
Good for exploring and being alone if you don't mind the risk of being accidentally mauled maliciously.

Luhan [A] 9 years ago

REVAMP: After about twelve days of on and off working on it, the admins have finally finished a polished version of Thanatos. Those still interested, please apply there!


Thank you and we hope to see you there!
Luhan (Yoona in new Thanatos) and Seo In-guk (Jeongguk in new Thanatos)
Luhan [A] 9 years ago
MOVING NOTICE: Thanatos is to be renovated. Instead of revamping, the admins have decided on creating a new roleplay. It will be under the same name, but many things will have been changed.

Luhan [A] 11 years ago
@Yook Sungjae Luhan walked silently, shoes occasionally scuffing against the rough rocks. He sat down on one, skimming his fingers over the dewy grass that insistently sprung up in the crevices. He wet his lips and blinked, angelic face showing no trace of the emotional mire he was stuck in. He braced his elbows on his knees, folding them neatly and leaning forward, looking out of place in the crumbling ruins.

What was he now? A soulless being, one with blood stained and slathered and splattered all over it.

A doll.

The doll stood up and continued its aimless walking. (What a funny little doll it was- a walking, living, breathing doll. One who looked like a human and acted like a human and was almost a human, but alas, was only a small porcelain doll.)

A sickening crack woke him out of his reverie and he ran towards the source of the noise.

His breathing sped up.

(Oh god, was that Sungjae? Thought the fragile doll.) Luhan lurched forward, feeling sick to his stomach, but the intricate mask he wore let nothing show- only paling in response.

Cursing the fact that he was no Aqua student, he ran towards the body hurriedly. S hit, the body was twisted in such ways that he couldn't do much other than looking at it. Touching his fingers to the pulse point gently, he waited for the worst. A gentle fluttering alerted him to the fact that yes, the worst was happening.

The boy was probably going to be confined to a wheelchair for the rest of his life.

Life would never be merciful and just let death take over.

Luhan should have known that by now.

He slipped his hands underneath Sungjae, supporting as much as he could before teleporting to the infirmary.

The stubborn blades of grass danced in the wind, wearing fancy little dresses and suits of red.
Seo In-guk [Deceased] [A] 11 years ago
@Bang Yongguk [[i didn't explain this shiz to you yet, huh? xD just wait for things to happen, i guess. sorry for my horrid writing.]]
Bang Yongguk [A] 11 years ago
[omg what haru what's happening what what]
Yook Sungjae [A] 11 years ago
Sungjae climbed slowly to the top of a decrepit stone building and propped himself up, hugging his knees. A soft, icy breeze ruffled his hair and it reminded him so painfully of his brother that his heart constricted in his chest. Why did he have to be so weak? If he had been stronger, if he had managed to get to the school earlier, then none of this would have happened. He wanted nothing more than to rewrite time, to clean his slate, and to right his wrongs.

"Aren't you cold?" A melodious voice like liquid silver echoed through the ruins. Sungjae turned to see a young man, barely older than himself and clad in black. He was, to be quite frank, beautiful. Feathery dark hair reached just below his ear, brushing against his flawless jaw. His features were warm, but he had a sad smile, as if he understood Sungjae's heart like it was his own. "Aren't you?" the stranger repeated, stepping a little closer. If Sungjae tilted his head, he slightly resembled In-guk. Or maybe Luhan.

"My brother's dead," Sungjae blurted out suddenly, and the words brought another jolt of pain to his chest. "My brother's dead, and I was too powerless to help him."

The stranger nodded sympathetically, kneeling down next to him. "You want to bring him back, don't you?" Sungjae nodded in the affirmative. Something about this man had him spilling out all of his secrets.

"I can give you the power to do that," the stranger murmured, biting his lip. "But there will be a price, Mister...?"

"Sungjae. And I'll pay whatever price it takes."

"Ah," the man smiled slightly, his dazzling eyes friendly. "I'm Seth. You do trust me, don't you?"

"I-I do," Sungjae mumbled, not sure why he was putting his faith into a complete stranger. Something about Seth just drew him in like a moth to light. He knew he could trust the man.

"Then close your eyes."

Sungjae complied. An icy sensation almost automatically sank into the pit of his stomach, evolving into searing, white-hot pain. He opened his mouth to scream, but no sound would come out. Inky black darkness shrouded his vision as his whole body felt like it was being torn to shreds and rebuilt.

Then, through the blinding haze of pain, came a falling sensation and the sickening crack of bones shattering against rock.

[[up for luhan]]
Seo In-guk [Deceased] [A] 11 years ago
[[IMPORTANT: We are having a masterlist clean-up. Please comment on the announcement that is oh-so-conveniently named "Masterlist Clean-up" to tell us whether you intend on staying in our roleplay or not. If you are on hiatus, you do not have to leave a comment. However, please do tell us how long your hiatus will last. All people who do not leave a comment will be removed. No exceptions.]]
Luhan 11 years ago
@Seo In-guk [Hiatus] Luhan took a small step forward, and left only a gust of wind where two people were originally.

[["And Team Rocket is blasting off again...!" He yelled.]]
Seo In-guk [Deceased] 11 years ago
@Luhan "Sure," In-guk smiled. "You take us there; I recall that my teleportation is somewhat faulty."
Luhan 11 years ago
Luhan averted his eyes and grabbed at In-guk's arm, feeling worse internally about how nice In-guk was being to him.

