Your Choice

trick or treat!


The sweetest nightmare.






created by pixels
Edited by hobibuu
written by bowrair

Jeongguk's Haven


Getting to know your desires


Lugging yourself through the long corridor, body still hot and tingling but enough to walk at least. You do not know where you were going until you see a huge projection of screens all of body parts interlocking in a continuous tandem of ion. Sweat perspirates on both of the beings as if they've been "at it" for hours, maybe even days with how some had pools around their body of sticky and salty liquid.

Now you've realized it; you are not in this beautiful palace packed with servants and riches amassing something similar to a prince's wealth. But that you are actually in an establishment designed towards "pleasing" its clients as they douse you and others with strong but pleasurable hallucinations of all kinds your imagination can come up with.

As you see the projections displayed before you, the need to have anyone regardless where, even another man in public, grew greater than before, knees falling on the ground, feeling weak like jelly as you shamefully succumb to your darkest desires in front of everyone you know.

After entering the room, describe yourself and one or all your kinks you would want to make a reality before another shall acknowledge your presence and affect you in the waking day. Maybe if you're lucky, Jeongguk himself will materialize and answer your yearning.

Use this to your advantage and think of kinks you've always wanted to do. Since... Either way, you can't leave.


Hint: laughs does anyone actually wanna escape this masterpiece?


Memory Recorder [A] 5 months ago
@kim ∶ mingyu [that works. Just asked bc again, there’s a chance Jeongguk would come back so would you wanna wait for that. But that makes sense ending, so I shall reply anyways ]

Jgk start:

*when you confirmed that the entity was not Jake, the entity never stopped and only kept going, chasing its own high. Yet when your actions leaned more towards rejection and panic, this “jake” hushed you while slowing his s that already stimulated against your prostate. If too much fear overwhelmed you instead of lust, that would not fulfill this room’s role. This room was a room to experience lust, even the most heinous of acts could turn you on in this room, even if those heinous acts were coerced.*

*the entity as Jake groaned throwing its head back as it pounded deeper inside you until you were a mess of pleasure and pain* your hole’s become so much more ty *the voice snickered as it broke the immersion more directly. Jake would never use such crude language like calling the person he was falling for a . That was the entity’s personality. And damn did it complete shatter the image of Jake enough. Just a peek but you saw a glimpse of a young freshmen looking boy. The entity’s face was…? Cute? In an innocent way? And yet with the way it had been pounding into you, nothing was innocent about it.*

*it only made the sinister grin that the young boy suddenly wore more jarring. Yet somehow it was charming too? Scarring yet there was an allure that not even the aphrodisiac feeling of the room could be responsible for. The young man was, as objective as one could be about it, insanely attractive. Yet not exactly in the tall, dark and handsome way. The face of the man was more cute than handsome. A flower boy or baby face. Even his hair was dirty blonde and side parted to expose the forehead just to make him look older than the baby face which hinted how old he could’ve been.* don’t worry *it snickered as you protested the penetration. The man’s grip never let up, abusing your prostate roughly.* you’ll feel good to wanna quit…

*the entity then pulled you towards him to sit you up before kissing your lips, breathlessly teasing*…feel that…h?

:Jgk end
kim ∶ mingyu 5 months ago
@Memory Recorder [any is fine, I have no preference to the exact character used. I will still assume that mingyu is interacting with jeongguk and treat it as such. this thread is reaching the ending anyways, I don't feel it is necessary to trouble you to play exactly as the character to be immersed.]
Memory Recorder [A] 5 months ago
@kim ∶ mingyu [no worries, I’ll reply. The beauty of this ability to record memories. Please let me know if you’d prefer I use the character in question instead. I don’t know if you’d prefer it ]
[post deleted by owner]
kim ∶ mingyu 5 months ago
[i see that character is gone. do as you see fit.]
kim ∶ mingyu 5 months ago
tw: dub/non-con

the warning sirens gradually infiltrated his muddled mind. loudly, softly, insistently. like a still, outreached hand to a drowning man completely engrossed by water filling his lungs, gasping desperately for air. his mind barely registers its urgent plea for him to seize the very thing that would pull him out of it. instead, his body is the only part of him conscious of anything. like the scalding heat of the solid body close to him. jake was everything he had imagined, and more. dominantly aggressive, self-assuredly in control. but he knew he could not truly handle this man beyond his rose-tinted fantasies. a living, breathing jake would maim him like a leopard to its weak prey until there was nothing left of him.

