Sector 001: Ignis Dormitories

This is a room for Ignis students only. Or at least, that's what the rules say.


Who follows the rules anyway? After all, rules were meant to be broken.


Current Ignis leaders:

Bang Yong Guk

[searching for more; apply in the student council hq]


Current Ignis students:

Bang Yong Guk  | Zelo |  L.Joe | Jieun [Secret]


Ignis skills:

Rank 001: blow back enemies/propel away from oneself +small fireball

Rank 002: illusions of pain/burning + large fireball

Rank 003:  theft of senses + circle of fire around opponent

[note: theft of senses is an incredibly difficult skill to master, even for those of a high rank]


Announcement Board:

None so far

Luhan [A] 9 years ago

REVAMP: After about twelve days of on and off working on it, the admins have finally finished a polished version of Thanatos. Those still interested, please apply there!


Thank you and we hope to see you there!
Luhan (Yoona in new Thanatos) and Seo In-guk (Jeongguk in new Thanatos)
Luhan [A] 9 years ago
MOVING NOTICE: Thanatos is to be renovated. Instead of revamping, the admins have decided on creating a new roleplay. It will be under the same name, but many things will have been changed.

Ka-eun [Semi-Hiatus ~June] 11 years ago
[[Lol, kay~ Thank you Amber~xD ]]

Kaeun sighed. A new school meant a new start.... Right? She slowly made a way to the Ignis dormitories once again, meaning to help the male. Help..The word sounded foreign to Kaeun, even in her head. This didn't mean she would suddenly become social and kind. Oh no.

Kaeun slowly approached the male and sat down as close as she could on the floor besides him. Of course, she couldn't get too near not only because of the fire but because she was uncomfortable already as it was.

"Uh... Hello?" she completely failed at attempting to speak to the male, not knowing his name, why he was flipping out, and who he even was. She didn't really regret pranking him, nor did she feel immensly sorry towards him, but since it was her fault she would take the responsibility.

((Awkward Kaeun is awkward xD))
Amber 11 years ago
@Bang Yongguk [oh... Yeah... That's what I meant. In my own weird way]
Bang Yongguk [A] 11 years ago
@Amber [...nah Ka-eun's going to help me
since I'm basically hallucinating and having headaches and close to fainting lmao]
Amber 11 years ago
[oh my gosh, you two! I want you to continue (yes, I've been stalking you) so I'll just pick for you if neither of you want to decide! Ka-eun, go mess with Yongguk some more. *insert evil laugh here*]
Bang Yongguk [A] 11 years ago
[post deleted by owner]
Ka-eun [Semi-Hiatus ~June] 11 years ago
@Bang Yongguk [DUDE. I ain't goin' 'til you choose something. SO YOU CHOOSE xD]
Bang Yongguk [A] 11 years ago
[LOL there is a sign on each head's dorm saying that they're head. Also, their bedrooms are positioned say the end, I believe c:
Ka-eun [Semi-Hiatus ~June] 11 years ago

Cautiously, Kaeun looked over again. A ring of fire was surrounding the male. Having done a bit of research, Kaeun knew that only level three Ignis students had the ability to do that, and skilled ones at that. That meant that the male she dealt with had more authority and could possibly even be a member of the student council. Fantastic.

Kaeun watched as the fire crept closer to the male, his anger not affecting her indecidion. She couldn't care less, and was only calculating to see what would benefit her or get her in less trouble in this case.
Bang Yongguk [A] 11 years ago
[I dunno, you choose haha]

At the sound of footsteps, he lifted his head up but saw no one.
Sighing, he lay on the floor, unwilling to get up and clean up the red paint-splattered walls.

Weak. He laughed bitterly. That's what he was--weak. Without him knowing, he had formed a circle of fire around him, the flames crawling closer and closer.
Ka-eun [Semi-Hiatus ~June] 11 years ago
((My post depends on what you want- do you want me to go over or leave?))
Ka-eun [Semi-Hiatus ~June] 11 years ago
@Bang Yongguk (( No it's beautiful. c: Pedo face))

Kaeun turned and entered back through the doors, walking quite calmly down towards the dormitories. She didn't expect the male to be at the Ignis dorm still, but looked quickly through the hallway to make sure no one was there. He was there. You know what they say, expect the unexpected.

Quickly, Kaeun turned back and pressed her back against the wall. She needed to decide whether to go and confront him or not. Really, it wasn't like it mattered, but she was here again- at the point where she had to decide whether to apologize or let them suffer on their own. She always choose the latter, but it never took less then a minute or two to decide. Her split personality always got to her, them fighting with each other. But always, at the end of the day, Kaeun would go to sleep forgetting all the contents of the day, be it good or bad.
Bang Yongguk [A] 11 years ago
He turned the corner, half expecting to see the girl still there, half expecting her to have fled the scene already. She wasn't there. Instead, he was met with a wall of red.
His vision blurred and his head began to ache. The red splatters reminded him of the all-too-familiar crimson color of blood. In-guk's blood. Over his face and chest and next to his body. The scenes were too recent, too fresh in his mind.
Dropping to his knees, he grabbed his hair and gnashed his teeth in frustration, as if it could erase the horrifying images replaying in his mind.

