Your Choice

trick or treat!



       the Pandora box awaits you.





created by pixels
written & Edited by Hobibuu

Hoseok's box


Getting to know the mystery of the box


This place doesn't dictate where you stay or what your surroundings look like. Essentially, the Pandora Box could be everything bad and everything good. It is you who decides what it is, yet you cannot escape it without a trial.

To give you a small break from all the scary things you just faced, the box offers you a comfort of your own choice.  It could be a castle, a forest, a lake, a busy city, a library, anything you want, but be aware, Hoseok can use anything you create for the trial as long as it belongs to your box.

After entering the room, describe your own box and greet your host, Hoseok, before the trial begins. Once it starts, you will only have a one chance to succeed, if you do, Hoseok will remove all negative effects you got from the previous rooms.

The trial could be anything from a riddle to a small game.


Hint: the nicer you are to the host, the easier the game.

Good luck!

kim ∶ mingyu 6 months ago
@jung ∴ hoseok [you made me wait but i made you wait longer >_< i am so sorry, my brain churns at an agonizingly slow speed.]

mingyu’s entire being tensed at the soft knock, fully expecting it to rapidly evolve into powerful slams. when the wooden door to his room swung open without any resistance, he couldn’t fight the blooming panic in his eyes while his hands fisted his baby-blue blanket tightly. an unfamiliar man stepped in, much to his wary confusion, and introduced himself as hoseok. given that this man has just invaded what he perceived to be his safe space, he did not feel inclined to respond with an exuberant greeting. instead, he sat up and settled on nodding respectfully, “morning.”

but something gnawing in his mind remembered. an isolated university surrounded by greenery. him walking through the halls and chancing upon a small, ornate table with three dices accompanied by intriguing words. he in a deep breath, and trained his eyes on the small area beside his cupboard. nothing happened. blink. a bright yellow folding umbrella entered his vision propped against the wall, as if it was there all along. just as mingyu has predicted, the room had delved into the folds of his mind, and cherry-picked a memory he deemed to be comforting. everything in this room are merely replicas. it is his room, but not /his/ room.

he let out a shaky breath at the supposed gamemaster of this room as he mentioned that this room was supposed to bring him comfort. a flimsy bunker amid a warzone is still a dangerous place, no matter how comparatively safe it felt. when the rather lengthy spiel ended, fine granules began to fall to the base of the hourglass on its own. “you are giving a rather tall order to someone who is terrible at storytelling. but i shall keep things succinct.”

the twenty-one-year-old deliberated until the very last second and hopped off the bed. he beelined to the study desk, before crouching down to meet the line of playthings at his eye level. fiddling with a model car in lurid yellow and blue, mingyu spoke, “every single toy here represents a birthday i have spent with my dad. on the day of celebration, he would hold my hand, or even carry me to his chest when i was younger, and bring me to the sundry shop at the end of this road. i was then allowed to pick anything i wanted as a gift. but much to his amusement, i would choose the same thing over and over again.”
jung ∴ hoseok [A] 6 months ago
@kim ∶ mingyu *The box took his form and Hoseok gently knocked before he came inside from the deep darkness. The interior took him by surprise but it was a good one. He absorbed every detail, color, and shape before he looked at you. He smiled softly and bowed.* My name is Hoseok, and I came here to trial you. *He said before he created a chair for himself. It matched the room well. As if it was made for it, and he sat down.*

Essentially the box is supposed to bring you comfort after other trials and give you peace of mind. You are not going to face your fears or hidden desires. Also, I can use everything that's in this room for a trial. *He gestures to the toys.*

So, your test will consist of... *He smirks* Tricking me. You will tell me three stories, two are supposed to be real memories, and the third has to be false. If I managed to guess correctly which one was made up you will lose, if I don't you will win. I will only have one chance. If all three stories are real or all three are false you will lose. Each story has to involve one object from this room. I will give you 5 minutes to think about it. *He shows you an hourglass in his hand.* After that, you will tell me which three objects are involved in your stories and start. *Hoseok smiled and turned the hourglass over.* Let’s begin.

