⠀⠇ welcome!

— about

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel.

park sooyoung 4 months ago
@• landlord. hello and thank you for the warm welcome! looking through the apartment list as we speak! ♡
• landlord. 4 months ago
@park sooyoung Hello and welcome to Panorma apartments, we hope that you enjoy your stay here and if you have any questions comments or concerns please don't hesitate to reach out to your landlord! Please look in the apartments room under the apartment tab to see what apartment you have been placed into, and if you decide later that you are rooming with someone please pm the landlord to let us know so we can update the page promptly! thank you!
We ask that you respond to this message in 48 hours to be sure to kick start your activity and not get kicked from the apartments! Don't need anyone going homeless! :D
angelina chai ka ying 4 months ago
@• landlord. thanks for the welcome <3 i'll check out those apartments asap!
• landlord. 4 months ago
@angelina chai ka ying Hello and welcome to Panorma apartments, we hope that you enjoy your stay here and if you have any questions comments or concerns please don't hesitate to reach out to your landlord! Please look in the apartments room under the apartment tab to see what apartment you have been placed into, and if you decide later that you are rooming with someone please pm the landlord to let us know so we can update the page promptly! thank you!
We ask that you respond to this message in 48 hours to be sure to kick start your activity and not get kicked from the apartments! Don't need anyone going homeless! :D
yoon seeun 4 months ago
@• landlord. thank you so much! < 3
• landlord. 4 months ago
@yoon seeun @kim yerim @huh yunjin. Hello and welcome to Panorma apartments, we hope that you enjoy your stay here and if you have any questions comments or concerns please don't hesitate to reach out to your landlord! Please look in the apartments room under the apartment tab to see what apartment you have been placed into, and if you decide later that you are rooming with someone please pm the landlord to let us know so we can update the page promptly! thank you!
We ask that you respond to this message in 48 hours to be sure to kick start your activity and not get kicked from the apartments! Don't need anyone going homeless! :D
kim minjeong. 4 months ago
@• landlord. thank you for the welcome!
yoo jimin. 4 months ago
@• landlord. ah thank you for the welcome!
kim mingyu. 4 months ago
@• landlord. thank you for the welcome!
yui phoebe. 4 months ago
@• landlord. homeless- ajshaj
thank you for the welcome!
• landlord. 4 months ago
@yui phoebe. Hello and welcome to Panorma apartments, we hope that you enjoy your stay here and if you have any questions comments or concerns please don't hesitate to reach out to your landlord! Please look in the apartments room under the apartment tab to see what apartment you have been placed into, and if you decide later that you are rooming with someone please pm the landlord to let us know so we can update the page promptly! thank you!
We ask that you respond to this message in 48 hours to be sure to kick start your activity and not get kicked from the apartments! Don't need anyone going homeless! :D
choi soobin. 4 months ago
@• landlord. Ithe going homeless lmaoo but thanks lots and i hope so too
• landlord. 4 months ago
@kim mingyu. Hello and welcome to Panorma apartments, we hope that you enjoy your stay here and if you have any questions comments or concerns please don't hesitate to reach out to your landlord! Please look in the apartments room under the apartment tab to see what apartment you have been placed into, and if you decide later that you are rooming with someone please pm the landlord to let us know so we can update the page promptly! thank you!
We ask that you respond to this message in 48 hours to be sure to kick start your activity and not get kicked from the apartments! Don't need anyone going homeless! :D
song eunseok. 4 months ago
@• landlord. thank you
• landlord. 4 months ago
@song eunseok. Hello and welcome to Panorma apartments, we hope that you enjoy your stay here and if you have any questions comments or concerns please don't hesitate to reach out to your landlord! Please look in the apartments room under the apartment tab to see what apartment you have been placed into, and if you decide later that you are rooming with someone please pm the landlord to let us know so we can update the page promptly! thank you!
We ask that you respond to this message in 48 hours to be sure to kick start your activity and not get kicked from the apartments! Don't need anyone going homeless! :D
• landlord. 4 months ago
@julie han. Hello and welcome to Panorma apartments, we hope that you enjoy your stay here and if you have any questions comments or concerns please don't hesitate to reach out to your landlord! Please look in the apartments room under the apartment tab to see what apartment you have been placed into, and if you decide later that you are rooming with someone please pm the landlord to let us know so we can update the page promptly! thank you!
We ask that you respond to this message in 48 hours to be sure to kick start your activity and not get kicked from the apartments! Don't need anyone going homeless! :D
choi yeonjun. 4 months ago
@• landlord. thanks for the welcome!
lee hayi 4 months ago
@• landlord. thank you!!
• landlord. 4 months ago
@kim minjeong. Hello and welcome to Panorma apartments, we hope that you enjoy your stay here and if you have any questions comments or concerns please don't hesitate to reach out to your landlord! Please look in the apartments room under the apartment tab to see what apartment you have been placed into, and if you decide later that you are rooming with someone please pm the landlord to let us know so we can update the page promptly! thank you!
We ask that you respond to this message in 48 hours to be sure to kick start your activity and not get kicked from the apartments! Don't need anyone going homeless! :D
• landlord. 4 months ago
@lee hayi Hello and welcome to Panorma apartments, we hope that you enjoy your stay here and if you have any questions comments or concerns please don't hesitate to reach out to your landlord! Please look in the apartments room under the apartment tab to see what apartment you have been placed into, and if you decide later that you are rooming with someone please pm the landlord to let us know so we can update the page promptly! thank you!
We ask that you respond to this message in 48 hours to be sure to kick start your activity and not get kicked from the apartments! Don't need anyone going homeless! :D
• landlord. 4 months ago
@choi yeonjun. Hello and welcome to Panorma apartments, we hope that you enjoy your stay here and if you have any questions comments or concerns please don't hesitate to reach out to your landlord! Please look in the apartments room under the apartment tab to see what apartment you have been placed into, and if you decide later that you are rooming with someone please pm the landlord to let us know so we can update the page promptly! thank you!
We ask that you respond to this message in 48 hours to be sure to kick start your activity and not get kicked from the apartments! Don't need anyone going homeless! :D
• landlord. 4 months ago
@choi soobin. Hello and welcome to Panorma apartments, we hope that you enjoy your stay here and if you have any questions comments or concerns please don't hesitate to reach out to your landlord! Please look in the apartments room under the apartment tab to see what apartment you have been placed into, and if you decide later that you are rooming with someone please pm the landlord to let us know so we can update the page promptly! thank you!
We ask that you respond to this message in 48 hours to be sure to kick start your activity and not get kicked from the apartments! Don't need anyone going homeless! :D
• landlord. 4 months ago
@yoo jimin. Hello and welcome to Panorma apartments, we hope that you enjoy your stay here and if you have any questions comments or concerns please don't hesitate to reach out to your landlord! Please look in the apartments room under the apartment tab to see what apartment you have been placed into, and if you decide later that you are rooming with someone please pm the landlord to let us know so we can update the page promptly! thank you!
We ask that you respond to this message in 48 hours to be sure to kick start your activity and not get kicked from the apartments! Don't need anyone going homeless! :D
seo changbin. 4 months ago
@• landlord. thank you!
christopher bang. 4 months ago
@• landlord. thank you. glad to be here!
• landlord. 4 months ago
@seo changbin. @christopher bang. Hello and welcome to Panorma apartments, we hope that you enjoy your stay here and if you have any questions comments or concerns please don't hesitate to reach out to your landlord! Please look in the apartments room under the apartment tab to see what apartment you have been placed into, and if you decide later that you are rooming with someone please pm the landlord to let us know so we can update the page promptly! thank you!
We ask that you respond to this message in 48 hours to be sure to kick start your activity and not get kicked from the apartments! Don't need anyone going homeless! :D
mark lee. 4 months ago
@• landlord. thanks!
• landlord. 4 months ago
@mark lee. @jeon wonwoo. @bae joohyun. Hello and welcome to Panorma apartments, we hope that you enjoy your stay here and if you have any questions comments or concerns please don't hesitate to reach out to your landlord! Please look in the apartments room under the apartment tab to see what apartment you have been placed into, and if you decide later that you are rooming with someone please pm the landlord to let us know so we can update the page promptly! thank you!
We ask that you respond to this message in 48 hours to be sure to kick start your activity and not get kicked from the apartments! Don't need anyone going homeless! :D
kim taehyung. 4 months ago
@• landlord. thank youuuuuu
• landlord. 4 months ago
@kim taehyung. Hello and welcome to Panorma apartments, we hope that you enjoy your stay here and if you have any questions comments or concerns please don't hesitate to reach out to your landlord! Please look in the apartments room under the apartment tab to see what apartment you have been placed into, and if you decide later that you are rooming with someone please pm the landlord to let us know so we can update the page promptly! thank you!
We ask that you respond to this message in 48 hours to be sure to kick start your activity and not get kicked from the apartments! Don't need anyone going homeless! :D


