Sector 002: Aqua Dormitories

This is a room for Aqua students only... But are you really going to follow the rules anyway?


Current Aqua leaders:

None so far

[searching for more; apply in the student council hq]


Current Aqua students:

 Hoya |  Kwangyeon | Ka-eun | Yoona | Lee Jieun (IU) | Kris | T.O.P. | Sungjae 


Aqua skills:

Rank 001: healing + sphere of water

Rank 002: prophecy (telling the future) + jet of water

Rank 003:  shapeshifting + complete manipulation of large bodies of water

[note: most aqua students do not completely master prophecy, though it is only a rank 002 skill.]


Announcement Board:

None so far

Luhan [A] 9 years ago

REVAMP: After about twelve days of on and off working on it, the admins have finally finished a polished version of Thanatos. Those still interested, please apply there!


Thank you and we hope to see you there!
Luhan (Yoona in new Thanatos) and Seo In-guk (Jeongguk in new Thanatos)
Luhan [A] 9 years ago
MOVING NOTICE: Thanatos is to be renovated. Instead of revamping, the admins have decided on creating a new roleplay. It will be under the same name, but many things will have been changed.

Jung Eunji 11 years ago
Eunji slowly opened the door and poked her head through the opening, her eyes widened at the dorms. She walked in slowly and set her bag on an empty bed.
"So, this is where it all begins," Eunji sighed as she unpacked her belongings.
Luhan [A] 11 years ago
@Yook Sungjae Luhan sat there, frozen, stuck knee-deep in his quagmire of doubt and insecurity. He sat there, head held up high, looking like nothing had happened, looking as if he was merely bored.

And he hated himself for it. "Sungjae," he called. But the boy was gone and he still sat there, at a loss of what to do. What did he do wrong? /Everything/, his mind told him. /You're just wrong in general. What have you ever done to help anyone, you selfish little b astard?/

He shook.

/That's right- nothing. You're just a curse./

A curse. An abnormality.

Good for nothing and bad for everything.

He walked out numbly, deciding to head over to the cove again. At least this time there would be no Sungjae to stop him.
Yook Sungjae [A] 11 years ago
@Luhan Sungjae's sobs eventually subsided into silence, his body and mind completely numb. He blinked, his heart heavy and constricted in his chest. Sorrow washed over him in waves, an inexplicable pain that brought fresh tears to his eyes.

Luhan's face reminded him of the stories In-guk used to tell him, stories of Thanatos and Luhan and Yongguk and Lee Howon and of the world Sungjae could never be a part of. It stabbed at his heart, strangling it until he could no longer bear looking at the head boy. Haphazardly grabbing the letter and his bag, he ran from the room, tears streaming down his face again.

His stepfather's voice taunted him in his head. /Run, run, run away, little frightened Sungjae. Daddy will find you, always, your joy never stays./
Luhan 11 years ago
@Seo In-guk Luhan closed his eyes, accepting whatever Sungjae could throw at him, but still flinching at the feel of skin. He was ready to take the pain of a fist smashing into his face, hoping that Sungjae would let him die in a more elegant manner- anything but strangling. But he felt arms closing around him and he squeezed his eyes tighter. But he felt weight against him and tears soaking his shirt, and he tentatively opened his eyes, taking in the surroundings again.

He turned to face whatever that weight was and was shocked to find a sobbing Sungjae with his arms flung haphazardly around him. Guilt stabbed through him and phantom pains and aches started up again. But the most surprising of all was the acute pain in his chest. It was constricting him, loose as Sungjae's hold on him was, like taking his heart and grasping it tightly with the intent to crush. He hesitantly wrapped his arms around the other, drawing small circles upon Sungjae's, just like how In-guk used to like.

Luhan let a tear of his own drop upon Sungjae's shirt and he sat, feeling like a criminal forced to face his crimes.

God damn it all, why were these brothers so forgiving?

