Practice Room

Losing is not an option. Be careful, dear students.

Note about powers: You are coming here with no previous experience. Please get a member who is at least Rank 002 (preferably Luhan) to teach you. You must have had at least one lesson, whether it be in the Training Room or in here, before using your abilities.

Luhan [A] 9 years ago

REVAMP: After about twelve days of on and off working on it, the admins have finally finished a polished version of Thanatos. Those still interested, please apply there!


Thank you and we hope to see you there!
Luhan (Yoona in new Thanatos) and Seo In-guk (Jeongguk in new Thanatos)
Luhan [A] 9 years ago
MOVING NOTICE: Thanatos is to be renovated. Instead of revamping, the admins have decided on creating a new roleplay. It will be under the same name, but many things will have been changed.

Luhan [A] 10 years ago
@Krystal "Your wish is my command," Luhan murmured, bowing before teleporting to the wide doors of the practice room. Opening them, he bowed once more, and flourished his hand in front of the exit, much like a butler would.

Standing there, he let go suddenly, finally allowing himself to do something for himself, giving up and letting the emotional floodgates open. They would not stay open- he couldn't- but at least, he could allow himself this much.

He kind of liked the girl, he admitted to himself. Nothing big. Perhaps he was just drawn to her optimistic nature- which shined brightly and brought him to her like a moth to a flame.

Nothing big, he insisted,
Krystal 11 years ago
@Seo In-guk [Deceased] (( Lolol jealous ghost is haunting *^* ))
Seo In-guk [Deceased] [A] 11 years ago
[[oh and btw i ship dis]]
Seo In-guk [Deceased] [A] 11 years ago
[[In-guk walked in and flailed his arms with jealousy, before skipping out of the room while singing "California Girls."

I'm totally not stalking or anything]]
Krystal 11 years ago
@Luhan Krystal hooked her pinky on his and the deal was sealed. She thought about where to go first, everything sounded interesting to her. Having Luhan to guide her around sounded even better.

"13th street sounds nice." Truthfully, anything would do. She had a lot of time on her hands now and a little exploring wouldn't hurt. It also seemed like she's grown attached to Luhan already, however fast it may have been. It wasn't a 'madly in love' kind of situation but an admiration and respect.

He's the first person she had met who made her feel like these powers were not so bad after all. With his help and a little practice, she could have her life back, maybe even better. It was just inevitable that she would develop a crush on Luhan, it wasn't that hard to like him.
Luhan [A] 11 years ago
@Krystal Luhan smirked at her playfully when she cut his countdown off- how amusing. "Ok, I promise I won't leave you in the dust." He said, mock solemnly, hand over heart.

Deciding that there was no harm in doing so, he extended his pinky out to her.

"Well, I don't know. Where do you want to go? We can visit the forest, lake Ananke, the ruins, 13th street- wherever you want."
Krystal 11 years ago
@Luhan "Yes," Krystal cut him off before he could reach zero, glad to have seen his real smile. "But don't teleport on me. I can't catch up yet," she made a face and clutched her head in mock pain. "All that concentrating makes my head hurt."

Keeping his mind off things would be the best she can do, for now. She needed this herself, memories of the life she left behind still lingered in the back of her mind. Maybe they can comfort each other. Either way, Krystal was glad to have made a friend.

"Where to first?" Excitement buzzed through her, clapping her hands in anticipation. She would love to see what else goes on around here and meet others with similar abilities. This place already makes her feel as if she belonged.
Luhan [A] 11 years ago
@Krystal Luhan coughed awkwardly, knowing that she had seen right through his pained smile. He rubbed his nape and gave a sheepish half smile, aiming to distract her slightly.

"Yes- it's a one time offer. It's either yes, or no. Offer expires in ten... nine..." He trailed off playfully, arching his eyebrows and counting down on his fingers. Hopefully, he could just flee from his demons.

But nothing he ever wished for came true.

But recently he had been distracted. Was this girl the key to his omnipresent demons?

