ʚ♡ɞ Castle Date

Castle Date 
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couple's Names:
Byun Baekhyun & CHoi San
Byun Baekhyun ⚸ 3 months ago
@Choi San San, if it’s you, me up. Spank me, choke me, to me, me up against a window. Just don’t slap my face or spit on me. That’s a little too far.
-He informs you, but didn’t feel like you could be mean like that at all. You didn’t have the personality, at least, he didn’t think you did-

-Once in the hall, he leads them down toward the end of it. There, he noticed a drawn out map of the interior and exterior areas-
They have a map for us! I’m sure they have it in other spots but I’ll take a picture so we can refer back to it.
-He pulls out his phone a snaps a picture of both maps, using the real ones to find the courtyard-
-Baekhyun lightly drags his finger along the path they’d need to take-
Got it! Let’s go!
-He happily tugs San along, leading them toward the location-
Choi San 3 months ago
@Byun Baekhyun ⚸ Oh? Being playful, are we?
-San states with a soft chuckle at his lovers playful teasing, though his brown irises follow Baekhyun’s every move. Once they make themselves comfortable on his lap, San places his hands on Baekhyun’s hips.-

Teach you a lesson? Do you like to be spanked, my love?
-He questions curiously with a cheeky grin forming, though the soft touch of Baekhyun’s lips against his earns a low groan, before Baekhyun could move away San playfully nips his lovers lower lip, until he is being tugged off the bed-
I’m going I’m going my handsome ~

-with that said, he follows happily behind. Curiously looking around as he is led to the courtyard with a happy hum-
Byun Baekhyun ⚸ 3 months ago
@Choi San -He does happen to spot the courtyard a few moments later-
Then~ I guess I’ll have to exhaust you so you can fall asleep tonight.
-he purrs out, turning his head in your direction and winking-
-Baekhyun fully faces you and scrunches up his face at the cheesy things you say, but he loves every bit of it-
That was definitely cheesy, San. I love it all, though. …We could definitely role play. You, my knight. Me, the mischievous prince who doesn’t want to do anything he is told. You’ll have to teach me a lesson in manners.
-he says this all while slowly making his way back toward you, climbing onto your lap and loosely draping his arms over your strong shoulders-
-Baekhyun leans in and ghosts his plush lips along yours. The faint sensation of touch bringing about goosebumps. He never truly commits to a kiss and he pulls himself away. Getting to his feet and grabbing your hands to tug you off the bed-
Let’s go find the courtyard!
Choi San 3 months ago
@Byun Baekhyun ⚸ I do get spooked easily.
Horror is NOT my thing and now that you are saying all this. I don’t think I’ll get much sleep tonight…
-he admits with a low chuckle following afterwards. His steps forward to the bed as he makes himself comfortable at the end to take a seat whilst watching your every move-
Hmm~? Handsome…I know this will sound very cheesy of me. But I am happy to do whatever you want, I told you.
I’m your knight in shining armor. I am at your beckon call whenever you need me ~ I am in your care. I want you to enjoy yourself, I’ll have fun regardless because you’ll be having fun ~
Byun Baekhyun ⚸ 3 months ago
@Choi San Do you get spooked easily, San?
-He lifts only his head to look in your direction, eyes squinting skeptically while he waits for your answer-
Walkie talkies would have been great. We could pretend to be spies.
-He lets his head gently fall back onto the bed-

Definitely! Hm, let’s explore for now. We already know the bedroom is amazing. What should we look for? The courtyard?
-He crawls out of the bed and lightly jogs to the windows, scanning the outside views to see if he could spot the courtyard-
Choi San 3 months ago
@Byun Baekhyun ⚸ () Of course, whatever works for you

-He notices your facial expression full of enjoyment and happiness which in return brings happiness to San. His eyes remained soft while he glances at you as they wonder about the huge castle. He would nod every so often to express that he is listening as well as chuckling-

Hmm~ Well we shall hope so, hm?
And haunted tunes…yikes. Thats a little scary and risky to do but I’d be totally down for the walkie talkie idea!
-he expresses with his lips forming a wide smile, following your lead to the bed frame, his brown eyes watch you gingerly press yourself against the mattress as it warms his heart-

Oof…We will definitely be spoiled by this place, but handsome. You haven’t told me what you wish to do?
Would you like to eat, explore or rest for the day?
Byun Baekhyun ⚸ 3 months ago
@Choi San ( That sounds fine with me, I may keep Baekhyun, his, he — type stuff as I find it a bit awkward to write my/me/ mine but I don’t have a problem writing you or yours )

-He snorts at the comment of having copious amounts of in various parts of the castle in hopes to conceive a child-
Well, if anything breaks, it would be the bed, and that’d be considered a team effort. If tons of doesn’t bring about a baby I’ll be surprised, truthfully. Grace us with your baby blessing, great castle.
-He bows to the building just before they enter, eyes remaining wide and full of wonderment. He continues to take in each and every inch of the foyer-
I bet singing a haunting tune would be amazing in here. The echo would be crazy.
-He continues to follow alongside you, through various halls and up various amounts of stairs-
We will definitely get our exercise getting to the dining hall from here.
-He chimes, now entering the enormous bedroom. His mouth drops open at the set up, utter shock present-
Uh, obviously have crazy in this ginormous bed and then adventure around the castle. We should have prepared walkie talkies.
-He snaps his fingers as if to say ‘dang it’ before turning to you and walking backwards, tugging you along with him toward the bed-
-He releases your hand and jumps backward onto the bed, his back landing upon the incredibly plush blankets-
Wah~ I don’t think I’ll be able to go back home after sleeping in this bed.
Choi San 3 months ago
@Byun Baekhyun ⚸ () If we want to switch to 1st pov for quicker replies and utilize the room quicker. We can !