Could it be- could Sungjae really not detest him for his crimes? No, he thought. He continued to wait for the impact, even as he rubbed soothing circles on Sungjae's heaving back.

Luhan figured this was a crime in itself- corrupting an innocent boy, with his bloody hands and black heart.
Yook Sungjae [A] 11 years ago
@Luhan @Luhan An outpour of emotions Sungjae could barely discern flooded over him, an effluvia of sweet memories that he knew would never occur again.

In-guk sneaking him out into the streets, though it always got him into trouble. In-guk giving him a piggy-back ride when they were both young. In-guk secretly tutoring him behind his stepfather's back, and sneaking him little trinkets from the outside world. In-guk sending him letters, in the code that they both knew well. In-guk, his friend, his rock, his brother, In-guk, In-guk. Seo In-guk.

Sungjae's shaking hands pried the slightly crumpled letter out of his back pocket, a letter written entirely in code.


7-8 6
66-49-32 5-8-66 15-68-12 66-12
15-3-16 59-8-52-43 71 + 67-74-8-7
71-23 92


The numbers Sungjae had learned to decipher sank straight into his heart like a jagged knife. Something within him broke.

Pushing the letter away from him so as to not soil it with his tears, he flung his arms around Luhan and sobbed unabashedly.

[[LOL this is crap. the letter actually means something. it's not just gibberish. of course, y'all can try to decipher it. it's actually quite simple ;)]]
[post deleted by owner]
[post deleted by owner]
Luhan 11 years ago
@Yook Sungjae Luhan sat and pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to stem the tears. Taking a few shaky breaths, he tried to choke out that he had died from battle. He tried to- but nothing came out but a small cough and a gasp. So many failures, so imperfect. So dumb, so weak.

So useless.

"Fire," he finally choked out, his voice weak and trembling. He shut away his emotions, wrestled them back where they were supposed to be- a black and shriveled heart broken in two. He forced them back into the small container, fragments falling off, splattering the room with red only he could see.

"You have the right to do whatever you please to me-" he said plainly, none of his signature Chinese lilt present in said tone. He would take responsibility, of course. He killed In-guk and he couldn't take it back. He looked at his hands, covered with the very same invisible crimson that splattered the walls.

He cringed at the sharp, rusty smell of it- cowered into himself. How many lives had fallen by his hand? One too many.

He turned to face the other slowly and waited for the telltale signs of a fist heading towards his way.

He was stuck in a foreign place, lost. New surroundings, new people, new everything. Not one thing was familiar except for pain.

Pain. Pain was familiar, pain was welcome. Anything that he knew once before was welcome.
But, no, he did not deserve anything that would comfort him. He did not even deserve pain.
Yook Sungjae [A] 11 years ago
@Luhan Sungjae stared, his smile still temporarily frozen on his face. "What?" he asked, his voice thin and barely audible. "No, don't mess with me." His grin slid off of his face. He could hear the blood pounding in his ears, and an icy chill spread across his body, choking him and cutting off his breath. Every part of his body fell into denial. No. No.

This couldn't be possible. Just a week ago, In-guk had been alive and well. Sungjae remember, he remember. There was that letter, right? That letter came a week ago, and how could a life be snuffed out during the course of one short week?

Sungjae knew he should be crying. He should be acting like they did in movies when somebody died. He should be screaming, sobbing, mourning, and asking why, why, why, why this had happened, why In-guk had been torn from his life. But he wasn't. No tears came, only a hollow, deep pit of nothingness, like his heart had already been scooped out of his chest and all that was left over was a dark, black chasm.

He looked up blankly, no emotion visible on his face.

Luhan 11 years ago
@Yook Sungjae Luhan hung his head, sighing. He wasn't quite sure how to do this. Was he to be blunt and tell the boy directly? "You know, it's been nice talking to you." He sighed sadly. Tears sprang to his eyes and he laughed bitterly. It's been nice to have one good memory of you before you hate me- but the words caught in his throat and he just swallowed the lump in his throat.