Shrugging his concerns off for the moment, he smiled and waited for her response.
Krystal 11 years ago
@Luhan It was obvious that Luhan knew what he was talking about. He was more experienced and knew more about the harm it can do to others. Krystal had to learn that the hard way. She trusted he would somehow help her tame that unpredictable quality he spoke of.

"Unpredictable. Describes me so well," Krystal muttered quietly before pulling out of her thoughts. When he smiled, she raised an eyebrow in return. She could tell his smile was forced so she knew the topic would have to be dropped for now. They would have to grow more closer to unload any emotional baggage and just from the look in his eyes, Krystal could tell it's a painful one which only poked at her curiosity even more. What could she do to comfort him? "Umm, nope. I haven't explored the place yet," a small smile played on her lips. Maybe she can make him feel more comfortable around her, so he can forget about his worries, even for just a little while. "Are you offering to be my tour guide?"
Luhan [A] 11 years ago
@Krystal Luhan gave a mocking bow, before standing up straight and focusing. He pursed his lips, nodding slowly. "Maybe you will beat me one day, hm? Anything can happen here."

He threaded his fingers through his hair, ruffling up his hair. He cleared his throat slightly before smiling a sad smile. "There's always going to be a downside," he replied, a look of melancholy regret taking over the expanse of his face before he schooled his features back into a poker face. "Some more than others." He sighed, looking away. "You're in Ventus- we're known for being unpredictable." He looked back and forced a smile back on his face. "You'll be fine. Has someone shown you around the school yet?" He continued smoothly, directing the conversation elsewhere.
[post deleted by owner]
Krystal 11 years ago
@Luhan When Luhan smirked, Krystal knew what would happen next. After learnig the hard way, this time, when he teleported unannouced, she was unfazed. Instead, she applauded him and made a mental note to work hard so her skills could be just as good as his. All in good time, she thought.

"I'm a fast learner," Krystal smiled smugly and folded her arms. "I'll get there. Maybe someday I can beat you at your own game," she replied jokingly and winked at her all knowing teacher. Looks like these powers are more fun than she thought. Maybe they're not always that dangerous. Even so, she still had to be cautious. "Any thing else I should know? Like, the risks?" Krystal bit her lip, nerves eating away at once was a proud smile. She knew the responsibilities these abilities have and somehow, the pressure from it never left her mind.
Luhan [A] 11 years ago
@Krystal [[No problem!]]
Wind ruffled his hair slightly and he smirked slightly. He crossed his arms and waited, wondering where she would be. Hopefully not China or any place ridiculous.

He heard a breath being released behind him and felt a tap. Tensing up automatically, he swiveled around quickly, ready to fight. Relaxing when it was just the girl, he allowed a small smile to crawl up his face. "Yes. Just like that. Good job," he praised. "Soon enough, with more practice, you'll be much faster though- so within a moment's notice-" He smirked at her before teleporting away and back.
Krystal 11 years ago
@Luhan (Sorry for the late reply)
Through closed eyes, Krystal listened to his words and nodded. She opened one eye to take a peek at him and was stunned at the sight before her. Both of her eyes were now wide open as he was leaning towards her, leaving a very shocked Krystal speechless. She tried to say something, anything, but opened and closed soundlessly.

Her feet was stuck to the ground and if he came any closer, he just might hear her heart pounding on her chest. In a flustered moment Krystal shut her eyes quickly, wishing she could move away. An image formed in her head and she allowed herself to be moved by the wind. She opened her eyes to realise she was now standing behind Luhan. Krystal let out her breath which she hadn't notice she's been holding. She tapped Luhan on the shoulder and smiled triumphantly, "Like this?"
Luhan [A] 11 years ago
@Krystal "Let a big gust of wind take you away, but make sure to imagine the spot that you want to be in, and put yourself in the spot." Luhan added, after noticing her extreme concentration.