-my eyes avert side to side as I take notice of the huge castle, jaw dropping slightly but feeling really good about this. My brown eyes go back to focusing on you as you speak to the guard and once they allow us to go in, my smile grows-
Oh man~ Don’t be breaking anything, my excited vampire. I am just happy to be experiencing such a great adventure with you. Maybe if we have tons of , we will magically create a baby because castles are supposed to be magical, right ?

-my words are dorky but I was too happy in the moment, I led us up stairs, down halls and finally to our huge king size bedroom as my eyes widen at the luxury-
Oh my…this is far too surreal. What shall we do first? Hm?
-My attention goes back to you as I swing our arms a little with a eye smile-
Byun Baekhyun ⚸ 3 months ago
@Choi San “Yeah, I can see why you’d be nervous. I’m planning on getting lost in there.” Baekhyun chirps with a mischievous smile displayed. As they approach the castle gate and San ushers him to look at the castle, Baek’s eyes widen to the size of saucers at the magnificent height of the charming piece of architecture.
“The closer we get the more excited I am.” He’s wiggling his smaller frame, unable to hold in any excitement. “Yes, let’s enjoy our time here to the fullest.” Baekhyun notes the security guards that are sticking to the gates of the castle. He brings himself to bow politely and begins to inform them of their winnings. After the pleasant conversation with the guards they greet both San and Baekhyun inside the gates. The vampire is still in complete awe of the mighty structure that they’ll be the rulers of for the time being.
“The closer we get the most nervous I’m becoming, I wonder what sort of expensive items they have in there. Hopefully it’s placed behind thick glass so we don’t have a chance at breaking it.”
Choi San 3 months ago
@Byun Baekhyun ⚸ () We can do that !

San guided the two casually along as they passed by a few stores, and small shops. It took awhile for them to finally get halfway to the castle door but San chuckles at Baekhyun’s excited actions.
“Mhm ~ I am looking forward to it but also a little nervous because its probably a huge place..” he comments with a soft chuckle, bringing his own shoulder to nudge Baekhyun.
“Look.” He raised his free hand to point to the castle door.
“Our stuff is there already, now lets go enjoy some parent time without the dog and cat ~”
Byun Baekhyun ⚸ 3 months ago
( if you want, we can skip them getting their things ready and have it be that they are already at the front gate? )
Byun Baekhyun ⚸ 3 months ago
@Choi San “Yush!” A bright grin is plastered on Baekhyun’s face. He was sure his cheeks would begin to hurt if he kept smiling the way he was, but he really couldn’t make himself stop. As San takes his hand he begins to swing them back and forth, being sure not to overdo it as he didn’t want to hurt his love’s shoulder by being too erratic with his movements. He follows close beside San, occasionally bumping their shoulders together.
“Are you excited?”
Choi San 3 months ago
@Byun Baekhyun ⚸ “You are too cute..yes handsome. Lets pack up and head out, hm?” San agrees with a small chuckle and a nod, taking Baekhyun’s hand and leading the way out.
Byun Baekhyun ⚸ 3 months ago
@Choi San “Babe! We won!” Baekhyun cheers, ing his closed fist into the air as a sign of their victory. “We should pack and go quickly?! Right?”
Sunyoul ฅᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ [A] 3 months ago
@Choi San @Byun Baekhyun ⚸ Congrats, you won the castle date; please enjoy till the end of the event~!


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junlovebot 2 months ago
can i reserve christian yu (dpr ian) as an alpha wolf please?
SkyVeil34 2 months ago
Who to be uwu
creamsoda 3 months ago
hey bb
may i make a return? if so, can I request Jung Wooyoung please?
jamjari 3 months ago
could i reserve woo wonjae! (27) soloist
unevenstars 3 months ago
I love the aesthetic ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧
still dont know what to do.. but so tempted
KUSHPANDA182 3 months ago
Ummmm... !!!!I am alive!!!!

But I'm technically just dead inside :(
bigboybbg 4 months ago
Bang Yongguk as a witch please
gemini_dotcom 4 months ago
may I reserve aaron mitchell (mo) as a vampire please?
EmberEclipse 4 months ago
Could I have Earth Katsamonnat as a witch, please?
e74914c6835c2a778ec2 4 months ago
accidentally left, first rp i ever joined, didnt know that it worked like that
choi beomgyu as a omega
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