+ dance the night away...or get high.

{pr} niel lee. /sh 10 years ago
Well, that was easy. Sungmin sighed and stared at the broken liquor bottle in his hand and the other parts that splattered onto the floor, alongside to that with some amber colored liquid on the floor mixed in with the blood. "Niel? Something wrong?" Before he even got to say anything to the girl tugging at his leg, Ryan's voice broke in, making him turn his head to look at the approaching taller male. He shook his head nonchanlantly and pointed at the unconscious hag at the floor and to the girl, taking a small "Oh" escaping from his friend's lips that the guy understood the situation. Of course, in places like this, similar problems had happened before. It wasn't the first time Sugmin had thrown a glass bottle at someone's head. Of course not.

"He's not dead. I didn't hit him at his nerve cells, don't worry. But he'll be having a little broblem trying to remember things when he wakes up. A sort of short-term memory lost. It won't effect his health, but if the wound isn't patched up by the time he wake up, it might get infected. The alcohol in that kind of whiskey's pretty dangerous to open wounds. Take him to the hospital?" Niel took his time to explain his actions, slowly and clearly to make sure that Ryan understood every single word. Sure, the information might sound a bit unecessary, but the more the better. Plus, his genius brain wouldn't be able to shorten down such things. The way his mind processes a situation was much more complicated than that of a normal person with an average IQ. What could he say? He was a walking humanoid since 3rd grade.

Watching as his friend called a couple other waiters from the outside to come in and the unconscious body out of the bathroom, Sungmin finally had his time to crouch down and examine the victim of this so-called and unprofessional . "You alright?" He asked, tucking her long hair behind her ears. That was when the face came into his view, and his mind clicked immediately. "Park Jiyeon, Mrs. Anderson's German class period 3, seat 41 by the window, locker number 358, the em—I mean... Whoa. Park Jiyeon?" Sungmin started doing it again, the overly long descriptive sentences that sounded brief yet complicated. Don't get him wrong, he wasn't a stalker. His brain was created to remember every single little detail of everyone around him, and because he remembered the girl being such an emo that everything about her was especially remembered in his brain. He had an interest to become her friend a couple times, but he'd always thought it was better to stay alone. He only met her for a couple weeks since he was on a move over to New York anyways. It was a surprise alone for him to stay in that school for that long. Usually he only stayed for three days. To get rest, learn, then move on.

But out of all people; it was Park Jiyeon whose dignity he just saved. The world really was small, eh. Looking around, Sungmin didn't wait for her to answer and pulled Jiyeon up, walking out of the bathroom with his hand grabbing her elbow rather than her hand or her wrist. Just because he didn't want to get the reputation of being straight. Girls creep him out—ty girls, especially. That's one thing he never understood for his roommate at the Brothel, Hunter Park. How the hell does he stand those fake moans and floppy s? Grosssss.

Anyhow, the nightclub was still loud and busy, like none of that whole scene just happened. People were still dancing, singing along to the songs in their drunk voice, obviously drunk, and also ing each other here and there. It was kinda normal, so he didn't mind. Choosing to sit back at the bar, where Ryan himself had already came back to his spot, cleaning glasses and bottles with a silk black towel as usual, Sungmin finally grabbed Jiyeon's hand and made her sit across from him. The ONLY good thing about being near a girl is that he was much skinnier than most girls. Not to mention how whorey his clothing could get. Don't even get him started on that topic. "How'd you end up here?" he finally asked as soon as the girl seemed to have calmed down a bit. But to make sure she was perfectly calm, Sungmin turned to ask Ryan for a comfortable drink like a glass of orange juice, while his own soft fingers ran over the back of Jiyeon's hands and the palms. "It's okay now, Jiyeon. You're safe now, alright?"
▼ park jiyeon. 10 years ago
@Sungmin ( idk whut i wrote tbh. i got distracted like 2348739452837438847 times. so bare with me. lmao )

“Stay still you little hoe,” the older male cursed as her, as he took another chance to nibble on the girl’s pale neck. Her heartbeat only paced faster as all her thoughts quickly escaped her mind. Nothing was in her mind, except the fact that she was possibly getting . Her body froze as all that moved was her tears, constantly dripping down her cheek and landed on who knows where.

