hongjoong² [A] 1 year ago
@☾ Karinaᵉ "You don't pay attention as you should," Hongjoong answered almost immediately, "Walking around here gets people hurt." Karina seemed like what most people would consider a smart and good person but Hongjoong did find himself questioning her intelligence sometimes, such as now. Had she really been that unaware of someone about to attack her? Even if it had been a mistake, which doesn't happen with the Kwon family, especially the assassins, she could have ended up critically injured or even dead then and there. "I thought you changed the way you went home so you would not have to go through the alley anymore."
☾ Karinaᵉ 1 year ago
@♔ Hongjoong² Despite being tailed or followed by Kwon assassins, Karina was completely unaware of her situation. She looked at him as he responded before she was asked by the stoic man about having enemies, "Enemies? I... don't think I have one." She muttered before looking down. "The enemies I know-- I mean-- we know were those bullies at our neighborhood before. They're making fun of my neck because it's long but they didn't seemed to teased me again when they were scared by you." She explained. Throughout her pretentious life, Karina never made enemies. Those popular students in her high school are her friends despite being rude to her but they aren't potential threat to her, not even having enemies in her current university. "Why?" She asked him back, confused a bit at his question she was given by him.
♔ Hongjoong² [A] 1 year ago
@☾ Karinaᵉ The logic still doesn't add up. He knows that she wouldn't be able to protect herself against a Kwon assassin, especially if there's a bounty on her head. Some of the members of the family go blind with obedience and greed. He'd been a part of the family long enough to know that it's usually the new kids, who need the money and want to prove themselves, and the ones who recently graduated to a new rank, who very much want to prove themselves. The target didn't really matter as long as they were apprehended or killed, whichever was called for by the heads.

He eyes her when she latches onto him but he just follows her, not really thinking much about it. "I had a meeting to attend," he answers, gaze ahead in the direction they're walking, "Do you have many enemies?"
☾ Karinaᵉ 1 year ago
@♔ Hongjoong² Karina pouted at him, dismissing his cold and stoic looks, "You're always saying that as if I'm not careful." She huffed before looking back at him. "I'm going home as well, I got busy with the student council back there and got an overtime trying to make sure our events are well planned." The blonde girl explained before clinging on his arms, "Come on, let's go home together oppa~" She chuckles as they start walking. "Where did you go? I usually don't know what kind of work you do, but you're always going home from somewhere." She asked him.
♔ Hongjoong² [A] 1 year ago
@☾ Karinaᵉ His expression stays stoic as he watches her react. He exhales slowly, his hands dipping into his pockets as she finally answers the question. Hongjoong hadn't recognized her at first. He'd made it clear though that anyone caught attacking someone elsewhere he lived was free game for him. It wasn't even intentional either. Word had just gotten around. As for why, there wasn't one. The assassin just did what he did. He's gotten used to people cowering in fear because of him without him even doing anything. Rumors have spread and so he just followed suit with everyone telling people not to draw attention to themselves around him.

Hongjoong knew by that logic that the assassin would have most likely killed her or at least injured her to near death with that kind of protection. "Be more aware of your surroundings," he then shakes his head to answer her question, "I was going home. Where are you going?" He'd known Karina for a very long time and it didn't make sense to him why someone would be after her, especially his family. Was she really the one that the Kwon family was after? He can't help thinking that, if that's the case, she could be dead by tomorrow.
☾ Karinaᵉ 1 year ago
@♔ Hongjoong² Karina is unsure if there is someone watching her, she turned around again to see no one was there. As she was on the other end, she craned back her head to see the familiar figure. She almost screamed at the surprise by her amber-eyed friend, "Ah!" She yelped before holding her chest as she takes a deep breath afterwards, "H-hongjoong oppa, you don't have to scare me like that! Come on!" Karina pouted as she looked at his stoic gaze. It doesn't bother her, she's been friends with him since they moved next to his house when she was 12. She blinked at his questions, "Way to protect myself?" She scoffs, "Of course I have. I have pepper spray and a small tazer." Then shakes her head. "Anyway, what are you doing here? Strolling alone again, oppa?"
♔ Hongjoong² [A] 1 year ago
@☾ Karinaᵉ There wasn't too much moving about, nothing out of the ordinary anyway. Hongjoong had been to yet another meeting where he was asked to graduate and he just wasn't interested. He didn't see a purpose in going up the ranks, let alone going through the trials to get there. It was accurate to say that he was comfortable where he was within the family. At least he had something to keep himself busy, especially since they worked him like he was a higher rank.

The alley was a quick way to get home for him, a part of his usual route back. He did notice someone hiding, waiting in the shadows so he did the same. He wasn't sure if they were waiting for him or if they were watching for someone else. When a woman walked by, he noticed the figure shift and prepare to pounce on her. Hongjoong stepped in the way, only stabbing them in the leg. His head tilted upon noticing a very familiar mark on the stranger's neck. It was the same one that he carried behind his ear. That crown meant that they were in the same family. Was this a new target?

"Be more careful," he stated, looking at the blonde and then back at the assassin.

He had heard, even in the meeting today, people talking about some woman that needed to be taken out and it seemed like there was a decent bounty on her head if they could bring her back and an even greater one if they could actually take her out. Hongjoong had heard many different things so he wasn't sure what was actually true. He turned his attention to her again, "Do you have a way to protect yourself?"
☾ Karinaᵉ 1 year ago
@♔ Hongjoong² As her last class ended, Karina waved goodbyes to her fellow friends from her school before walking her way to the shortcut to her block. It was around night time when she walked through the bricked alley, knowing this is the way home, however, she was never aware of her assailant, a Kwon assassin who was tasked to take her out. The blonde it-girl felt a feeling that she's not alone, she turns around to see no one was there before taking a breath, "Okay, Karina. It's just your imagination, nothing to it." She whispered before fastening her pace to the other end of the alley.


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megaverse 6 months ago
╭┈      ⌕ ⋯ roleplay updates      .· * • ˚

  ❒ freshly revamped for a fresh look
  ❒ all orientations, all genders, & nationalities welcome
  ❒ , yuri, straight
  ❒ many fcs and positions available, get them while you can!
Keikeu 6 months ago
are you accepting reservations?
0e3f97d30391478699bf 1 year ago
thank you for having me loves <3
Kim4Shim 1 year ago
thanks for having me
xingqiu 2 years ago
Can you add Kim Minjeong please?
everrosie_ 2 years ago
ning ning please! :D
Kim4Shim 2 years ago
Could I reserve felix?
0e3f97d30391478699bf 2 years ago
hi, can I get choi seunghyun please
TaeKook 2 years ago
Choi San please
912c5d2bc21ae1b6c24a 2 years ago
can i have Paing Takhon as a civillian please
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