perhaps it was the cold air. or the gods in heaven taking pity on him. or the ironic counter to the lust consuming him whole was engaging in the debauchery it promised. he immediately caught 'going off-script', words that should have never been uttered by someone going on with their lives in their own reality. words that sounded like there was a predestined fate to follow, and that something has veered off its orchestrated path. just like how he took over shin, a stranger took over jake. "who-"

another wave of lust wash over mingyu, draining blood from his face like a ruthless vampire. his trembling hands felt clammy as he tries to push jake off. "no-" he protested feebly, feeling helpless and vulnerable at the forcing its way into him like a ragged doll for someone's pleasure. get out, get it out of me. he hated how his walls clenched to the shape of it, making him all too aware of the foreign feeling tearing him apart. tears run down his reddened face as he spewed expletives like a fervent prayer.

if- if whoever this is. is not an apathetic god playing a cruel joke on a fool. if this scenario only exists because a bastard got into his head, that they weaved webs off his private wet thoughts to entrap him like a incubus, to feed off him, to feed on him. then.

he thought of nothing. no calm fields, no rainy forest, no bustling city. not even this horrifying nightmare. when that became too difficult, he thought of his safeword. like a mantra. he spent weeks agonizing over it, planning to use it with someone special, but if that being comprehends its meaning by the virtue of being in his mind-
Jeongguk [A] 5 months ago
@kim ∶ mingyu [h] jake the blonde buzz cut man- or at least the blonde buzz cut man you could imagine- was intrigued and devastatingly eager. Especially when your body moved closer in an aggressive submission to the man. The heavy weight continued to push and push on your chest and yet by now, Jake was only pinning you down by your arms. Just like the manhwa, the blonde buzz cut had said those words mocking and teasing you for a night with you. According to the piece of media, you were supposed to be like the main character and show fear yet acceptance for living out in the streets. Instead, though, you were eager. But this wasn’t noticeable only until you blatantly changed the script.*

*once you did, the Jake you saw didn’t stop yet the being’s smirk grew even wider. He sounded like Jake, you were hypnotized by your brain to believe it was Jake because your brain made this fantasy…and yet Jake wasn’t acting like Jake. Was Jake slipping up? It felt like one of those dreams where your mind knows who they’re dreaming of, acts like that person is that subject and yet the actual person they see isn’t that person of subject but like a weird placeholder. Like being hypnotized except in sleep.* you going off script already? *jake chuckles in his usual deep voice before he pulls off your pants. But even this Jake noticed your eating fear. You were growing more aware. Like a lucid dream. And yet your body on fire, though filled with fear, was intoxicated with the aphrodisiac lusting feeling by now- meaning by now it was hard not to be and even want to be railed by even a terrifying figure.*

*jake grips harder at your hips, pulling your waist close to him, and without a warning, jake’s quickly filled you, stretching your hole as it twitches against your walls. This Jake didn’t wait. Instead with a growling groan, it gripped at your waist and started pounding into you, throbbing your walls. Each overwhelming struck your prostate, causing tingles up your spine and shoulders. The faster the s, the lesser Jake could pin you down, resorting to grabbing your hands and using his s to ricochet off.*