“Yo,” a male’s voice interrupted the incident, as the girl sunk onto the floor. She hugged her knees as she glanced up at the two figure, that quickly was blurred by her tears. The old male turned around, facing his back towards her. Using this opportunity to escape, she quickly took a hold of her purse, before freezing. Her body didn’t obey her thoughts, she sat there, blankly staring at the white marble floor. “Hello, Sugar, Wanna join?” the elder’s voice spoke out. Of course he was referring to her, she was already part of the incident.

Jiyeon released a heavy gasp, before turning her attentions back to the two strangers, watching - not with amusement - but with fear. “Of course! I'll join you in hell fifty years from now, mother er.” the younger looking male quickly answered. She observed his actions, as he quickly lifted up the big bottle of liquor. Swallowing hard, she quickly ducked, avoiding the shattered glass that flew upon her. Before lifting her head back up, she heard a loud friction with the floor - she knew, it was no other then the old man’s body.

The girl rose her head up, as she observed the sudden puddle of blood leaking out from the side of his head. She didn’t know whether to feel scared - or to feel relieved. Still observing the body, her fist clenched up in terrible fear. Her gaze moved towards the second male’s shoes - then casually looked up. She took a good look at his outfit, before strolling her attention towards the male’s young looking face. Jiyeon sat there - debating whether to thank the guy, or whether to just run away from the crime. Yet, her body still didn’t move, the shock inside her body was still there.

Finally, pulling her stare away, she glanced down at her outfit, the blouse was overly big on her. The huge rip right in the middle of her blouse wouldn’t do her any good. She didn’t bother fixing her shirt - in fact, she ignored it. Jiyeon turned her gaze back onto the puddle of blood onto the floor, releasing nothing else but a sniffle.
{pr} niel lee. /sh 10 years ago
@▼ park jiyeon. % pffffffft idek why i wrote that there XDDDD
▼ park jiyeon. 10 years ago
@Sungmin ( "call me" lmao, i cant help it but to laugh at that. )
{pr} niel lee. /sh 10 years ago
@▼ park jiyeon. As a well known regular of the nightclub, Sungmin sure did made some friends oer the time; adding to awkwardness, some of his old customers were even there. By the time thirty minutes had passed after walking around, not only had he been receiving job offers, modeling offers, but even phone numbers to call him out on a date. Stacks of business cards were shoved into his name-brand purse by the time he reached the quiet part of the club, which was nearby the bathrooms. Was he really that pretty? Maybe he should use up his money by getting a permanent change. That'd be cool. A playful smile came onto his lips as the thought ran across his mind.

Everything was running perfectly normal like any other night would be, and Sungmin had decided to end his little journey. He took a seat silenly on the chair nearby and rested his small back against the cold painted cement wall. His eyes roamed around lightly from one table to another. That girl, she's a e. He knew her from a meeting somewhere once. That guy? He's a troubled CEO of a large box company. Problems with kids, wife—terrible, terrible life. That kid? Dude, he's not even eighteen. Where're the guards? People these days. They're way too easy to read. Either that or Sungmin's brain was merely made of the newest technology ever created. Sometimes he even wondered how he was a e, rich, a human, and not a genius-mided humanoid. Now /that/ would be an interesting life. Robot aka transformers in action es. Sungmin started laughing a little at his own little thought.

Just when he thought nothing could ever get better though, a groups of ladies came screaming and running out of the bathroom, followed by an ear-piercing scream. His face was plastered with mere confusion, but he didn't do anything and only sat there. Girls. It was probably some creature that popped in there, like a cockroach for instancs. Every female are afraid of ing roaches. What's so bad about them? They're interesting as hell. Y'know fun fact, they can live without their head for weeks. They don't even have a brain, lietrally! Their whole body were made of connected nerve cells. Not to mention they breathe through holes all over their body. He was yet again lost in his own thought, when he overheard a conversation of the girls who recently ran out of the bathroom.

"What's wrong? What happened in there?" The blonde asked her brunette friend. She wasn't in the bathroom during the commotion, obviously. She's also a working woman. A rebellious one.

