Sector 004: Terra Dormitories

This is a room for Terra students only. But let's not mind the rules, shall we?


Anyone who can make their way in or is invited may come.


Current Terra leaders:

None so far

[searching for more; apply in the student council hq]


Current Terra students:

G-Dragon | Chansung |  Hyorin | JR [NU'EST] | Chunji | Amber | J-Da


Terra skills:

Rank 001: inhuman strength + minor shift of ground

Rank 002: forcefields + growing plants/trees

Rank 003:  mindreading + earthquakes

[note: complete mindreading and forcefields are extremely difficult to attain.]


Announcement Board:

None so far

Luhan [A] 9 years ago

REVAMP: After about twelve days of on and off working on it, the admins have finally finished a polished version of Thanatos. Those still interested, please apply there!


Thank you and we hope to see you there!
Luhan (Yoona in new Thanatos) and Seo In-guk (Jeongguk in new Thanatos)
Luhan [A] 9 years ago
MOVING NOTICE: Thanatos is to be renovated. Instead of revamping, the admins have decided on creating a new roleplay. It will be under the same name, but many things will have been changed.

Seo In-guk [Deceased] [A] 10 years ago
@J-Da [[I'm so sorry! Q.Q Admin Luhan's been busy, Admin Yongguk is MIA, and I've been really lazy.]]
J-Da 10 years ago
[Im not on the list....-.-;;]
J-Da 10 years ago
J-da stood infront of the door, deciding if she should go in or not. She wanted to go in but she was afraid if other people would ignore her or make fun of her. Shaking away the negetive thoughts, she sighed and slowly pushed the door opened.
"Um.. hello?"
Chunji 11 years ago
@Amber "F uck," Chanhee swore under his breath, a sickening chasm opening up in his stomach. He paced around the room, which became smaller and smaller, suffocating him with every step he took. He had bared a little more of his soul than he meant to and he clenched his fists, getting ready to bash something in.

Yes, he lost all rights to the name- but he couldn't bear to have anyone else soil it. Now he ducked away under his little mask of Chunji, hiding from himself, using the only way he could to protect the remnants of his original name's pride.

Lee Chanhee.

How he missed being called it- and yet he knew that he had lost all rights to it the moment he-

Damn, it was time to get a new watch.
[post deleted by owner]
Amber 11 years ago
@Chunji "I can't force you to say anything, but it's bad to keep things bottled up inside. It not only feels bad, but it makes those when care about you feel bad too. It can even be a hindrance to your well being. If you're distracted by something holding you down, your enemies can take advantage of that." Amber spoke comfortingly through the door. She may be young, but she's able to learn from the mistakes of herself and other people. She hoped that Chanhee could do the same. "I've noticed that it's lonely around here, but it doesn't have to stay that way. Many times, the best groups are small." After expressing her thoughts, Amber paused. She looked around the room. "Take care, Chunji. I'm going to clean up this mess," she told him gently. She was already trying to strategize the fastest way to fix the dorms.
Chunji 11 years ago
@Amber Chanhee opened his mouth to say something- a witty comeback, a scathing remark, /anything/- but nothing came to mind. "I can't," he said quietly. "There's not much I'm comfortable with revealing except for the fact that it's a very lonely sector." He leaned against his door, sighing.
Chunji 11 years ago
[[Replying later i have hw to do kbye]]
[post deleted by owner]
Bang Yongguk [A] 11 years ago
@Amber [Inguk had another character, Hyomin. Chunji also rped as Woohyun. They were our first real couple LOL]
Amber 11 years ago
@Bang Yongguk [so my suspicions were right! But the girl... Still guessing as Inguk mentioned someone in his profile but...]
Bang Yongguk [A] 11 years ago
[omg wow Chunji referencing himself and Inguk c:]
Amber 11 years ago
@Chunji Amber leaned a shoulder against the outside of the door. "You know," she spoke calmly through the door. "I'm a pretty good listener." She could easily tell that something was wrong other than the name thing. The traits common to a Terra had begun to show. She was willing to be his confidant even though she had just met him.
Chunji 11 years ago
@Amber "Teach you what," Chanhee responded gruffly. He closed his door and leaned on the door frame. Truth be told, he knew exactly what she wanted to learn but was just a bit reluctant to part with the knowledge of channel power. It was his only way of guaranteeing his safety around the school and was the only piece left of his friend.