He wet his lips and leaned forward slightly, anticipating what would happen. She was entertaining, but didn't seem too much like a traditional Ventus student. Oh well, he shrugged it off, better more allies than less. Besides, she seemed to take to his presence pretty well, unlike a certain Aqua...
Krystal 11 years ago
@Luhan Krystal barely got enough time to register what he just said before Luhan vanished from her sight and felt his presence behind her. She squealed and jumped back, holding a hand to her heart as it beat rapidly. She was about to scold him for scaring her but he had gone again before words could come out of . When he appeared outside the window, all Krystal could do was wave back lamely, completely amazed.

As he teleported back to his spot, she blinked blankly at him. It took her a moment to focus on what he was saying and mentally noted it down. "Ahh okay. So if I want to appear outside I just..." Krystal closed her eyes and concentrated on a spot outside. Nothing seemed to be happening so she shut her eyes tighter and a crease formed on her forehead in concentration. Still nothing. What was the other thing he said?
Luhan [A] 11 years ago
@Krystal Luhan cracked a small smile at her joke, raising his eyebrows. "It sure does come in handy," he agreed. He hummed, thinking of how to describe teleportation to someone. He vaguely registered her question and then-

He looked at her, surprised. "What? Why would you need to stretch?" To prove his point, he took a step towards her before disappearing and ending up right next to her. Shooting her a smile and poking her, he took another step, this time appearing outside of the large glass windows. He waved before moving back to his original spot. He shrugged and smirked lightly at her.

"It really just depends on imagination. You have to focus on the spot you want to appear at, and imagine a great big gust of wind taking you there."
Krystal 11 years ago
@Luhan Krystal thought for a moment, tapping her chin as she did. "Hmm... Wind manipulation sounds cool but I think I need teleportation more so as soon as we're finished I can just teleport back to my room instead of walking," she joked and laughed lightly. She noticed he was roling his shoulders as if getting ready. A small frown appeared on her forehead, was it gonna be hard? "Do I need to stretch or warm up or something?"
Luhan [A] 11 years ago
@Krystal Luhan nodded, puffing out his cheeks slightly. He cleared his throat before lightly chuckling at her compliment. "Thank you," he added graciously. "Anyway, since you're new, you can learn two things as of now. Teleportation and small bouts of wind manipulation."

He rolled his shoulders, looking at her. "Which one do you want to learn first, noona?"
Krystal 11 years ago
@Luhan Krystal let out a small giggle when she saw his smirk then quickly facepalmed herself mentally for fangirling. She was thankful for the Korean culture as she bowed down again, partly to be polite and partly to hide the hint of a blush on her cheeks.

"Oh I'm a noona?" she chuckled lightly and gave him an eye smile. "That explains why you're so cute. Alright then, dongsaeng, teach noona all you know." Krystal giggled and tried to hide her amazement. He was younger but he seemed more experienced and wise.
Luhan [A] 11 years ago
@Krystal Luhan nodded, before smirking lightly at the girl in front of him. He bowed, almost going a full 90 degree bow but stopping slightly before it. "Well then. Looks like I'll be your head of Sector then. Luhan, 16, Head of Ventus and Student Body President."

"What do you want to learn... noona?" He said with a straight face before letting his lips tilt up slightly. Some might say he was acting a little different around her, but then again, he made it a point to be as amiable as possible around his fellow Ventus students.

It might also be the fact that he somewhat preferred older beaus.

But he wasn't going to think about beaus quite yet, no, his black, little heart was still torn in two.
Krystal 11 years ago
@Luhan Her eyes darted around as she watched the things flew around the room on his command. Krystal smiled shyly, impressed at his ability. She cleared and spoke up, "Jung Krystal imnida," she bowed politely. "I'm 18 and in the Ventus sector. Nice to meet you."