[] bruh, you write amazingly. I’m always amazed at the ppl who join our rp. By the way, I don’t mirror writing so don’t worry, I don’t expect you to either; write how much makes sense.
Also, just a reminder, if ur ever feel uncomfortable with the rp, you can always void it and talk to me; you don’t have to give implicit and/or explicit consent. So if you’d rather not have it go in this direction, pls let me know and we’ll fix the reply to be more fantasy driven : ) ]
kim ∶ mingyu 5 months ago
@Jeongguk mingyu closed his eyes to this hell in the guise of heaven of a morally-grey gangster ravaging him whole, converting him into a subservient nothing. the annoyingly cheerful, noisy jingle from a nearby supermarket began to sound as if its speakers were drowning in water. at a rather secluded corner of the parking lot, their passionate kisses were engaged in a tug-of-war of their own to the beat of his erratic heart.

being the sole fixation of a terrifyingly dangerous man who would never spare him a glance on the streets otherwise, planted an inexplicable sense of exhilaration and power in mingyu. as jake teased undignified moans out of him, any ounce of propriety was haphazardly thrown out of the window. the allure of having someone known for his impenetrable composure going feral over a nobody like him was a potent drug of its own.

if mingyu had a bucket list, ing someone like jake would be at the very top of it, and being transmigrated into the said cutthroat universe rife with underworld triads to someone like jake would be at the very bottom of it. or at least that was how his delirious thoughts rationalized everything that was currently happening. toying with the possibility of ing and running, his lust-addled mind barely processed the fleeting shift of facial features of the man in front of him.

jake’s presence felt heavy on mingyu’s stomach, despite not pressing skin to skin against him. the aggressive pull drew a sharp inhale from mingyu, and all his blood to south. “only if the eyes are yours. but-” he deftly hooked his arms and legs over the body of solid muscle pulling him even closer with a provocative stare, and rolled his hips ever so slightly. insufferably smug bastard. the shorter man would rather get acquainted with the gun in jake’s pants... than the one in his car. “i could be convinced if you’d rail me so hard i’d forget we’re in public.” mingyu leaned forward, lips brushing against jake’s ear as he whispered conspiratorially, “want to risk getting arrested with me?” this time, a tiny part of his brain stubbornly latched onto the glitch, like a niggling feeling when a pebble got into his sneakers. unease grew, so did nausea.

[;; cries, i am not the most satisfied with this, but this is the best i could currently muster. i am really sorry for making you wait and i am eternally thankful for your patience.]
Jeongguk [A] 6 months ago
Huh…was looking forward to it…wonder why
Jeongguk [A] 6 months ago
@kim ∶ mingyu *as the scene fizzled to the new one with your bare on the hood of the mysterious figure’s car, you suddenly get attacked by the muscular tall man’s lips. The once silhouette was slowly transforming to your idea of that blonde buzz cut man from what you read in the manhwa. And yet something about the face felt off. Your mind was trying to replicate the same face as the manhwa so it could either get close to the cartoon-like drawing or use a similar looking man from your university who would fit the bill. Either way, it wasn’t going to seem all perfect, only adding to the slightly inviting yet off-putting vibe this room has.*

*That man and you were in a fight of the wits while also roughly flirtatiously kissing each other. Was he part of the underground world? And yet you were not though you were aware of him? He was clearly dangerous yet to suddenly refuse after payment would be a death sentence. You saw the gun in the car. You /saw/ how the other held himself. He was handsome, too. Dangerously handsome, dangerously insane. “You like being watched while you’re getting it on?” The man taunted with a chuckle after the kiss. Then he kissed you again as he grabbed you aggressively by your thighs to pull you towards him. The man had this dominant nature about him, especially as he held you to him with piercing eyes- as if you were just the prey he enjoyed, the prey he grew insane off of.*

[sounds great! I referenced everything but pls let me know if you wanna switch it up or you have a specific man in mind that looks like someone other than the story man. For now, I’ll keep his image just specific on his personality and physique like you asked than his overall appearance. ]
Jeongguk [A] 6 months ago
@kwon ⋄ jiyong [trigger warning: r word aka forced ual

Normally, I wing stuff like this and wait for at least implicit consent to move forward as per the rules but since this is plotted I’ll add this too…