[lol wtf I don't even know what I just wrote its like 2:50 am whut]
Amber 11 years ago
[this is a great read. *nods* Don't worry, Youngguk! Sulli and I can take care of that (once I think of a good prank and/or you train me)]
Ka-eun [Semi-Hiatus ~June] 11 years ago
@Bang Yongguk ((OH GOD THANK YOU. FINALLY SOMEONE WITH SOME REASONING COMES BY~ Seriously, you will not believe the amount of characters that go "Oh my gosh, are you okay, what's wrong?" like seriously, I was getting kinda tired of them xD))

Kaeun smirked as the male seemed to be in search for her. She pulled out a spray can from her bag and quickly pressed the top while facing it at the entrance door to the Ignis dormitories. Red paint splashed across the doors, and not easily washable ones at that, and formed no particular shape or form. It splattered beautifully, to Kaeun at least- probably not to the victim, across and made a small hissing sound as the paint released. Knowing the male would come towards the sound, Kaeun ran out the hallway to who knew where, the paint can clutched in her hand and her backpack slung over her shoulder. She hadn't had this kuch fun in an awful long time, and despite having promised herself she would be good at just this one school, Kaeun let herself loose. A person's got to have a break once in a while, right?

Kaeun soon found herself running out of main entrance of the school and in the main courtyard. She breathed slowly, inhaling through her nose and exhaling through . She walked to calm her heartbeat, and headed to the side of the school building. Throughout the whole ideal, Kaeun's face stayed stoic. She was a strange character indeed, a cross between a careless juvenile delinquint and a cold, perfect goody-two shoes. But really, she didn't care. What did her personality matter anyways?

Kaeun felt the fun drain right out of her once she was leaning on the brick wall. What was she doing with her self? She had no where to go, no place to stay. If she was expelled, what would she do with herself? There it was again. Her nagging side that was just too good. It wasn't that Kaeun was too stupid that she was kicked out of school so much, it was more because of her attitude. She hated people- no, she hated all breathing, living creatures.

And then again, was she truly having fun? This, this act of vandalising, damaging, and annoying the crap out of people- was it truly all for fun? Kaeun made herself forget the thought as soon as it came. Of course she was having fun- that's what she wanted to believe. She did this for fun. Chanting that over and over in her head, Kaeun slowly got off the brick wall and stood erect. She dusted her uniform and headed back to the school, going around the school once to avoid crossing paths with the male. It would really be a bother having another person besides herself nagging and blabbing at her.
Bang Yongguk [A] 11 years ago
[Y'know, I honestly don't want to fight the Aqua sector in general, since Hoya's in it.]
Bang Yongguk [A] 11 years ago
[gawd someone help me I can't write what is this crap]
Bang Yongguk [A] 11 years ago
[I don't know what closet you're talking about so I'll just assume it's the closet in my room.]

His eyes widened when a girl appeared in front of him and grabbed his arm. Rolling his eyes, he roughly pushed her away.
"Ants, my _____," Yongguk grumbled as he made his way into the dorm. "Oh, what girls would do for guys to notice them."

Opening the door to his room, he kicked off his shoes and sat on the edge of the bed. About to lie down, small dark red dots coming from his closet door caught his attention and he jumped off his bed to examine it closer.

"_____," he swore when he discovered the fire ants. So that was what that girl from earlier had been screaming her head off about. He definitely did not recognize her as an Ignis student, so she was most likely the one who had locked him out of the dormitories and released the fire ants in his room.

Closing his eyes and raising his hand, he conjured a small ball of fire in his palm and brought it upon the ants, burning them to crisps. It wasn't too wise of him, as he had burnt the floor in the process, but it was the only thing he could do to get rid of them quickly before they spread out.

After he had taken care of the problem, he left his room in search of the girl who (he suspected) dared release fire ants into the Ignis head's living quarters.

[I'm giving you a chance to run away LOL
And sorry for not playing along with your damsel-in-distress act. Yongguk hates pretty much everybody, and he only has eyes for one girl.]
Ka-eun [Semi-Hiatus ~June] 11 years ago
@Bang Yongguk ((It's okay ^.^))

Kaeun froze. Click. Keys.... After a second of indecision, Kaeun threw tge now open jar of ants into the closet and let out the red ants into the closet. She let what she hoped was a girly sounding scream escape her lips before dashing to the entrance of the dorm. Just like she figured, she bumped into a person there. It was a male.

Shivering, Kaeun looked up at the male with wide eyes. She figured playing the damsel in distress wouldn't be too difficult since everyone's first impression of her was that she was femine. Times like these made Kaeun glad of her physical appearance.