Luhan sat there, back turned to Sungjae, with tears streaming down his face. "He- doesn't need healing anymore. He won't ever have to be healed." His voice cracked and his body was wracked by sobs and he struggled to get the last words out. "He's- he's dead, Sungjae." He waited for Sungjae to respond, waited for hands around his neck.

"I'm sorry," he choked out. "I was too weak, too weak." He put his face in his hands.
Luhan 11 years ago
@Bang Yongguk [[More like you are, hmmm. You did kill him.]]
Bang Yongguk [A] 11 years ago
[I know. I'm just curious to how he's going to react xD]
Seo In-guk [Deceased] [A] 11 years ago
[[just as a note: sungjae doesn't know that luhan blinded in-guk]]
Bang Yongguk [A] 11 years ago
[Holy____ Luhan you're in trouble T-T]
Yook Sungjae [A] 11 years ago
@Luhan Sungjae immaturely pouted through his mop of now-unruly hair. "I'm fine. Now, will you stop insulting yourself? It's making me depressed, and I'm usually a pretty happy person." He sat up, trying uselessly to straighten out his hair.

"I heard that In-guk got into some sort of accident in the ruins," he said finally, absentmindedly drawing circles on the mattress with his finger. He laughed. "That's so like my brother. He's always running off and hurting himself. That's mainly why I came here. To heal his eyesight. Healing's always been a talent of mine, though I can barely summon a dewdrop of water. Anyway. Do you know where I can find him?"
Lee Jieun (IU) 11 years ago
Jieun blinked twice before realizing what he had done. She blushed as their foreheads were pressed together. She could barely hear his mumbled words over her thumping heart. "I feel fine!" Jieun stammered quietly as she tried to look him in the eye. She smiled warmly as she replied, "It's okay."
Kris 11 years ago
@Lee Jieun (IU) Kris' concerned expression didn't falter, she was still acting off and he was worried. Taking her chin in one hand he gently held her head still as he pressed their foreheads together, trying to see if her temperature was above normal. "You feel okay.." He mumbled, pulling back slightly.
Luhan 11 years ago
@Yook Sungjae Luhan coughed, standing a bit awkwardly outside Sungjae's room. He made his way in, looking around at the room. He found his way to the bed and gently moved Sungjae so that his face was no longer buried in his pillow. Sitting gently on the bed, the corner of his mouth lifted up for a brief second as he made a small sound of amusement.

"Are you ok? Teleportation's rather, uh, different." He put his hand on Sungjae's forehead, relieved to find him at a somewhat normal temperature. "It's a metaphor," he chuckled bitterly. "I'm bad luck to everyone who hangs around me- so don't get that close to me. I'll only bring misfortune." He winced, In-guk's demise still fresh in his head.

Oh god, In-guk. How would he break it to Sungjae? The boy would most definitely hate him after this- but it was better for Sungjae if he hated him. He would be better off hating him- safer, happier.

Seo In-guk [Deceased] [A] 11 years ago
[[Omg reply pl0x]]
Yook Sungjae [A] 11 years ago
@Luhan Sungjae stumbled into the dormitories, still leaning on Luhan's shoulder. Teleportation was a foreign feeling to him, and, naturally, the trip left him feeling a little queasier than he had been before. Resisting the urge to hurl -Luhan was here, god damn it- he flopped onto his bed face-first, groaning.

"You know," he said, after getting his head to finally stop spinning. "White's the color of death in China. And in England and Japan, black cats are good luck. You can't just make generalizations like that. All colors have a good side and a bad side."

