goal #1

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don't usually set these, let alone share them, but idk... felt like being all personal with a bunch of unknowns on the internet. nothing like sharing your innermost thoughts with strangers, right? anyway, in reflecting and realizing how much i at communicating, i just want to apologize to everyone who has put up with my infrequent messages, my inability to tell you why i'm not responding frequently or even at all, my unintentional offensive remarks or actions, and all that other that has to do with communication. as of today, i'm making it my goal to improve on this. not sure how i'm gonna do it yet, but i'm gonna figure it out.

y'all probably don't care about this, don't expect you to, but i did want to make sure my apology gets out there. believe it or not, i do still care about a lot of what i've done to some of you (whether it be ghosting you bc i was going through , not keeping up with our conversation/roleplaying thread and leaving you hanging, or even something like getting your name wrong), and i reflect about a lot of things all the time, so i felt instead of just keeping it in my head and silently apologizing to people i've hurt every time i see them online, i decided to actually say it.

other than that, though, if you clicked here, you may carry on with you day/night/whatever-the- now. hope you have a great or even better one ahead!


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e77a4cdcc9a067ac4de7 5 years ago
keep.going uwu
ef0fa259fc3b64c6eee4 5 years ago
you’re doing amazing love keep going !!
teddygraham 5 years ago
You're doing great sweetie and i love you ♡
4a294d7d7b8280abc8f8 5 years ago
i love you lots bb!! i'm proud of you though
levanter 5 years ago
presses a widdo kiss to your cheek ;; you’re doing wonderfully
salteddarkchocolate 5 years ago
good luck!! you're doing great already by acknowledging the issue and i hope it only gets better for you from now on ♡
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