[I am sorry for making you wait, my work turned to be a bit hectic.]
kim ∶ mingyu 6 months ago
as soon as the three six-sided dices fell from mingyu's grasp, darkness claimed him like a ravenous wolf. he wakes on soft sheets that smelled like the brand of detergent that his mother always used as if it was merely a typical sunday. blanket and pillows were haphazardly scattered all over his bed and floor, likely from a fitful night.

cheaply made cute toys from chocolate boxes were arranged neatly on his desk, alongside a high stack of academic books. he glances on the slightly yellowing floral curtains on his left, a product of household budgeting because they were on sale. all of this feels familiar, yet uncanny because he knew this childhood room of his ceased to exists when his parents divorced. ah, the brown paint on the wardrobe is peeling off, just as he remembered.
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 7 months ago
[trigger warning: mentions of suicide ]
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 7 months ago
If I can’t have him, no one can *his eyes grew colder as the scene ended, leaving him in the icy cold darkness*
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 7 months ago
It relieves me to hear you remember it. *taehyung smiles warmly as he watches you hold the book that elicited feelings in him. Feelings that were not his and yet felt like they were his from the very beginning. As if his memories were slowly becoming more than his own. He the blood off your finger and tasted the same soul as his hoseok’s. And yet why do you jest him? He watches as yet the other hoseok pushes him away. His eyes lower pained as they grew even colder before it furrowed* where does that leave me then? Am I forced to suffer without my own hoseok…? Answer me, Hoseok Hyung *he gripped your wrists more strongly as he looked into your eyes. And yet his were trembling. It was reminding him so much of the time he had abducted his lover. His lower lip trembled, suddenly looking just like another familiar yet forever lost Kim Taehyung who too had looked at you with eyes of desperation for you to stay with him before he had killed himself for good. That same expression of someone taking what was his and not being able to do anything about it but watch now showed on V’s own face as he felt the box break little by little. He stood as everything dematerialized while trying to reach for you. Only to fall on the ground, hugging an already faded figure of a hoseok. Darkness. Nothing. Nothing made sense to him. He knew for a fact that this was /his/ crown. /his/ world. He was supposed to rule it. He was supposed to have his hoseok by his side. But this entity, he gritted his teeth in spite. This god forsaken entity, a liar. A leach. His hatred was growing for this loved “phantom.” Why was it loved , not him?! Stealing his love. Stealing everything from him. He laughs and then laughs more wildly in the darkness as his eyes filled with despair* I thought you said we had a deal as we are the same… *he laughs talking to himself* I would have my crown and your hoseok would at least want to kiss me, my hoseok would kiss you *he clenched his fist* and yet why have I lost my hoseok and you still have yours…? *laughs darkly* now that isn’t fair at all.
jung ∴ hoseok [A] 7 months ago
It holds a special meaning to me. It's our story. *The love in his gaze, as he gently touched the cover. It was so clear, so obvious. The feelings he has for his lord. It slowly melted away as he collected himself, and looked at your face. He observes your movements, and how you kissed his wrist before his eyes narrowed at your word. The delicate hand gripped your face, squishing your cheeks, not painfully but enough to make you stop for a moment.* Do not disregard their feelings like that. If I have to, I will put you in your place because /you/ are not my master, and you have a lot of growing ups to do. *His eyes filled with fire, when he swatted your hand away and firmly stepped away from you.* I see, it looks like I was too soft with you. My heart screams and yearns for my Lord. It's a burning feeling only he can extinguish. *His expression changed into serious, cold and unforgiving. This was jhope, feared by many dancers. Something you didn't have a chance to experience from your Hobi.* I am not trying. I /am/ loyal, Taehyung. There is no heart to heal for you because my heart is taken care off. *He the blood off his finger, staining his lips with red.* The only person I yearn for is my Phantom. You wouldn't be able to satiate my needs. It's far beyond your abilities. Yet, I do agree, I have a soft spot for you, I do care about you, but do not take it as desire. Do not replace your Hobi with me. *The world around you shook, and piece by piece started to peel off and disintegrate into void.* I have a power here, and your time is over. You overstayed your welcome. I will see you at the party. Good luck with your trials. *The stern expression melted away, and he smiled gently as a goodbye, but this time not coming closer.*
[post deleted by owner]
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 7 months ago
[since Taehyung passed the trial, we can continue this rp but for story purposes, he’s moving to the next part. I still wanna continue this though ]
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 7 months ago
*he watches as his eyes intensely meet yours. Your playful caresses. Your warm eyes. A hint of innocence. He was intoxicated. He gently grabs your wrist and pulls it up to his lips* not so fast, beautiful. I won the game so I must have my prize *he chuckles evilly before his eyes faltered to hide his quiet pain* besides, it seems like you and I have been left estranged by our lovers. Nonetheless you say I would break his heart and yet I feel it. You are my beautiful, too. *he bites your finger to prick it if blood* a different yet same one, how unusual…like you and I can only see one at a time… *his gaze was intense as he gripped your chin* those eyes…I can see it. You desire me… you try to be loyal and yet here you are beckoning me to heal your pretty heart… Yet why do you worry…? *he bites your neck, lightly* It is their fault not ours that we yearn for each other… maybe because we are just that. We are them in an alternate reality…
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 7 months ago
*he was just being his usual flirtatious master self despite his conniving way of trying to entice you to play this game with him. He watches your eyes and smirks darkly* I see…but doesn’t that mean I still passed though..? *he chuckles yet deciding he should continue onwards towards the next room before Halloween. That was, until your hand caressed that book* so you are fond of the story as well…do you remember… *yet his eyes widen when you caress him. His eyes suddenly faltered. The soft thud. There he heard it again. His heart was beating*
jung ∴ hoseok [A] 7 months ago
*Your overconfident self didn't surprise Hoseok as he only smiled brighter hearing your answer. * Is that your final answer? *He asked and when the answer did not change, something in his smile changed slightly.* Wrong! *He giggled covering his lips as he leaned back.*