"Some old guy just went in there and started attacking this Asian chick. She was pretty too...poor girl's gonna get . Let's go home for tonight, I don't want to be late for the grand opening—" his mind immediately blocked their conversation afterwards. Girl talks. So annoying...

Wait. Hold up, there's a guy in there attacking a girl? Oh hell no, you just messed in the wrong place. Not in my house, mother er.

Without further ado, Sungmin pushed his small body up and ran for the nearest table. "I'm gonna borrow this for a minute, I'll buy you guys a new drink after I'm done with it. Write it down while I'm gone. My treat." He finished off his sentence and ran back to the bathroom, just when something caught his eye, making him run back to the table. "Call me~" He cooed, and hurriedly ran back towards the bathroom again. God, that guy was cute.

As soon as he reached the female's bathroom, the first thing he heard was a shirt being ripped and another ear-destruction scream of a typical girl. His eyebrows furrowed. The bathroom was relatively quiet, with shoes, lip sticks, and all other kinds of make up scattered all over the floor. He wasn't going to even say it, but that puddle of liquid on the floor equals juice. Seems like some lesbians were getting their actions on earlier. It was an advantage that Sungmin was never te dress-shoe type nor the classy kind. He stuck to the ty vintage and sneakers style, in which suited him best. Plus, when he walks in a quiet place, the sneakers don't make too much noise either.

The bottle of liquor in his hand was held tightly, his eyes pierced immediately into the old man's soul. Well, sorry for you, that old life you're living is either gonna end now, or later in the hospital. "Yo," He said, using his right foot to tap the man's back. The much, much, much older male turned back and was about to yell a fit of curses at him, only to be stopped and stunned by his girly-looking features and a sweet smile. "Hello, sugar. Wanna join?"

"Of course! I'll join you in hell fifty years from now, mother er." And with that, the bottle of overly-expensive liquor was sent flying to the man's head, knocking him out cold to the floor with a small crack to his skull—probably.
▼ park jiyeon. 10 years ago
( oh , too long? lmao. )
▼ park jiyeon. 10 years ago
@Sungmin The girls, dressed in her long white blouse, dark skinny jeans, and black combats boots, emotionally walked down the sidewalk quietly, holding her purse in one hand, and the other, casually wrapped around her waist. Sighing for about the millionth time, she could only watch the faded mist flowing out of her lips - then quickly disappearing behind her. She glanced down at her feet, tapping the cement with her heels, listening to the beat on the floor, as she waited for the street walk lights to turn green.

She glanced down at her weak body, and turned her attention towards her pale hands. “Miss, are you going to go?” the boy behind her asked, as he lightly tapped her shoulder, pointing at the green light located across from the sidewalk. Jiyeon quietly thanked the teenage boy, before making herself slightly pace towards the other side of the road. As she reached the other side, she took a nice deep breath of the cold air, to return the air that she shoved out of her body from that short run.

It was dark, very dark, the only thing that helped her see, was the streetlights, and the lights from the vehicles passing by her. She checked her wrist watch - it was about a quarter past eleven, yet the street was still busy - although the only reason why was because of the nightclub located nearby. Blinking in curiosity, she glanced over towards the other side of the street, watching people casually hanging out - outside of the nightclub.

Jiyeon knew this place very well, for her to call it her own home. Everything here was normal, whether if it was people drunk, doing drugs, or mugging other people off the streets. Without watching her step, she felt her heels caught onto something, possibly sticky on the floor. Her attention grew towards her heel. It was caught against some green fresh mint gum that someone carelessly caught onto the floor. She furrowed her eyes as she scrapped off the gum, only to cause it to stick around her heel even more.

She slightly blinked at it, and looked around. The only closest bathroom that was available for public, was in the Nightclub - the other stores / markets were either closed, or private. She pressed her lips in a thin line before walking across the road, and headed towards the Nightclub. She was oblivious of the fact - that drunk people were staring at her as if she didn’t belong here, she just though, they were normal people, just wanting some time to hang out.

Opening the door into the loud nightclub, she quickly flashed her id towards the security guard, as they let her through. All she had to do was to find her way to the bathroom, and clean the gum off, easy as cake, right? It didn’t take long for the young girl to make her way to the bathroom, they couldn’t make the signs anymore obvious. Strolling towards the bathroom, she also ignored the grinding, and making out of people sitting here and there, doing stuff that absolutely need to be in private.