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psycheux 4 months ago
park sooyoung (joy) from red velvet is an idol manager and is requesting a two bedroom!
fairys 4 months ago
hello! i'm not sure if my comment was seen or not, may i confirm if my reservation was noted? thank you so much!
eliminated 4 months ago
song eunseok from riize is a second-hand bookstore owner and is requesting a 1 bedroom.
parsley 4 months ago
⠀⠀⠀〈 ᴘᴀɴᴏʀᴀᴍᴀ 〉:: now open!
⠀→ please read the rules before commenting!
⠀→ full name must be used when reserving, and please use the comment format below to reserve!
⠀→ if you are applying for a pre reserve, please put in your application what amount of bedrooms you are looking for! it is a first come first serve basis so if you see the spots are filling up fast please put your first and second choice!

⠀⠀[full name here] from [group/why they're famous] is a [character occupation] and is requesting a [1/2/3 bedroom]

note: if you are rooming with someone please state that in your comment or app! either one is fine! :D
gotohellu 4 months ago

Do i?
jeonha 4 months ago
hey there, if's alright could i extend my reservation for jongin and jaehyun please.
preciosa 4 months ago
⇢ huh yunjin from le sserafim is the lead singer and guitarist of an idol band, and is requesting a 2 bedroom ♡
preciosa 4 months ago
hallo I also need assistance with picking a fc ;u;
subeomi 4 months ago
deciding between song jia or noh jihye. need help in picking between these two. >___<
creamytears 4 months ago
claiming pre-reserve + applied for yoo jimin ♡
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