
Bonding is the linking of a human and a dragon
or hybrid. It allows the two within the bond to
sense the emotions and feelings of each other
and to have an idea of the direction that they
lie in.
Only dragons or hybrids can initiate or break a
bond, and often it is used by Drakewind 
dragons to keep track of their human slaves.
Forming the bond is an easy progress, needing
physical touch and concentration from the
dragon or hybrid, and consent from the human
Breaking bonds however is a much more 
dangerous process. The dragon must envision
the thread connecting them to their bondee 
and imagine severing it somehow. If it is 
successful, both parties will feel severe pain as
though something has been ripped away from 
them. This pain often lasts several days or
even up to a month.. In some cases, the
breaking of bond has resulting in irreversible
hanges in both parties personalities and
abilities, and in rare cases it has resulted in the
death of the human party.

If you wish to form or break a bond please talk 
to your partner and an admin.

Please note, these bonds do not have to be
romantic, and usually would be to keep track of
slaves or those you would consider close
friends or found family.
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vronvron 11 months ago
why are there so many rps now that i wanna join ;A;
rantani 11 months ago
choi san as a human please~?
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