Disclaimer: "This kink has been consented to by both parties in ooc." ]

*as the pressure continues to pin you down, the fear of the unknown gradually decreased as you were slowly and gently filled by this supposed lover, “, I love you.” Each of your lover’s had knocked your insides until you could feel that tightening in your stomach. Yet a few more s to your prostate later, your lover had came inside you yet you couldn’t? The red haze had slowly dissipated by this time that you noticed where you were and what you were doing. You were kissing goodbye to your ex being secretive about it all before walking back to your place at night. Then a piercing clap echoed behind you*

*a young man, just slightly taller than you with golden streaks in his brown hair smirked behind. It was Jeongguk, one of your students. He was a good student, sometimes filled the room with a woman’s perfume when he’d be late to your class. But all in all, he looked like a good guy. I mean, look at him. He had an innocent expression and doe eyes when you’d call him to answer a question which he’d answer perfectly mind you. Everything about him /screamed/ that perfect yet shy, nervous freshmen. Well- Almost everything. There were times that could rub a person off. Take his style for example. He wore a white t-shirt every day to lectures though some days decided to change it up with a white button down. His jeans were torn and he wore the same timberland boots. With that innocent shy expression he had, the style just made him look like a try-hard wannabe. /especially/ with those small gages in his ears. Oh and the people he’d randomly be seen with. Especially, the frat boys who looked like they’d bully the man.*

So *even his voice was soft, breathy and shy sounding as he walked closer* you’re a like all of them, professor *he laughs. Strange. The man was clearly calling you a derogatory name and yet his voice and his face wasn’t matching. As if somehow this man could say the heinous things and could get away with it just because he /looked/ harmless to push around* do you get off of that? *the sweet voice continued* having a in your ? *he leans over you before settling his lips behind your ear. The scent of alcohol was clearly on his breath* then you wouldn’t mind having mine too *his soft laugh turned into a snicker as somehow for his age, his arms were muscular as they curved around your body and held you still* shut the up or imma reveal your little sly by, teach *Jeongguk started to show his true colors* nice timing, my dumped me, you don’t mind if I make you my little dumpster for tonight? *he snickers and yet is not listening* or I can take you to the others and we can all have a good time with your disgusting *he snickers*
kim ∶ mingyu 6 months ago
@Jeongguk after what seems like aeons of throbbing headache and burning chest pain, minhyun finally lost his balance and toppled over. seconds of lucidity allowed him some reprieve of discerning a tall, muscular silhouette eyeing him from above like a natural predator sizing its prey. "wha-" he jerks his hand reflexively from their unexpected proximity, coming into contact with a cool, metallic surface. clank. minhyun looked over his shoulder and saw the hood of a white mustang that his bare is sitting on. wait. wait. wait. wait. wait. wait. 'bare?' he could have sworn that he was wearing baggy pants moments prior. regardless, the lusty haze in his mind ades his thoughts again, this time even more unrelentingly swallowing any remaining wisp of logic cautioning him.
kim ∶ mingyu 6 months ago
@Jeongguk [okay, so the manhwa i have in mind is shutline- i took words from their scenes but i intentionally left the name blank so you can improvise it into anything inspired by such words. i don't mind it not being specific, though hardcore bordering on /clash of the strongest//having a soft spot for each other is the characters' vibe in the manhwa - additionally plenty of commands+praise+degradation

