
swim around in the pool or relax in the hot tub!
kim chaewon 9 months ago
@matty healy her feet had swing back and forth lightly in the water, her eyes looking down at how the water splashed slightly from her action before his voice brought back her attention to him. a brow being raised from his words and the more he spoke she couldn't help laughing, head shaking with amusement as the laughter subsides into a soft giggle.
I guess that means we'd have to find other means when we do... other activities.
she said to add onto the humor, eyes following the older as he began to walk around the area they were in and after dipping her hand into the water she decides to dip in. the water is chilly, though not enough to have her wanting to get out of the water, making her way towards her boyfriend and bringing her arms to wrap at his neck.
Have I mentioned that I can't swim? So... if we go any deeper you'll have to carry me there.
matty healy 9 months ago
@kim chaewon as eyes fixate on the young woman still standing at the perimeter of the pool, there’s only one thing on his mind: what is she wearing underneath that seemingly oversized shirt? purely curious rather than ish he wonders as history has it that the latter tends to flaunt herself in a vast variety of outfits. in hindsight none of it mattered, for when his babe exposes him to the former, modest and classically black, she looks eye-catching, regardless. doing a purposefully leisure head to toe scan of her person, his sight particularly lingers on long and flawless legs. he often daydreams about those limbs, and to an explicit extent to where hands and mouth do not dare leave a single inch of skin untouched. currently those legs reside at a short distance from him in means to slowly warm up to the water, but rather than swimming towards them he remains stationary, narrowing his vision next to a sarcastic remark of Chaewon’s comment.
Yeah, no, my stik has shriveled up inside my body ‘cause of how bleeding cold it is. There goes me wanting to use it later.
concluding his bold display of bodily humor, he quietly snorts amidst an impish smirk then allowing his eyes to idly roam their surroundings.
Nah, it’s really not all that bad. Besides, you’ll grow accustomed to it the longer you’re in here.
kim chaewon 9 months ago
@matty healy During their little journey of heading towards the pool she'd relived they don't get lost, once seeing how he begins to follow the signs that point in its direction. The smell of the chlorine from the pool fills her senses, nostalgic memories of visiting water parks with her family as a kid fills her head and so when she turns to look at the man holding her hand she can't help but smile endearingly at him. Happy to be here with him, the love of her life. She sets down the tote she brought along that had the bare essentials; the prepared motherly side of her having kicked in due to being the leader of her group. After doing so she's pulling off the baggy t-shirt she wore, wearing a black one piece swimsuit under and after kicking off her sandals she follows him to the poolside, watching as he gets in and allows himself to get adjusted to the temperature of the pool, chuckling softly.
You sure about that? Doesn't look much like it.
She opts to take a seat near the edge, only having her legs dipped into the water and it's chilly, goosebumps forming from the coldness of it.
Let me just.. get used to it right here for a moment-
matty healy 9 months ago
@kim chaewon fortunately for him he didn’t find himself lost, after all. he didn’t expect the convenience of signs guiding their path, but here he stood hand-in-hand with his girlfriend at the cruise’s much smaller and detained body of water, having called out their arrival with a grand sounding “ Aaaand we made it! “. as to not block the entryway he moves the two of them closer to the pool, just enough for him to begin stripping down to the dark blue boxer shorts he chose to wear for this occasion. safely, he nudges the discarded bundle of clothes off to the side before setting foot into the chilled depths, blowing out a breath in his descent until he’s keeping himself afloat from the shoulders up in the center of the pool. naturally, his body’s temperature adjusts to the change, though his brows don’t cease a focused furrow.
You know, this is actually an ideal temperature. ‘s like we’re in the bath all over again.


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tender 9 months ago
paws comments
help peasee !!
Purple_gummieball 9 months ago
XG's Sohara hinata pls!
orihime 9 months ago
red velvet's kang seulgi pls !
[comment deleted by owner]
Imagrumpycat 9 months ago
bts's park jimin pls
moonkitten [A] 9 months ago
- favorite the rp before applying! upvote is always appreciated ♡
Males : 25
Females : 21
catnips 9 months ago
myoui mina pls
rasengan 9 months ago
hannah kae kim pls
cappuccino 9 months ago
may I please get twice's momo?
konamocha 9 months ago
i'd like to apply for kim jiwoong of ZB1, please?
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