"...Bye, Kay? Kai? I'm going to have to steal him away from you." Luhan bowed to the man and then softly asked, "Dorms?"
Seo In-guk [Deceased] 11 years ago
@Luhan "We just met, so friend isn't the best term. This is..." In-guk racked his brains for the name. "Kei or Kade or something like that." He nodded at Kai. "Uhhh, what's-your-name. I'm probably going to leave now."

Standing up and stretching, he stuck his hand out, hoping it was near Luhan. "Shall we go? And also, stop feeling so guilty. I can hear it in your voice, and it's making me feel worse."
Luhan 11 years ago
@Seo In-guk [Hiatus] Luhan arched his eyebrow at In-guk, before remembering that In-guk's vision was taken away- by him, no less. He swallowed a small lump and bent down. "Who's your friend?" Luhan sighed quietly, not being able to quench the feeling of his guilt.
Seo In-guk [Deceased] 11 years ago
@Luhan "Luhan," In-guk answered, almost immediately. He knew his voice too well to mishear it. Scratching the back of his head, he faked a laugh. "Sorry, I'm being stupid again, huh? I'm always running off and making you worry."
Luhan 11 years ago
Hearing conversation, Luhan lifted his head and looked around for any signs of humans. He stared at the familiar silhouette of In-guk- he had seen it too many times to forget- and another boy.

He walked over smoothly despite the rocks that attempted to hinder him. "Hello," he called softly. He looked over the two suspiciously. "In-guk." He nodded curtly.
Seo In-guk [Deceased] 11 years ago
@Kai In-guk relaxed at the sound of the familiar name. It was one of the members of Ventus. He contemplated lying to the student, but decided that he might as well accept his condition. "I'm blind," he said flatly. "Of course I can't see you."

[[Sorry for the late reply]]
Luhan 11 years ago
@Luhan [[Ignore the last kick. I lost track of my sentence/question.]]
Kai [Hiatus] 11 years ago
Kai's lazy smirk is evident on his lazy face. But he isn't much of a bad guy so he walks nearer and grins. "Kai." He gives the boy an odd look. "Why, can't you see me?"
Luhan 11 years ago
@Seo In-guk [Hiatus] Luhan muttered to himself angrily as he kicked the stones around. Right before they flew any further he stopped them, making them hover in midair. Soon, he had an army of hovering stones.

Kick. "Where is that-"
Kick. "Goddamn-"
Kick. "Idiot--"
Kick. "Gone to?"
Seo In-guk [Deceased] 11 years ago
@Luhan [[No you shut up.]]
Luhan 11 years ago
@Seo In-guk [Hiatus] [[Shut up, Meanwhore. Look, I'm training people and having a Seohan moment.]]
Seo In-guk [Deceased] 11 years ago
@Luhan [[Shut up. I'm still faithfully bailing it out. And you need to get your prim little ___ here, too. Kai's the only nice person. THE REST OF YOU ARE HOES AHFJSFHJSKFHJSAKFSDA]]
Seo In-guk [Deceased] 11 years ago
Hearing footsteps, In-guk shot to his feet. "Who are you?" he asked harshly, hoping he didn't sound as fearful as he felt. If someone were to attack him here, he wouldn't be able to fend them off. The memories of pain in this place were too fresh for him to shake off.

[[In-guk's blind right now, sorry^^;;;;;]]
Luhan 11 years ago
@Seo In-guk [Hiatus] [[Sinking... The dinghy with a cannon hole is sinking...]]
Kai [Hiatus] 11 years ago
Kai walks in the ruins calmly, feet emitting soundless footsteps. His eyes land on a student as he blinks, surprised. What was he doing here?
Seo In-guk [Deceased] 11 years ago
Nicole [Hiatus] 11 years ago
[ poor gukkie. D: ]
Luhan 11 years ago
[[Oh god, you're still here.]]
Seo In-guk [Deceased] 11 years ago
[[Stuck in the ruins, stuck in the ruins, dum dee dum.]]
Seo In-guk [Deceased] 11 years ago
@Seo In-guk [[*it]]
Seo In-guk [Deceased] 11 years ago
In-guk appeared in the ruins, wind brushing back his hair slightly. He sat down on a rock, listening to the grass rustle.

Strange, how he never appreciated the view of the ruins, but he missed them now.


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margaery [A] 9 years ago
MOVING NOTICE: Thanatos is to be renovated. Instead of revamping, the admins have decided on creating a new roleplay. It will be under the same name, but many things will have been changed.

OKIRIBITMO 10 years ago
Applied for Youngjae! And as my application says I'm going to try and convince people to join this RP. I'm not asking for anything back in this favor, I just like the RPs I join to be just as lively as most.
inspirits 10 years ago
Applied as Dongwoo, though... is this place inactive?? Its the exact type rp I was looking for TT__TT hope there are some people still here ..
Shante 10 years ago
sorry Jieun(secret) is leaving.
zeriri 10 years ago
Sorry, Kris is leaving. I've got personal problems.
CandyPrincess 10 years ago
Sorry but Sulli is leaving. Deactivating. :/
etizlite 10 years ago
Applied as Sooyoung~
merong 10 years ago
accept me again please..?
merong 10 years ago
This is late but applied as J-da!
evil-little-cassie 11 years ago
Eunji has to leave due to personal reasons and is too busy. I'm sorry.
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