let me compose a reply now.]
kwon ⋄ jiyong 6 months ago
@Jeongguk The words that echoed around Jiyong's head floated in a way that seemed to make no sense. He couldn't move regardless of how many times he tried. It was as though whatever was holding him down grew tighter the more he wriggled. The room was so hazy and the moans were so distracting. It was too hard to focus on anything other than the approaching footsteps. The chest and familiar neck haunted him, like a picture he had painted but couldn't erase. He groaned and struggled still, wanting to fight, to protest, whatever was happening. "I want to remember how you felt..." Jiyong's words slipped out of him before he could stop them. ", quit teasing me and get on with it." The familiar bout of shame swelled inside Jiyong's chest. He lowered his head, every breath now filled with accompanying grunts. "Please just me!" He raised his voice, anger and impatience laced within every word. His legs moved, spread as he readied himself, anticipation and shame created a heady cocktail that Jiyong sipped from.
Jeongguk [A] 6 months ago
@kim ∶ mingyu *yes, this room generated heat. Yet the heat generated by this room wasn’t exactly the heat from a temperature change. Instead, it was your very own body growing hot and growing in desire. Still, to call it an aphrodisiac was as close as you could get to understanding why your body was reacting this way. More than but similar to an aphrodisiac though, this was an intense craving for and the release that came with it. Something more stronger than an aphrodisiac or any aphrodisiac-like drug because it was messing up your hormones directly.*

*after the quotes described from a particular manhwa, the red room shifted more and more. Yet the transition from your world to this other shift seemed seamless to you. That’s right, the room had taken the specific parts you had thought about the manhwa in and placed you as one of the main characters in the story. Now all it needed was a specific scene and description to complete the image you found yourself in as the main character.*

[ok! Next reply: can you maybe go into more detail on the specific manhwa scene in rp more? Also, it’d be nice to know which manhwa you’re referring to so I can refer to it- tho not needed if you can just describe who the other character is and the scenario : ) ]
Jeongguk [A] 6 months ago
[acknowledged, will reply soon after my time in chat tonight! ]
kim ∶ mingyu 6 months ago
this place is hot. too hot. mingyu barely feels his breathes escaping his mouth as the heavy air firmly wraps a hand around his throat. it has an aphrodisiac quality that made him dizzy. an unwilling voyeur to the steamy scene that laid bare before him, he tries to divert his gaze, and stumbles a little from the lust and migraine clouding his mind.