"Oh!" Kaeun stumbled a bit before she fell on her bottom. In a quick moment she got up and grabbed the male's arm, standing behind him.


Kaeun always had low social skills, never having had enough time at a school to gain any friends. However, she was good at lying since she had to defend herself in case she got caught in any act.
Bang Yongguk [A] 11 years ago
[Sorry for the short reply OTL
I'm braindead rn
Taking the AP test used up all my brainpower =A=]
Bang Yongguk [A] 11 years ago
After a long day, all Yongguk wanted to do was jump onto his bed and sleep away. However, when he reached the Ignis dormitories, the doorknob was locked.
"Who the _____ would do this?" He grumbled as he reluctantly took out his ring of keys. With a turn and a push, the door gave way and he stepped in.
Ka-eun [Semi-Hiatus ~June] 11 years ago
Kaeun walked into the dormitories and examined the area. She couldn't really compare it to the Aqua dormitories since she was rarely there, but it didn't seem too different. Well, not the archetectural design of it anyways. The dorms gave a different vibe, but that could have been to Kaeun only because she was new to this dorm.

Snapping out of her thoughts, Kaeun creeped around. No one was here. Swiftly walking back to the front entrance, Kaeun locked the door. Honestly speaking, she had no idea why she even bothered. But she was always like this, so she mind as well do it if she had the permission to.

Kaeun reached into her backpack and pulled out a jar of ants. Fire ants. Originally, Kaeun had wanted to collect hornets, but seeing that that could possibly get her expelled, Kaeun crossed that plan out. It was fun thinking about it at least.

This wasn't her old school, which made pranking much easier. The kids of her school were wary of Kaeun and steered clear of her, since they knew she could her hurt them. Often though, kids came to her to request a target for her. They knew about her. She was the queen of that kind of thing- vandalizing, framing, pranking. Whether it be that she publicly humiliate an individual in front of the poor school or blackmail a teacher into doing whatever stupid thing the students wanted, she could do it. She had spent her life as a juvenile delinquint, only being sent to the police department twice her whole life, and she knew what she was doing.

Before she could release the ants, Kaeun heard the jingling of the doorknob, alerting her that someone was attempting to come in. Quickly, she grabbed everything in her hands and ran to the closet. Typically, she wouldn't have done this, but knowing that the door was locked allowed Kaeun to be less alarmed.

((....So. I started this off by myself T.T Someone just continue it... Please~ ))
Seo In-guk [Deceased] [A] 11 years ago
[[IMPORTANT: We are having a masterlist clean-up. Please comment on the announcement that is oh-so-conveniently named "Masterlist Clean-up" to tell us whether you intend on staying in our roleplay or not. If you are on hiatus, you do not have to leave a comment. However, please do tell us how long your hiatus will last. All people who do not leave a comment will be removed. No exceptions.]]
Bang Yongguk [A] 11 years ago
[I'm still alive.
/rocks out to BIGBANG xD]
Nicole [Hiatus] 11 years ago
Seo In-guk [Deceased] [A] 11 years ago
Bang Yongguk [A] 11 years ago
Yongguk finally awakened from his long hibernation (talk about long--1 month LOL). Yawning, he stretched his arms and looked at the calendar.
"February.." his jaw dropped as he attempted to register the fact, "FEBRUARY 24TH? I swear, yesterday was just January." He shook his head in disbelief.
He left the room for the Student Council Room, hoping to meet Luhan and In-guk there to catch up on the school's happenings.
Ailee 11 years ago
Ailee gawked up to the side room where the window was prepped up. Slowly making her way towards it, she sat on the single wooden chair stated right next to it. Her hands slowly picked up the windows handler and pulled it upwards, the blooming cold wind softly blowed her hair to the back. Smiling a relief one, Ailee stared out the sky.


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margaery [A] 9 years ago
MOVING NOTICE: Thanatos is to be renovated. Instead of revamping, the admins have decided on creating a new roleplay. It will be under the same name, but many things will have been changed.

OKIRIBITMO 10 years ago
Applied for Youngjae! And as my application says I'm going to try and convince people to join this RP. I'm not asking for anything back in this favor, I just like the RPs I join to be just as lively as most.
inspirits 10 years ago
Applied as Dongwoo, though... is this place inactive?? Its the exact type rp I was looking for TT__TT hope there are some people still here ..
Shante 10 years ago
sorry Jieun(secret) is leaving.
zeriri 10 years ago
Sorry, Kris is leaving. I've got personal problems.
CandyPrincess 10 years ago
Sorry but Sulli is leaving. Deactivating. :/
etizlite 10 years ago
Applied as Sooyoung~
merong 10 years ago
accept me again please..?
merong 10 years ago
This is late but applied as J-da!
evil-little-cassie 11 years ago
Eunji has to leave due to personal reasons and is too busy. I'm sorry.
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