Status [M]

DISCLAIMER: before you continue reading this announcement, you must read this first.

Don't come back until you have done so.



And you must find out who caused this to happen!


The SUSPECTS for this crime are as follows;

Read more about their motives and alibis here
To discover who the real culprit is, you must go on a trail.
This trail will lead you through the roleplay where clues, questions and riddles are hidden for you to uncover. To answer questions you will have to look for the answer within the roleplay. Use your instinct!
Questions will involve information about the roleplay - click on the answer you believe to be correct.
Riddles will give you clues as to which room to go to next - go to that room.
 All questions/riddles will be marked with a ➹ to make it clear that it is involved in this trail. 
All questions/riddles are numbered in order - I recommend that, if you find one out of order, you do not follow it. This is because some answers and riddles will lead you in the wrong direction.
Once you have finished the trail, you will be led to a suspect. Whether that suspect is the real culprit is up to you. With the perceptive skills you'll have developed from the trail, I'm sure you'll be able to know.
Once convinced of your answer, fill out this poll below.

Then comment your character name and who you voted for. For extra bonus points, you can add why you think they did it.


Winners will be granted with a free tent/house room (so you won't have to pay for it with your points!) Those who already have a tent/house will get to choose another room to add anywhere in the roleplay.


So, without futher ado, here is your first question;

1. Aside from Atsushi, who is the oldest character in the roleplay?




And don't get lost!


Comment YOUR CHARACTER NAME + "Elementary my Dear Watson"


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TakeMeToNeverland 8 years ago
Arden has read this. Elementary, my Dear Watson.
I'll cast my vote after I take a nap. I'm exhausted e.e
EXOtic-sone 8 years ago
Krystal guessed Hongbin.
Elementary my dear Watson
Calliope 8 years ago
The trail led me to Hongbin's house, so I'll go with Hongbin o.o
Hamao read this o.o
Elementary my Dear Watson.
BabyGee 8 years ago
Hyuna + Elementary my dear watson
kimch29 8 years ago
TOP chooses Hongbin
Elementary my dear watson

as far as the trail go, it was inconclusive to actually suspect the place I was brought to, though I may have missed something but I think not since the trail stopped after 5 riddles right? Now Hongbin at first glance maybe the clear choice since he has the most clouded alibi but I tried to consider Mir, the person to benefit from this the most, and Atsushi, since he is from a rival kingdom, but like I said the trail has convinced me that Mir and Atsushi had no hand in this, which is why I choose my first suspect who seems to have a sketchy background and may have the most motive to commit the crime....

sorry I just love these detective stuffs lol
Miminaomi123 8 years ago
Sunny has chosen Hongbin
Elementary my Daer Watson
baby-groot 8 years ago
Jaehwan guessed Hongbin
Elementary my dear Watson
[comment deleted by owner]
fe388470c999355df86c 8 years ago
Jongin thinks it's Hongbin
Elementary my dear Watson
fireandfury_risen01 8 years ago
Guess rigt now is Mir. Isn't it slightly suspicious that he jumpef in as king? And what has he done as king since then? I think money abd power are two things people sometimes can't resist.
~minah/hara : Elementary my Dear Watson
Yunho4ever 8 years ago
my answer is Hongbin ~
Yunho, Elementary my Dear Watson
Moguri 8 years ago
Baekho "Elementary, my dear line that never appeared in a Sherlock book" ;)
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