-Dorm B

This is for the wolves that are still in training, the ones that havn't been chosen. 

One long room with army cots lining each side. Personal possessions such as clothes are all kept under  each cot in large grey bags. At the end of the corridor like room is a large communal shower. It's tiled ceiling to floor with shower heads and taps to turn them on evenly placed. A wall separates the shower into 2 rooms, one for the males and one for the females.

                                                          Sehun Chanyeol
                                                     Daehyun - Empty



Sehun sleeps oppostite Chanyeol   and beside Daehyun


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chanyeology 9 years ago
Since Chanyeol is inactive, can I apply for him?
JCH21753 9 years ago
Kevin's leaving... mian. ><
Markson13 9 years ago
How active is this rp? ._.
Is it even still open lol
punctuality [A] 9 years ago
9 members 5/12
punctuality [A] 9 years ago
Kevin Woo is back !
Amberflame 9 years ago
OuO If I still stay as hyukkie can I kidnap Hae to stay and keep her in my pocket? *shot*
punctuality [A] 9 years ago
Seoppiebutt 10 years ago
Yixing will be leaving soonm i dont know about Chihoon though
This-_- 10 years ago
Jong left, not as active anymore ; - ;
Really enjoied it here btw ~
smoothbrainediggy 10 years ago
Key left...I really loved being here while I was but I have to go. It's just not active.
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