Krystal noticed that his full attention wasn't really there. But she could do nothing about it since she was relatively new to the place and he was her sunbae. She just wanted to learn from him. Even so, she couldn't help but admire his face and, of course, his skill in the power he holds. Maybe someday she could become as skilled as he was.
Luhan [A] 11 years ago
@Krystal Luhan opened his eyes tiredly, before blinking around and rubbing his eyes. "Yeah, of course," he responded automatically. He cleared his throat and stood up, looking at the girl in front of him. With a thought and a flick of his finger, he sent the chair back to it's original position.

"Uh, if you would introduce yourself, that would be great. Name, age, sector- just the basics please," he started distractedly. He flicked his finger once more, as if beckoning the towel to come over to him, before looking back at the girl. Grabbing the towel from its floating position, he slung it around his neck and turned his attention to the person in front of him.
Krystal 11 years ago
@Luhan Krystal knocked on the door softly. She heard that she could find the head boy in the practice room and that he could teach her a bit. That was what she needed, training. She didn't really feel like it since she's just arrived but the sooner she controlled her new found powers the better. The danger in them was too much for her to handle.

She opened the door quietly and saw the head boy who could help her. He looked tired and she was trying to decide if she should speak up or not. After making up her mind, she walked up to him, her footsteps as light as air, trying not to make any sound so as not to disturb him. "Excuse me," Krystal whispered meekly, "Sorry for bothering you but can you still help me train?"
Luhan [A] 11 years ago
@Krystal Luhan stood still, willing the chair to move over to him. As it flew towards him, he looked around for anybody he missed. The chair made it over to him and he sat upon it, still surveying the room. So far, he had gotten everyone. Sighing as he closed his eyes, he decided to rest for a bit. People might still come in- and as head boy, it was his duty to teach them. Usually, he would have- No, don't go down that path. Not now. Not when the wound is still open, Luhan.

He rolled his shoulders, trying to work the stiffness out of his neck and shoulders. It had been a taxing day.
Luhan [A] 11 years ago
@Ka-eun [[Yup, I'll post there.]]
Ka-eun [Semi-Hiatus ~June] 11 years ago
Kaeun could almost feel like she was floating in the air. Something seemed to be holding her up- 'What the-?' She thought, but stopped as thinking was too tiring at the moment. Kaeun just slumped over, hoping to be able to get peace to rest as she was as tired as h---.

(To the infirmary?)
Luhan 11 years ago
@Ka-eun Luhan heard the water gushing out and hitting the ground, but thought nothing of it, back still turned to her. When he heard the thud- the sickening crack of bone hitting the floor, he turned around abruptly. "You- hey!" He stooped down, rolling her out of the pool of water.

He kept calm, remembering that panicking would get him nowhere. He checked her pulse and made sure she was still breathing before checking her over for injuries. He looked for strange angles and blood but found none. He wasn't completely sure, but it just seemed like she had used too much energy. Sighing in relief, he sat back on his haunches and ran his hand through his hair roughly.

Deciding to just bring her to the infirmary, he grabbed her wrist and teleported off, hoping that the nice nurse was still in her office.


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margaery [A] 9 years ago
MOVING NOTICE: Thanatos is to be renovated. Instead of revamping, the admins have decided on creating a new roleplay. It will be under the same name, but many things will have been changed.

OKIRIBITMO 10 years ago
Applied for Youngjae! And as my application says I'm going to try and convince people to join this RP. I'm not asking for anything back in this favor, I just like the RPs I join to be just as lively as most.
inspirits 10 years ago
Applied as Dongwoo, though... is this place inactive?? Its the exact type rp I was looking for TT__TT hope there are some people still here ..
Shante 10 years ago
sorry Jieun(secret) is leaving.
zeriri 10 years ago
Sorry, Kris is leaving. I've got personal problems.
CandyPrincess 10 years ago
Sorry but Sulli is leaving. Deactivating. :/
etizlite 10 years ago
Applied as Sooyoung~
merong 10 years ago
accept me again please..?
merong 10 years ago
This is late but applied as J-da!
evil-little-cassie 11 years ago
Eunji has to leave due to personal reasons and is too busy. I'm sorry.
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