[[Random trivia time, woohoo. No I did not make that up. It's 100% true.]]
Seo In-guk [Deceased] [A] 11 years ago
[[IMPORTANT: We are having a masterlist clean-up. Please comment on the announcement that is oh-so-conveniently named "Masterlist Clean-up" to tell us whether you intend on staying in our roleplay or not. If you are on hiatus, you do not have to leave a comment. However, please do tell us how long your hiatus will last. All people who do not leave a comment will be removed. No exceptions.]]
Lee Jieun (IU) 11 years ago
@Kris Jieun flustered for a moment before staring blankly at him. She wondered if she was actually well. She felt her heart racing and cheeks turning rosy. She blinked innocently at him as she asked, "I'm fine."
Kris 11 years ago
@Lee Jieun (IU) "Are you sure?" He asked, tilting his head as he stepped back, giving her more room. Her expression worried him a little and he gently placed a hand on her shoulder, bending slightly to look into her eyes.
Lee Jieun (IU) 11 years ago
@Kris "Are you done changing?" Jieun stammered as she turned the door slowly open. She saw Kris standing and smiled nervously. "I'm fine." She smiled softly as she stepped out of the bathroom.
Kris 11 years ago
@Lee Jieun (IU) "No I just... must have had a weird dream that's all..." He replied, frowning slightly at the door. He didn't need anything but he was worried about her. "Are you okay?" He asked, placing a hand on the door handle and was about to open it when he stopped. No, he'd let her come out in her own time.
Lee Jieun (IU) 11 years ago
@Kris Jieun thought for a moment and replied with a soft, "No. Why?" She thought it over but didn't realize the fact. She figured that he needed something and asked, "Do you need something? From a friend?"

She wondered if Kris minded that she had washed his clothes. She was going to leave it alone but figured that it was better if it was clean.
Kris 11 years ago
@Lee Jieun (IU) His hand slipped out underneath the covers taking the clothes from her grasp before he mumbled a quick "thank you." His face felt hot and if she could see him his face would have been red. It wasn't normal for him to just strip down to his boxers, especially in front of girls. Just thinking about it made him feel embarrassed.

Kris popped his head out, peering around once she had left to double check that she'd gone. When he was sure he quickly slid out, stepping into his jeans and pulling the shirt on over his head. They smelt fresh, like girly hair shampoo and he knew she'd washed them. A small smile played on his he thought about it, fingers lightly touching the hem of his shirt.

The smile vanished as he remembered something and walking over to the bathroom door he knocked on it lightly. "Jieun? Was anyone else in the room?"
Lee Jieun (IU) 11 years ago
@Kris "You had a fever. I let you sleep in my bed since you didn't have enough strength to go to yours." Jieun explained. She noticed the colour in his cheeks as she realized how he had taken off his clothes last night. "Your clothes." Jieun stammered as she went to her bathroom where she had washed them and laid them for drying. "Here." She softly said as she gave him his clothes and added, "You can change here. I'll go to the bathroom." She gave a polite nod as she walked over to the bathroom and locked it. She felt her knees go weak as she landed on the ground with an soft thump. "Babo!" She whispered to herself as she lightly knocked her head with a fist.


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margaery [A] 9 years ago
MOVING NOTICE: Thanatos is to be renovated. Instead of revamping, the admins have decided on creating a new roleplay. It will be under the same name, but many things will have been changed.

OKIRIBITMO 10 years ago
Applied for Youngjae! And as my application says I'm going to try and convince people to join this RP. I'm not asking for anything back in this favor, I just like the RPs I join to be just as lively as most.
inspirits 10 years ago
Applied as Dongwoo, though... is this place inactive?? Its the exact type rp I was looking for TT__TT hope there are some people still here ..
Shante 10 years ago
sorry Jieun(secret) is leaving.
zeriri 10 years ago
Sorry, Kris is leaving. I've got personal problems.
CandyPrincess 10 years ago
Sorry but Sulli is leaving. Deactivating. :/
etizlite 10 years ago
Applied as Sooyoung~
merong 10 years ago
accept me again please..?
merong 10 years ago
This is late but applied as J-da!
evil-little-cassie 11 years ago
Eunji has to leave due to personal reasons and is too busy. I'm sorry.
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