rated panels from his favorite manhwa that he used to peruse on his phone appeared in his thoughts in flashes. "kneel." "open your mouth." "well, i personally don't mind if my stays in there." "your hole my tongue in like it's a ." raised in a conservative household where talk is off the table, he is ashamed to admit the amount of times he has touched himself imagining himself to be on the receiving end.
Jeongguk [A] 6 months ago
@jeon ⋄ jungkook *painful as you thought it was, rather it was more constant pleasure. And yet you acted like such a pleasure wasn’t usual for you to experience. Which was peculiar as well. Can anyone truly feel helplessly scared in such an enticing place? No. So why did you? Why couldn’t you just embrace all the lust and passion the room was trying to give you instead? Like a way to dissuade your burning in desire body. When you finally responded with a struggling confession of your kinks, the red room only started to then take shape. You found yourself on top of an ex you had except this time instead of acting like himself, the ex wore pastels before crooning a soft, “Daddy.” Yet all you could see were milky white thighs and a baby-like aesthetic as the figure crawled over you. “Mm you look so good today, daddy…” the praises. Just as you communicated towards the room as a kink. How peculiar though that the room chose a familiar ex to do this kink with when you’re already full of lust.*
jeon ⋄ jungkook [A] 6 months ago
@Jeongguk *He moved forward, almost crawling, doubled from pain, pleasure, desire, and disgust. He knows there is no other way but to get through with it. With every second, it was only getting worse and worse, and he sobbed quietly without tears. This was the worst possible nightmare for him, and he just wanted it to end. He wasn't sure why he ended up here. Something in his head told him “tell me your kink” and he wanted to laugh helplessly. How cruel it was to put him in a room like that. He fell to his knees, not able to stand anymore, and with a shaking voice, he says quietly.* Being called daddy. Praises. *He whimpered, wrapping his arms around his stomach, grinding his teeth. /You got this, just like before, focus and think on something else and you will be fine. Body here, mind somewhere else. You are strong, you can do this./ He reminded himself in his mind, yet he still wanted to cry. He did everything he could, so he could never be in a situation like that, and yet here he was.*
Jeongguk [A] 6 months ago
@kwon ⋄ jiyong *as the room only grew deep and deep yet bright, hazy red, your mind was growing more and more overwhelmed by the smell. It was like your own movement was put in slo mo. Were you moved? On the floor? On a bed now? You wouldn’t be able to tell as your vision seemed to be looking down. Now in addition to the overpowering drug-like scent in the room, there was that musky floral scent. Like a flicker. Yet as you hear footsteps in the hall, moans follow after it until it sounds like both the sound of moans echo the growing footsteps. As the sounds grow louder, the scent becomes more recognizable. The footsteps continue to echo. Again. Almost like whoever held those steps had a foreboding presence. Since your own vision seemed to be looming down, all you saw were those familiar shoes and two legs of pants. Your…ex…? However if you tried to arch your head or anything to see the man’s face, you would find the max you could look up was the chest and familiar neck. Yet no matter how much your subconscious self strained you couldn’t see your ex’s face. Even as the man spoke*
kwon ⋄ jiyong 6 months ago
@Jeongguk He could smell it, dainty florals and musk. His ex's favourite perfume. Memories of the two floated around in the Professor's mind. If only he could catch up to the man the scent belonged to, the long arms that would hold Jiyong close and answer his witty provocations with devastating consequences. He remembered what it felt like to be full, how his body craved it, yearned to be full once again. But he would never allow someone to touch him like that, to hurt him like that, ever again. Jiyong stumbled over onto his knees, dazed by the aroma which only grew stronger. He spread his palms flat against the floor as if he was searching for someone amongst the tiles. His body called for it, his neck perspiring whilst he inhaled deep breaths. This was a chemical reaction, it had to be. He felt his knees spread, his back arched, fingertips digging into the hot surface as he grumbled. "... ." He heard footsteps in the distance.
Jeongguk [A] 6 months ago
@kwon ⋄ jiyong *as soon as you entered the seemingly disgusting room, you were getting overwhelmed with doses and doses of a smell. A smell you were unfamiliar with and yet as it wrapped around you resembled more of a drug than a drug could. Like a liquid gas that was making your body leak and drool in desire. And yet unlike a drug, it was way more powerful like it comprised and overwhelmed your own sense of self. You find a disconnect between yourself and your body. Who were you? And why did your body want something you yourself had laughed at. There is no other way to explain it except that it’s like an out of body experience where you’re watching yourself into it. And as time passes, you find you can’t influence your conscious anymore though it’s still there aware. Truly like the beginning of a dream.*

*yet the room stays patient as you’re dragged down by the aphrodisiac smell to bend. That’s right. You didn’t mention a kink and the only way to progress through the room was to experience it first*

[hi! Thanks for joining this event! You’re gonna have to describe a kink though, so wanna try again?]
Jeongguk [A] 6 months ago
[acknowledged, will reply soon after my time in chat tonight! ]
kwon ⋄ jiyong 6 months ago
"Procreation, how utterly thrilling." The sarcasm dripped from the professor's lips, a swift glance of disgust given around the room. "Describe myself and my kinks? I'm the biology professor and my kinks include one in my lower back as well as one in my neck." He stretched his neck from side to side. "I would like them gone as I would like to be from this filthy room."
Jeongguk [A] 6 months ago
@shin ⋄ dongwook *as unusual as it was for the university to go all out in its celebration of Halloween, by now the modernized university, similar to Christmas, found a way to include the “spooky” hallow’s Eve party as just a secular non-holiday to dress up and get some candy with a few lighthearted tricks. But this. This chance of fate game to get to that party seemed like it didn’t really fit in with the lighthearted atmosphere the university was going for. And teleportation? Is that a thing? What was going on? It gave the same feeling that you had first received when you were approached by someone named Lord V, an entity you’d not know unless through your unconscious dreams usually.*