An a, Taehyungie. *He wiggled his finger at you with a big, Cheshire grin.* You didn't count this one. *He pulled out a book from behind the saw of his jacket. It was quite a rumpled pocketbook edition of Phantom of Opera. You could see that it was read many times, with several colorful tabs extended between the pages. Hoseok looked at the book with fondness and care before he sighed and stood up.* Yet, since it's still in the margin of an error, you passed your trial. *Step by step he moved closer, reaching up to touch your cheek and caress it gently. * I am not your Hobi, therefore the spicy nights are out of the question. I am a taken man, with a very devoted fiance. *He smiles brightly, taking a step back.* And your boyfriend would be jealous. *He patted your chest, where your heart should be.* You hold his heart. *Hoseok smiled softly.*  Good job Taehyungie, may I have a small request? 

*He asked softly, placing a small book into your hand.* Since you are going to see my Phantom, would you be so dear to give it to him? I miss him terribly.  *If you open up the book, on the first page with elegant handwriting were few words. "To my beloved, I am counting days to be back in your loving arms full of despair. Yours truly, Hoseok.".*  I won't hold you any longer.  Thank you for visiting my room. *Once again he pulled you down to kiss your cheek.* Good luck on your next trial.
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 7 months ago
*he smirks* however I am not counting these books. I already have my answer. If this is a room conjured by my mind, I shall choose the number 666 *smiles as he leans forward to look into your eyes as his thumb brushes your face. In a low voice, he adds, remembering he must be nice to the host to win* but if I win, why not we spice it up? I can have you for a night…? *chuckles flirtatiously. Half serious and half not. Part of him was very curious about hoseok2. His own hoseok wasn’t so bold. His hoseok was much dirty minded yes but in terms of self-esteem, he unfortunately never gets to see his hoseok. For some reason, he’s received many and many opportunities to see you though.*