He had been new and naive, randomly crushing things with no way to stop his strength but one boy in Terra, a simple boy from the country taught him how. He was always with a small, pretty girl- also in Terra. Chanhee relaxed at the thought of his old friend- but then tensed up when he remembered both the boy and the pretty noona had left the school.
Amber 11 years ago
@Chunji Amber was relieved to find that he wasn't too upset. She saw that he was about to leave and she wasn't sure if she should bother him more or not. She had already bothered him this much, and he said they'd have to be closer for him to tell her, so she figured why not. "Actually," she said slowly, in as sweet a voice as she could muster. "Could you, um, teach me how to do that?" She asked. That odd smile had reappeared on her face.
Chunji 11 years ago
@Amber "I'm not obligated to tell you anything," Chunji sneered. He lay his hand on the doorknob, the metal chilling his inflamed skin. He twisted it, took one step in before turning back around. "It's personal and we're not close enough," he added quietly, calming down and his mood getting better. "If that's all," he asked a bit roughly, he gestured to his dorm.
Luhan [A] 11 years ago
[[lol Helped him with the whole power part. It's been a while since you were in training, huh channie. BUT YOU COULD HAVE JUST WENT THROUGH OUR PMS]]
Amber 11 years ago
@Luhan [woah, Luhan?]
A normal girl would probably be scared by now. Amber was only intrigued and excited. She expressed her feelings with a sick sort of smile. She wasn't sure why, but she kind of wanted Chunji to attack her. Maybe she just wanted the thrill of fighting. She wasn't ready for possibly fatal injuries at the moment though, so she toned it down. "I'll stop if you tell me why it bothers you so much." She said in a normal voice. She hoped that she hadn't already gone to far so that they wouldn't be enemies. She really didn't want an enemy within her own sector.
Chunji 11 years ago
[[lol thanks lulu]]
Chunji 11 years ago
@Amber Chanhee froze in front of his door, blood pounding in his ears. "Stop it," he growled, taking one step towards her. "Don't call me that." He walked forward, his body pulled taut. Turning around, back facing towards her, he intoned calmly, "Don't call me that again because I'm a man of my word." He faced a wall and punched through it, dust flying everywhere. He withdrew his hand and moved to go into his dorm.
[post deleted by owner]
Amber 11 years ago
@Chunji Amber was extremely interested by his strong reaction. She made a promise to herself to find out why. "You did, Chanhee. You made it very clear." She called after him. She took note of how he crushed the lamp and decided that she'd practice doing that later. Maybe she'd convince him to show her how after he calmed down.
Chunji 11 years ago
@Amber His name dropped from her lips, and it tolled in his mind like a church bell. What the hell, he thought he made it clear enough that he wanted nobody calling him that name- not anymore, at least. Yes, he referred to himself as Chanhee but that didn't mean just everyone could call him that. Taking the nearest thing- a lamp, said something in the back of his mind- he smashed it by his, and unavoidably, her as well, feet. He stepped on it, crushing the glass shards into dust, all the while channeling energy from the earth, and hissed, "I made it clear enough that I don't want you to say my name." He kicked the lampshade away, and stalked to his room, fuming.
Amber 11 years ago
@Chunji Amber stared at the strange boy as he attacked the broken chair. She lifted an eyebrow at the sudden mood change but shook his hand when it was offered to her. She hesitated after releasing his hand, thinking about whether her current mental scheme was worth the risk or not. Feeling daring, she decided that it most definitely was. "Nice to meet you, Chanhee." Amber said with a smirk. She knew that he'd be more experienced with his powers than her, but he didn't know that.
Seo In-guk [Deceased] [A] 11 years ago
@Amber [[same thing.]]
Chunji 11 years ago
Someone rushed past him, leaving Chanhee frowning after her. "What was her problem?" He muttered mutinously. He grabbed onto the door handle before it wiggled and fell off. He stared at the doorknob angrily. The thing was distorting his face and it was pissing him off.

Throwing the doorknob down vehemently, he kicked the door open, storming into the room. He ignored the girl in the dorm, trying to move around her before knocking into a chair and watching as all the parts fell loose. He stared at the parts and kicked at them. "Who the _____.." Turning his attention away, he waved brightly to the girl. "Hi! You're new, right? I'm Lee Chanhee, but only call me that if you want to find yourself smashed into something. I would prefer you call me Chunji." He extended his hand towards her and tilted his head.

[[i'm bipolar i do what i want]]
Bang Yongguk [A] 11 years ago
@Seo In-guk [Deceased] [You shouldn't be speaking okei we have a Chem test tomorrow >:(]
Bang Yongguk [A] 11 years ago
@Seo In-guk [Deceased] [Heart?
What heart e u e]


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margaery [A] 9 years ago
MOVING NOTICE: Thanatos is to be renovated. Instead of revamping, the admins have decided on creating a new roleplay. It will be under the same name, but many things will have been changed.

OKIRIBITMO 10 years ago
Applied for Youngjae! And as my application says I'm going to try and convince people to join this RP. I'm not asking for anything back in this favor, I just like the RPs I join to be just as lively as most.
inspirits 10 years ago
Applied as Dongwoo, though... is this place inactive?? Its the exact type rp I was looking for TT__TT hope there are some people still here ..
Shante 10 years ago
sorry Jieun(secret) is leaving.
zeriri 10 years ago
Sorry, Kris is leaving. I've got personal problems.
CandyPrincess 10 years ago
Sorry but Sulli is leaving. Deactivating. :/
etizlite 10 years ago
Applied as Sooyoung~
merong 10 years ago
accept me again please..?
merong 10 years ago
This is late but applied as J-da!
evil-little-cassie 11 years ago
Eunji has to leave due to personal reasons and is too busy. I'm sorry.
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