
Last post 9 years ago
Status [M]
Tags mmorpg   gaming   thirdpersonrp  


1. Request a character in the Class you'd like. The application should include: Name: Class: Age: Height: Weight: Eye color: Hair Color: Description of features: (Try to be as detailed as possible) Special features: (Like, does your character walk with a limp? Is one eye a different color than another? Are they blind? Be creative people!) 2. Once accepted, readΒ the form below in the announcements to know what do next. 3. Favorite the roleplay and upvoting is encouraged. 4. Please be active. 3 days a week. 5. Leaving or hiatus, let the admins know. (through Ivol and Memoria only)Β 6. No GodModding. 7. Unlike in the RP, drama is allowed but keep it minimum. NO BULLYING!! 8. No one liners please. 3 sentences minimum!


Beta testing: 02/10

Game launch: 02/24


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coded by edelweiss. do not remove the credits.



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--CL-- 9 years ago
I applied.
-mnnz- 9 years ago
i applied.
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