Sighing in satisfaction, she walked into the bathroom and took off her heels, as she took a hold of some paper towels, damping it, before wiping off the gum. It was still fresh, yet still sticky. Jiyeon tried her best balancing on one feet, while resting her elbows on the counter, as she casually cleaned her heels. She glanced up at the mirror and stared at her pale face - she slightly smiled.

Her smile quickly disappeared, as an old male, probably around his forties, dressed in his business attire, stood behind her. What was a male doing in a female’s bathroom. Her heartbeat pumped faster, as the look on his face seemed to be drunk. The noticeable smirk on his face, caught Jiyeon’s attention even more, as she swiftly turned around, loosing her balance, and resting one of her barefoot on the floor.

Other females in the bathroom quickly screamed and rushed out, besides Jiyeon, she was the only one who probably didn’t have the guts to run away, especially because she was the target. The male took a hold of her wrist, and shoved her against the wall - pinning her with both of his arms. She dropped her heel as she left out a defensive, and fearful scream. The old guy quickly ripped the top half of her white blouse, roughly biting against her pale and soft skin. Tears immediately rushed down her face as she tried her best to struggle. She loud out another sharp scream - still from fear.
{pr} niel lee. /sh 10 years ago
"Ryan, you bastard."

Like another normal night, Sungmin was sitting under the counter of the bar in this particular night club, with his bartender friend standing and doing his work. The two of them would joke around at times, and it was exactly the cause of the sudden playful insult just now. It's normal. Very normal. Since this practically happens every night from 10PM until 4AM, when both Ryan and Niel would leave the club for the night. Usually, Sungmin would stay there under the counter with a phone in his hand, except tonight he felt like roaming around a place for a little. Luckily enough, he might even find a customer on his way around.

With that thought in mind, Sungmin pushed himself off the floor and gave his friend a teasing punch to his arm, and quickly skipped out around the bar. The loud music was the first thing he noticed as he came out. Second thing? Drunk people dancing and grinding up against each other. A rather humorous scoff escaped from his lips as he watched everyone dance around in ecstasy. Wonder if the drug dealers were around at this time. He could really use some heroin at the moment, but what the hell. It wasn't like he was addicted or anything.

Comparing the environment of night clubs in New York City and all over the place in Texas, Sungmin could honestly write a whole book about the differences. The atmosphere and the styles of music were already different. Not to mention everyone's clothing...including his own. Especially in this nightclub, too. Everyone was either extremely ty, or extremely elegant. Sungmin found it rather hilarious to see business men in suit and ties, drunk, high, or completely wasted, dancing around like worms being burned with pure fire on the dance floor.

It's NYC for 's sake, and still, the only people who knew how to dance were black. Amazing. Unfortunate enough, Sungmin's type wasn't that kind. Black people are cool in his perspective, except for the fact that they're so much taller than him is the problem. Yet, it's good to have black customers once in a while. They do give good s; that's a hell of a deal for a e like him.
{c} marcus cho. /sh [A] 10 years ago


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in10sify 10 years ago
Kai will be leaving.
lesyeuxbleus 10 years ago
Sorry, but Zitao is leaving...
IGotABoy_07 10 years ago
quitting... sorry, I know I am a co-admin but sorry. not active.
Midnightb2ty 10 years ago
I'm sorry but Chanyeol is leaving
xxo_lv 10 years ago
Kim Yura is leaving OTL.
XxbabyxX 10 years ago
Eunhye is leaving sorry so inactive here
ItsMin 10 years ago
Levy is leaving.....for hiatus, for like, 3-4 days. Be back in a flash!! ^^
ybyeon 10 years ago
Hey.. Baekhyun is leaving.. It's a shame--this concept really interests me, but life has been real to me, and so I am deactivating from all my rp's.. I'm sorry, and thank you for having me. :)
musiclover808 10 years ago
Hey Daehyun's going to leave. I'm not active and everything. Thank you for letting me be here!
Polemistis 10 years ago
Hyeri is leaving.
Can't really do this concept. :/
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