[sounds good, also don’t mind me, in event rooms, i try to write less most times to keep it going so expect less details ]
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 7 months ago
*taehyung smiles when his hoseok appears before him and yet…/was/ this his hoseok? Or hoseok2 given he was under the impression his hoseok was not going to participate nor host the event? Either way, his eyes grew more intense in desire to have you next to him only to chuckle darkly at your words* you are quite skilled at mimicking my beautiful… beautiful. *his eyes grow slightly cold but chuckles shaking his head at the number range* very well then. I do not mind staying here and yet I do know I have a duty after this so I suppose I’ll have to try a bit more to leave for that duty, yes? Afterall, He will need that time. Hoseok would not understand but I’m sure you would, wouldn’t you?
jung ∴ hoseok [A] 7 months ago
*The first thing you heard was a soft chuckle as someone walked into a room.* I think I saw it somewhere. Interesting. *You heard a melodic voice on your right before Hoseok appeared in front of you. He was dressed in a white suit, with a funny hat with ears and long ends. His eyes were warm, smiling, as he looked around, raising his eyebrows, rocking on his heels with his hands behind his back. * The fate brought me you, Taehyungie, and you brought me to a library, which I shall use shortly. *He tilted his head gently, moving closer and grabbing the tails of your coat, pulling you down just enough to reach your cheek, which he kisses softly.* That's for good luck. *He moved away and sat down in a comfy looking chair. He crossed his legs, and leaned back, with his hands clasped in his lap. * The trial begins. You have exactly 10 minutes to analyze and tell me how many books and mangas are here. Your margin of error is exactly… *He smirks, his lips.* 69. *His dark eyes never left your face.* The hint is, no less than a 500, but no more than a 700. *He snapped his fingers and an hourglass with tiny white grains appeared in the center of the room, measuring time.* Good luck Taehyungie, may the numbers be in your favor.

[ After you give me your number, I will generate an answer in google three times with a number. If at least one answer will be in the margin of error, you are going to win.]
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 7 months ago
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 7 months ago
*leans down with a smirk on his face then reads the rules* I see… alright. I imagine I am in a barren dimly lit library with all my favorite anime. There is all my favorite Otaku games as well. A few TVs with screens of both my favorite and anime. There are my favorite Otaku encouraging snacks like picky, coke, ramen, and more. *smirks* I am not sitting alone but with my lovely boyfriend. Rather than me asking for him to watch an anime he’s bored with, though, he’s much more excited to watch this anime with me.

*nods* that about does it as far as comfort place goes.
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 7 months ago
*hums as he looks around to where he’s transported and smirks. He was the one who believed that there was no such thing as fate and yet, he received such a room of the other host’s. Particularly, the one who resembled hoseok* well let’s see the rules shall we… *he chuckles amused*


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YouDidWell 3 months ago
Is it still active here?
Pressdeletus 5 months ago
Hello! Can I have park seonghwa as a 2nd year pls?
LilacTears 6 months ago
May I get Jo Gyehyeon as a 3rd year? c:
polaroidmem 6 months ago
hello. may i reserve kim mingyu of seventeen as a second year? thank you.
doubleknotlaces 6 months ago
Hello, can I reserve Bang Chan as a 2nd year?
514a085e48d66f139793 6 months ago
hi, thanks for the advert on my wall. I have a couple of questions before I join if that's ok?
Oxycodone 6 months ago
Hello, can I get Lee Taemin as a 3rd year
Burn 7 months ago
Can I get Oh Sehun from exo as 5th year?
Jinhyuk01 8 months ago
Now I couldn't decide whether to join with Kim Sungkyu or Kwon Soonyoung, hahahaha
Also with just ordinary student or someone with a role
TaetaehyungV 8 months ago
hello hello hello~
can i get hwang hyunjin as 2nd year
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