✉ Registrar's Office

(*1st pov is allowed in this room)

Registrar's Office

First and foremost, welcome to Superior Academy!



[!!!]For new students:

*Please comment on this room saying you're new.

The school admins will give you your week long entrance exam which will determine how many points you'll receive as a starter and which class will you fall.

(e.g. you are tasked to post 'adminsareawesome' five times. each post is equivalent to 100 points. You have one week to do so. By the end of the week you only posted two times, you automatically get +200 activity points and will be classified under class B.)

Do note that the admins will not give such easy exams.

*If a student is new and have not been classified yet, a U will be placed before his/her name.

(e.g. [U] Yixing) It stands for  unclassified, not unicorn.

Classified students on the other hand will have their section before their name.

(e.g [A] Junmyeon, [B] Sehun, [C] Tiffany, [D] Chanyeol, [E] Daehyun, [F] Kai)

*After finishing the week long exam, your base stats will automatically be given to you along with your official Superior Academy identification card.

Your base stats will serve as your grades. If you don't participate on a subject's activity, your base stats will eventually decrease, thus will get you defeated easily during battle.

*Base Stats: 

Strength (refers to Physical Education)

Magic (refers to Health Education)

Vitality (refers to Science)

Spirit (refers to English)

and Agility (refers to Math)

*Participating on a certain subject's activity will help increase your base stats.

(e.g. you participated on math's activity, your agility will increase)





[!!!]For old students:

*If you have any request, this is the right room to go to.

Don't post your requests all around the school. Just inform us here - once - and the school admins will see what they can do about it. You are free to request anything! Name change, Room Request, Activity Request, kick-someone-out requests, etc... I repeat, the admins will see what they can do.

*If you're going on semi or full hiatus, inform us here.

Full hiatus may span up to a month and semi is only for 1-3 weeks.  Also, If leaving and you want to leave personal messages to your friends, do it here. Such actions on the main thread's comment box will be ignored.

*Complains and suggestions shall fall on this room - if not on the admins' inbox.

Complains will be entertained right away. Avoid unreasonable complains.

*To revive your shokanju...

Inform us here, saying you need to revive your being + how many points you need.

(e.g. i need to revive my yamo! + i need 670000 points)

and one of the school admins will notify you about the task you must do. 





Students' Records

*Hiatus List
none at the moment.
*Class A
none at the moment
*Class B
none at the moment
*Class C
none at the moment
*Class D
none at the moment
*Class E
none at the moment
*Class F
none at the moment


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uni 10 years ago
Can I co-admin?
0 w 0
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