*either way, you had rolled in a place that looked like you were “outside in the dark” and The first room you appeared in looks deliciously red. A room that as soon as you entered it, already revealed its true colors to you. A sudden wave of lust and uncontrollable desire invaded your body. Now as a priest you would understand: The only way to leave this room, if you even actually wanted to, was to “satisfy” yourself. Yes, . Welcome to jeongguk’s haven. Here, you will think of one or all of your greatest yet oppressed ual desires or kinks which you may find the sweetest poison. Now human, describe what does priest dongwook want yet has been holding back on ually? Beware, this can affect your self-progression. For example: if the guest who doesn’t usually want something discovers a desire for it here, after Halloween the guest will find he still desires it.*

[So this is a good way to kickstart any possible character development you’ve wanted to add but couldn’t ]
Memory Recorder [A] 6 months ago
@shin ⋄ dongwook [this works! But simply clarifying, this university had students who were either catholic or protestant tho I created it originally based on protestant. I just wanted to include both sides since it’s way modernized by now not to worry the details. Sorry for the confusion, let me know if I should add it to the description! ]
shin ⋄ dongwook 6 months ago
It was just a game. As a devoted Christian, he wasn’t one to celebrate Halloween a Pagan tradition to hold of the ghosts and creatures of the dark as the veil thins to let through well wishes and offerings to the dead on All Hollows. But since he was part of the school, he had to play along to show the kids he wasn’t a broody old priest. But he didn’t expect the school to put this much effort into this celebration of Pagan traditions since it was a catholic school after all. With not much thought he had entered the first of the rooms in, what he assumed to be a horror house, to see what would await him.

(I hope this is what this is supposed to be since I rolled and the number sent me here but not sure if not let me know I will change it)
Jeongguk [A] 6 months ago
@jeon ⋄ jungkook *despite the fear of your pasts stirring in you, the room was also doing you in too. That unexplainable desire to either down or be dicked down harder- depending on your preference. Like a wet dream that was flaming your insides that ion would never fully satisfy and yet all you wanted to do was touch yourself or be touched. Only would fully heal it as you trudged onwards the place like a dog in heat as the aphrodisiac feeling fills your insides. In this state, you’d want to anything without a care in the world about morals and the like. Even as your finger clenches in pain it was somehow converted into pleasure. You were feeling pleasure through the pain.*

*And yet one can feel shame here. Like everyone knew and could see and remember who the victims were when they ed each other. Very different from the previous time when people were forced to not remember cheating on each other. That’s because this is a private university rather than a daddy x baby community with established relationships to break. Here, all the victims needed was awareness. Now in this place what do you plan to do? Fight the craving or succumb to it?*
[post deleted by owner]
Jeongguk [A] 6 months ago
*bored out of his mind, his eyes widen slightly with a curious glint in his eyes at his first visitor.* what the …this is some joke. *laughs dryly* this why V Hyung keeps rambling about ty fate…? *he snickers but decides since he had nothing else to do if no one else came to interact with the other, he’d meet the human himself. But in order for that to happen, the victim had to entice this room’s very own host to join in rather than watch*


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YouDidWell 3 months ago
Is it still active here?
Pressdeletus 5 months ago
Hello! Can I have park seonghwa as a 2nd year pls?
LilacTears 6 months ago
May I get Jo Gyehyeon as a 3rd year? c:
polaroidmem 6 months ago
hello. may i reserve kim mingyu of seventeen as a second year? thank you.
doubleknotlaces 6 months ago
Hello, can I reserve Bang Chan as a 2nd year?
514a085e48d66f139793 6 months ago
hi, thanks for the advert on my wall. I have a couple of questions before I join if that's ok?
Oxycodone 6 months ago
Hello, can I get Lee Taemin as a 3rd year
Burn 7 months ago
Can I get Oh Sehun from exo as 5th year?
Jinhyuk01 8 months ago
Now I couldn't decide whether to join with Kim Sungkyu or Kwon Soonyoung, hahahaha
Also with just ordinary student or someone with a role
TaetaehyungV 8 months ago
hello hello hello~
can i get hwang hyunjin as 2nd year
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