Places in the Spirited World

Water: A place for waterbenders.

Fire: A home for firebenders.

Earth: An earthy home for the earthbenders.

Air: A temple for the airbenders.

Arena: A place to put your bending to the test.

Play Place: A place to let your children have fun and play with each other.

Log (Diary): A place to write your deepest thoughts or what has been happening lately. If pregnant you may write whats been going on.

Daycare: A place to drop off your kids if  you and your spouse/lover are busy. Other members can take care of them. If a member does not treat your child well, you have the right to punish them however don't take it too overboard.

Imperial Sakura Court: This is the Imperial Sakura Court that is in the palace.Here is where the Celestials (admins) make important announcements and such.  

Sakura Garden: The palace garden that is open to the public.The garden is so big,it can actually be considered a forest.Here you can go on picnics,take a stroll or do anything else.Bending is allowed here but please be careful to not destroy anything.

Sakura Banquet Hall: This is where important events will be held.It will only be open to public on special occasions.

Pet Park: A large field where your pets can roam free and have fun with each other. Be sure to clean up after them though~

✣Spiritual Healing Centre: The best and only healing centre in Spirited World that is set up in the mountains where the spiritual energy is the strongest.If you are sick or hurt,come here and the healers will take good care of you.

✣Hotel of Love: ANYTHING

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